The First Evolution

Chapter 149 Shameless Cheating

In this case, although the ink eclth is very selfish, I know that if I don't help, then it is really a big trend, so I can only play.

He consumed a lot of source, using its own special ability: source parasitic, parasitic goals are a common electromagnetic rifle.

The parasitic process is very fast, just like a drop of water to the electromagnetic rifle, then infiltrate into it, the electromagnetic rifle is immediately produced some subtle changes.

The next thing happened, it was shocked by Fanglin Rock.

Next, Katas picked up this electromagnetic rifle, it's not right, it should be that ink earbes have gone out, and finally only the chance has opened three shots.

The first shot, directly across the distance of almost three kilometers, a shot of a fireworks that fired a fire!

The second gun, first bombing a flying fire chariot rushing in the forefront, then the rest, even a heavy warrior wearing heavy outer skeleton armor!

The third shot did not have the first two shots, and it was accurate, it should be reactive.

Because the third shot is aiming to be a person: Deputy Commander Hank!

After this gun is fired, it is the first a branch of hunter to find that it is not right, directly sacrifice a props, and summoned a three-meter crystal ice wall.

But there is no use, after this shot, the ice wall is directly powered by the powder.

Fortunately, the ice wall is also given the rest of the people, let the deputy commander Hank have a shield, and can only make the speed of this shot slow down.

Finally, Hank rushed out of the three soldiers who worn out skeleton armor. These three people jointly made a red shield to protect Hank in it, and finally blocked this gun.

But for the three soldiers of Hank blunt, it took a few meters away at the same time, and the outer skeleton armor was in the middle of the air, and the dark smoke was attacked.

After shooting this shot, this electromagnetic rifle also disadvantaged, scattered into a large number of damaged parts, but the ink 's body is a sudden return to Fanglin Rock, saying that it is too bad that the gun is too bad. , The words of Kagas is too dead ...

It is not possible to say that ink, the ear is next to Fanglin Rock, they have a lot of equipment / props to absorb, and the three people have numb, especially the goats and vultures, have been almost all have to take off their own body. Soothing.

If it is not a fondance of Fanglin Rock, it will change the fills back. Otherwise, the two will definitely fight back.

And the casualties of the stars are also very heavy, even Liegas is almost killed on the battlefield, and finally only left a head, and the miserable escape, in the tragic, it looks quite A bit of funny meaning.

Fanglin Rock three people also played very hard, so in this part of the battle, the space warrior of the capsule technology is not willing to abandon.

It doesn't matter, the battle is still there, then everything is good ...

However, once the C7 secret camp is contributed by the federal army, it is not the problem of loss, it is equivalent to the bonder to enter the bureau or die, that is, it is the death of people, the previous efforts must be paid!

Fortunately, this kind of compensation, the assistance of this kind of Capsule, also finally got to force once, did not stage what the last second protagonist debuts to save the world's plot, but cut in advance to arrive in advance.

A water-blue void glower did not hesitate to get out of the void. For this reason, the two photon engines are damaged, and the propeller has a heavy cost of rolling a heavy black smog.

This void glowing ship is crystal, and it looks delicate like an art, but it actually combats strong. At this time, the main fighters in the federal army: Corner fairy. Change the shuttle, at least one enemy!

However, the price of a void glow ship can buy five unconpened immortals. Change the shuttle ... This should be the main reason why the biscuit is lost.

However, even if you only have a photon engine, this void glower can hover over the C7 camp, and then provide powerful photon pulse guns to the fire support!

Because the federal army has already determined that there is an absolute hollow right on this planet, when they enter the ball fern battlefield, in order to save valuable capacity, there is no combat machinery with the air capacity.

The only thing that has an effective space for empty is to place the empty five air defense towers in the camp. This thing is used to deal with the possible void .......

However, the Eagle Skywritk Five Air Defense Tower is fixed! They can't assemble air defense towers directly in front of the void ship!

The federal army is now considering how to successfully retreat with the minimum loss.

Therefore, it is almost identified as the overall situation!

After confirming this, a man has cheered, but Fang Lin Ran first opened the battlefield merit list.

Well, their team is now very back, probably being taken out before ten, almost ignored by everyone.

So Fanglin Rock smiled and did a very / extreme / double / not thick.

He has some ghosty Zhang Wang, and then directly sneak into the maintenance workshop in C7 camp caves, there is no one here, only a few paralyzed armored armor vehicles are here.

Then, Fanglin Yumi went up, then from the wreckage of a flying chariot, carefully dismantled the part of the "valve tappet".

Then he continued to go to another vehicle ...

After five minutes, Fanglin Ran quietly left, then silently waiting for the countdown to the battlefield.

10, 9, 8 .......

When the countdown number is 7, Fanglin Rock is very simply a task.

This task is his man's hand, his name is called: repair.

The content of the task is: Now the repair task in the C7 camp is more busy, please collect the high-grade valve tappet, black knock-fire sensor, double exhaust gas tube, and titanium piston skirts.

Not only that, the task has clear requirements, and the integration of these four parts must be 100%.

And the reward of this task is very rich.

Most space warriors who accept tasks are directly given away after seeing this task.

Because the names of the four parts of this task need they can read, but it is just to read it.

Just like swords, treasures, big, these three words I also know, combine it, I know is a weapon. As for the deep meaning of this name to express, the cough, that is really I don't know.

Of course, the soldiers in space are almost all the elites of a thousand miles. Although these four professional parts are all unique mechanical parts in the world, they still have people to identify, and know what to go to the battlefield Local disassembly.

Just, this small machine spirit will face the brutal tips:

"Sorry, Mr., the integrity of the senior valve tappet you submitted is 80% ... It does not meet our needs."

"Sorry, Mr., the black knock-out sensor you submit is painted, and its power is only 78%, and it is unfortunate, and it does not meet our needs."


In fact, Fanglin Rock has tried it. Even these four parts are just the new goods that have just been factory, after accepting the assessment, it is only between 95% -98%, but this has not had a normal use.

It is not to say that the production process does not do this, but it is not necessary.

This is like the small plate of the fried rice, which is definitely will not pursue a dust, no pesticide residues, and the diners eat the brown tears is a truth.

Because the customer group is aimed at the purchase point, it is not here.

Therefore, if you want to complete the only way to do this, you have to manually operate, re-grind the parts that have not been reached the standard, in order to achieve the level of 100% of the task requirements.

Therefore, this task is actually a task that Fanglin Rock gave himself! !

It looks an open task, in fact, it is a no-folded cheat!

Fang Lin Yan also took a vulture and goat to join the battlefield, successfully saunted a platinum point of the award, but their rankings were too late, so no one was paying attention.

Then, when the countdown to seven seconds, Fanglin Rock submitted the repair of this task and successfully got a high-time platinum point reward.

This reward, after the next, combined with Fanglin Rock, the plamoms were completed before, so I finished the corner overtaking at a moment, came to the third place, and successfully resend the shield master skill book. Take it back!

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