The First Evolution

Chapter 141 Smuggling

Soon, Fanglin Rock directly took the elevator downstairs, came to this huge science and technology laboratory, then sat down next to a flowerbed.

Then, Fanglin Rock gave a look at the four weeks, and there was no one to pay attention to it, so quickly.

Suddenly, the body of the glutin: The rusty parasites are jumping like this, like a grasshopper, and then flying directly.

In Eden, like it is like it will fly, the small volume insect is not too much, and the quantity is afraid that it is millions, so it is almost impossible to attract the attention of the remaining people, and it is hard to worry about it.

At this time, Fanglin Rock looks at the map. It is considering what is planning to go, but suddenly receives the private chat of vultures:

"Head, come here, it is where we are in action."

Fang Linyan is in the heart, and then opens a shared bicycle directly with his identity card, directly riding the past, and seeing the vulture there.

"What? Why don't you say it in the group?" Fang Linyan hit a smile.


"Oima woman is too heavy, I believe she."

Fang Lin Yan smiled, but nothing to say.

In his desirable, everyone has their own style. Everyone can make each other when fighting, and the rest is good, and the rest is good.

Then the vulture said:

"You know my ability, I just found a very important thing when detecting a yellow exclamation area, using shadow's investigation capabilities found a very important thing."

Fanglin Rock's eyes

"Oh?? What?"


"Some people can directly resell the high-tech products in the Eden Laboratory, and listen to the chat between them, have formed an industrial chain, and the buyers are people outside the world!"

After Fang Lin Yan listened, it was quite shocked.

Because this road is coming, you will see it in front of you, saying that I really feel that there is an environment, or a humanistic atmosphere, it is a bit of the kind of world, the ground is the meaning of the land.

In the Garden of Eden, from the living environment to all kinds of institutions, they are not in modern society, and their quality of life will be superior, and those who live inside, most of them have a feeling of new humans.

However, by the vulture, that full of comprehension down.

Well? Is it like how beautiful? If the temperament does not eat the goddess of smoke fire, suddenly the size of your face is the same as your face ........

Perhaps this afterwards? She re-dressing dress? Qiao laugh, the image is still perfect? ​​But the sacredness in my heart is not awkward.

"What are they selling?" Fang Lin Yan curiously said.


"Drugs! This drug can only be produced in Eden because its raw materials is it in the Garden of Eden. Therefore, the outside world cannot be manufactured."

"This drug is called Kirkland? It was originally free to supply employees inside the Eden, and the effect is nothing more than enhanced resistance."

"But after the unexpected flow, it was found that the health effect of this stuff is not very effective for ordinary people, but for women's wrinkle freckle? It is the effect increase is very obvious."

Hearing here? Fanglin Rock immediately consulted the profit behind this, I was afraid that it would be crazy.

There is a saying that it is very pair: men conquer the world, women conquer the man.

And this kind of beautiful effect can conquer all women! It is no wonder that even the smuggling industry chain is coming out.

"Wait, what does it seem to be wrong?"

Fanglin Yan suddenly realized the contradictions.

"This is so powerful? Then the founder of the Eden's founding people, Musus, did not reason, missed such a big gold mine, must be directly brought to the official operation? How can I leave a smuggling space?"


"I was originally confused, just now investigated it, I knew it."

"Head? What is the most important creature in the Eden?"

Fanglin Rock Road:

"The most important thing ....."? "



Fang Lin Yan wants to think about it:

"Except for people?"


"of course."

Fanglin Rock Road:

"Then it should be the world's giant tree that is distributed on the island."

Vulture nod, then said:

"It's not wrong at all."

It is said that he will share a piece of information to Fanglin Rock.

Original? The tree juice produced in this world is a valuable research material. There is no harm of a small amount of extracting a tree juice. "

And the thirteen world genus tremendous trees planted on the island. It is said that it is a rare material that is available on the sound wave. It can be said that it is a less than one, very precious, and the current technology is almost unable to Culture again.

A important component of this Kirkland drug is extracted from the tree juice extracted on the world's giant tree!

Seeing this, Fang Lin Yan suddenly realized:

"I understand! In the initial time, Kirkland was only used to supply people on the island, then the tree juice extracted by the world's giant tree is more than its raw materials."

"However, if it is necessary to expand the production scale, we must increase the amount of sauce to the world's giant tree. It is clear that this will seriously affect the health of the giant tree, and Marcus certainly will not allow such things, because this Thirteen World Master is the cornerstone of the unique ecological environment in Eden, Eden. "


"Yes, but he can ignore the wealth and influence brought by Kirkland drugs, but others can't ..."

"You guess what I found at the time? This guy behind the scenes even formed his own interest group, even in order to safeguard this benefit and did not hesitate to kill!"

"My shadow saw that they were handling the body, and the colored egg was cut into pieces to feed the experimental organism."

Fang Lin Yan Shen said:

"what do you mean?"


"If we want to get information, why not pass this part?"

"They claim that the high-rise influence is very influenced, and the means of killing the traitor or the secret of the secret is to live with the poisonous snake. It also has a protective umbrella in the high level, so even if someone is missing or being disappeared or Killing does not dare to speak. "

Fanglin Rock nodded and said:

"Yes, this is a thinking, do you have a goal now? So we are now."


"Well, come with me."

Soon, Fanglin Rock came out with the vulture to another giant laboratory. He thought that vultures would bring him directly, and the result came behind the door, and actually walked over the past.

Next, Fanglin Yuli found that the two sides of the matter was reflected in this time.

I have the impression of the giant laboratory, a collection of apartments, hotels, future residential buildings, the window is a few nets, the dust is not dyed, and the air is full of faint fragrance.

However, he followed the vulture from the back to the underground part of the giant laboratory, this found that although the straight line is only more than a dozen meters, it is a different world.

It is a deafening sound here. It is a strong smell in the air. Not only that, but it is more hot, and there will be no more people. Therefore, people who work here are only wearing pants, but Also we also wear a gas mask.

This is because there is a huge laboratory, the garbage, feces, feces, and wastewater every day, and some internal projects are more expensive, and thousands of tons are also possible.

Eden is a closed biosphere that requires substantially self-sufficient self-sufficient, so it is a circular utilization, and inorganic garbage is incinerated or chemically treated.

Organic garbage is more complicated, and a series of classification, processing, processing, and then embraced fertilizers in the treatment plant built under the laboratory.

This series of complex ways directly leads to the harsh of this underground working environment.

Of course, this place is also the best venue for destroying the dead, murderer. Don't say it, but this noise can make people call others, others can't hear.

According to the intelligence that the vultures, the underground of this laboratory is divided into three areas, (garbage) classification zones, processing zones, and recycling transportation areas.

The people they are looking for Taishe help people are recycling transportation area activities.

The two are also a sample after entering, and the naked upper body is wearing a gas mask. Therefore, it is necessary to have a lot of people along the way. They are directly rubbed, which seems to be not revealing, so they will come to the recycling transportation. Area.

The conditions here are relatively good, but it is only relative.

As a result, when they just came to a channel, suddenly I found out that the door is directly dropped directly, cut off the road!

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