The First Evolution

Chapter 13 Eden

Fanglin Rock and Omei simultaneously:

"bad news."

Wharton nodded:

"The bad news is, we really have a response, and the first batch of people."

Waiting for five seconds, Wharton found that there was no change in the expression of some people, and laughed:

"You can really stand!"

"Well, the first good news is that when we perform action, we also fully consider the possibility of leaks, so divided the first batch of people into three groups, and each group is different. aircraft."

"Then their head is directly to Anchiqi City, Alaska, where we detected another important part of the blood umbrella organization, in which case our plan is to arrive at Ankre After the city, I opened to Bouri to stay for three hours, there were only forty kilometers from the important divisions of the blood umbrella. "

"After three hours, the first group stayed, and the selection of the selection, attracting the opponent's attention! If there is no abnormality in the two groups, then take off again to formally implement Thanksgiving big purchase task."

"The third group of the third group was on the way to Bud Town, and the rape was actually a person we didn't think of. His son, daughter was in the organization! And once there is something, organize will be right Its children will start. "

When I heard Wharton, Omi said:

"So, although the blood umbrella organization now knows that you have to attack, it is mistaken to do it in the city of Anchorage."

Watton Road:

"Yes, according to the information we have received, the blood umbrella organization has begun to comprehensively contraction toward Anchorage."

Fang Lin Yan smiled:

"So this should be a blessing now?"

Watton Road:

"Almost, the second good news is that because of the comprehensive contraction of the blood umbrella organization, people in the Eden's peripheral area have found a vulnerability, within an hour, this vulnerability is effective."

"At this time, because of the first group of things, our first batch of people have a shortage, so they are commending volunteers, I have already reported my name, are you interested in?"

I heard Wharton said that Fang Lin Yan is very simply:

"no problem."

Wharton has smiled and hit his fist and hit them:

"Happy cooperation."

Soon, a man put on a diving suit, then holding underwater propellant, directly from the water, the Eden in front of the past.

At the same time, everyone who participates in action has received a backpack, which is food, drugs, and the most advanced weapons of the snake tissue: electromagnetic rifles and powerful time bombs.

Fanglin Ran's number, the number of people in this group is almost about ten people, the team leader is called Kiki, carrying a silver white shoulder bag behind him, looks very stable.

Not only that, in the process of waiting, Fanglin Rock also saw the black Muba, who had already turned his hand with himself before, nor did his captain not inside.

From a look, this island will not integrate a variety of high-tech islands, because in the naked eye, this is not two acres in the eyes, it will be overwhelmed, retired Time to expose the water of the water.

The bare in the island is all hard, such as black rocks. It is poor to see the second eye. It is estimated that only the victims of the ship crash will have interested here.

But Fanglin Rock has learned from the light wheel, which is only the scene on the Eden wants to see the scenery of the outside world.

In the core area of ​​the Eden, a strong generator called Purcet, which is very high in the core components of this generator, and the human technology is more than a few hundred years.

This place is to use a very powerful technology that the Hawker Metal Life is manufactured. Its role is to create a strong protective cover effect, protect the entire huge Garden, this is Why is Eden to keep secret until now?

There are three major effects in the protective cover.

First, the protective cover can isolate the Eden creature, even the air and the outside world, so that the intravenous environment of the Eden is half independent of the Earth!

Second, the protective cover can make real and difficult illneusences, and it is basically impossible to understand with the current scientific and technological level of human beings.

Not only that, the large organism will also trigger alert when crossing the illusion. If there is internal response this time, a phantom node is closed with the name of the overhaul, then they can't quietly sneak into it.

Soon, when there is almost one hundred meters away from the island, the most strange scene has appeared, in front of a large waterfruit reef, suddenly shines out of the glare, a long two short.

Suddenly, the leader in front of the front is directly to the past, and I can see this person hesitating at the reef, reaching out, reaching out from the reef. Pulled in.

At this time, the rest of the people were stupid, and I also knew that "reef" is a holographic boy, so I have swayed the past, and I feel that there is a lot of garbage near the vicinity. It seems to be one. Giant sewage exit!

Of course, the environment and smell here are definitely very bad. Please refer to the toilet of the East 19 East End School.

A faceless man is talking to Kiki, seeing this man's dressing, it should be the inside of the tonic tonic, and he is also a feeling of losing weight.

Obviously, this guy is very clear that once you don't have anything, it will face a bad situation. If you don't have a good tooth, you will have a poison, there is a mental preparation of going to die.

Soon, everyone got a map of the peripheral area, which is the man's hand drawn, so it is good to listed all the imaginary departments. At the same time, he told everyone that there is still 40 minutes here.

Then this man spit out a sigh of relief, took a underwater propeller, and the oxygen mask was can't wait to start, but Kiki immediately took the gun on his head. Cool road:

"We can't go before, you can't go, otherwise, if you suddenly come, what do people do, even if you pay?"

This man looks very much, I don't want to continue to stay here, just watching Konici is going to face the face, only to grow up with a long distance:


At this time, Konico immediately made a decision, with the people on the submarine, and then sent a group of people to come over. In this case, the force of the first assault will get an unprecedented increase.

Obviously, Kiri as the first line of commander, this requirement will definitely be immediately met, and the people in the submarine are also a lot, and the current high-rise makes decisions, directly sending 30 people of the trip. come.

These thirty people plus ten people in the advance team don't seem much to, maybe not worth it on the front battlefield, but if it is destroyed, it can make the super urban in New York. exist.

Not to mention, in these forty people, I have been equipped with the improvement of Ten "Terminal", let them integrate terrorist superman when necessary!

This is the advanced technology that the tonic tissue is getting crystallized from the advanced technology that the pigeon metal life has been crystallized. It is also the bottom sign that they can compete with the bloody rain umbrella.

At this time, the vultures couldn't help but in the team's channel.

"Head, in fact, I am now able to sneak into it."

Fang Lin Yan hesitated, shake his head:

"Still don't, now you will train, people who don't work here will turn their face, think you can sell them, we believe you, they are credible!"

The vulture is depressed, then said:

"Well, you are right."


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