Name: Protection (Near Neighboring) Machine Oil

Quality: black

Material: Capanearbon and chain alkane

Note: This is another value-valuable thing found on the body of the earthquake. There is no doubt that it does not have to enter the rest of the mechanical organism to play, so you can only send other use farms.

Use: Spray it on the rest of the object, will be doubled by the fire of the object to the object! You can also fill in the empty bomb, making it more convenient after hitting the enemy.

Remaining number: 3 times


Some things that have emerged are debris, almost sold directly to the store, and don't have to say, probably value is quite high, can reach 10,000 general points.

For this key, it is not high, and Fanglin Rock and others are also understood.

If you don't have to say the earthquake, you will have a lot of external forces.

Even even the drowning PMus is also because this guy has suffered a seismic (conscious) interference when fighting! If it is strict, PMS's strength is estimated to have only played eight parts.

And for Fanglin Rock, the real big head is that only the special task rewards he will receive: the fragment of the steel fire source is also a long-awaited thing, and even says that the dream of several adventure world is not For over! !

So let Oimi chooses to add her losses.

First of all, Omi will take the "white dwarf" nerve nodules, and then she has already discounted her unexpectedly, and she is agreed.

To be honest, although the charm value of this thing is adding an amazing, the negative effect is also uncomfortable. In case, it is not a minute to live in a minute.

Fang Lin Yan can think of it, it is possible to use it at any time, then I will find a way to eliminate it, or have a large supplement of the cursed equipment or skills.

However, since Omei chooses to leave, then the three people have almost no discussions, let the vultures take the "earthquake drive shaft", which is gathered.

This thing that is insured oil is directly thrown to the goat, and only his longitudinal fire is used.

As for the general point of selling the debris, everyone is half a minute.

After a hurry, Fang Linyan has discussed someone to make Ke Ni to send two cars. In addition to Max, a man begins to move.

Omei team, coupled with vultures and goats to the other side of the island, joining the group of mucos,

According to Fanglin Rock and Omei two, although there is no clear reminder, joining the attack of Marcus will inevitably enhance the completion of this task.

Fortunately, they have been prepared for more than one, and the tonic homes are also supported here, so although the vultures and goats have been hurt, but they can also recover a seven seven eight eight.

I remember not to rush the first line when fighting, I lost a fireball, how can I mix the task completion.

Fang Lin Yan is to act alone. He now has three things to do,

The first thing is the most important thing, it is to go to the thermal energy aggregation station, make sure that the rear hand arranged before they can start smoothly. After all, when I entered the thermal energy aggregation station, it was with the light wheel / or PM.

This guy later revealed that it was directly jumped directly, then it was difficult to say that it did something hand.

Not only that, in the previous adventure, Fanglin Rock found a big doubt in this, but at the time, because the light rambles were also present, and this guy was obviously with himself.

Therefore, Fanglin Rock put this thing in the bottom of the heart, at this time, there is only free, then naturally it is going to see.

The second thing, that is, before Fanglin Rock worshiped Omi, I would like to have a free to get myself.

But actually Omei just plays a good Maxi, the situation here is sharply deteriorated! So she certainly didn't go, now I am leisure, then I have to get it.

The third thing is that on the way from the thermal aggregation station to the variant labore laboratory, it will pass a huge world giant tree. Fanglin Rock is always interested in this thing.

Because he had got a giant tree in Lang Brah, it is very close to him.

Fanglin Rock has an intuition, this huge tree is a certain relationship with the world's giant tree, so go to the road.

At this time, the time is urgent, and a man is quickly divided into it again. On the way to the thermal energy aggregation station, Fanglin Rock began to see another thing just started.

Props: Summit Stone in PMus.

When he holds the props: When PMs's soul stone, suddenly felt that the eyes were dark, then actually found that his soul seems to be detached, looking at the scene below by bystanders.

This makes Fanglin Rock among it, but suddenly I found that this situation is not stranger.

In the world, I got the dark gold props: similar scenes have also appeared when the Ashes of Salna.

Then you can see it, your own perspective is gradually taken away, look carefully, the entire environment is quite familiar, it is in the Underground Lake in the Veronica Lab?

At this time, the underground lake has dried up, no sparkling scene, a large group of armed staff and mutual monsters are siege on the wreckage of Pimas.

However, the two artificial intelligence around PMAs were still in the past, so it was still constantly manufacturing mechanical spiders to resist.

The lens quickly extends forward. The picture in front of Fanglin Rock's eyes also quickly entered Pamas, and successfully stayed in a place after passing through multiple channels.

Here, Fanglin Rock is equally familiar, is a metal room in Pamas, in the 811 world, eight researchers sent by the Blood umbrella, ran in five monsters, and then released the rust drone The Veronica laboratory directly gave it directly.

The space that appears in front of Fanglin Rock, but it is very different from before.

It can be seen that the top of this metal room has actually extended a coarse pipe, which hangs a plurality of concurrent fibers in a plurality of concurrent lines, and there is a hand-shaped thick, still slightly shaking.

If you change to others, you may have a mist, but Fangliny is a person who enters Pusas's core area. I used this group of stunning and maintained a heart! So I saw it at a glance, this pipeline is similar to Mercance of PMs.

It can then be seen that this pipeline has spread out several strats, and finally connected to a platform in the center of the room, but also continuously, it seems to be full of energy.

At the top of the platform, there is a vessel similar to the tray, and the arterial blood vessels of PMs are supplied to this tray.

Above the tray, Fanglin Rock saw something special as especially familiar.

Yes, that is the rusty parasite!

The rust drone that is only saved from the liquid nitrogen liquid from the liquid nitrogen liquid ----- the body of the light wheel!

When I saw this scene, Fang Lin Yan suddenly understood that it should be that PMS succulently, there is a poisonous injury, and there is a strong enemy, which is a no-folded internal affair.

At this time, he will only be born, and it can only be killed, and his soul, or the code is injected into a rusty parasite.

At this time, the scene present, let Fanglin's eyes stare at the scene inside the room, because he has a very critical question in his heart:

That is where PMA is can occupying the loss of the remaining mechanical life?

Initially, he thought this was just a simple copy paste technique used when digital life.

Similar to the orange pear. MP4 () from the E: hidden folder (Engels Complete Works),

Then paste it to the i: mobile hard disk.

But after chatting with Omi, I deeply realized that this is definitely not so easy, it is something that involves the level of the soul, it is not easy to be more difficult than the other body.

According to the information of Omi, the rest of the mechanical metal life, there is hardly to master this special ability.

So this scene appeared in front of him, you should solve questions in Fanglin Rock! !


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