The First Evolution

Chapter 91 Horror Bloody Mary

Fanglin Rock is just a probably two or three meters, and immediately captures two fine details! !

First, at that time, this group of people were busy, but they also released the mechanical lane and Rubeth. This seems to be thin dinosaurs, can actually break through the monitors of mechanical laoke and Rubels, directly to Jane. Motose's side! !

Second, this monster not only didn't hurt simply. Mottis, but let her blood give her drink, and Jane. Motose drunk its blood, actually wake up?

These two details, Fanglin Yan took a deep breath and began to close up toward Max, while in the team channel:

"Be careful! This dinosaur is bloody Mary !!"

This sentence of Fanglin Rock suddenly shocked the rest.

The vultures and goats are convinced to others, and they immediately have a great enemy, and Max is a surprised road:

"How is this possible? Bloody Mary is like this? Doesn't it be to be attracted to the dinosaur attracted by growing hormones at any time? This guy is a foreign goods?"

Fang Lin Yan is to talk, but it is clear. Motose 's cough has stopped, she first reached out with her hands, hugging the thin dinosaur, and this dinosaur is actually going directly under the head. Let her hug.

Look at the expression of Mottice, it seems that it is not a dinosaur that he is holding, but there is a blood relationship to close!

Then, Jane. Mottis turned to this side, in the eyes, there is a strong hostility:

"Your group of idiots, actually harmed my big brother career, was chased, but also used an over-anesthetic, I made me breathing, almost suffocation!"

The bookmates used in the bookmates have hung up, and now they are basically used in the source artifact app.

Everyone is tight, listening to her, this woman is in a clear state in the whole process? ? Things happen to the outside world!

Goat can't help but say:

"Is it a problem?"



Fanglin Rock suddenly said:

"It is a problem, but it is not!"

Omi is a Justice to do a simple man, these trivial things, so it is very concerned, I can't help but ask:

"How to say?"

Fanglin Rock Road:

"There is no problem in medicine, but people have problems! You also put simple. Mottys as human beings, but her current physique, I have long been separated from human category."

"This woman's physical use of human-shaped dinosaurs is not there! The drug is entry into force for human beings, but it is not necessarily effective for mutual creatures such as her."

Fang Linyan said this, the rest of the people suddenly realized.

At this time, Mottis has pointed to them, screaming:

"Yours, I want to kill you !!"

It is probably the hostility of Jane. Motes, the dinosaury that looks again and thin is slowly turning his head, looking at them, this moment, this dinosaur's eyes are full of difficult Describe the fierce violent! !

Even the eyes are slightly contacted, and even have a strong extension, from the back of the back.

Such a look, only the horror scorpion hand who has killed thousands of souls can be owned! !

At this moment, Fanglin Rock suddenly recalled the mental attack of the humanity, and directly evokes the fear of the heart!

It looks now, there is no doubt that the skills of the guy are to inherit my mother.

And at this time, Bloody Mary was watching, Fang Lin Ran was deeply thoughtful, and the spiritual attack of the previous humanoids was just a cottage version.

Being firmly stared in this bloody Mary, it really felt the blood sea of ​​the corpse. A burst of fears shocked directly. It is also a illusion in front of you. The whole person seems to have a dream, and though can be turned. But the body is stissible there.

Fortunately, I have passed the people's shape before Fanglin Rock. At this time, I feel that there is a black heart.

And his mind is also very tough, from a teenager who declaims like roadside withered and wilted wild grass, step by step to today and even the status of the gods, such insistence and determination, is it a general person to match?

When I will bite my tongue, I have been separated from this fear.

At this time, I found a thing, that is, bloody Mary didn't know when it was a step in front of everyone.

And the rest of the people are still there, and a pair is completely slaughtered!

Look at it, it is not careless, it is completely the antires who can kill a man who can be squeezed, and the fish!

And it is going to go to Omi, his claws have lifted slightly. It can be seen that it seems that it seems that people are harmless on the left front limbs. It is actually slowly extending three dim lightless claws!

This paw looks not sharp, but it only looks.

Fang Lin Yan can feel that the surface seems to have a layer of strange things, can absorb all the lights into it, even after a few eyes, can even have the illusion of the soul!

This thing can make the sharp edges, let the terrible things are deposited to deceive the outlets, which can let the bloody mare of the slaughter of thousands of life, it is just a little and thin little dinosaurs.

It should be that Omi is contaminated with a lot of blood, and now it is wiped, but the breath is still very rich. So although bloody Mary does not care about his life and death, it has also been slim, and she selects her as the first thing to start.

Obviously, just within a short number of seconds, bloody mare will start with Omei, and according to its cruelty bloodthirsty character, Omi's life and death is likely to be in several seconds!

In this moment, Fanglin Rock has turned many ideas in the brain, but they have no absolute grasp of Omi!

However, he suddenly became a flash in his mind, because he saw a person, that is, a simple man, Mottis.

So the next second, Fang Lin Yan wrist is turned to, and there is a rifle in his hand. This whiteboard rifle is the previous purchase. The only property is to repeat the enemy.

At this point, he is just a dozen meters away. This is a near-way shot of his LV4. It is almost unpredictable. After the trigger, it will let Jane. Mottis pain, sound inverted!

After the gunshots of this gun sounded, Fanglin Rock immediately went to observe bloody mary. I found that the first reaction of this monster is to look at Jane. Mottice, immediately knew that his choice did not have a mistake, immediately screamed Tao:

"cover me!"

Then Tangyan made a pair of attitude to fire again!

With the bloody Mary, when Mottis, the rest of the people have struggled from the fear, and the previous situation everyone is clear, but the body can't move.

Recalling the experience before a few seconds, especially Omi, really has an illusion like the world!

The blood is a little bit from simple. Motose's chest is blocked, she laughs with pain, while the next second, bloody Mary has already appeared in front of her in front of her, and issued a sorrowful sorrow. .

Then, in the next second, it rushed to Fanglin Rock as the wind, and even dragged a few distressed images, this speed is not the naked eye to capture!

At this time, I saw this scene, and I even had a good understanding in my heart, that is, the bloody Mary's monster level, I am afraid that there is no Lang Boss's BOSS level, but it belongs to the world leader level. ! !

In this whole world, the strength of Bloody Mary can be discharged from the forefront, which is the world's monster leader! !

Bloody Mary was in the sprint process, raised the left paw, straight down.

Without any flowers, there is no gorgeous light, everything is simple,

But it is the attack on the ordinary, so that Fang Lin Yan is unable to avoid the feeling, it is directly populated with blood!

It is also a psychological preparation in Fanglin Rock, and has taken the hurt of the Tongzhang's hand-wrapped rope in advance, which has also caused an abnormal amazing harm.

Not only the left hand of the block is directly cut, but it is more stainless. It is cut in the shoulder blade to be inserted in almost twenty centimeters. The blood is immediately fur.

Athens, this tricks in front of the bloody Mary, straight by it as an omnipotent, even the tangled rope of the Tungza who attacked the opponent's attack, and the effect is very good!

The hit failed to kill the opponent, and bloody Mary was obviously a bit surprised. In its experience, it is like Swirin Rock, which is a claw, and there is no resilience.

However, it didn't think that this prey looks not only to block this hit, and look like a counterattack?

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