The First Evolution

Chapter 178 SSS is again

Soon, Omei shared this trophy property.

Name: Silver Cup

Tset: Silver plot

Note: This is a well-created prize, which is issued to the warriors who struggle through their own efforts, exhausted for the goals, but at least you have worked hard, the runner-up is equally glorious.

Use: This item can be improved to your current task evaluation, making your task completion becomes higher.

After seeing this item, Fanglin Rock said:

"Do you feel it?"

Omei nodes:

"Yes, our hidden main line task is actually not too perfect, even if it is double S is also difficult to get."

Fang Lin Yan sighed a mouthful:

"This is also something wrong, this is a hidden main line task, the difficulty is normal."

"To be honest, we can complete the main line objectives and branch targets have been very reluctant. Everyone has tried their best, and they can't die for the task of the whole team.

Speaking here, Fang Lin Yan sewed his eyes and thought about it, then very seriously:

"At this time, we didn't commit a fatal fault in the mission of the Eden, and said that the truth is very lucky, so even the sacrifice is absolutely ..... Never change."


"You are right, then you said, do I want to use this trophy?"

Fanglin Ran is somewhat a little later:

"I am hard to judge, because I don't know how much the completion of this thing can increase."

"According to my estimation, our current task is really a point, but there is no point to SS."

"There is a big possibility that after you use it, the increased completion does not upgrade our task completion to the point of SS, then waste."

But at this time, Max is very simply:

"Use, Omi, Eight thousand universal points, the opportunity to fight the SSS, not more, not to hide the main line task?"

"Don't hesitate, drag it, don't worry, I don't have the opportunity!"

There is no doubt that Max is directly equivalent to a one-hammer sound! Oimi nodded, the eyes became firm, and this silver trophy was used directly.

Suddenly, everyone who receives the task has gained a prompt:

"Contractor Omi uses the winning cup (silver), you currently have tasks: revenge completion degree increases."

"However, because the task of revenge is: hidden main line tasks, difficulty is very difficult, so the improvement of the improvement is only two-thirds of normal conditions."

Seeing this news, everyone is a sinking.

The distance is full of light, but it is a pour in Pulllen in the magma to come into the magma, and it has produced the reaction to blow up! Ordo it is already full of Eden on the snow!

The madness of the explosion produced a strong tsunami, Fanglin Rock, etc., the distance is actually a sea water wall that is up to 780 meters!

A dry man is busy starting to let the yacht turn down, so that the head of the yacht is on the peak of the tsunami.

Then a thrilling shock of the mountain car is like, the yacht is rushing out of ten kilometers, and this is gradually saving.

In this chaotic, a series of information is started on the retina of everyone:

"Core device: Purpery column has been destroyed, you have achieved 35% completion." (This completion is based on hidden task bonus, additional 5%)

"Important Drama: Earthquake has died, you have achieved 45% completion." (This completion is based on hidden task bonus, additional 5%)

"You kill the hidden important plots: PMs, although the importance of this drama is not inferior to the earthquake, but you have not been able to get the relevant information about the force of steel fire sources and UNIs from its mouth, so it can only Determines you get 30% completion. "

"Important Time Node: Marcus died, you did not play a decisive role in its death process, so 15% completion degree."

"The contractor ZB419 completed the limited time milestone that can only be triggered in Eden: Magical insects, so get 5% completion degree."

"You destroy the way the Eden is not a conventional means, but a single way, so get 5% completion degree."

"You have used the cup (silver), so it has achieved 21.5% + 5% completion." (Extra completion is based on hidden task bonus, additional 5%)

"You found great secrets hidden in the earthquake, so I got 10% completion."

"The maximum limit time of the task is ten days. You spend the time for nine days and seven hours. On this project, your performance is in the rules, and you cannot get the completion reward."

"The final completion of this task is: 171.5%."

"Main line hidden task: The revenge is officially completed, you successfully kill important dramas: earthquake, and destroyed Eden, you have changed important drama people PMs and time nodes: Marcus's destiny."

"Task Basic Rating: Excellent (B +), gaining this evaluation Based on this task has hidden features, it is difficult."

"Your task completion has exceeded 100%."

"Your mission completes the evaluation of the first order."

"Task evaluation is: A +"

"Your task completion is 171.5%."

"Excessive completion of the task completion degree 71.5% is calculated as the evaluation."

"Your mission completes the evaluation of the first order."

"Task evaluation is increased to S!"

"You excessively completed the completion of the task completion of 71.5%, more than 60% of the enhanced threshold, and has enough excavation expansion of the content and background of the task, so your task completion is additionally improved."

"Your mission evaluation is increased to SS."

"When you enter this world, I have encountered some unpredictable incidents, directly leading to the difficulty of entering this world, and your world has automatically rising all tasks."

"Your mission evaluation is increased to: sss !!!"


Looking at this comment, Omi's long spit out of a breath, helping the forehead directly, got a few steps, then sitting on the ground without any image, very tired sigh.

"Finally ... it is not easy!"


The seriously injured Mason is loud and loud:

"Hahahaha! SSS! Three s ah! Or hide the main line task!"

When it comes to, Mcis is also a feeling of emotion, and the voice gradually sinks, and there is a crystal yokery in the scorpion:

"I really didn't expect it. After entering this world, I originally thought it was Waterloo. I can barely save life. I didn't expect to have such a turn ......."

Compared with the loss of their two, Fanglin Yan is to calm down. Because the world has already got SSS, some things will certainly be very excited, but have experienced it. I will find that I am happy, but it is so big.

Next, Shoulin Rock's retina continues to start pop-up tips:

"Contractors ZB419, according to your previous relationship with the story of this world, the relationship is generated, in this hidden task main line reward, you will get additional reward options."

After this prompt, Fanglin Rock is also looking forward to the eyes, because the next thing is the most exciting moment!

SSS rewards are always so exciting, it is full of expectations, not to hide the main line task reward?

"Contractors ZB419, you hide the main line task: Revenge Successfully acquired the ultimate evaluation of SSS, you will get the following base reward."

"You successfully received general points: 51450 points."

"You successfully got a reward: full attribute +2."

"You successfully got a reward: potential points +6."

These rewards are in the expectations of Fanglin Rock, and the next thing will be popped up is what you don't forget!

"Below, start the special reward option for this task."

A: Ultimate Secret: Select this project, you will get the specific information of PMus hidden steel fire stem fragment, and your stay in this world can be extended for 24 hours, after which you stay, you need to pay 5000 General point.

B: Certificate of Friendship (Golden): The pigeon metal life has been known for your place, and expressed appreciation for your behavior. In order to thank you for paying and hard work, they decided to give you this rare gift.

Use: The certificate of friendship (golden) will disappear, but the pigeon metal life will follow its position to open the wormhole to drive to you, you will get a powerful mechanical metal life warrior as a helper.

This mechanical metal life warrior will stay for half an hour, and the time will open the worm hole, during which he will be limited to your command operation.

You can't order your suicide or do it, or slaughter the task of innocent civilians.

C: General Point Carnival, after using this item, you will have an additional 50% of the task universal point rewards in the next world.

D: Microesence generator (anchor Langbra Island), after using this item, you will be able to enter Langbra Island in this world, twenty-four hours, but once left Langbra Island Area, the stay will be shortened to 12 hours.

Select the rule, AB two options, can only select one, and only one of the two options is available.

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