When I heard the big priest, Fang Lin Yan Shen Yu, nodded:

"When will we go to the shrine?"

Big sacrifices:

"The Island is in Japan, just the boat Wang Orasis has a 10,000 ton of huge wheels, our plan is to go to the huge wheels of Elasses, where you can take off and landing directly."

"Then, the boat king will use his own relationship, apply for the Japanese government to apply for a helicopter, we directly sit in the helicopter, but in order to hide the eyes and ears, we cannot stop the helicopter is too close to the shrine."

Fanglin Rock Road:

"OK, no problem."


Four hours later,

Fanglin Rock three people have taken a Lexus luxury sedan, quickly travel to the high-cost shrine where the five branch of the body is still in a very remote, so that some map software can not find the "high-time shrine" destination.

Finally, I still rely on Google Maps to solve their big problems.

This time, no matter whether the big priest is still in Yvinna, there is no way to go together. After all, the two of them are the goddess priests, and the status of the goddess of Athena is too obvious.

In the country known as 8 million gods in Japan, they have been induced, and then the consequences will be very serious. That is not the first X after X, then the problem is killing, but it is directly swallowed in the bones, it is really even if a hair is not there!

Well, I secretly sneaked into the New York Port of New York in the NY Yesi. It will be directly attacked by the group.

Goat, two mouths:

"Head, the taste of the Athens St. olives is quite good, can you let the nephew? .......

"No!" Fang Lin Yan almost crazy: "Also, the big priest is a big priest, I am a white with her!"

Goat is very perfunctory:

"Oh, oh, I understand, it is not playing tired ....... ah, wrong, the holy olive is really gone?"

Fanglin Rock turned over white:

"I said it is very clear, the addition of the olive to the basic attribute is only the first time it is !!"


"I know, Ivrina said, but I think that taste is really good, can you come to two pounds again?"

Vulture actually made a way at this time:

"Speaking, the taste is really good, do you haven't eaten at the time?"

Fang Linyan crazy said:

"I only swallowed it directly, how can I take a taste slowly? I said, can this thing be calculated in pounds? You tied the big priest to sacrifice, it is estimated that it will not be changed to the olive olive of Athens. "

Three people deliberately called before the war, opened a joke, in fact, in order to alleviate a tension at a nervous atmosphere.

Just like a soldier, it is often talking about it, it is a truth.

Soon, the Lexus sedan turned a bent, and then came to a spacious and neat parking lot, an old man who was almost almost even with light and walked over, facing Driver:

"Today's shrine is closed, please come back tomorrow."

The driver looks at the three people behind.

The command he received is completely told from the three people of Fanglin Rock, including killing.

Fanglin Rock Road:

"Stop the car here, say that we are going to climb the mountains, and the shrine does not close the door."

Fang Linyan said Chinese, not worried that the old man will understand, so the driver is very simply speaking a few words to the old man, then drink him, stop the car in the parking space:

"Three, do I need me to accompany you?"

Fanglin Rock has been paying attention to the old age. After all, the story of the land is all known, but he saw the old man shook his head, sighed, silently walking.

After witnessing this scene, Fanglin Rock is also sighing, then the driver:

"No, I am very simple to you, stay in the car, once we will leave us immediately, you can leave us immediately."

"Hay!" The driver bowed, squat, and then re-opened the car.

Fang Lin Yan turned and looked at the deep ancient stone panel leading to the shrine. There is still a long-lost bird home, facing the goat and vulture:

"Let's go."

The rejuvenation shrinks were built on a hill, although the height was less than 100 meters, but because the surroundings were plain terrain, they still appeared to Hedi Chicken.

When Fanglinyan three picked up, when I came to the square in front of the shrine, I suddenly felt that there was a wind blow.

Next to a large tree, the leaves are falling. At this time, it is the first summer, and there is a lush green, only the leaves of this big tree have been wrapped.

In front of the Gongshe door, there is a man wearing a suit, sitting on the grass pad, under the white dress, and there is a samurai knife next to it, but the eyes are covered with black cloth.

This look is very cool man, it is a little bread! It seems that the President of the Shrine: Ji Yishan.

The man heard the footsteps of the three people, as well as the shadow of the leaves of the leaves, immediately stood up and hold the warrior, his face was full of strong colors, and the wind was over from the wind. Attention:

"Sure enough?" At noon today, the grass will tell me, saying is that the five branches have been fierce. "

"And the gods are still refused, but also to smash the god!

"Evil, come! You want to enter the god, you have to step on my body."

For the loyalty of Yoshisheng, Fanglin Rock said very much, so he pulled a pistol from the waist, and then gotting the Jiye Hops and the trigger, decided to quickly kill him ...


The gun sounded, but Yoshino is still alive! !

Fang Lin Yan stunned, his foundation shooting is also LV4, is it? Is this aware of reality?

But at this time, Ji Yixiong felt smiled:

"Stupid human beings, is it invincible?"

Fanglin Rock also did not believe in evil, once again opened two shots, but found that Yoshixiong actually pulled the knife in an instant, saving his bullet! !

After I found such a thing, Fang Lin Yan frowned it!

Can a simple thing that a knife is not a simple thing, and it is entirely two things!

The former needs to have a response to the bullet, and the latter only needs to follow the phone's wrist response speed.

However, the salesman of Goat immediately plays a strong professional instinct: observe the micro, immediately in the team channel:

"Head, when this guy swars a slut, the warrior is luminous, and his arm is not developed, but it is too thin!"

Vulture is also very simply:

"Yes! Yes, there is a weird, not he can rely on its own strength to kiss the bullet!"

"Not only that, you look at this knife of the warrior, very sharp sharpness, look like the bones, although Yoshino is covered with the sleeves of the kimono, but the arc is in the arc, The knife should be in the abutment of his arms, and it is connected to its flesh! "

At this time, Ji Yixiong saw the three people standing there. Although he didn't know that the other party was using the team channel discussion, he also gave birth to an ominous premonition. He immediately flew the warrior's knife overhead.

Fang Linqi sighed a sigh of relief. At this time, it was in Japan. He didn't want to show a super power. What if I attracted the attention of those evil spirits? After all, here can be said to be a country named eight million people ...

But after this time, Yoshino is rushing up, Fang Lin Yan is bright in front of him.

Because Yoshixiong immediately reveals stuffed, the race of this guy is quite slow, much less than ordinary people.

Fang Linyan saw him approaching, turned directly to the back, this guy's knife is so fast, even the bullets can be cut, but it is not used by people!

Not only that, Fanglin Rock has nothing to do after the three people flashed, and pick up the stone next to it. Wood, what is the things, and there is constant to the past.

Telling true, Jiyeoman is inside the demon knife is really mighty, almost anything, unified knife two broken, strong and powerful.

However, after a dozen knives, this guy's face is even passionate, and the chest is not bullying, and it is like pull the fuel box ........

I saw this scene, the goat did not smile, and continue to take a cobblestone to smile, just that Fanglin Yan is also doing so, so the two happen to form a pinch.

Ji Yixiong once again broke a knife, but the head was smashed by the stone of the goat, and a black one was almost did not fall in front of him.

And he just came straight to, he was directly hit by a wooden pile that fell over, and he suddenly took the golden flower and a fell.

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