The First Evolution

Chapter 53 It is itching, and it is itchy

Dack. Mottys very simply vetoed the choice of playing again, he won't take risks at this time ------- What?

Enemy even has three six arms, but it is only one person.

The enemy is also unwilling to die, the host quality is said, in addition to the large-scale anti-weapon can't be used, don't you use people from the sea? I have money to have money, is it afraid that you turn over?

Just in Dack Motose, the inside of Fanglin Rock suddenly shouted:

"Mr. Motes, how do we do it again!"

Dack Mottys Shen Sheng:

"You said."

After the previous battle, at this time, Mottus has been deeply in the heart, and Fanglin Rock has already had a capital of our equivalents.

And Fanglin Rock is continued:

"I know that this is your home. You will leave a safe passage in the west, let me have a way of life, then I will be simple. Motose is left to you when I left. Bomb on your body! "

"Although you have a good job, the people who don't say that you have to say that you have a trust, but don't call your hair.!"

Dack Mottis did not expect the opposite wrench to make such a request, but it is clear that such a proposal is that he can accept.

After all, although he wants to knew the wrench, but more willing to see his own sister!

So he simply said:

"it is good!"

Anyway, Dack Mottis has already issued a call, and it is emergency to come down. In his heart, the time delayed, the more beneficial to himself.

Unfortunately, he doesn't know that Fanglin Rock is also thinking too.

Although the number of things that the army is critical, the quality is more important.

Time is a bit of a little lapse, and Dick Motose has a batch of hands, he immediately commanded that the people will be blocked around, and what is the high-level thing is not more to say.

However, next to Dack. Mottys received the call to let him feel unsatisfactory, in the phone inside his other thanks to save:

"Boss, the boss! We have suffered an unknown enemy attack, and the people I have brought more than a big one! I am now suppressed into a house to reinforce ......."

Just, now Dak. Mottis will only be less in his hands, how can it be divided into help?

Not only like this, Dak. Mottis next, a message that I have emergency help.

Among the people who come to seek help, there is a legacy that is coming, there is from the gray industry chain from Dak, Mottys, and even Dack Mottis's partners .... ....

This even gave the Dick. Motes, it is in just a short half, as if the whole world is targeting himself, countless enemies seems to be the Queensland lizard before the rain is coming, and they have drilled from the ground. Come out to be enemies with yourself!

Who is the culprit of the Chu Chu Song in Mottis? Of course, the planned scheduled schedule of computer hacking hackkau plus Omi.

Hako uses his own artificial intelligence: Husky collects Dak. Motose's various black materials on the network, and Omi is responsible for using these black materials to launch a comprehensive attack on Dak. Mottys.

Among the people who attack Dak. Mottis, in addition to the contractors, there is also official power, but also Dack Mottys' competitors, and even people who are so water.

This most of these people were attracted by a photo of P-over Dack. Mottys was attracted, then next to it was a single-eyed dragon. Lake was played with blood, miserable photos, and finally Dack Mottis old nest is a photo of the official attacked.

In addition to Dak. Mottys dead photos is fake, the rest is true! The nine true is enough, it is enough to make most people.

At this time, Dak Mottus can say that it is already a little panic. He looked at the people under his hand, and immediately waved:

"Everyone is together!"

At this time, Dak. Motes is almost twenty people, all of which are a group of desperates, even if they have removed the gunmen who are high in the periphery, there are more than a dozen hands.

Have a gram. Motose usually supported, and the rest of the people are very dangerous, they can only have the top skin.

When they entered the house inside, they were suffered from the crazy attack of Rubs, and they slammed up from the second floor of the house inside.

I slammed an enemy directly, and I took the sharp mechanical paw in his throat!

This guy immediately seriously injured on the spot, and the result was not dead. The degree of death was not dead, and the painted roll of the ground was screaming, and the sore throat was splashed, and the morale created a devastating blow.

Not only the case, the outside is also coming, and everyone is a bit amazed, but looks back, but I found that an helicopter who is waiting to take it is inexplicably into the fire sea.

This is not someone else, of course, the mechanical dragonfly flying in the half-air, throwing a high-tech grenade! It is a bit difficult to accurately bombing the living in half empty, but it is easy to start the helicopter who can't stop.

This high-tech grenade, but it is mostly confident, because they also have mobile phones, have their own information channels! I know that the entire organization is facing a storm.

On the eye of such a segment, the helicopter is blown, which is undoubtedly equivalent to being broken, which makes people not anxious?

Just when everyone is suspected, the out of the sniper and observer also issued a warning:

"It seems that there is something diven down, it seems to be a drone! Be careful!"

It is a mechanical dragonfly. After a grenade blows up the helicopter, it will be slightly overlink.

The next second is a flash bomb into the first floor of the villa, and immediately flashed all the people in front of him. While the flash bomb is effective, it is followed by a smoke.

In this sealed environment, the smoke bomb is especially quick.

When I arrived in Dak, Motes restored from the flash bomb, the smoke bomb still made them like there is no big fly, and there is no advantage.

And the "" effect included in the smoke bomb will also make these guys itchy, and it is miserable.

Fanglin Rock and Rubens immediately shot immediately, and only wounded as much as possible, as much as possible, as much as possible.

But this time Dak. Mottis also felt not a wonderful, flash bomb to his effect can be said to be very weak, immediately finally shot, suddenly rushing to Fang Lin Ran's head.

The key is that when this palm, his elbow is actually shining out a series of sharp shines, forming a blurred cockroach! !

This is the final attack method of Dak. Mottis's "Terminal", TD Sword.

In the actual combat, Dack Motes even used this trick to explode a main battle! It can be seen that its power is huge.

However, it is precisely because the high-tech wave cutting sword is relatively large, so it takes two seconds before shooting - therefore makes the sense of consciousness under Fanglin Rock, so there is a preparation.

In this case, the loss of Fanglin Rock is also a hand, directly towards the escape, Ruberts are also aligned here, and hit Fanglin Rock, let him escape the sky.

However, Rubert is to be directly smashed by this high Zhoubo cutting sword, a knife is two broken!

The big borders of Rubens were cut down. Only the head and half the front leg left, the cutting of the steel body made a lot of electric light, straight half of the meter, a few seconds There is only a touch of black smoke.

However, after this sword, Dack. Mottis's own energy reserves are also elaborated again, and they have dropped directly below 30%.

Fanglinyan took the opportunity to flash in his head. At the same time, the mechanical laminated smoke bounce, followed by Fanglin Yan directly, and started the Wing Chun again: !

This time, the human machine interaction system in the end of the world can finally be determined, and the energy of energy is from the enemy in front of it.

So the next second, this system immediately on the manipulator Dak. Mottis issued a bright red alert.

"Warning: In front of the enemy has some unknown means, you can draw the energy energy when you attack, and the energy energy is only 23% of the body!"

"WARNING: Please avoid the enemy to avoid the energy to continue to decline with this enemy!"

"Warning: The energy energy will fall below 20% of the warning line, it is recommended to end the battle immediately and avoid unnecessary consequences."

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