The First Evolution

Chapter 182 Supermarket Video

() After the command, Fanglin Rock leaned next to the pool and then started to continue to think of things.

1. Obviously, the first esteem is to find a way to turn our legendary props: the steel fire sources are converted into combat power!

2, the seeds of the giant tree and the trees of the world are unknown, but only the merits of the zone 2 points, selling it meaningless, let it give to the big priest? Looks like Athena and olive trees have thousands of tens of thousands of contacts, let them help me slowly plant.

3. The team has come to the critical point of LV3. If you want to do a way to do the team task, so that it will be upgraded to LV4, so you can get a new team skill.

4, vultures give yourself: Wishing clock can also be used, you can directly upgrade the foundation to LV3, you can just meditate only 7 points of proficiency from the foundation. It is expected to get it quickly.

5, in the world, observe the concept of learning a lot of novel, especially when the filling area faces the spider porter, completely makes their own philosophy have achieved an amazing breakthrough.

Not only that, Fanglin Yan got five "mysterious cores" from the spider porter, and he has made vultures, which is the intelligent core center.

With this stuff, combined with the existing ruminant gold, there is also a meteorite that contains% of Appland metal, Fanglin Rock feels that he is a machine spider that is time to try the real paste.

6. Of course, you will continue to find dark food needs for task, which of course needs a big priest to help.

7. Because of the identification of friendship, there is also the use of victory cups (silver) is the money that Omei is, the key is that everyone also enjoys the relevant benefits, and the cooperation is quite pleasant. So Fanglin Rock actively ranked some compensation for the two.

Give them the skill book of the horror, and then compensate for about 80,000 universal points.

Therefore, now the general point in Fanglin Rock is only 50,000 points left, but the remaining trophy is, there is a silver drama level HK417 combat rifle and double-headed snake tooth - magic rings to goose Sold.

These two things should be almost about 120,000, and Fanglin Rock still remember that there is a loan to be! Although he knows that if you want to maximize your interest, you must wait until the loan has been stubborn.

However, the character of Fanglin Rock is that naturally, I don't like to owe money. I owe money, I feel that it is not comfortable, so I have to be on the first time.

8. Now there is enough general point and potential point, Fanglin Rock decided to try the weapon and upgrade the equipment.

Really don't know, I am scared, Fang Lin Yan still didn't think it was, and after the beginning of the head, I found out that I was so good that my next workload was actually so vast, will Time gives a full of dangling.

This can still be happy with the lathe, parts, and oil! !

One thought and this, Fang Lin Ran is to sigh, and suddenly feel that it is difficult to describe the pain in the legs, and I can't help but make a miserable call!

This is what I didn't know when I didn't know when, two masseuses have come.

One of them is blind, so wearing sunglasses.

Another one is a middle-aged woman who looks very strong.

The forearm of these two people is very large, quite a few points of great savvy style, this time blind has smiled:

"Mr., you will have some pain, but there will be some pain when you start, but it will be fine."

Fang Lin Ran is to roar, saying that you will give me a while, but the Yu Guang, who is angry, suddenly seeing the little sister who first went to the pool to fall red wine, and suddenly think of people asking you, only :

"Light, tap."

But slowly Fanglin Rock felt that with their massage, my body's pain was obviously alleviated.

When I wrapped in a bath towel, I used the essential oil to start back, the two people were very big, and the technique was excellent.

When Fang Linyi, he started to feel rapidly from the muscle part of the pressed, and only feel that the pain on the body was crushed out. After the hot milk next to it, after drinking a bite, they spit a breath, then Close your eyes and sleep directly.


After waking up the next morning, Fanglin Rock is already a spiritual glow. After breakfast, he sat next to the floor to watch the scenery, and suddenly there was a kind of not want to do it, I want to go out.

He is a very powerful person, immediately departing, and after a car, I went to my familiar street alley for an hour.

It is still bustling here:

Coffee-colored fish eggs have taken a white gas in the curry juice, and the road to the side of the road is a bowl of bulls that sprinkle the green onion first, and I have a satisfied sigh.

The refreshing net pig skin with a fresh red white radish, once the night of Fanglin Rock.

Snow-white sausage powder is slippery, as long as you have eaten once, you can't forget it.

The bowl of bowl next to the wings is the mobile phone hall of Xu Shu in the past. His old man is not good, I usually like to eat a bowl of bowls, then give yourself a bite, and the mouth is "big supplement ....."

Looking at these stalls, snacks, snacks, and a bit of time in my heart.

The past is not chasing, Fanglin Rock is suddenly exhausted, not physical, but psychologically.

Then he called a mortar and packed, and walked toward the accommodation not far away.

There is his rental house, although there is no money, but it is full of memories.

For example, that only used a 40-year wrench, the wrench handle even grinded into the pulp, and no one went to the road. However, the opponent Lin Yan said that it is a priceless treasure, because that is the inheritance of Xu Shu.

At that time, before leaving Taicheng, Fanglin Rock directly gave the landlord in the past year, so now he still has no problem.

After opening the room door, a moist smell came, and the furniture did not exceed the second-hand, the wall of the grass, the wall of the grass, started to drop the gray slag, and there were even a lot of spider webs in the roof.. ......

However, Fang Lin Yan feels particularly kind, I feel more comfortable than the Presidential Suite in the hotel.

After erasing the dust on the stool, Fanglin Ran's hand opened the switch of the desktop of the old teeth. He didn't really want to go online, but because the machine did not energize, at least let it Working, otherwise it is easy to damage.

In fact, I haven't boot for so long, even if it is directly blue-screen Fanglin Rock, it is not surprising.

After booting, Fanglin Rock is also bored, just open the grass, ah is wrong, obviously. Results The small program attachment above the browser has a new prompt: You have 5 unread mail.

Fang Lin Yan stunned, then he opened it, he was a person with obsessive-compulsive disorder, and he met this unread red dot. Even if the probability is spam, you have to remove this little red spot. .

As a result ... Sure enough, it is spam!

However, there are only three seals, but it is not, the user who sent the mail is called Xiaolisina .. Shoulin Rock has some doubts to open a one of them. It is very simple to find out that the content is very simple:

"The video has been found, please order."

Seeing this sentence, Fanglin Rock has some misty water, I feel that this email is afraid of being lost? What video is?

Is it wrong?

Then he opened the next email, and found that the same ID was sent, but the content of the message was much longer:

"Dear! You have a lot of costs. We have gave money when you get a recording, we will not be your order."

"Now in order to be your list, our studio is a lot of money, please reply as soon as possible."

After seeing these content, Fang Lin Yan suddenly thought, this is not a mistake.

This xiaolisina .., you should be a small grade that I have contacted in a treasure. I have entrusted them to have been investigated before, one of which is what happened to the cafe in the survey. .

This helper is really quite abilities, got the image inside the cafe, and then successfully made Fanglinyan discovered the secret of evil Zen.

And yourself is to entrust them to have another thing, that is, investigate the video inside the supermarket!

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