The First Evolution

Chapter 18 finally starts legends

Obviously, the destruction of the Eden has produced strong baubles, directly and here.

The employee town of the distance is originally bright, but most of them are also in a dark, only two or three sights like the miserable light of ghosty eyes.

Fanglin Rock lifted his arm and flew Austrian embers to the air. It went to climb the wings and quickly disappeared in the dark.

However, the things that the Austrian embers, but they directly appeared directly below the waters of Fanglin Rock. In addition to the dark, it is still black ...

Fanglin Rock is like this seems to be expected, whispered:

"Enter the night view mode."

A large part of the Austrian embers is from the upper Star World, which of course also includes night vision.

After this mode is turned on, the outline of this huge underground world is now in front of Fanglin Rock.

[Reading Welfare] Pay attention to the public. No. [Book Friends Camp], read the book to pick up the cash / in 200 daily!

The background is a well-gray tone, the rest of the details, the texture of the rock, the texture of the rock, slight crack, dry lake ... One of the eyes of Fanglin Rock one by one.

"Finally I find you!"

Fanglinyan spoken this sentence with sighs.

At this time, the embers of Ao have gone in the half-air, until it approached 20 meters, only found a half-secret table tennis size, if not Watch, you can't see it.

Yes, this is that Fanglin Rock is bitterly pursued in two worlds, worked hard, and paid a huge consideration of steel fire sources! !

There is a way to break the iron shoes, there is no effort, and Fanglin Rock came in and came out, but it was absolutely not to see what he dreamed of, in fact, it was close to it, the linear distance of both parties Will exceed 500 meters!

At that time, PMs was very simple to the light tape, and there were only two conditions in strict.

First, the place where the steel fire source fragment is placed.

The second, the less the metal around it.

Therefore, the gluten is three considerations, repeatedly weighing, and the place to hide the steel fire sources is selected in the air.

It first waited for the holy box that was about to fail, but re-produced a special container.

This container is applied to two devices. The first technology is optically invisible, and the second technique is anti-gravity technology.

The first technology can make this container even if it is in normal light, if you don't pay attention, you can't distinguish it. Don't say it is absolutely dark underground world.

The second anti-gravity technology is that it is already mature for mechanical metal life. Even if the weight reaches a thousand tons of metal life, it is also easy to suspend flights at the gravity of the earth, not to say a table tennis size. container?

The light wheel is very easy to measure, from the lake of the underground lake, the height of the upper dome is 338.6 meters, so it chooses to hide the steel fire sources in the top of the Pushes heart, 308.6 meters below the ground. The place.

In this case, even if the steel fire sources are not isolated, the powerful life radiation can only vain against air radiation.

As for the manufacture of optical invasive camouflage techniques and anti-gravity technology, metal is of course used.

However, these metals will be manufactured directly from the parts of PM, they have been activated, thus producing PMs. The live radiation of the steel fire stems can be strong, but it is also invalid for the metal that has been activated.

Such features are some proverbs that are similar to that of Western:

You can't take death to threaten a body.


Under the effort of Austrian embers, the container that was carefully manufactured by the light wheel was directly held by Fanglinyan.

This stuff looks like a half-transparent table tennis. If you take it in your hand, you can find that the weight is also much easier than Fanglin Rock.

Fanglin Rock tried released his hand. I found that it immediately began to float in the sky. The floating speed is even slower than the hydrogen balloon. If there is no blocking, you can imagine it will rise again to 308.6 Rice air, leaving you.

After Fang Linyan scored, the talents of the talents immediately began to play, and the structure of this stuff was clearly clear:

"Well, it turned out to use the power of the Earth's magnetic field to reach the effect of the empty suspension, this design almost won't cost any energy ...

"The paste is really a genius. He is not less than 530 years, I can see at least seven hundred years!"

"Well, this structure circuit is very exciting, I recorded, and I used it to improve the mechanical fear heart."


After staying in the same place, Fang Lin Ran came back to God, then very simply opened the cover of the container, revealing the mystery of the thing inside!

Before Fanglin Rock was read in the "semi-neurotament" of PMs, he read his related memory, and also saw the steel fire source fragment.

This place only refers to the size of the sizes, showing dark black, the surface has a strange texture similar to the gear, as if the like is like a star chart.

At this time, Fang Lin Ran got the hand in his hand, and found that his touch was like a rubber piece, but the weight was more than this.

And very strange is that there is a slight blow in the finger, just like this stuff has your own life, breathing.

Fang Linqi couldn't help but have a bold idea. That is, this steel fire source fragment, is there possible to be a living organism?

It may be like a plant, the body is very weak, usually rely on light energy, magnetic field, microwave, gravitational, and even some universe energy that has not been discovered as food, then its excrement ....... is the life Radiation energy?

A series of information appears in front of Fanglin Rock:

Steel fire sources (8 units) (small block)

Origin: unknown

Props righteousness: Legend

Material: Sarna's life crystallization, Kair Silver, Devil, condensation coma

Weight: 4 grams

Correspondence: This is one of the most mysterious substances among the universe. It is said that it is more attractive to the remaining creatures in addition to the almost interested in high-ethnic Salna. .

It has excellent compatibility and affinity, so it is also a very superior catalyst and substrate.

There is no doubt that even if it is a space to have an amazing demand.

When you bring this item to try to improve your skills, you will get additional special options if the skill is resonating.


Looking at the "Legend of the Legend" above the props, Fanglin Ran's long spit out of a sigh of relief, and he can say that it is finally returned!

Then, Fanglin Rock's retina is also popped up directly:

"Contractors ZB419, you get the SS level unknown": Steel fire sources, if you will sell it, the space can premium to acquire! "

"Ha?" Fanglin Rock or the first time to receive a clear induction tip, try: "How many premises?"

Space is very simply given:

"100 points of success, do you need to sell?"

"..." Fang Linyan took a breath, this price is really not cheap.

However, he got into this thing, of course, is not used to sell, very simply:

"No, I just ask the price."

At this time, Fanglin Rock suddenly felt that the steel fire sources in his hand began to vibrate with some frequency. He stunned, and then found that the small piece of unknown items in private space began to resonate.

Yes, the object found in the filling workshop on the Eden, because it gives artificial intelligence Kuantan life, Fanglin Rock once suspected that it was a steel fire sources, but the appearance was not very similar.

But now, most of them have a very close relationship.

So Fanglin Rock will take it out. When I took out the mysterious object, I found a thing, this stuff actually moved freely in my private space, the energy block that I didn't want to do before. The energy inside sucks half.

So this time this mysterious object surface looks brightly, just like just hit the wax.

Fanglin Rock took this mysterious object, it is like a huge attraction with the steel fire sources, and the two will soon be close to it, and then began to fuse.

However, this fusion process seems quite difficult, because it can be seen that the two are actually a layer of white film on the surface, then fall off, it looks like the snake.

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