The First Evolution

Chapter 128 Dafuhao

Then the goat tells the story of Pamas, but saves the part of the steel fire source, and Fanglin Rock is still considering how to consider the other party.

As a result, the observer listened to their description, immediately found the relevant information in the database:

"It turned out to be like this, what you said, then we have also recorded the things he chased on the earth! After all, the killing power of mechanical poisonous bees is still very powerful, and two at the time. The super big country also lost several satellites and space stations to trigger the world war. "

"We originally made the judgment, there is some conflict inside the Eagle, and the contradiction between the two sides is not adjustable. It must be a big player to solve it. Therefore, there is no trial to intervene, but I didn't expect this, there is still such a complexity. inside."

At this time, the goat suddenly saw the message of the team's channel when Lin Yan, immediately asked:

"IMHO, Mr. Observer of the Pigeon School, you send your own special business card everywhere to the world, think it is also your own intention?"

Observer 71:


However, he didn't follow why did you do this, it seems that the metal life of these pigeons is not particularly simple, and it will know that there is no unfair.

However, under the boring of Fanglin Rock, the goat asked a question again:

"When is your superior?"

Observer 71 hesitated, seeing is to judge the confidential level of this problem, then very simply say:

"It was before three and a half."

I heard this point of time, the surface of Fanglin Rock is insecurity, but the heart is suddenly combined with another time point.

Yes, that is, digital life: the time of the light wheel, the time of the sound wave leaves the moon base, should be three and a half years ago!

Is the two coincidences, or there is a certain connection? It is clear that Fanglin Rock feels that it is the latter.

Not only that, Fang Lin Yan feels that, whether it is the metal life of the pigeon party or the eagle party, they also chose to leave a man on the earth, which can only explain, this earth is also hidden with amazing secrets.

In the world of 811, the steel firefield is estimated to be the ultimate secret of the world, but in this world, it is the ultimate secret of the world in this world. This is the ultimate secret of the world!

After I understand, after the end of the dragon, the observer started to change again into a sedan of an old teeth, the engine first issued a strange sound as if cough, and then sprayed a few black smoke from the exhaust pipe. Prepare slowly.

However, this time the goat came out:

"Hey, Mr. Observe, please wait."

The observer reversed back, still very peaceful:

"Is there anything else?"


"In fact, this time even if you don't come to us, we have to come to you. Because we spend the heart, even if many people are dead, only a crucial message: a metal of the Eagle Life is weaving a terrible conspiry! The name of this metal life is called sound. "

The observer is calm:

"This is not surprisingly, the child, the sound wave has always been a conspiracy for us, and his wish is to kill all the people of all the pigeons."

At this time, Fanglin Rock suddenly spoiled, then said three words:

"Garden of Eden."

After these three words, the observer was silent for two seconds and immediately reformated, and then half of the face of Fanglin Rock:

"Do you know this news?"

Fanglin Rock Road:

"I have my message channel, and no matter what kind of answer you give me, I will go to the damn place, I am fried there!"

The observer seriously said:

"Do you know the specific location of the Eden?"

Fanglin Rock Road:



"Can you tell me?"

Fanglin Rock Road:

"We have come here a big part of the reason is to do this."


"If this intelligence is true, then I owe you."

Fanglin Rock Road:

"It can make it turned into a rare, there is nothing owes."

Then Fanglin Rare lifted the goat and raised the goat.

"The Eden is built in the Bermuda Islands, and the specific location is ..."

Soon, after the observer got the relevant information, they stopped there, should be in contacting the rest of the person.

After about ten minutes, the observer is gentle to them:

"The relevant information we have shared the past, the next is to verify, now please return to the gate to go back, soon someone will pick you up."

Next, Fanglinyan has been sent back to the hotel. This kind of waiting for a little bit is boring and boring, but it is still understandable that the group is very cautious.

However, it is unbearable to call them in the hotel. So Omi is very simply proposing, or try to try to be a milestone, that is, big rich.

This milestone needs to have more than 100 million US dollars in this world, and gold, real estate, and securities cannot be calculated.

At this time, they are in Mexico. The first keyword here is drug lord, then they are chaotic, guns, murder.

The usual news report is that the government army is brought to the private army of the drug lord, and the poisonous owl surrounds the police station to save people.

And there are also very uncomfortable world records, such as the fastest city record of the city's city-only ------ The Mayor of Gothici City, the Mayor, Mota, 14 hours after Mota Deadly killed by the gun, the government's cabinet members were most murderous world records, and more.

So, this seemingly poverty country's wealth is actually concentrated in the hands of a small number of people, and these people have no exception, they are big drug lords.

Not only that, because the particularity of their careers and the liquidity of the goods (most of them are sold to the United States), there is a relatively backward approach that leads to most of the transactions.

Because the world has a thousand dollars in the circulation, its net weight is gram, and the $ 100 million cash is 115 kg, and a large box can take it directly.

Therefore, Omi's plan is very simple, that is, find drug lord, then take away this $ 100 billion! This matter may be a bit difficult for others, but for Fanglin Rock, it is nothing more than collecting information, formulating a plan, and then executing.

Especially if they have also got digital life: the help of the glutin, can be said to have a great advantage in the intelligence, unless this drug lord is not online, it is difficult to escape the tracking of Followering.

Finally, the gluten gives them a list, this list has more than a dozen people, and there are their identity and note next to, and even their internal cash assessment.

Of course, if you are interested in this list, you only need to get into the name of the person, you can see the detailed information of the armed hand, the structure of the home and the guards inside this, and still in real time!

Science and technology have given the progress of human penetration, but also leads to some powerful guys who can make some unbelievable things in this field, and even the security facilities that protect your own. Ear!

Finally, Oimi picks up an unmny egg from this group, this person is called Hino, the official identity is an executive, usually very clean, and a three-year-old car.

However, the back and the poisonous work closely cooperates, not only in the power of the power, the factory is more useful for drug-producing raw materials, but also uses children's labor to perform crush, and even accidents have caused three deaths and ten injuries. Even the compensation is dependent.

However, it is probably a reason for the Tenno's term, so he is intended to fish before separation.

This guy has received insider news, selling all the best, and makes it about 100 million US dollars, then take it now, when the price is about to rise, I will buy it all the goods, and then hoard a month. After shooting.

Hiro expects this speculation to make it twice as much as wealth, then go directly to immigration, and then the last half of the paper is fascinated.

Unfortunately, his information was delivered to the face of Omi, and in this list, Hiro looked as the most harmful one.

So the next Fang Ran's action is really not expensive, and it is very easy to get the huge amount, according to the space provisions, this milestone can be done by the team.


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