The First Evolution

Chapter 154, Reverse

Remember [mm] for a second, wonderful window free reading!

When I said, Fang Lin Yan also unintentionally explained, and the other two faces, so there is no need to wait too long, only need for more than 30 minutes of the area, this time they still have patience. Baidu MM, more look free to read.

So, next Fang Lin Ran said:

"Hey, Miss Anna! I officially inform you that I have a very important alloy formula."

"This alloy formula is the top secret information over the Star Foundation, which is originally in your iron cross spy von. Danza's hand,"

"But he eventually failed, did not succeed, and finally this formula fell in my hand. Now I have chosen to join the capsule technology, then choose the deal of the deal to you, so please let the relevant experts come Identify the true and false. "

At this time, the goat is also dissatisfied:

"Yes! We need to enjoy VIP customers now, what is it like?"

When there was a light in the air, there was a shining, after a dozen seconds, followed by Anna, and politely said:

"I have notified the staff of the VIP reception department ... But they seem to have not responded, then I will take three rooms before I take three."

Fanglin Yan knows that this is still a ghost that ink, but he doesn't care. After all, although the biscuit star will cover the sky, but the entire capsule technology does not enhance it.

In the end, the biskin star is like a dog with a capsule technology, and the owner touched when the mood was in a good mood. If it is not good, it is estimated that it will be a few feet and even kill the dog.

At this time, under the leadership of Anna, Shoulin Rock began to enter the headquarters in a long channel.

This channel is far like it is like a stream of stream, and people are in a long river in the dark, and the seven color is beautiful, and even the feeling of glowing.

Although Fanglin Rock knows that this should be mostly a light illusion effect, but also feel that the capsule technology itself has a very strong technical reserve, which is deeply strong.

Soon, there is a room that looks like a guest room in the end of the channel. The arrangement is warm and warm, there is an atmosphere of home.

Fanglin Yan three people entering the guidance of Anna, and then completed a series of inspection works such as blood, this time, Fanglin Rock and others have finally obtained the treatment of VIP, ushered in a high-rise in Capsule Technology. Baidu MM, more look free to read.

This high-rise is very special, because he only has a head, directly from half-empty, it is ....... After the truth, Fanglin Rock saw this scene, I finally thought of the flying in the spiritual film in the first time. Things to fall.

However, after careful weight, you can see from the interface at its neck, which is a very complex and precise electronic circuit structure, and even some feelings of the computer's CPU.

This high-level is still normal outside of this high-level.

He has a white hair, the corner and the wrinkles on the forehead, and even a black boxed small glasses on the nose, it looks like a crazy scientist dress.

After the flying, the high-level immediately hurriedly:

"Hello, who is the wrench?"

Fanglin Rock is a bit awkward:

"I am, are you?"

Anna immediately said:

"This is Mr. Pompidu, is our high-level, usually very drunk in research."

Pompidu seems to be a standard technology house, and it is a long way to Fanglin Rock:

"I heard that you entered the command center over the federation?"

Fang Lin Yan stunned:


Prawn Du Shi Road:

"You are sure, is the latest model of the S-3 model?"

Fang Linyan is lateral road:

"I am not very clear, but I only remember that the parameter is 42,000 tons of floating air. The full-time floating weight is 59,900 tons, and the battery is more than 40,000 kilometers. The maximum speed is 48 km / h, but the technical content is the highest, or is responsible The source of the energy supply, I remember that the model should be 75a? "

This high level is immediately excited:


The two immediately discussed the sky.

It turns out that this fallen Du is a non-crux technology house, and he is also a "key compression technology".

Speaking of "key compression technology", perhaps very strange, but this technology is derived from the application in actual battle, but Fanglin Rock has already seen it.

The trick of the "discarded self-burst, human head escaped" is the research results derived from this technology.

However, it is the ultimate that this technology is derived from the extent to which all the crimes are compressed to only the size of the rice particle, which is the ultimate reflection of this technology to the ultimate time.

Of course, the ink earrings can succeed, mainly because of the power of strong Nova Space Science and Technology, but also proved that this road is not dead.

After Fanglin Rock and the Pompidu, he proved that his value can not be reflected on the battle.

The potential assessment of Anna last next to Tinyan even reached S, and three instructions were included later.

First, this is a genius in mechanical maintenance, where this person will always use value.

Second, this person is a person who has never exposed to the Star Foundation of the Star Foundation. It is now possible to dig many important intelligence from him.

Third, this person has been completely broken with the starry survey, and his huge injury caused by the new Kingburg to the starry survey, even the possibility of aliening the possibility of bitter meat, at least his loyalty can be ensured.

There are both high-level appreciation, and it is indeed the achievement of the achievements, and the three people in Fanglin also become a piece of capsule technology.

They have been preserved in the capsule technology, and they have been preserved. At this time, they have been officially registered on the terminal. This procedure is quite complicated, because it is not limited to pupil authentication, blood draws for biological identification and many more.

Finally, it is also equipped with their capsule technology unique identity identification items, which is a very ordinary gray ring, with an abbreviation of ICC three letters.

After completing this series of procedures, the prestige of the three is also released, but it is directly from friendly to (1711/8000) reverence.

The specific division level of prestige is: permanent hostile hostile friend, respect, respect, respectful admire

Such a reputation can be said to be quite high, even if the seedlings must be at least three worlds can achieve such a step, Fanglin Rock, the rebellment decision made at the time, seems to have a heavy loss, and finally gain a rich return.

After the reputation reached the reverence, there were many silver side around the rings on the three-person finger, which is not only beautiful, but also the symbol of identity, can have a lot of privileges.

After the reputation is raised to respect, the redemption reward can hit a nine folds. They have been able to play a 20% discount at this time.

It is worth mentioning that maybe some of the reason why Capsule Technology is also used herein, the system of platinum coins and platinum medals.

Of course, the platinum coins they got before, and there is no way to inherit this side.

Because this stuff is also an electronic currency, there is no possibility of capsule technology and starry surveillance, and the dog's brain must be played, and the database is shared.

Fanglin Rock, they only have to choose a rebell, then they must face the heart of the heart, and the fate of the white hand is.

Ok, at this time, Pompidu is also very refreshing, using a high price to acquire some things that Fanglin Rock have some of them.

For example, the last two heads are exchanged without use,

Another alloy formula from Feng. But Mousse.

Another example is the internal structural diagram of the command center of Fanglin Rock, and some confidential information.

This makes the funds in the three people in the hands of the three people, and Fanglin Rock has got 140 platinum coins, as well as five platinum medals.

Although the goats and vultures are different, platinum coins are also over 100, one person four platinum medals.

To be honest, on their credits, platinum coins give a little less, but the Platinum Medal is something that purchases high-level items, but there is a platinum coin to buy.

And you must consider that the prestige of the three will start from scratch, soaring to the respectful gain.

So this reward is still very satisfied with the three people.

Not only that, after Anna's explanation, I only know that the original capsule technology will appear more obvious.

Whether it is an access task, it is also necessary to use platinum coin exchange-related rewards, which is also limited, and it has been distinguished from a very obvious step level.

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