The First Evolution

Chapter 184 leads ten times

Therefore, it is the process of this ink earbestic death. What is the doubts of Fanglin Rock. Under the promotion of the ghost, Capsule technology will not take the investigation.

Reason is simple! The inner ghost is afraid to pull out the radish with mud ...

What is the problem he finds? What is the benefit of he? There is no more than half of the benefits!

Instead, it is possible to find other hands and feet, it is really moving the stone.

The power of this, Fanglin Rock has long been very clear, but he also knows the interests involved in this involvement, and it is difficult to ensure that it will be promoted in his own ideas, so the heart is always hanging. .....

At this time, I saw the death of Murphers. Although she played a decisive factor, her reputation did not move at all. This is finally loose, I can't help but hold the coffee cup and teammate A cup.

Then, after ten minutes, Fang Lin Yan also received a long-awaited tip:

"Contractors ZB419, your previously signed number AJ812F1on's notary contract has been successfully activated and take effect."

"At this time, the target: ink earbis has been killed, the notary contract has the ownership of the Muridi-Testing, the notary contract is successful !!"

"According to the convention, you will get the second high value of the ink earbiddles."

"In the" Notary Contract Effect, please prepare relevant items. "


Fang Lin Yan suddenly told a cold! He was also a thoughts of rabbits before, and it was a little bit.

Because this is much more variable, even if it is a strong hunting king, it is estimated that the interests of the leadership of Murphers can still have the interests of the first Leaders of Murphies.

Even if you can't get it, you are directly collected by the Star Foundation, and it is not surprising.

I didn't expect hunting kings, I really gave Fanglin Rock a big surprise.

In the face of Fanglin Rock, a colorful light is rapidly molding ....... Far in the cafe, only their three people can see this scene, otherwise, the rest of the people must be shocked. .

Next, there is a box with mysterious colors before Fanglin Rock, which is actually filled with various mottled rays, white, blue, black, silver, green, gold, etc., non-sparkling transform, unusually look .

Its name is very special, called lucky magic box.

After touching it, Fanglin Rock immediately got the instructions:

Lucky magic box

Quality: Dark gold

Description: This is a magic box with mysterious power. The above pattern is said to be related to the ancient , when you sacrifice, it may feed back to you amazing gifts.

Use: You take at least 50,000 universal points to open this magic box, the general point amount is not capped, and it will be normal. The higher the general point, then the feedback value you get is higher.

Warning: When this magic box is turned on, there is a chance to have a hollow phenomenon. Once open, the magic box will disappear.

Inscription: The gift of the god is not everywhere, but life is actually the same, not every pay will make you gain your ideal return ------ or not necessarily return!

After seeing this lucky magic box, the goats and vultures have frowned, and the goats are very simply:

"Head, this thing doesn't look very much!"

Vultures also give their own opinions very concise:

"I think it is more cost-effective to sell it."

Fang Lin Yan shook his head, he was very simply:

"No, I will stay it."

And the reason why Fanglin Rock will have such an idea because two points decided.

First, its quality is a dark gold, such a quality box, once the gambling is successful, the profits obtained are definitely very amazing!

More importantly, Fanglin Rock has now been tough open. In the initial time, don't say that 50,000 general points play a water drift, it is five thousand general points, he is also lost, it is necessary to wound Yuanqi.

Nowadays, 50,000 universal points, Lin Yan, is not a big deal, even if the loss, he can't let him hurt the bones.

Second, because it is ink eucalyptus falling, the value is high!

These instructions will be deceived, misleadors, but ....... Space makes judgments, but not, the camp leaders like this ear, value and the second high, How does Fanglin Rock also feel that he can gamble?

But now the entire team is in the poverty line, Fanglin Rock estimates that the entire team can make up for 20,000 general points, so he will accept this thing, and very simply say that it is not intended to sell, still want to gamble Gamble.

Since he made a decision, the rest did not say anything.

