The First Evolution

Chapter 6 Real injury

Fang Lin Yan did not intend to take into account the mood of the five branches. He is Xu step to go to the door to be locked. The window is broken, but it is still nothing, only the door is completely opened, the children can escape in time.

He took a foot on the closed auditorium. The generous door is immediately shaking, and the chain of locking the door is also a "" sound that has been bullous, even from above. The sound of the screw "bun" and flying the sound.

It is seen that this big door is hard to block this feet, but what about the next foot? What about the next foot?

The five branches suddenly discovered a very serious problem, that is, it is not a big meal that is not a big meal, but this big meal does not eat the mouth. .

In this case, the five branches have made a strange call that cannot be described!

I heard this blame, hiding the cult priest on the second floor of the office building ------ a man in a suit, listened to the face, and made a heartlessness of the mouth:

"Don't be!"

However, his body is very honest, and the order of the five branches will be executed from the arms and swallowed it.

It can be seen in vague, this stone is smooth, it looks like the rain and stone, but there is a silk texture on the surface, just like a human blood.

After swallowing this stone, the priest was bent down, fell to the ground, and held his face and showed the posture of the fetus in the mother.

He has a brittle sound of " " on his body, and the whole body is swelling, and the skin and face have grown brown hair.

In just a few seconds, it becomes a strong monster of a dog. Not only that, but the skin on his body is split because of the skyrocketing muscles, and it has exposed a fresh red flesh and blood, so extraordinary people.

Then, this dog demon made a strange call, although it couldn't see Fanglin Rock in the office, but the blood red pupil, but it has already appeared in the shadow of Fanglin Rock.

Then I suddenly broke down the window and jumped downstairs. The limbs were aligned with Fanglin Rock, it seems that it has been completely supported by the beast! And it's the corner route next to it, and then inserted into the classroom next to it, it should be a sneak attack from Fanglin Rock.

It's just this trend, it is captured by mechanical laokes .......

So, when this dog demon is tightened, suddenly hit the classroom window next to the classroom window to the back of Fanglin Rock, greeted it is a small fireball of the three happiness!

Lianzhu fireball! !

Seeing that the dog's demon claws are only half a meter from Fanglin Rock, but it is flew out directly by a huge power!

After hitting the wall next to the wall, it rushed a few laps, which was re-climbed, but the gun still had a spray of the stars in burning, and the mouth is also blended with bleeding mixed bristurous bristles. ......

At the same time as the dog demon is flying, Fanglin Rock is also a feet in the gate. The chain of the lock door is unbearable, and the thick door has issued an unbearable "" sound. Dump down.

The smoke inside is also turning out, actually touched the distorted face shape in the air, and then issued a desperate cry.

For ten seconds, some people came out directly, and there was this lead, the rest of the people were also out.

And at this time, the dog demon crazy is called, just want to fly again, and be flying by the goat a series of beads, dealing with this uniform, only with the monsters fighting, goats should be worn.

Fang Linyan hugged his hands on his chest, as if the middle flow of the column was in the gate, patients waiting for all people left, this is slow to go in.

I found that the fire inside is still not big, in the smog, the curtain of the rear of the chairman of the auditorium is already opened, and a giant oil painting is hanging in the center!

Inside the oil painting is white in the mist, there are several weird twisted limbs stretched out, dry, thin, sharp, and the overall composition of the entire oil painting, it is a shape of a eye, more look The more evil, and even feel strong dizzy.

At the bottom of the oil painting, there is already a seven or eight bodies. There is still a bloody and blood in the ear, chewing the crisp sound of the bones, and it sounds feel cold. With the situation in the painting, it seems to be in the painting, drawing the world.

If an ordinary person, the smell of the smell in the nose is the smoke in the nose. It also has a pharmonic role. It is seen that the desperate fire sea, the ear is so horrible, affirmed It was directly crashed.

The means of this evil spirits are actually occupied by all the five senses of the people, and the means of confusion is really first-class, can't say that it is not high!

The dead bodies below the oil painting are that the heart is completely overcome. It is called severe neurlanced or severe depression patients. It is directly used by the evil spirits, and automatically gives up the kind of life.

Just, such a handwritten person is enough, but the space warrior deals with Fanglin Rock, it is really not enough, let alone, there is an Olympus 12th Lord God's gods?

When Fang Linyan is talking, it will pull it next to a chair to make a little precipitation. To know that the chair of this hall is directly fixed in the cement floor like a cinema!

Then he directly took the chair and smiled and smiled.

"Put the ghost!"

What didn't, this chair whistling, just exposed to the row of the chairman, just like a huge shroud, "", a big sound, played out.

Not only that, but the surrounding smoke is even more gathering. If there is a substantive, the windows of the windows are blocked,

A yiny sound rang:

"Your body, there is a sweet and pure flesh and blood, come, give it to me, mortal, you will get eternal life with me!"

With the words of the five branches, the smoke is hovering, and it is actually formed a strange three toe big hand. At least there is at least one table tennis table after opening.

And the details are very realistic, and the hands of the big hand is in the skin of the skin, and there is a rotten traces and scars.

Then, the Fang Linyan is squatting, and it's all .....

Under this grabbing, there is a feeling of covering the sky, swept the world!

Fanglin Rock does not avoid it, it is okay to breathe, and a punch is giving this big hand.

He now has many back-shields, and the world has been a lot of strengthening, the strength is in an unprecedented peak state, of course, has a hard time to hard.

A loud noise of "bang", the moment when the fist is hit, there is a roar of Thunder.

That is the big palm, but it seems that there is some exquisite and strong, and is scattered by Fanglinyan.

However, the next second, the bark of the bonus, chemumes into countless mosquito flies, crazy to Fanglin Rock,

It's just a translucent magic shield around Fanglin Rock, but also the illusion of goddess, the fiction of the goddess,

After these dark mosquito flies have come into contact with it, it is like falling on the burning iron block, and the sound of the sound is quickly dropped, and it is not disappeared.

I saw this scene, five branches felt wrong, yin:

"You don't have a blessing! Do you deliberately come to me?"

However, Fanglin Rock has not spoken, there have been three small fireball shot in the ramp, directly bombards the portrait of the auditorium!

After the five branches of the fantasy, the big hand of the five branches was scattered by Fanglin Rock. It used to blind the window and the door of the smoke disappeared directly. After the goat killed the dog, immediately came to the window outside the window. I slammed the ball from the hole.

In the flame, the portrait actually looks very tough, only burning a corner, but the five branches have already turned to the goat, and the pain is crazy.

"Ah, ah! This is impossible! My post body has a warlord of the military's brakeing kings to protect, the water is not invaded, how can you hurt my body!"

It turned out that the goat took the king in the lucky card, every attack, there will be 10% damage to the true harm, although the squid of the five branches is powerful, but facing the true harm of ownership It is still not enough.

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