The First Evolution

Chapter 145 Attack

() Since he scares his Aberse's psychological defense, since the collapse, then, of course, there is no truth, what is wrong, thinking is a sentence, soak the pig cage, the troister, when the fertilizer, etc. Very harsh penalty!

Can't help but tremble:

"Who is it? Who is it is the Ministry of Internal Affairs ?!"

Obviously, vultures will not answer him, this silent silence has made Aberse's pressure more huge!

Soon, Abertes who lost his soul was taken by the half-compulsory flower platform, and the outsiders look completely the look of the old friend, and the vultures use a strict tone:

"Do you know? Now the situation is very serious, the evidence we have now mastered is enough to make the most severe punishment!"

Abertes flustered:

"There is no thing, I am falling."

Vulture cold road:

"Is there anything to fall, now you are in the heart, just a good luck is good, there is someone in the top, but the condition is that you have to answer our questions, if there is a slightest or deceive, huh .. ..... "

Aberters is not a fool. I immediately thought that this is a set of my own words, so it's slightly calm down, although the battle is watched, but in fact, I have already mentioned the psychological of the prevention.

The results found that the vultures were asked, they were some questions about others, and even things such as simple common sense, which made him carefully fill the other party to verify the true and false.

Therefore, Aberse is in answering the questions about others, it must be known to know, no endlessness, only seeking death friends is not dead.

But when answering questions about yourself, it is a selective answer.

This kind of old fritters are certainly trickful, it is absolutely not lie, just just avoiding the key points, it is really not good.

Fortunately, I haven't need to do it with him. Of course, this is also understood by Aberse to have a sufficient evidence that it has already taken enough things ... so, if you finish No need to ask.

If you think about it, Aberters must have a more panic in your heart.

In just a few minutes, I was as long as Aberse, as a long time, so in this way as if the interrogation is finally over.

The vultures stare at his eyes:

"Well, go back, the most tomorrow night, the problem will have a clear conclusion, of course, the premise is that all said true today."

Abertes hurriedly said:

"Of course? Of course, I said the truth!"

Vulture is serious:

"After you go back, it is not happening this matter. If you have led it from here, you will directly lead to the real goal of our investigation, or destroy evidence? So unimplete me? This time you can't get it. "

Aberse immediately locked a few people in my mind? And judge how many of these people want to lock the goal, hurriedly said:

"Is that affirmation? I will not say a word."

Then the vulture naturally leaves with Fanglin Rocks? Aberse is a bar next to the bar next to it? Bring a mood that escaping the birthday.

At this time, the embers of Ott, observed him outside with crow, and found that he did not leave or traverse, it was determined that this fraud action was successful, and then the two quickly moved towards the conversion station. The direction walked over.

After receiving the latest hand-on the letter? Fang Lin Ran and vultures know that the importance of the original conversion station is better than what they imagine! Because it is actually integrated with the thermal aggregation station, you must enter the thermal energy aggregation station? You must first enter the conversion station.

Use simple to describe? Is the practice of Eden? It is like building a fire power plant directly in the coal mine.

In fact, this is also a bit helpless, because the Entene produced by the thermal aggregation station is a high-level energy. If you want to transfer, it is not like electrical energy, and the high voltage line is finished.

Transmiting Ennes, it is necessary to build the rail lines provided by mechanical wisdom life? This stuff is expensive to say, and it is also a protocol comment as the original backward. Among the actual tests, the length of the rail extends from ten meters, and its transmission energy consumption increases 1% of total energy.

If you build a km, if you have a length, you will not be 1%, which is less than 1% of the transmitted, almost no meaning.

In this case, the distance between the thermal energy aggregation station and the conversion station is of course, the better.

At this time, the two are almost adapted to the environment of Eden, then tell the rusty parasite, and say that they have got important intelligence, intend to enter the conversion station, let their body come over.

Then, according to the news provided by Aberters, I called a person called "Willak" directly next to it. It is of course the name of Aberters.

Then, after the three people came to the concealed place, they directly dizzy this guy, and then seized it in the end of the sky. After getting the things they needed, let him rely on the lounge chair next to it, others saw it. Just when this guy is in a small.

At this time, the ontology of the light wheel also flooded directly. Their group found an electric car and rushed over the side of the conversion station. As a result, when I just opened almost twenty or thirty meter, I suddenly heard it. A dull explosion!

Because the four lower plants were ignored, they wanted less than one hundred meters in the sea, and the two looked at the explosions at the time, and the results did not see anything.

However, after a few minutes, I saw a smoke to rise, it was obviously what places fired, and the fire was not small.

The dark smoke is in the blue sky and white clouds, the sun is brilliant, and it is a kind of cruel, and there is a brutal and brutal smuggling of fragrant petals.

Obviously, where there is an explosion, and the fire is rapidly spread! !


"Don't you say that you have a latent state? Do you say that the people of the snake do it? Or is our person to know the identity?"

Fang Linyan recognizes the truth:

"Our people will be in front of the team, the biggest possibility is the people of the snake!"

Then Fanglin Yan frowned and looked at the way of the black smoke:

"We have to hurry up. After this, the security level will be greatly improved."

Soon, the two began to feel that the situation on the road became nervous, and the armed staff was busy driving. Many people showed a fascinating expression, and they were dull and looked at the low smoke. Located place.

At this time, Fanglin Rock also saw a huge view of the Austrian embers in the air, there is an accident in the northwest laboratory, the position of the explosion is near the top, while the explosion is very amazing, almost the entire laboratory The top floor exploded almost one-third, revealing the honeycomb in the honeycomb.

The fire looks quite a lot, turning it, and is still spreading, the exit of the giant laboratory below, a large number of men and women are screaming, and it seems that a terrible stepper event is inevitable.

However, it can also be seen that the branches of a giant tree not far apart, and there is a lot of strange creatures, and it can be fired with a bucket. It seems like a moth. It seems like a gods in myths.

At the same time, the Eden also sounded a harsh alarm, and he can hear a clear alarm and evacuation sound.


After about 20 minutes later, "arrived!" Drove the vultures.

It can be seen that the front of the Islands of the Eden, the spray is very quiet from the distance, and then push the white foam into the beach, there is a lining of the sand, the more it seems to be crystal crystal, as if crystal Generally, the United States.

At the end of the road, it looks like a rolling reef group, which is about two or three square kilometers, and even the seagull with white wings stays above, and the claws of the claws from time to time.

But both of them know that all of this is a false icon, and several seagulls are actually a camouflage camera.

There is no one wants to get it. There is a depth of about 40 meters below the reef group, there is a power plant that exceeds the powerful energy output of today's human technology ------- The thermal aggregation station is quiet and calm .

According to the current information, this advanced factory is currently running at a 40% load, but such a leisurely starting method, the energy produced by the energy is converted into electric energy, enough to meet the entire Florida / Nevada / All electricity demands in these three areas of California!

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