The First Evolution

Chapter 2 Cult

When they played for half a month, such a leisure life was finally broken.

At that time, the three people were chatting on the viewing platform in the manor. By the way, it is clear that the sky is looking at, and the sea level and the sky are dyed brightly red. It is not clear for a time. Where is the sea, where is the sky? Or the sea is already a bitter.

In this case, it seems that the language is excessive, only the seagull from the sea breeze and the wind can be perfect with such a scene, and the body and mind of the whole person are immersed in this beautiful scenery.

At this time, the goat is, and the movement of the coffee is light, it is as soft as possible, it is terrified to destroy such a quiet atmosphere.

The light of the sunset is limited, gradually, it turns into a round ball like a red, a little bit of the sea, the next line, is sinking.

At this time, I suddenly came from the distance, I broke this silence at once!

At the same time, the three people turned around and immediately saw a car on the Panshan Highway in the distance.

This car is a very common Toyota Yaris, and the streets, and even some taxis are also standard.

However, this Toyota Yaris that appeared at this time is obviously the most special, only to see the long tangerine signs injected behind the double exhaust pipe behind it, knowing must be modified in depth.

This car is in an amazing high-speed, exhibiting the level of professional drivers, but it can be seen after it, and there are three black motorcycle rider chased.

Its motorcycle has also been modified. There is a machine gun, which is also equipped with a rocket emitter. The previous explosion is the rocket that they launched, but the vehicle is directly dodging.

I saw this scene, and the goat couldn't help but blow a whistle:

"Wow, it is so cool."

Fanglin Yan stood up and downs:

"It should be a person who is chased, and the guy who is coming behind will seem is a bit wrong."

The vulture immediately stood up and immediately said:

"Then do we want to help?"

Fang Linyan shakes his head:

"No, this car can insist on any of the nearby olive trees, there is no problem. Now the goddess is not strong, the top is much a weak and small god, but in the power of power On the basis, it is god into the god. "

Sure enough, like Fanglin Rock said, the Toyota Yaris turned a sharp bend next to him, immediately saw the hillside of the roadside, with a 25-meter olive tree is stretching the branches in the breeze.

Toyota Yaris has passed the past half a thing, but the three riders are here, suddenly I suddenly appear a big root on the road! You know, the speed of him is as high as more than 100 kilometers, or on this Panshan Road ...


The swear of this rider did not finish, the whole person was directly slammed by the tree root, and even the people took the car and fell out. He collided into the cliff below. After several seconds, there was a lot of explosions. The flame is coming.

Another rider is chasing, but also directly using the front vehicle tires in the aiming mirror sleeve, and one shot will be in the end of the out-of-control, and keep in the center of the road.

The corner of his mouth revealed, and the finger has already got a button of the rocket transmitter. Only the sights on the sunglasses will successfully complete the task.

Just at this time, this knight's eyes, suddenly floated over the illusion of olive leaves, this illusion suddenly became big, just like it was directly posted on sunglasses, shaking the most vision of the knight.

In shocked, the Cavalo took the head, reached out and pulled it. The result was such a small action. Directly let the motorcycle lost the heavy-duty rollover, after the lost motorcycle side, still inertia The sliding forward, dragged out a series of scorless sparks on the ground.

And his entire man hit the rock next to it, and the safety helmet wearing directly broke, the head inside is also deformed, obviously can't come.

Only the last motorcycle car is not good, a sudden brake is in place, directly coming out and then rushing, followed by seeing his body, there is a strange pattern, it looks like It is an oval-shaped green egg that successfully resists the temples who are aligned, and successfully escape.

After witnessing this scene, Fanglin Rock knows how much is there anything. Sure enough, Ivrina came to the terrace and got a piece of information against Fanglin Rock.

Fang Linyan opened this information, suddenly stunned:

"Well? Cult?"

Ivesen said:

"Yes, this is our credit spending a taste of huge cost. This is very clear about this cult language. This is a very vicious cult, and even the main body is to sacrifice the child. Product. "

"What?" I heard Evinna's statement, whether it is a goat or a vulture.

Ivrina then said:

"The most terrible thing is that their sacrifice ceremony has succeeded once, this is the image information brought by just line people."

She said that someone has come over and put a projector, which makes the three people can't help but think of the portable photocopy of the world, which is directly 3D projection directly in the air.

Then I saw a news before starting playback in the projector:

That is to say, a ferry has problems in the peak of get off work, and will sink in bad weather.

As a result, the captain was very irresponsible, or the 30 primary school students in the cabin were waiting in the cabin, and he abandoned the boat running, and he directly took these primary school students in the cabin.

Next, because the rescue is too slow, it directly leads to the thirty listening primary school students directly drowned.

This news is huge, and the victim is still a child, so it is very well known in the world, and even the technical house of Fanglin Rock is also heard.

But the information in this projector is interpretation, which is not a natural disaster, but a human disaster! ! ! ,

This is a carefully arranged murder, and it can even be a sacrifice.

That thirty children is the sacrifice of sacrifices to evil spirits.


Looking at the information listed above, Fang Lin Yan's face is also overcast, not only, this projector is more understanding, this cult is about to plan the second sacrifice!

The object of this sacrifice is actually a kindergarten.

When the other party's plan is very simple, when using kindergarten, all children will gather in the opening ceremony of the auditorium, and then lock the big auditorium, then let the fire burned lethal!

This kind of cult of cults often requires the sacrifice to experience extreme torture and pain before death, so that the soul of the huge resentment is what it needs.

And this time they believe in the gods called "five branches"!

Fanglin Rock looked at Yifenna, then positive color:

"what can we do?"

Ivesen said:

"We are highly suspicious here, this head is called the monster of the five branches, it should be the evil spirits under the Sixth Day of the Devil! Because its act is similar to the Sixth Day."

"It may be difficult to catch its traces, but in the scene of the sacrifice, it will be in the past, and also have exclusive, because very little evil will share your own sacrifices with others."

"And this time I have to catch the other party, we must go to the island above the Mahaoyan, it is not a place where the goddess of God can shine, so do you want to kill this evil or difficult, just need You are shot. "

Fanglin Rock nodded:

"I'm OK."

Then refer to the goat and vultures:

"They also count in two together, and I have to eat white drink so long, and I should have a powerful."

The goats and vultures have nodded with their faces. Such things can only be described with anti-human beings. If you have no psychological stress, let alone, the Fanglin Rock has revealed that they may want them to help. meaning?


After forty eight hours,

Busan 86 nautical sea, Japanese sea sea,

The wind is mad, the weather is very bad, and the Shuwang rock is called "Lenlk" yacht struggled in the big sea, and the difficult airways,

If you look from the top of the sky, you can even see this cruise ship sometimes can't be seen in a huge wave, you think it is sinking, and it's hard to struggle from the water. come out.

However, in the inside of the cruise ship, it is warm and comfortable, and there is also a fragrance of a coffee.

Inside the spacious meeting room, the goat is playing a game console in the god of gods. The vulture is lying on the sofa next to the sofa to sleep, the bumps of the vessel have no impact on them.

Fanglin Rock is holding a stainless steel gallbladder that looks like fitness. However, this looks like a silver ray, and it seems that the metal ball that is in a nunish is, and it is actually happened directly. Half air.

Not only that, but also started the self-rotation of the self, exposed the sophisticated mechanical structure inside, witnessing this scene, it is estimated that the heart can only think about the four words "clever Tiangong".

At this time, Ivrina took a file and wandered it, because the vultures slept very well, so the opponent Lin Yan low voice:

"The big priest said, please have passed by yourself."

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