The First Evolution

Chapter 158 Plan

At this time, the ink eucalyptus can only be stepped on the face by Fanglin Rock, and the roar of the play is very miserable.

But he didn't have a little more anticipation. If he didn't pay attention to the idea of ​​the account, how would it fall into the calculation of Fanglin Rock?

After a bad breath, Fang Lin Yan laughed, then released his feet, facing the ink eman:

"Mr. ink, now you recognize the situation? In the next eight hours, you are a dog I raised!"

"So, please go to the Tuli Saitang, the Canvist Hotel, the Kabi Hotel No. 1907, waiting for us, there is already one, the contact is five shorters."

"You have to drive private spaceships, drive over with the fastest speed, do not reveal your destination in any way and reasons in any way! Do you have any means to delay it, otherwise, you will have the symptoms of the soul."

The muscles on the ink, and the muscles on the face, and the roar:

"You will regret it, you will regret it !!"

But he yelled, his body was very honest and left, and he went out to close his mouth because he started to disclose the whereabouts, and then he was forced by space.

After Murphers left, Fang Lin Yan did not speak, the goat has said:

"Canvist Hotel 1907? Is it a place to stay here?"

Fanglin Rock nodded:

"Yes, before I boarded the motherbury, I gave them a call, let them hit it here and sweep away from the previous traces."

"The experience before this team is very complicated, and the experience in this area is even more rich than us."

"So the gang of the Star City is, how is it, it is, it is impossible to find them in a short time."


"So what are we doing now? Also returning to the soil port plus Harbor, and is it in Murphers?"

Fanglin Rock nodded:

"of course."

At this time, whether it is vulture or the plan of the goats, the plan, I feel that it is unpredictable, and even the feeling of disturbing.

Especially when treating this guy, it can only use the turn to describe the cloud to describe it! According to the strong people like Mureth, the old fox is actually played by Fanglinyan.

This makes them at this time, there is also awe of awe, and I will not ask after hearing Fang Lin Yan.

Soon, Fanglin Rock contacted artificial intelligent Ana:

"Hello, we are now a bit anxious, need to rush to the Saitao Port, while need for camouflage and three new identities."

Artificial intelligence Anna said:

"If you need a free service, then you need to wait for three days."

"But if it is paying, you can start after twenty minutes, each need 10 platinum coins."

Fanglin Rock is very simply said:


So after twenty minutes, three people took a space shuttle.

This place is the representative model of the shuttle star, which is very fast. It is like a smart small fish. When the meteorite belt is quickly shuttle, the speed is better than the unconpening machine ride when he is coming. How often is it!

When you are about to leave the meteorite belt, the space shuttle is slowly in a large-scale meteorite that is almost one kilometer, and this stuff is also eight hundred in the meteorite belt. It is very common.

And the interior of this large meteorite has been hollowed out by the capsule technology, which is transcribed into a sentry.

It seems that there should be a region where the task is frequent. Here you can see that there are several contractors gathered here, and it seems to be discussed.

However, Fanglin Rock now is now in time, inadvertently contacted, so soon, it will be exchanged here in a common small engineering excavation boat.

This work form of the excavation boat in space is like a spider crab, which is able to collect rare metals on meteorites in outer space, and thus formed a space mining industry chain.

The shuttle star will not launch an attack on such oil-like goals, so there is no thousands of excavation boats similar to the peripheral area of ​​the meteorite zone, respectively from dozens of mining companies.

Not only that, the Tuchang Port and even launched the "meteorite zone collection gemstone day tour", often have tourists to dig rare gems inside, and the successful reports have emerged, and they don't know that it is really marketing. Means, in summate, there are still many passengers to be famous.

Fanglinyan three people mixed into these workers and sightseeters, there was no stunned to get the relevant false identification in the outpost, and then directly by the small engineering excavation boat to the satellite port of the soil map of the land. Shuntili passed the customs.

