The First Evolution

Chapter 158 Body = Equipment

So, after the earthquake was smashed, the body was obviously stiff in half empty, and that the knee and slammed off the correct goal, the top of the top is on the column next to it.

This almost two people can take the pillars to huddle, and they are directly smashed when they are on the top of the earthquake knee, and a pit of the size of the foot basin.

Not only that, the beautiful black marble decoration has been broken, and there is a lot of broken concrete "" "dropped, but also revealing a steel bar with twisted deformation.

It is probably because the earthquake is too strong, so it has a clear variant on the right knee on the right side of the column, and the beige suit is tattered directly in the knee. It has exposed the artificial joints created by the following steel.

At this time, Fanglin Yan also took the time to see the battle record, and suddenly didn't know how to frighten her, so it was displayed above, and his own ganglunnited only caused 8 + 14 o'clock in the earthquake!

The front 8 points are the actual injuries caused by the flanks, and 14 o'clock in the back is the actual injury caused by feedback.

You must know that Fanglin Rock is at least 38 points of harm at this time! And the earthquake is still a plot, there is no 50% reduction in PVP, how can this be cut to only 8 points?

It took care of it, and the gap is directly cut by a passive ability called "Energy System Attack Protection System". In this case, 38 hurts will only have 11 o'clock.

Then, the defensive force reduction of the earthquake was deducted 2 points.

According to Fanglin Rock, it is probably because most of the civil war between metal machinery is dominated by energy weapon attacks, and the power is very large, so the earthquake deliberately protects the powerful attack means of this hypothetical enemy.

The benefit is that the damage of the earthquake is very low for feedback, and it is probably about 15%.

One thought and this, Fanglin Yan suddenly felt that this seems to be hit.


After the wolf fell, after the earthquake, the earthquake stood again. When I wanted to start the attack on the end of the end, I sent his eyes straight to his eyes, so he only Can reach a hand and let it move again.

After striving for so much time, the end of the end of being played almost crafted, finally recovered, one hand covered his throat, and another hand supported the ground.

Next ....... I actually spray two long blue flames, and then throw away Fanglin Rock, they escape! !

Such a hoe, Suddenly, the three people are stupid! I knew that this kind of thing is not as good as I sat down this guy. I was killed by the earthquake.

We have witnested his prey to escape, and the earthquake turned to the Fanglin Rock. All the red electronic eyes were all mood, and the mechanical tits were sent from his chest:

"Low-level stupid creatures ......."

Fanglin Rock suddenly suddenly said:

"I know a big secret, you hide your treasure in the perfusion yard!"

Inside the earthquake red-red electronic eye, it suddenly appeared an emotion that can be called anger, and then a word:

"what did you say!"

Just like the earthquake, Ruberts have suddenly slammed out, bitten in his right knees!

However, the reaction of the earthquake is also quite fast, and I grabbed the neck of Ruberts, and I pulled it down and took it next to it.

But at this time, the embers in the half-empty space have entered the battle state, and the crow turned from the crow into a flaming flamingo, and the mouth was sprayed out of the earthquake!

This flame flew in half empty, quickly formed a feathered shape, then nail directly on the right knee of the earthquake.

After this hit, I immediately saw the right knee bear burned on the right side of the earthquake. Also accompanied by explosion, not only this, but also see that the flame is quickly spread, spread it to the whole body of the earthquake. .

This is the active skill after the Austrian embers enters the combat form: fire feathers!

Although the power of this trick is not large, only 20 hurts, but there is a characteristic, it is possible to directly reduce the most defensive power of the enemy. 33%.

However, the drawback of this trick is also obvious, that is, the CD time is 12 hours, so be sure to use on the blade.

What is even more shocked by Fang Ran, there has been three damage numbers on the battle record: 5 + 722 + 14? ! !

Fang Linyan suddenly shocked, it was clear that 5 o'clock in front of the fire feather shooting, it is necessary to be because this hit is a flame damage, so it is summarized into the energy damage, so it was "energy system attack protection system" The passive ability is weakened, which is not unfortunate.

At 14 o'clock, it is the actual injury caused by feedback, and feedback is also successfully cut off the other 32 points.

However, that 722 hurt ........ What is the ghost?

Between the heart, Fang Lin Yan suddenly wake up ...

Obviously, this is the damage caused by fire shooting! !

Because for the earthquake, this guy is a mechanical metal life. For him, this body is just to cover people's eyes and human beings!

In his heart, this body is like a car, submersible, and machine, but it is just a tool, so it is not unpleasant to be equipped.

what? Cars are not equipped, then look at their brands, if it is Mili Hong light, it is possible, but a Lamborghini sports car is obviously a equipment that makes the owner's charm value + 39 points?

After this hit, the right leg of the earthquake has obviously appeared in black smoke, and the walk is also getting angry, obviously begins to affect the legacy of the leg.

At this time, Fanglin Ryna has a decisive attack, and directly in front of the earthquake.

I saw that Fanglin Rock, "humble antity" actually dare to refund, and the earthquake is clear, and I don't say it is a foot.

However, his Belver's skill in the eyes of Fanglin Rock also felt a general, at least did not reach the role of Lin Yan's foundation Toolee LV10 could not be able to avoid it.

Next, after the two moves, after the two moves, the earthquake suddenly bodied, as if lost the focus, Fang Lin Ran is to pursue the trend, and suddenly I remembered the power of the stunning punch before this guy.

Not only that, Fanglin Yan noticed that the earthquake has been in the right box, but it has been lighter, but it is not fine. In this case, he immediately thought of the front of the army and Max. The horrible, very simply reversed two steps.

As a result, he saw Fanglin Rock, and the earthquake was re-resumed in the whole place, and the goat and vultures were not idle. They kept the distance attack.

This kind of entangle is obviously the earthquake, after all, as long as Fang Lin Yan can take his words, then the whole four hits (Austrian embers have reached the ordinary state), but not only, feedback this ability is still in stopping consumption Its energy.

However, Fanglin Rock found that his own gratitude glare effectively began to weakened the earthquake. It was originally dizzy for 1.5 seconds, but the second time dizzy is directly halved. , The third time is then halved.

When the last Fanglin Yin Yixiang fell, he could only let the other party hysterested, and the top is mostly dizzy for 0.2 seconds! It has not continued to weaken, and it should be that this passive ability to earthquake is weakened and the bottom line.

It is probably the earthquake. Lin Yan has never been proper, so this guy is also a violent attack, and the speed increased!

Fang Linyan flashed his straight punch. The cold did not prevent this guy was a bit of knees, and the speed of the knee hug suddenly accelerated. Fanglin Rock can only reach out of the hands, and this top power will bear it. .

But his whole person is also topped from the autonomous, and the earthquake caught this opportunity, and he did not say straight to the box and continued to press it.

Fanglin Rock put his head, the guy's fist wiped his nose slipped over, and he was ignored to the wall next to it. The original light and bright wall suddenly slammed the loudness, directly depressed, concrete inside Bad blocks are directly dropped, and smog is diffused.

But after the earthquake, his shot and the speed of the return increased sharply. Fanglin Rock could not find the opportunity to fight against him, and he only continued to be pressed very hard under his serial attack.

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