The First Evolution

Chapter 154 Ouaro

This is also the main reason why it is the result of a flat stroke valve will be stacked in the warehouse.

However, Marcus can't think of it. At this time, there is a guy from the ectopic face, and it's a bit of a little bit of start challenge this technology!

At this time, Fanglin Rock has four advantages compared to those engineers.

First, he has the power of the light wheel.

Second, he has metamorphosis talent of metal tactile, of course, it also has outstanding ability in mechanical aspects.

Third, he got a lot of advanced knowledge in the adventures of the Star Interchange, and the military also provided him with a lot of practice opportunities.

Fourth, he does not need to make a normal high-microphone shaft, which can temporarily top, and you can stick to the top for more than half a day.

Therefore, Fanglin Rock thought for a while, I felt still no problem.

When Fanglin Yan is busy studying the high microphone shaft, the vultures have been assembled by the dust-free stroke valve parts with the help of the glitbell.

At the same time, the gluten is also the process of the processed of the three high micropile shafts. When Fanglin Rock research is completed, it will be directly connected, and Fanglin Rock has not delayed too much time, and the frowning studied the drawing after a while. .....


After half an hour, Fanglin Rock and vultures took the elevator left the thermal aggregation station and rereaded on the ground.

At this time, their goal is to rush to the Omi and others, because the goat has discovered the whereabouts of the earthquake.

Not only that, goats are very urgent to urge Fanglin Rock past. This is not because the earthquake is about to run, but because people who are siege look strong, I am afraid that I can't miss a cup.

To be honest, this snake attack is really unprecedented, and there is really a little snake, the kind of roller, the bush is in the bush, and it will be directly fatal!

After the two came out of the elevator, the scene came to the face to suck a cold breath, because at this time, it was seen that the Eden was regarded as the foundation of the foundation, and there was a lot of burn directly. Get up!

That kind of flame tumbling scene, even like a half sky, burning in a raging. Not only that, those blue white laboratory that makes the prosperous, majestic and large, is also involved in the black smoke and war, and even begun to collapse.

Not only that, but the air has a dish-shaped aircraft, and the laboratory is pondfuling.

At this time, the two came from the goat. They came over. When they were close to a world giant tree, Fanglin Yan was blocked, because he can feel that the boulder in the private space seems to be What is right to resonate.

Just when he intended to make a clear, the ear suddenly came into a scorpion.

Fang Lin Yan looked up, and suddenly saw a "end of the army. Change" as if a hitted baseball, from the half-empty space outside the front of them.

Also dragged and drag the long black smoke, then slammed into the small lake next to it, splashing the sky water.

At this time, the vulture suddenly gone.

"This battle armor is really very powerful."

Because in the previous scene, this endless arm is in accordance with the original flight trajectory. The final will finally hit a hard cement floor in front, then or quit, or directly combustible explosion.

However, within two seconds before the landing, the vultures noted the back of the armor. After the thighs, four small holes were opened, and then sprayed out from the light blue flame, and grew half of the meter.

It is precisely because of the four small holes in the tail flame, which makes this armor to change the direction of the flight. He tied into the small lake next to it, and the flame on the body turned off immediately, but also perfect. Avoid the fate of impact ground disintegration.

Fang Lin Yan saw the dramatic lake water. I actually floated the two heads that were screaming. The sneaked scales were shine under the bleak warm yellow sun, and they actually made a touch of color, then slipped into the water to start attack. The end of the world.

Not only that, the earth is slightly shocked, and the enemy that fights with the end of the battle is also showing, and it is a high up to two floors, which is full of muscles.

The jewelry hanging on his body, filled with the style of Crete culture, holding a huge metal war ax in his hand, has a huge eye pattern on the surface of the war.

Of course, this bullman is not hurt, and there is only a black hole in the left side. It is a thick plasma, and the arm is also uniform, revealing the flesh and blood blur. ,

However, a few wins that can be seen everywhere is around the wound, there is a wings that have a small creative of the red red, which is holding a golden apple, which looks quite tasty.

The rest of the small elf is to the side of the golden apple, bite the flesh of the golden apple with a small mouth, and then apply it as a healing medicine.

However, in the underwater, the mermaid that attacks the end of the world will soon be killed. The sharp Gao Zhou Wongjian cut their body directly into a broken block, and the small lake was red.

But just have this point, the Niu Hou people have brought loudly, and he raised his own war ax!

It can be seen that the eyeball pattern of the war ax begins to shine, quickly immediately open his eyes, spraying a red light, direct life, the army!

Wherever the red light, even the lake water is turning out in an instant, showing an amazing cavity.

When the end of the fate, I can see the red rays that have begun to reveal about the faint gap in their gaps, and then instantly swell like blowing the ball, and finally exploded.

This bullman saw the heavy enemy. When the wild haunted, he flew down, and he flew down a maternal body. He said that he was screaming, and the sound was very scream.

Then, I saw the grouting roar next to the engine, and then two cross-country jelets slammed out from the bushes, and put it into the Garden of the Eden.

The two cross-country jeep is showing that the two missiles are flying out, and they can only be fried in the surface of the bullge, and the bull man is surrounded by flames and smoke, but that furious roaring sound. Still angry.

After a few seconds, the beeman still walked out step by step, but his body table actually had a big group of scars.

Then use the scar as the core, and the flesh has a significant strange dissolution, just like wax oil encounters high temperatures!

Just get out of ten meters, the skin and muscles of the whole bullman began to be quickly liquefied, and then the huge body directly chemically forms a viscous rubber, and directly crashed! Only the skeleton whirls shining with metal rays are still walking, leaving the monuments of mucus and gums behind.

However, when the ligaments connected to the bones, the ligaments connected to the bones are dissolved, the Niuhe's metal bones are also difficult to support, mutual maintenance, and finally collapse, and cultivate parts.

One of the pieces of the face is also in front of Fanglin Rock, and its material is like a bone, and a few pieces of copper. He recognizes it very easy, this stuff should be part of the knee .....

The vultures have given the face, and found that there is a lot of nose-in-one mucus, and then feel that the temperature above is very hot, so he hurriedly lost.

"It's unbelievable. What missile is that missile, can you directly try this monster?"

Fanglin Rock Road:

"It should be filled with genetic toxins in that missile, directly injecting this cattle mobody, see this monster's appearance, should be directly generated."

"Weird, this is impossible, like genetic toxins that can be targeted to hurt the bulls, how can I fall into the person of the tonic tissue?"

At this time, in order to avoid the friendly injury, Fanglin Rock, of course, has activated the badge sent by the snake, which can send the enemy to identify the signal to avoid inadvertent consumption.

So, a jeep came directly to the two, another Jeep actually began to be rapidly deformed, became a very rough machine armor, and struggled under the manipulation inside. In the lake, it should be to see the end of the explosion, no survivors have left the survivor -------- Of course, this may be almost zero.


Recommend a friend to have a book, very exciting.

"Gao Yang"


"Have you heard of it?"

"Everything is the end of God, and the god is finally destined?"

"The glory of the country is on the scene, and it will be bitten."

"I have listened to people speaking many truths.

But in the end, I still feel that I have the most reasonable. "

Slightly with infinite streaming elements.


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