The First Evolution

Chapter 77 Chapter 2

However, at this time, an unexpected thing happened.

When the goat, they just refunded ten meters, from the rear of the dam top channel, the windows of the dam top channel, actually jumped in a few giant

The guy then crawled slowly, toward them, squeezed the spatial space!

It is very fruitful in a man, and Fanglin Rock controls the mechanical laid to throw a flash bomb, and put the mind all in front.

Yes, because after I made a few harsh, there was already five giant again, and I was aligned with this, and after them approached, there was a difficult to describe it. Saucy taste.

Fanglin Rock and Mcis are self-defeating, and there is really no chance to take care of other things.

In this 100 busy, Ha Khaki is already ashamed of the big ruined:

"Here is a trap! It is a unclosed trap, we are pitted!"

"I just received a tip of Husky. It said that when we launched this hydropower station, a small institution at the bottom of the dam will release the relevant positives! These dead is attracted by those pixels. ! "

At this time, Fanglin Rock has gone a giant

But the most unexpected thing happened, after this electricity, this guy's fat body actually as if the inflatable direct expansion, and then like a balloon that is injected into a large amount of gas, getting bigger ,getting bigger!

Then expand it to the limit at a rapid speed, and the sound of "" is blown out!

Such an explosion is of course a flying flying tragic scene, but the key is the body surface of this variant, and it has grown a lot of things like black spikes. At this time, this is also flying as such an explosion. Shoot out, sweep!

Fanglin Rock is also shot and shot by three this black nail, there is a direct dodge, and the other two are the god of Athena in the meter. Of course, Fanglin Rock's MP value has also been deducted at almost 20 points.

Such injury makes Fanglin Yusong pine a sigh of relief because two damage caused by 20 o'clock, this power is not big.

However, Fanglin Rock didn't expect that this black nail thorn of this self-explosing, targeted, not just to wait for him, even the rest of the remaining giant , all overcome!

The reaction of the remaining giant ,, Self-explosion.

I saw this scene, Fang Lin Ran immediately widened his eyes and screamed at Mason:

"You, I am right!"

After Mesis listened, it was also immediately "When", the tower shield was smashed on the ground, and the whole person was retracted behind.

In this way, his tower shield can resist all black staples flying in front.

And one has been ignorant to the right, the giant ,, . .........

Fortunately, Fanglin Rock has been rushed to the right side of McGis, and the perfect acts as a man shield, which can block most of the black staples.


The sound of a series of flesh and blood explosion sounded, and then he heard the sound of the tower shrouded in the tower.

Not only that, the team share the channel, but also in the same time full of swearing words around the world:

"My Grass!"


"OH! Shit!"


"NO !!!"


Obviously, the giant behind the rear, after suffering from the attack, the same direct motion!

With the self-burst of the giant , the black nail thorn is like a rain point, it is generally pouring.

Fang Lin Ran and Mesters were jointly, and Maxi took over most of the attacks in front, and Fanglin Rock woven the side, so cooperated with a seamless seamless.

In the process of covering, Jung Yan, who was found, these black spikes injected out of these mutant giant cockroaches have another mystery.

Under the attack of the vacancy point, the tower shields held by Mats holds a little broken, which is probably related to it only blue quality.

Although Tower Shielded a lot of black spikes, there were also some deep penetration because of the angle relationship, stayed in the tower shield.

These black spurs are very unique, like a bone, with a length of more than five cm, a total of two forms, a form that has failed to wear the surface of the tower shield, then present the shape of a "drill bit".

Some spikes are actually run through a tower exclusive body of two centimeters due to the angle. The front end is showing "blossom", it seems that it seems that the arbitrary striker, but it blooms out of the same shape as the flowers.

I looked at the Niki Rank, I understood it. This nail piercer actually as if the syringe is injective, once we penetrate the external defense of the enemy, the contents inside will directly "injection" into the inside of the enemy, and the head of the spike The department will bloom if it is blooming!

It turned out that this staple actually took the second paragraph attack, just because of his own Athena's Guo Wei, directly put the black spiked first attack, letting it do not play a second attack at all The effect is coming.

Such a losing bone staple, nor is it the gene production of these giant that is blended.

At this time, the enemy's offensive is slightly, and Fanglin Yan picks up a nail, it has been found that the root of this play is connected by a sarcoma-shaped organism, which is purple black, and it is In the hollow, it seems that the skin of the sarcoma is still full of dark purple pus.

And these sarcoma remain a shrinkage, it seems to have life, and I don't know if there is any poison in the pus.

When I saw this scene, Fang Lin Yan suddenly understood it, why is the tragic scream in the team channel!

But at this time, Fanglin Rock suddenly felt a soft feet, and then the team channel was suddenly a series of "be careful" "not good" "danger" and so on.

Fanglin Rock is still in the feet, the feet are once again soft, and then the whole person actually flew down next to him, and it is already the scene of Bai Malang! He learned what happened.

The dam under the foot is actually collapsed!

Solna developed this ambush plan is a step by step, and the enemy is considered to the extreme!

It is almost certain that it will have an additional unlock operation when entering this groundwater power station, allowing this series of series of serial traps that Solna arranged.

Otherwise, it will be like Fanglinyan, when entering the hydropower station, the secret lattice below the dam will release this kind of pixel to this disgusting horrible huge.

This huge habit is actually like the ordinary frog, likes the prey waiting for the prey, so they will wait in the information of the informationin ---------- Dam is waiting.

And the channel at the top of the dam is the only passage to the hydropower station!

When the invader is leaving the water power station, it will be siege to be barely to the bun.

The self-explosion power of the giant ,,

So, when the invader of the hand is busy with the guys who cope with these, the dam will be blown! !

That is to say, the next invaders are to fight in the flood of the dam, it is obviously a very terrible thing.

Not only that, Fanglin Rock has further thought of follow-up development!

After the giant ,,

Fanglin Rock does not know what the monster that can hunt giant is like, but it is definitely three points:

First, the skin of the skin is not afraid of giant cockroaches.

Second, it is also amphibious.

Third, it can suppress the self-explosion behavior of giant cockroaches.


In the mind of Fanglin Rock, after these thoughts, he had a cold in his body, and then the whole person had fallen into the water, and then the whole person couldn't help but wrapped in the water.

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