The First Evolution

Chapter 114 misjudes

After a dull drop, the flesh and blood hunter settled on a hard stone. The only thing it could do was slightly twitching. The blood of the big group was flowing out of his body.

Dasul bite the teeth:

"The damn, the guy should be there to arrange a agency, if you really have a tail, then trigger it."

However, some people also saw the dilemma of Dasul, and immediately felt that this is a good opportunity to be promoted, and immediately stand out and retorted:

"That is not necessarily, it is possible to leave someone behind it."


"How can this be!"

Castle shakes his head, and a hammer sound:

"Tune drones, the blood of the hematophist is as high as one thousand-million dollars, it can be used to sacrifice, but this sacrifice must be valuable!"

Soon, drones were touched, and then found that there was no one in the sky, and suddenly made a flesh and blood hunter climbed up, then a rope ladder and continued to pursue.

Not only that, the Warrona Laboratory's ground fighting force began to completely dispatched, searching this damn guy. However, the commander of the ground forces also franked, the success rate of the night searched was not high, and the worms that were widely distributed on the nearby Gobi Beach will also have a huge impact on the search.

Because the sprays developed in the Veronika laboratory can only make the sandworm disgust, but it does not allow it to feel fear and escape.

Simply, spray this fog, the sandworm will not take the initiative to find you trouble, but if you are stepping on it directly, these stasis guys are also a mouthful of acid solutions that have no scruples. .

Therefore, the original words he accommodated to contact and the original words:

"Hey, my friend, you have to look at it, but also to have confidence in the body weapons you have developed, those hiworms will corrode the bones of the stupid intrusion."

"No matter what the secret he got, these secrets will be like his heart and the brain, and become a sandy feces and this Gobi Beach."

However, he can talk to Dasul like this, but Dasul has no way to return to the fierce and brutal Buster.

So Dhari bitbite, the suretility is also with his own heart and abdomen guard, directly pursued Fanglin Rock.

At this time, some people came back to report:

"I just returned the monitoring video. This person has also been to our nuclear power plant. He entered the doctoral office."

I heard this report, and Dasurton had a creepy feeling on the back of the back, immediately:

"Take a closer to the nuclear power station immediately! If there is a problem, I am afraid that I have to have a big trouble !!"

There is no way to make a disaster, the bad news is constantly coming, the cracks leading to the ground are difficult, and it is still difficult to climb, the death of the heart of the madness is actually arranged in this case.

So soon, the central control room saw that the blood, the blood hunter picture of the first climb was black, and after ten minutes, they knew what happened.

A burning hand was arranged to be a lap, and then the flesh and blood hunters hit it. Under the high temperature flames of thousands of degrees, the camera on its body was immediately burned, and it was also severely burned, even the rock wall around. Folk is a black.

Under this heavy interference, the speed of the chasing really can only be described by the turtle, in fact, even Guster does not think that there is hope.

Because in his opinion, so powerful spies, since it is not affected by the homa, it can also be done when they leave.

Not only that, behind this spy, there are more than those of the huge power. For the arrangement of retreat, there must be a lot of people, and even have a number of alternatives, as long as he fled to the ground, then people who can't get it will send them. I got on the plane.


However, what is noted behind Fanglin Rock, although there is a mysterious and powerful support, it will not provide this little thing to evacuate to him ... and even if Fang Lin Yan is dead.

Noah Space S is so cold!

Therefore, after Fanglin Rock left the ground, the first thing is to return to Sandol Town. Here he can find a way to let the rust-rust parasite, or is an artificial intelligent paste.

With high voltage, it is charged, and the current voltage is maintained between 1100 volts to 1200 volts.

In fact, he also considers the forces of the top of the blood umbrella tissue, then activate the rust parasitic parasites, so that you can make sure you have no harm. However, Fanglin Rock has to consider a problem, that is, after activation, the artificial intelligent light wheel in this rusty parasite

When Fanglin Rock entered the town again, the genius was just bright, and the street was messy, as if the noord and chaos under the night had not been completely faded.

In order to save time, Fanglin Rock directly found a guy who horn, the coming, and blocked his face:

"Hey, guy, I need to find an electrician now, very anxious, so if you can help me this, then this is the first income you today."

Fang Lin Ran said, one side has extended his right hand, between his index finger and middle fingers, a light green vendor is shaking in the morning wind, and the top of 100 can be seen very clear.

This man wearing a linen lattice top, wrapped his body tightly, and immediately showed a greedy look in the eyes of the vendor, but quickly said:

"No, I want 800 ... No! 1000 US dollars!"

Fanglin Yan shrugged:

"So goodbye, I will continue to go forward, then I will say that the previous words will say it once. I will definitely some people will help me."

Said that the finished Lin Rock didn't return to leave, but he only got out of two steps, immediately heard the voice of this man chasing:

"Ok, okay! You are so luck, because I just met the best electrician in the town, and he still owe me a big man!"

He said, on the side of Fanglin Rock.

Fang Lin Yan immediately flashed, shake his head:

"See the electrician, I will give you money, yes, what is your name?"

This man said:

"Dubin, what about you?"

Fanglin Rock Road:


Dubin shakes his head:

"No, you have to give me the money first, I will take you, this is a rule."

Fanglin Rock shakes the finger:

"Money in my hand, this is my rule."

After that, Fanglin Rock turned to go.

Under the urgent manner, I rushed to Langlin's shoulder. I was going to put two words. I was arrested by Fanglinyan. It was a wrist and hurting him.

Fang Linyan coldly said:

"I have a time, Mr. Dubin, the next time I will not get my hand, and it is your arm."

Then Tinyan continues to go forward.

Dubin's mouth grinned and stunned in place for a while, then biting his teeth and chased:

"Hey, feed! Don't you find an electrician? I really know!"

Fang Lin Yan turned, a word:

"I will say it again, I have a lot of time, if not, you have a big happening."

Looking at the eyes of Fanglin Rock, Dubin has some guilty, but I looked at the pocket of the loud rock drum capsule:

"You can rest assured, come with me."

Then Dubin all the way, with Fanglin Rock came to a factory, and then let Fanglin Rock waited in the dam next to him. He entered the people, and the result was three minutes after seeing Doshibs with several big men. Come out, holding steel pipes and large wrenches in hands.

Fang Lin Yan sighed a mouthful:

"Well, you are also helping me save a lot."

Then I saw him in front of this group of people, I went to Dubin Road:

"I said, you will have big trouble!"

Dubin saw Fang Lin Ran's step forward, I don't know how, my heart suddenly fearful, the big channel:

"This person has a lot of money!"

Then I saw Fanglin Rock step, the name of the front of the best, I have just raised the steel pipe, I haven't smashed it, my face has a punch, the whole person flies out, followed by Paul by him. I took two or three meters and immediately looked at the underground ...

John, who wore a finger tiger, roaring before, a punch, but Fanglin Rock is also fondting, hard and born in the air and he right!

The person who is stunned by the right fist in the right fist is actually John! !

Just a few seconds, Dubin was scared to find someone who had no blocking with Fanglin Rock, then he opened his mouth, he didn't have any time, I saw something, I saw my arm was caught. Then ....... ! !


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