"This base is to combine the construction experience of Langbra Island, the biochemical technology of blood umbrella tissue, as well as the superb technology brought by the sound wave."

"This place is called the world's eighth miracle, completely spans the masterpiece of this era, and the name is called: Eden !!"

"What I want to do is to break into the Eden, kill the earthquake left, this guy has strong camouflage ability and persuasiveness, no words, the sound wave will be very sad! If you can destroy Eden, It is also a plan that can be arranged when you leave the sound. "

When the light wheel revealed this information, a series of tips appeared at the retina of Fanglin Rock:

"Contractors ZB419, you successfully learned the information of Eden, hidden the main line task: revenge is smooth."

"Description: After listening to this digital life, you learned about the grievances of this, decided to stand on this side to support him, of course, this decision may not be the most correct choice."

"Main Line Target: Dry will kill the sound: earthquake, only need to complete the main line target, will default to completing this task."

"Branch Objectives: Destroy Eden, the symbol of Eden is destroyed, but the core of its core device is destroyed or taken away."

"Task Time Limits: Ten days, the sooner this task, the higher the evaluation," "

"The task failed: all the gains obtained in this world will be deducted, and the all-foundation attribute is 25%."

"According to the current difficulty of the current world, the lowest base attribute will not be less than 1 point, and the highest will not exceed 8 points."


Fanglin Rock reads these text very carefully, and at the same time considering how you should maximize the benefits.

However, Fanglin's silence made the light rafts misunderstand, it hesitated again, finally gave a prompt of Fanglin Rock:

"If you will help me reach your wish, then I can tell you a very ultimate secret!"

Fanglin Ranki said:

"What is the ultimate secret?"

Bright wheel:

"At that year, PMAs were just a wreckage of a small transport ship, but I got new life under the coincidence. Do you know what this time is?"

Fang Lin Yan smiled:

"Know, it should be the holy object of metal life, the fragment of the steel fire source."

When the glitz suddenly, it was obsolete.

"If you know this, you know from another place?"

Fang Lin Yan smiled slightly:

"Yes, and I also know that the thing is still in the moon."

After listening to Fanglin Rock, I suddenly screamed:

"Who tells you that the fragment of the steel fire is still on the moon?"

Fang Lin Yan is to refute, but suddenly thinks about it: This is two different sites! For example, I have just fled the Veronika laboratory, there is a lot of details in it.

He stayed and said:

"At that time, PMs went out to steal energy blocks, and the result was deeply surrounded. Of course, there is no way to hide the steel fire stems!"

"After waiting until the ambush, a lot of mechanical poisonous bees began to chase, how can it have the opportunity to take it?"

The light wheel is proud:

"Yeah, although PMus has no chance to bring it, but I still have me!"

Fanglin Rock said:

"And you?"

Bright wheel:

"Of course, when you suffer from attack, PMs uses their own talent: gravity, kills several poisonous bees, I will take this opportunity to control a small loading spaceship, will dig it out, then Converged with PMS. "

Hearing here, Fanglin Yan can't help but say:


He would like to say that Pamas is obviously chased by the mechanical poisonous bee, before being allowed to force his own talent gravitation, but Fanglin Rock quickly returned to God, this is what happened in the 811 world!

Talent awaken this kind of thing, it is a very small thing in the whole place, it will cause these micro gaps, which is a typical butterfly effect.

I heard the "two words, the two words, and the glory:

"Don't you happen to the previous one, is there a deviation with the things I experienced?"

Fang Lin Yan sighed a mouthful:

"Yes, there is a little bit ... Yes! Since the fragment of the steel fire source is in your hands and PMus, why will PMS die?"

The glory is stunned:

"What is the relationship between this and PMS?"

Fanglin Ranki said:

"This debris can not release mysterious radiation, let ordinary metal items, machinery get life?"

The light wheel is very dignified:

"Yes, but give life and treatment is two things? Your human beings are genital cells to give next life, then swallow genital cells to treat disease?"

"Although I seem to see similar behavior in some databases, it is obvious that human health of this matter is not significantly improved."

Fanglin Rock (impeccable!! I actually be right !!):

".......alright, you win!"

The paste is connected:

"Not only that, I have negotiated some of the Pusters adults, and they will be completely hidden, and they will be separated by special items."

"Otherwise, once you don't stop the charm life here, then it is said that it is like a shot of the steel fire source, the sound wave is also equipped with an eyeliner, and we don't want to withstand the disaster, then I can only do this. "

Fang Linqi heard the light wheel, and suddenly he had a bit of his heart:

"So, what do you mean?"

Bright wheel:

"I didn't believe in your speech. After all, from another place, it is too thoughtful, let alone, I have seen it, I have seen it?"

"But after this period of contact, I believe that you are telling the truth, after all, the information of the steel fire source, you almost impossible to know from the mouth of human beings, I think that one of the faces It is also grateful to you. "

"So, if you can reach my wish, then I will send you the steel fire sources of the saved, it can cause the two mechanical creatures around you to rely on the general impact!"

When the light wheel said, Fanglin Rock also reminded:

"Contractors ZB419, you said the clues of the world's ultimate secrets in front of the world, and successfully solving it."

"You meet the relevant conditions, trigger two additional hidden rewards! These two additional hidden rewards will have completed hidden main line tasks in your success: Revenge appears."

"Please pay attention! The higher the final task reward evaluation, the two additional hidden rewards have pit!"

Obviously, Fanglin Rock realizes that it is not important information about steel fire fragments in the 811 world, and then it is given to the digital life of the light wheel, it is estimated that the additional hidden reward will not appear.

Strictly speaking, returning to the 811 world, go to the moon to get the difficulty of the steel fire species, not good than now to complete this hidden main line task is still small.

However, there is an arrow to be in the string, and Fang Lin Yan has nothing to say at this time. After all, there is an additional hidden reward is not sure.

Fang Linyan thought for a while, suddenly asked the light wheel, a problem that appearance and task did nothing:

"What is the purpose of the sound wave creates the moon base, do you know?"

The gluten said:

"No ... I don't know, but it seems that the metal life of the sound wave will wander everywhere in the universe, like him to establish a base, seemed to find something."

Fanglin Yan listened to the glory seem to be concealed, and sinked it for a while:

"So I can understand it, the speech suddenly leaving, because what is he discovered?"

Bright wheel:

"I intercepted the information that can only be analyzed by zero, just like being torn and ignited, it can only get some fragmented information from the underlying shredding, there is a valuable information. , Head, UNI. "

Fanglin Rock has remembered the two words. This is not good to get the most valuable information from the light trip! Take it next:

"So, the revenge requires that this revenge requires me to be very difficult. I have to find some people to help, otherwise, I will pass two people in the past, that is white to die."

The light wheel is very simply:

"Ok, however, do you think someone will help us?"

Fanglin Rock has a bamboo:

"Of course, since I said this, then I will be sure."


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