Next, it will not be said that the three directly called 0 a star-port speed, and quickly rushed to the Kabi Hotel 1907.

At this time, the goat can't help but ask:

"Why don't we take the private aircraft of Mureth directly? This is not only troubleshooting, but also avoids what tricks on half of him."

Fang Lin Yan smiled:

"You will know when you come."

The practice, the vulture is going up, and he quickly said in the team channel:

"everything is normal."

After pushing the room door, I found that the four people left in the smoke, the remaining four people left, and there were quite a little in the eyes, but more is looking forward to it.

You don't have to say more about Fanglin Ran, and the goat is very simply to smash the money:

"Here is 100,000 advance payment, you will do one thing to do with us, this matter is over, 300,000 tails, then you will come with your identity card."

When I heard the goat, these four people looked at it, saw the excitement of the opposite side, then nodded:


Fanglin Rock Road:

"I used to call a person with you, where is this person?"

From the 17th pointing:

"The room inside."

Fang Lin Yan went in, he saw that Mureth was sitting in the big bed in the room. He heard that the opening of the door suddenly turned back, and all in his eyes were blood, and it was very embarrassed.

And his eyes are ferocious, and there is still a fear in the amazing.

When I saw his appearance, Fang Lin Yan immediately wake up, and his mouth revealed a brids:

"Well, it seems that you don't listen to my request, huh, huh, the soul is not good,?"

Before Fanglin Rock went to consult, the soul of the soul is painful to people, which is equivalent to twenty-seven times the drug addiction! I want to think about the killing of this stuff.

The monsters like the ink, affirmative will be extremely determined. According to his character, I plan to think about the signal, suggesting where you go, and then trigger the soul pain .......

Then, huh, he will never intend to experience this feeling.

In the face of Fanglin Rock, the ink heni is sitting there, just when he didn't hear it.

He has already thought that it is very clear that there is no longer for more than five hours, and now I have been burnt, the other party is a smart card, which will be bound by the rules. past.

Wait until this time, then there will be thousands of knives in front of this person! Then, a slap is directly connected to the cerebelings, and the ashes are fed together to the dog!

It is worth mentioning that at this time, Murphie seems to be different and the normal people are not big. The top can only be a burly, this is his normal form, and before and Fanglin Rock with a red crystal mask, as if Strong horizontal giant is a form of fighting.

Fanglinyan saw the appearance of Mureth, and there was not much to say anything, turned out, and then facing the people of the squad:

"Your task is very simple, I will give a place to specify a place, you have to investigate the intelligence inside, learn about the nearby general terrain."

"After waiting for the war, it is responsible for hysteresis and interferes with the enemy. It doesn't need you to attack."

"Well, I still need to wait for the information to determine the detailed location of the place, but the approximate location of the target should be among the twelfth stars, yes, we are in this star area."

"Okay, what I want to say is these, is there a problem?"

I heard Fanglin Rock said that these four people left in the squad, they were obviously this time they were going to die in front of the dead team, when cannon gray.

I didn't expect to listen to the tone of Fanglin Rock, and the mission handed over to them was all auxiliary work. This kind of thing can be said to be the smallest risk.

I saw four people's expressions, and the people like Fanglin Rock did not know what they were thinking? Laugh laugh:

"Of course, if you think that this is too hard to do, I can also hand over the assault task to you ......."

At the same time, four people shook their heads, and the 4th is immediately loud:

"It's not difficult, it's not difficult, I will be prepared immediately! Guaranteed to drift your lives."

It is about two hours, and the squad is already prepared. Fang Ran, who is close to the god, once opened his eyes, and his mouth showed a cold laugh.

Then he reached his hand and opened a virtual map:

"Our next task is to raise this building called Morgan's center."

On the 13th, I called a song:

"Give work, guys!"

So a man is directly upright, Fanglinyan Road:

"I can only give you a 20-minute preparation time, then we have to go straight."

No. 13 blows a whistle:

"Morgan Center? Just outside the two blocks, it is enough!"

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