The First Evolution

Chapter 151 Mystery Core

Fortunately, the vultures have been seen through rich combat experience, and the spider porter has a significant energy storage sign before launching an attack, and its storage process has a second time.

In this case, he first pounced a column next to it, and then the right foot was slammed on the column. The whole person immediately flew down next to the past, which directly leads to the pre-judgment of him. The heating rays fall.

At this time, Fanglin Rock has been coming out, filed a damaged spider porter, and gotting the nearest enemy!

The damaged spider-shaped porter also said that there are five or sixty kilograms, and only the metamorphosis of Fanglin Rock can take it into the same thing as a baseball.

So the bombing will be smashed, and it is aiming at the expulsion of the vulture, of course, a mess ...

It's the most terrible thing to scare the vulture. After all, this disorderly attack is the most terrible. If you want to avoid it, you can only rely on your own luck.

After I took this below, the attention of these two spider porters fell to Fanglin Rock, and Fanglin Rock was constantly taking a damaged spider porter.

Later, Fanglin Yan people stood in the corner and pushed damaged spider porters directly, and directly attracted to the other's intensive.

Then, this seemingly naive tactical actually has a huge role .......

The two sides have been so chaotic war. When the vulture once again attracted the opponent's fire, the guns behind the spider-shaped porter were like a cigarette butter, which followed, but no longer had a heat shot. It is directly helpless to go out.

This is because the energy of this OS-7-type thermal shot gun has been fired ------- According to the parameters provided by the glone, the maximum time it continues to shoot will not exceed one minute, if it is an intermittent shooting, This time will be shortened.

After the awareness, Fanglin Yan rushed out, he once again broke out the enemy again, and the vulture was also rushed up, and a dagger was inserted next to this enemy. The mixed stir, suddenly the electric light four shots.

But at this time, another spider porter also launched "steel collision", but Fanglin Rock will prevent it, and the spider-shaped porter is pitifully 10 points to drag the hind leg here.

When it turned and came over, when Fang Lin Yan launched the skills, Fanglin Rock has made a perfect defense action. When you pick up a wreckage, you will only listen to the giant sound of "When" It is really a deafening.

Fanglin Rock maintained a defensive gesture to have a hard to get out of four or five meters, and the shoes under the foot were rubbed with ground, and the difficult sound of "".

However, after he felt a loose power, immediately released the wreckage of the deformation, and the fierce hands were explored, grabbed the coblium porter under the lower edge of the cobbler, and suddenly Flipped.

This guy obviously considering this situation when designing, six mechanical legs immediately began to stop in the air, and a support column was also popped up, almost at instantly trying to re-climb.

However, Fang Lin Yan has already taken into account after opening it, and after this , immediately use it to make up a foot.

This is not an ordinary power! Fanglin Rock at this time, the power is sentenced to 50 points, higher than the 4th point of the spider porter, and it also occupies the first advantage, this guy will definitely can't turn it.

At this time, Fang Lin Yan raised his fist. It is also a weak abdomen forces. He is also the weakness of his previous research, a punch, two punches .... Tongzhang's tangle is at this time Plays a small role.

Fang Linqi first punch directly let the belly armor of the spider porter, the second box directly lets the parts inside and broken a few pieces.

Obviously, this kind of key attack is a very important existence of human or mechanical creatures. Inside the battle record of Fanglin Rock, this is also a horrible crit number:

148 points!

Not only that, this mechanical organism has not been dataped, so there is a phenomenon of functional deletion, and there are two mechanical legs immediately and unable to pull down.

At this time, the vultures have been more exciting, to tell the truth, at this time, the 10-point sprinklers in the dishwell area is too obvious, the heat rays lost in the back After the support of the gun, the vulture is suppressed by his agile.

His dagger is more accurate and incompatient into the assembly gap of the spider porter, and then uses the current included with it intense harm!

In this case, Fanglin Rock and vultures have mastered the skills, so that these two guys will be done soon, after all, they are not elite creatures, just a member of the mechanical porter.

Can be fighting with Fanglin Rock, it is entirely because they are mechanically organized and immunotoxin, and will also have additional skin rough meat.

But tell the truth, in the spirit of a penny, although these two guys are difficult, but they have fallen a blue key. In addition to contributing to four thousand general points, they will fall. The three props, the name is called: the mysterious core.

The introduction of this stuff is also very short: This is a part with very advanced technology, has a technical content that exceeds contemporary technology, and sells a good price at the appropriate person / institution.

If the remaining people may explain some obey, but for Fanglin Rocks who have already used the variant leather to get a lot of benefits, they will know how to maximize the interests after seeing this stuff.

Just a rest, when the key was opened, the paste turned "four sidelines that have been installed with the battle module came.

This time the glone indicates that it can provide a helper, which makes a powerful pulse wave, which makes these four spider porters directly fall into the state of paralysis, such, can significantly reduce the next difficulty.

However, Fanglin Yan looked at the wolf scene in the wireless charging area. Although it was the wreckage of the spider porter, there was no explosive key, and suddenly, after decisive, it was decisively understood that the glory will give the trophy quality. Amazing destructive power.

So, Fanglin Rock wonderfully declined the glory of the glory, and the three stressed, please don't tarnish, ah, wrong, it should be in this slight battle.

As for four spider porters look like a much tricky, don't forget one thing, before Fang Ran is also hidden, whether it is Ruberts or Austrian embers, it is hidden by him.

At this time, Fanglin Rock can't help but think of the ice of the ice, if it is, directly with the Austrian embers, the two days of the ice, and the GF.

The next battle actually didn't have a big suspense, or first in looting the enemy to open fire. After the four guys' OS-7-type hot radiosting can be exhausted, Fanglin Yok first sent Rubert to attract the firepower.

Then use a hand card, which is from Athena's special ability: God's skill!

Fanglin Rock this time the gods were also very unique, and three of them were manufactured directly in the scene:

This illusion is very poor, there is no attack power, and there is a significant flaw in the shape, just like the difference between plastic models and live people.

However, they used to flicker these spider porters, and the fiction of the illusion immediately triggered the rest of the enemy, grabbed this opportunity, Fanglin Rock plus the embers of vultures and three people jointly and directly hit a spider. Shape porter.

The next step is to divide a single kill, and finally four spider porters are also very powerful dropped three blue keys, Fanglin Rock and vultures started seven thousand universal points and two mysterious cores.

Among this battle, Rubber, who was inserted, was injured, so Fanglin Yan also dismantled some parts of the spider porter or armor to repair it. Of course, the repair of the restoration looks Some stupids have twisted.

After finishing these things, the vulture was a little worried about it outside:

"What should I do if this enemy dispatches eight spider porters? I feel that four we have had some tired of running."

Fanglin Rock Road:

"Then there is no way, see how much help can be provided here, if you can't do it, then use the guerrilla war, and go."

"Annectaneous glutinous wheel has replaced Nordannn, will control the outer conversion area, if they dare to pursue, then take the security facilities inside the Eden to deal with them."


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