The First Evolution

Chapter 172 is looking for a secret

After coming here, Fanglin Yan looked around and began to look at it carefully.

What is he looking for?

Steel fire sides! !

Yes, Fanglin Rock is very suspected of being hidden in hiding a piece of steel fire sources! !

This is the reason, or you have to see the machine from the Kuantan, and you can escape.

At that time, the rest of the people were still awkward, but Fanglin Rock immediately felt wrong.

Because artificial intelligence this thing, it is just artificial creation, before the underlying order set by humans, artificial intelligence is no way.

For the Eagle Machinery Metal Life Earthquake, artificial intelligence Kakitan is just a random program code, which is not something that is not, but the filling workshop is like a printing machine.

The components in the earthquake in the earthquake have a significant gap, and the filling workshop is more than one hundred times more than artificial intelligence Kuitat.

In this case, the earthquake will definitely ask the artificial intelligent Kugan to keep the filling workshop at any time.

Just like the capitalist will ask the social animals who have employed to protect their own important industries.

As for the life and death of the social animal ....... What is it?

However, Kugang is critical to the full fall of the filling shop, but it is directly escaped! !

This is obviously not big.

Its normal operation should be crazy to have a wave of suicide attacks.

Not only that, Fanglin Rock has thought of the previous Kuotan's words and deeds, and it was obviously an emotion of anger, violent, and so on.

If it is an ordinary person, then it is certainly unusually unusual place.

However, Fanglin Yan is a person who has been in contact with the passenger intelligence and digital life of the glitbell (true), small Mors, PMs, Husky, and has a wealth of experience, so he will quickly judge it. It is not good to make an evolution of the artificial intelligence Kkotan, which has become a digital life.

This allows it to generate fear when it is critical, and can defy the highest permission command written by the manufacturer.

Of course, there is therefore humanity, an emotion of violent, anger, etc.

Ordinary artificial AI, there is no feelings, even if there is feelings, it is also a feeling of camouflage.

With the above doubts, Fanglin Rock has conducted a clever test in the same time when fighting with the earthquake.

He said directly to the earthquake, I know a secret, you hide your treasure in the infusion yard.

Then I deliberately observe the reaction of the earthquake, if my guess is wrong, then the earthquake will definitely be a nonsense, and the emotions that come out are monso, or contemptuous.

However, Fanglin Rock said that after this sentence, the emotions exposed by the earthquake were angry.

This is very explanatory.

Then the problem is here, how is this artificial intelligence transformation?

As Fang Lin Yan currently knows, there is only two ways:

One is like PMS in the world of 811, because of the special reasons because of special reasons, it is unique to the unique energy of metal life.

These bullying energy can even be considered as radiation, the source of pollution variants, long, release, not only artificial intelligence will be affected, even fish, shrimp, crab, etc., will become semi-metallization.

Another type is also the most common, that is, steel fire sources.

Therefore, Fanglin Ran's chapter is suspected that the artificial intelligence Kakitan has been radiated by the steel fire source fragment, which in turn has obtained a higher level of life, which is the reason why he ran here.

After looking for a while, Fanglin Rock suddenly thought of a good way. He directly allowed the embers of Olympics into the shadow penetration state.

In this form, the Austrian embers are equivalent to form a shadow organism. It is an indestructible high wall that can be considered an almost objective, and it can temporarily obtain certain strange perspective capabilities after wearing the wall, and the surrounding address structure It is clear.

Then Fanglin Rock wore the embers in the room in the wall of the room, the result will soon discover that there is an approximately one cubic empty hole in the floor under his feet.

This discovery will make Fanglin Rock spirit, did not say, directly!

On the dismantling of the demolition, the buddies are afraid?

After the next cement layer almost twenty cm thick, Fanglin Rock found that the following is really a safe, and the firing is in the same way.

Under normal circumstances, it should be the door of the safe. There should be a pull handle, then next to the lock, or the input password.

However, at this time, there is something in front of Fanglin Rock. It looks like a mirror. It will brush a light blue light and then ......

Obviously, Fanglin Rock is also dumbfounded, is this stuff? What should I open?

Fanglin Rock also tried, let the embers of Austrian drill into it, find that this safe is a mysterious object with a rice size.

However, Austrian embers can enter, but there is no way to pick up things. It takes the things into the shadow of the shadow. The stuff is directly dropped, still in the safe.

In the end, it is still the talents of Fanglin Rock. Fanglin Rock knocked on the floor next to it, and found that the side of the safe is made of metal.

In this case, Fang Lin Yan suddenly lit up, and his mouth exposed, and the whole thing returned to the familiar track of Fanglin Rock.

Then Fanglin Rock chooses not to take ordinary road, exploding the chrysanthemum of this safe, and dig it from the bottom directly.

Of course, this period triggered alert countless time.

If the earthquake is alive, or the K K Kok is still under normal circumstances, it is estimated that he has already rushed in the Fanglin Rock wheel one hundred times, but now the situation can only use a line to describe the situation of the safe:

"If you call the broken throat, no one will save you!"

It is worth mentioning that in fact, the purpose of the earthquake setting this safe is not to prevent humanity! The most anti-object first is Kuotan, then the sound wave!

I didn't expect someone to take a violent direct demolition, which is the root cause of Fanglin Ryna.

Finally, Fanglin Rock got a piece of rice size, this thing looked at a little gray, put it in your hand, look at it, look at it carefully, there is still the same texture, which seems to be secretly numb, it looks at any time. Slightly symptomatic.

Fang Linqi tried to use the investigation, the result is less than a second to investigate the results, and then only give the face only 1000 universal points, and see what big road in the heart of Fanglin Rock heart.

As a result, I saw it, and there was only one sentence in the specific content:

Mysterious sheet

Attributes:? ? ?

This allows Fanglin Rock directly over the eyes, then put it in private space, then turn it.

After leaving the thermal energy aggregation station, Fanglin Rock then rushed to the nearest world giant tree.

With the approach of Fanglin Rare, it is more than the high-rise. When he came to the giant tree, there is even a "this giant tree in supporting the heavens and the earth".

At this time, Fanglin Rock will put it out of the giant tree in the private space, and I have a feeling of feelings. This guy has led a long tenture, and it is called.

Fanglinyi can feel in the middle of the world, seems to have anything to resonate.

And below the world's giant tree, there are several necessities that there is an inevitable building, and these buildings are mainly two:

First, it is to transport the treated domestic garbage to the root of the giant tree for its absorption.

Second, it is responsible for cutting enough branches from the world's giant tree, and the use of these leaves is vastly, in addition to being a feed to feed insects, it is also possible to paper.

According to the situation you have learned before Fanglin Rock, they are divided into 30 regions of the entire world's giant tree.

For example, the No. 1 of each month will go to the A District to trim, go to the A2 area ....... If this is, the branches of the world's giant tree have enough chances of recuperating, will not be over-developed.

There is no doubt that in these buildings are also chaotic, no one will pay attention to the birth of Fanglin Rock.

When he came to the rear platform, you can see that there is at least one hundred dragonfly atmosphere, and this thing is the carrier of workers' partitioned branches.

Fang Lin Yan walked forward to touch, I found that this type of aircraft actually uses mechanical locking methods, so his finger touchs, metal tactile directly, and unclear.


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