The First Evolution

Chapter 175 is once again

Fanglin Yan will continue to follow:

"That bottle of Holy Pharmacy has been drank by me, then there is a lot of use, and this two things are counting my trophy, is there any opposition?"

Vulture and goat shake together.

Finally, Fanglin Rock will be lucky enough card: Xiao Wang pushed the goat:

"So this equipment is the goat, is anyone opposed?"

The goat smiled, directly grabbed the lucky card Xiao Wang, and a love did not release.

At this time, Fang Lin Yan said:

"The ancient letter This thing is huge, which is obvious than the rest of the trophy. If you take it out, I am afraid it will be a high price."

"But when you get it, you also have the same force, and you have added our teams now, and you are also equivalent to the strength of the squad, so I and the goat don't oppose you."

"I took two pieces of trophy, and the value was not less, but the goat only got a lucky card, so the chance, you have to find a way to make up for the loss of the goat, have you have a problem?"

When the vulture Pier is already excited to be slightly shaking, telling the truth, he is really dreaming, you can't show such a powerful props.

This can make yourself a strong props that you can take off the bones in an instant, becoming a strong props for rare second-order professional shadow dancers!

I heard Fanglin Rock said that the vulture is very simply very simply:

"No problem! Head, I am just lacking the spirit of the foundation attribute, I will reward the main line task, and all the benefits of the next world will compensate you, except for intelligence, the rest of the Don't! "

Fanglin Rock nodded:

"Goat, what do you think?"

Goat is playing a lucky card: Xiao Wang, then the heart is not awkward:

"I have no problem, I listen to you for your arrangement."

Fang Lin Yan said:

"Okay, then let's talk about how to deal with the valuables that you can't bring out of this world, do you have a good suggestion?"


"My suggestion is separated by separation, so that it is from one pot."


"I know that there are several ancient private banks of the old private banks, they are very reliable."

"For example, Xie Han Bank, there are more than seven hundred years of history, this bank is important than anything more than anything."

"For example, the leader in the Saitang, the leader of Masar, was preserved in the Bank of Xie Han, and this wealth is not better than the parson of the Gemini Building, and when Massar will only stay a son. It is called four sides, and Massar's son is still missing. "

"In this case, the people of Xie Han Bank are still like a faithful old dog, with a huge pressure to protect the huge wealth, until Massar is missing, then take This is a password of the trustee and the presentation, and this is only returned to the original. "

After hearing the vultures, Fang Lin Yan suddenly turned:

"If you really think about it, then we can try it, anything is not a loss, what do you think?"

Vulture and goats negotiated, then check the information, so quickly screened three banks.

These three banks are like vultures, they are a long history and paying very important to their credit maintenance.

There is even a golden flower bank for compensation for the losses of the guests. They do not hesitate to pay back the bonds in the past two generations. For this purpose, they have exhausted the heart, once the positive examples of the mall are propaganda.

However, at this time, Fang Lin Yan browned smile, because he felt that the mechanical laoke of ourselves is not big.

It was clear that it was gliding in the air. Suddenly there is a layer of intangible power to completely disabling it, it can only act within a fixed ten square meter.

According to the reason, I should usher in the other party's thunderous thunder, but everything around it is normal:

The river flows quietly,

Xia Zhen stretched out of the bark, sucking a snoop, then the sound of the doll,

The distance from the jeep-clad car in the distance, the bonfire is extremely strong, and the woman wearing the Bohemian style dress is dancing in laughter .....

It seems that there is still a rhythmic slight drum.

Fang Linyan is gently born:

"Since you haven't worked yet, then you should be demonstrated by demonstration ..."

Then, Fanglin Rock saw an acquaintance of an acquaintance appeared in the field of view.

This person is a blood knight Kresbo, he is boothless, with a smile to come on here,

And his body is followed by another person who looks very familiar: that seems to have no aristocratic style, polite old people.

Houseman's housekeeper: Alteba!

At this time, the two of the goats and vultures also have a discovery, and immediately shocked, very simply standing up.

Fanglin Yan also shook his head:

"Don't be nervous, if they come to find trouble, I have already used it, let's go, the other party has a gift, then we can't lose its style."

So the next Fanglin Rock is also sorted out the clothes, greeted the goat and vultures.

After 20 meters from the car hotel door, Fang Lin Yan took the lead in biggest step forward, first and blood knight Kresbo hit a gift, then came to Alteba and shake hands, and smiled:

"Alteba visits late at night, definitely there is something to find me."

Alteba smiled:

"Yes, because of the last time we have a unpleasant thing, after inquiring, I would like to ask Mr. Cresbo lead us to come, and there is no chance to even apologize."

Fanglin Yan shrugged:

"In fact, whether it is a contractor or a branch hunter, it is just a space of the space, you need to follow the will of the host to kill each other."

"If the privacy between each other, it is really fool, so in any case, since Alteba is polite, I am still willing to treat each other, because I believe in a word, there is no hate, Only eternal interests. "

Alteba smiled and smiled.

"Very exciting discussion, in fact, today, it is, first of all, want to send a small gift to apologize."

Speaking of Alteba stretched back, I have already taken a little thing as if the stainless steel gyro, shining with a faint purple rays.

"I think, now Mr. Mr. is most concerned about, it should be how we find you."

Fanglin Rock nodded:

"Yes, this matter is about the life and death of our entire team, of course, pay close attention."


"This is because a friend of the hunting king has a props, called the fragment of the eye of Soren, and can track the approximate orientation of the target over a period of time."

"Of course, if you want to use this item, affirmate the price is also very high."

Say it here, Alteba handed this little thing in his hand:

"This is an Alot Junctor, which is a disposable propan. After the activation, it can block the specified character in one hundred square meters in twelve hours, so that it cannot be tracked in any form."

"This is also a small gift I ordered to send, no matter what we are finally talking, it is yours."

"The hunch of the hunt said that this is also a thing you need now."

Fang Lin Yan laughed and took it directly and received it, Alteba was a bit surprised:

"You are so receiving it? Don't check it out, is there a problem?"

Fanglin Rock smiled very simply:

"Although I have not seen the hunting king, but I can use people like you to do housekeeper, at least a very very proud person. Even when I get to me, I will do it directly, I don't forget. Notify me. "

"This one may violate the principle if it is in life and death or face a strong enemy, but when I treat me, the unknown, it is definitely disdainful to play."

When I heard Fanglin Rock, Alteba finally smiled sincerely. The smile on his face was a ritual mask, but this time I saw it. The smile at this time is his true inner expression.

Fanglin Rock continued at this time:

"Mr. Alteba comes to me this time, think it is necessary to master this skill book for the shield?"

"And, because I have already shown the ability to have Murphies, it is not a good idea, and the hunting king should give you a small permission to do this, I said Should it be right? "

Alteba nodded slightly, and the completion is a little dignified, because of the most taboo in the negotiation, it is guess the top card by the other party.

But the next sentence of Fanglin Rock, let Alteba have a losing weight.

"Three conditions."

"I only need to meet three conditions, this shield masters the skill book is the hunting king."

Alteba nodded, solemnly:

"Okay, you said."

Fanglin Rock extended a finger:

"The first condition, I want the pen."

Alteba is slightly smuggled, not because Fanglin Rock is harsh, but because this condition is loose.

In fact, the meaning of lies is very high, but the biggest use is used to exempt the punishment of the mission failure. In addition, there are few times when they can be used, so they are unclosed unwanted items.

And the pen of the lie has now been used multiple times, and there are only two or three times in the rest of the number of times, and even if the luck is not good, it can only be used once.

So he simply said:

"no problem."

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