It is probably five minutes. Fanglin Rock suddenly found that his Nova imprisonment slightly, then a message came:

"For ordinary contractors, single attributes (naked) break through 50 points as soon as possible, the sooner the better ..."

This news seems to have no brain, but Fang Linyan has a good understanding, most of which is the hunting king. This person has an atmosphere, everything is going to be.

He used Fanglin Rock's intelligence, successfully killed the inkis, and consciously wanted something about Fanglin Rock, so I sent this message.

"For ordinary contractors ......."

Fang Linyan's eyes were in this sentence, and a smile was exposed.

"Interesting, I am so interesting, is this testing my self-confidence? Hunting Wang, very good, you will write down this person!"


At this time, as the countdown is more close, the goats and vultures feel that drinking coffee has can't press the kind of mood that is eager to look forward to, and the heart is complete like a flaming of the fire.

So the three went to the small bar next door, although it was still three o'clock in the afternoon, but they lost a thousand stars on the counter, and the boss did not make money. I gave them a featuring beer called snowpy flowers.

This kind of beer has joined a special sewing flower growing on the iceberg, even if it is not ice, it is also refreshing, taste is fragrant, and it is very comfortable to drink.

The three people drank a few mouthfuls of ice bead. They finally pressed the anxiety in the heart, and then talked smile, soon the remaining time was exhausted, watching the countdown to start the final beating:





At this point, there is a lot of contractors / seed hunters in silently waiting for the final settlement.

Among these people, there is confidence, and there is a tight head. It is full of expectation, and there is frowning ........

After counting down, all received the main line task: the spatial warrior of the struggle, the following tips were popped up:

Dear contractor / seedlings, main line tasks: Struggle has come to the deadline.

Below, you will settle the team that accepts this task in units, and then the list is publicized, you can choose whether you want to display the name on the list.

Now, start the settlement .......

I saw this prompt, the goat was surprised:

"How is it settled in the team's model? I thought we can take the top five!"

Fang Lin Yan Dan faintly said:

"This is normal, I want to think about the principle of the score of the space: Encourage the group to encourage all the strength to create a miracle."

"In normal case, you must take SSS rewards, you have to combine all those who participate in the war, it is impossible to be possible!"

"On the contrary, it is not so friendly for guys who like a single flight, so I am not surprising."

"But you want to think like this, although we can settle according to the team's mode, we can only divide the first place in the first place, but the last SSS evaluation is stable."

"If the single is settled separately, the things you have in the goat may not be able to get SSS, you don't forget, the guy of the ink, the guy is also killed, and the things falling on him, may not have a capsule The scientific exchange is on the list. "

Say by Fanglin Rock said that the goat suddenly felt like a bit of truth.

The reward of the main line task is nothing more than that, free attribute points, merit value, universal point .........

Compared with it, tell the truth or the SSS evaluation reward is more fragrant!

At this time, Fanglin Yan also received a prompt:

"Character ZB419, you are the captain of the war team (number JY918), your team is in the main line task: Struggle Get 6981 evaluation, the first list of the first place, do you want to announce information?"

"You have three seconds to choose."

Fang Lin Yan hesitated, very simply chose to announce!

He is now in the field of vision of the strong people such as hunting, but also even the Zhitian Deng is in his hand.

In this case, since it is already concealed, then it should be the time when it is revealed! Can't let people love, but also be afraid!

After about ten seconds, a list is suddenly launched in front of all participants:

"First place: The number of JY918 war teams have obtained 6981 reviews."

"Second: The name is: the team of monsters, I got 871 evaluation."

"Third place: The name is: the team of the Black Sea Command, got 824 evaluation."

"fourth place:......"

Looking at this list, almost all people blow up the pot!

"What is the sacred team of this number JY918! Even the monster team must be flexed, know that this team captain is already a seedlings!"

"You didn't pay attention? This team is a war team, it should be a team created by the props on the military!"

"It is terrible, the first place leads the second place to be almost ten times!"

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