At this time, the goat is still stupid, and of course Hill is good for himself.

I took a shield with a body temperature and then strongly hired that I heard the impulse, and the eyebrow dance said:

"No problem at all."

Hill is concerned:

"So you must be careful."

She actually wants to follow, but after all, there is a long journey in such a dark night for twenty kilometers, and it is indeed very dangerous, so I left.

After leaving the two important plots, Fanglin Rocks raised again.

Because Fanglin Rock summoned an ordinary mechanical fear of the wolf, this guy is only two:

First, let goats that make the inconvenience.

Second, now they have time, once encountered any dangerous monsters, directly throw it out to entangle the other party as cannon.

In this case, three people rushed to the town called "Tar" for about 40 minutes, here is a small town, which looks more similar to a tourist attraction.

It can be seen here with a self-contained swimming pool, half of the food streets of specialty and souvenirs, and its main body is a street with about 300 meters long.

Of course, this town, including the entire street, has been completely discarded, why is the old and far away to see the fire, it is because the top of the hotel building has been ignited, and the bears are burned.

The battle is also intensely launched in the hotel. It can be seen that there is a group of people trapped in the 20th floor. The enemies below are struggling, and the group is very difficult.

There is only 23 levels of the hotel, and the fire has spread from the top floor to the twenty-two layers, which means that this group of defensive people will have no way again. Otherwise, they will be burned by fire.

Of course, it can be found in the image from the mechanical laoke feedback. The most surprised Fanglin Rock is that in the group of people trapped in the twentieth floor, there are two people or his acquaintance: one is the previous side of the battle Big Han Mes, another is Omi!

At this time, the Big Han Mes is bullied in the forehead. He has a big shield in his hands, which is both a weapon and will be a shield.

When the charge, the whole person hides behind the shield, it is just like a heavy jam, it can be said that it is invincible. I clicked directly.

However, Omi, Omi, it looks very good, describes it, face the face, the whole person is wrapped in a bed quilt, obliquely on the wall next to it, and shaking slightly, it seems already Heavy injury coma state.

And in their enemies, there is a man Fanglin Rock thinking about it, because this guy is actually in the co-trial of the Gate of the Hill Mountain!

The strength of the people brought by Gaqiu Mountain is very powerful, and it seems that each other is working together for a long time, and the inutance should be intimate, there is no omission,

Not only that, and they start to attack with the Gaqiu Mountain, there are more than a dozen giant! These fans have more than one meter, with black yellow strange stripes, and the knife is extremely sharp, and the railings next to them are cut to splash, sharp knives!

And these giant odds are unmatched, and when they run, they can even glide in half empty, and they are unusually difficult.

Fanglinyan saw a contractor who fights with Mc. was raided by a giant , the urgency suddenly slammed.

The ears are directly separated from the sideways next to it! Then the ears of being smashed were grabbed by another, put it in your mouth and looked extraordinary blood!

Fortunately, these giant cockroaches are not completely listening to the instructions of the Gaqiu Mountain. The two sides have a clear situation, and the well water does not commit river water, and cannot cooperate with each other. Otherwise, Mcis, I can't stand it.

In the face of this scene at this time, Fanglin Rock didn't say it, it was saved!

But how to save, how to use this raid first-handed time to give the biggest harm to the enemy.

After all, the contractor in the team, once there is an accident, immediately passed the relevant tips, even if you can't kill, the opponent will also show a police in the team's channel in the first time.

This leads to can't play like a movie, you can do all the whistle outside the opposite of the ghost, and then take the big BOSS that is killing inside.

After some search, the vultures and goats have stared on a peripheral sniper.

This sniper is aiming at the hotel aiming at the interior of the hotel, ready to go.

His suppression makes Mcsp are very uncomfortable, even if it is fierce, you must consider avoiding the shooting range of the other party, otherwise, in the middle, the previous shot is not fun.

Vultures are back from the goat, slowly from the back to the sniper hand touch.

The beads of the goat is around 50 meters, so put it in the enemy's fifty meters, and can form two-sided festive.

Fanglin Rock is looking at two wounded in the hotel door, starting to be careful to be close to them.

Among these two guys, there is a direct in the fierce battle to cut the left calf.

Such injuries will definitely make his motor power and are also included in the scope of severe disability.

To get rid of this situation, it is to return to the space. If you want to recover in the adventure world is not realistic ------ It is estimated that he will definitely look for a false leg in the primary goal. .

Another wounded is a bitten blood, and it is still very sad. It looks very sad. The head is hurt, and the chest is also depressed. It should be caused by internal injuries.

Fanglin Rock now has experience in injury, especially for contractors, it is not good to have a recovery food or drug, mostly, most of which have internal bleeding, internal trauma.

For example, after the rib fracture, the sharp ends have pierced into the internal organs, and,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

At this time, Fanglin Yan quietly touched the vulture and goats in place in the team channel.

So the three will start at the same time for ten second countdown. Wait until the last second report, Fanglin Ran is very simply holding a twenty or thirty-pound stone next to it, and then suddenly, exhaling this stone fierce The two wounded people went up.

Although there is almost more than 30 meters of distances in two people, the speed of this stone is still quite rapidly in the power of the two people.

The sniper had the responsibility of going to the overall warning. When I found that Fang Lin Yan appeared, his attention was immediately attracted to the past, and the body also responded, immediately turned the gun and start aiming in Fanglinyan!

Just this snipe, but I don't know, Fang Lin Yan is deliberately exposing his own whereabouts, just let him transfer their attention to himself.

Otherwise, the vulture of a hand is broken, and it is not necessary to have enough to grasp it in the future.

Therefore, this sniper just turned the gun mouth, and suddenly he felt that there was an interest after the body, and the heart suddenly became a cold!

Fortunately, every gunman or Master has a sufficient plan to the enemy, so he is directly ready to launch the ability of "Leap", first pull away the distance.

However, a cold ruthless flying knife directly pierced his body, and then the appearance is a very amazing figure and a violent pain.

This sniper immediately made a scream! However, this is only half of the scream, and it is drowned directly from the stretch of the gresses.


At the door of the hotel, Fanglin Rock's contest made two wounded aesthetics, facing the big stone, the two did not have a courage, only to endure the pain brought by the wound Opening, at the same time, in the team channel:


But this time Fanglin Rock is already a hand, directly using the active ability of shoulder, sprinkles "trapping", a vine is already sprinkled on the cough-blood man, let it enter Binding status.

At the same time, a mechanical fence has fluffed from the bushes next to it, pressed the disabled man to bite.

This cough and blood man just stood up. Fanglin Rock is already like hunting beasts, and the disease is on the front!

This guy looks still wants to counterattack, but he is a remote occupation. The counterattack skills after the near-body will fall in the Fanglin Rocky eyes of the Benren LV10, which is completely bad, everywhere is a flaw!

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