The First Evolution

Chapter 6 Departure

Among these ten thousand points, there are hundreds of thousands of points to Fanglin Rock and loan, this three people have already discussed well, regarded as a common expenses of the team.

Then three people left 50,000 points, Fanglin Rock is the captain, holding a big head of 20,000 points, and the rest of the people will be one thousand five.

Then Fanglin Rock is very simply:

"Dear, we have to face two big problems now."


"I also received the news, the next world is a low intensity space battlefield, this is a famous gold branch world!"

The vultures are shocked:

"Is this so fast? Is there a detailed information on the world of the relevant gold branch?"

Goat shakes his head:

"I didn't get the specific news, just I heard some small news when I was doing the deal, saying that this low-intensity battlefield is still in the space, so it will be divided into two batchs to two worlds."

"There is a world, I don't know, another world ........ It is still the next time I went to the Westward World."

When I heard the goat, Fanglin Rock louded before:

"If there is a choice, then, I would rather go there. After all, I have already launched a certain root when I last past."

Goat shakes his head:

"All said that there is a small news, do it."

Then he looked at Fanglin Rock:

"I am more curious now is what is another big trouble?"

Fanglin Rock Road:

"Before the world of gold, we have to do one thing."

Vulture wants to immediately:

"Is the upgrade task of our team? I have seen the team's experience has exceeded, but it is not possible to reach LV4."

"Yes." Fanglin Rock said: "And I have encountered a sudden situation when I went, actually asked me to select the difficulty of trying the team within 120 seconds."

Obviously, both vultures and goats were attracted to this sentence by Fanglinyan, and suddenly nervous in the same channel:

"How did you choose?"

Fanglin Rock Road:

"There are four difficulties in front of me, representing the difficulty factor of SS, S, A, B, which can't be done is the representative SS difficulty, so ......."

Say that Fanglin Rock deliberately sells a joint:

"I chose a nightmare, s difficulty."

The vultures and goats have a breath at the same time, and the vultures have a little bit:

"Head, I am really afraid that you can choose it directly, and now you still have a reason."

Fang Lin Yan smiled:

"In fact, I originally really want to choose it impossible, but I didn't have to choose, this is not what you want, there is a prerequisite."

The goat sinks:

"Head, I think you are not a person who is shining, it should be reasonable to choose such a high difficulty?"

Fang Lin Yan smiled:

"Yes, I have learned about this time the trial difficult factor setting, I found a vulnerability that is not a vulnerability?"

"Ha?" Vultures and goats at the same time: "To be honest, I have never heard of space, there is a space to give people a diamond! And this kind of thing? Boss, you are too big, listen to it?"

Fanglin Rock has some mysterious way:

"This kind of thing, still don't say it, what should I do if I have a rule? Anyway, you will definitely know."

Goats and vultures have turned over, this time goat suddenly took a head:

"Right, I almost forgot a big thing! Head, the last world, you are rushing to go to the Veronica laboratory, and we also talked for a while and then returned."

"Mason Terminal, he went back and plan to come over to find us, intend to join our team, although you are not, but I have been thinking about it, I will not be opposed, I will agree directly."

Fang Lin Yan listened to the future:

"Maxi is willing to come, it is a good thing! How can I oppose? Oh! You are talking about trying about trying, I have already asked carefully."

Then Tang Rock told everyone on the news that he detected himself, and paid the undercut:

"If you have already, then I hope that McSchers will perform trials after all, after all, his ability to deal with the story of the story and the task, even if it will increase the difficulty."

Speaking here, Fanglin Rock suddenly said:

"Right, before Max is Omi Team, but in the world, their teams have been smashed, and they only have two, and Mcis came our team, Omi? "


"Omi said before she owed another team of good things, so this time I plan to help the human feelings."

Fanglin Rock nodded:

"Learn, do you know how Max is going over?"


"I probably know, Max will apply to join our team through me, then add this as a reason, as for joining the Space, he said that only people have a guarantor, the rest of him, It seems that he has related props. "

He is proud to supplement:

"And for the space, the flow of these ordinary contractors will not pay more attention to it. Only when I am like this, the space will be quite reviewed, hahahahaha!"

The vulture listened to the goat, but it can only shrug your shoulders.

After the three people took a total, they decided to prepare for the war. This time, this time is about to face two evil battles. Whether it is team trial or a gold branch world, it is a very difficult high.

Fortunately, even the goat still did not receive further detailed information from the Gold Branch World. It has more time to enter it, so the team trial is equivalent to a warm-up match.

Team trials are clearly said, all materials will be confidential, so the three things that can be done will only have a lot of purchases.

The hidden main line of the last world can finally complete, in fact, the logistics replenishment of the blood color umbrella organization has a big relationship, even if it is a contractor of the data, it is also very large.


Time is rapidly lapse, three hours from the team trial, Max's entry is finally arrogant, but this is already late, wait until he officially join the S number, at least 24 hour.

When I went to the time, Fanglin Rock did all the team trial returns, so the goat explained the current situation to Messe, so that he slowed down first.

Otherwise, the original task is very difficult, plus a Max, the task is difficult to climb again, but McS is unable to play, this is really crazy.

For the first fifteen minutes of the regulations, Fanglinyan gathered in the army in advance, after all, no one is willing to miss the task.

At the beginning of the countdown, the text is started to pop up on the retina of the team:

"Number JY918 war team member, your team trial is about to start, please indicate the arrow direction, enter the A7 departure cabin."

Fang Lin Yan is in the case, and I found that the A7 departure cabin is in front, and this room is quite puzzling, it seems to have a few points similar to the style of the cabin.

And everyone's seats are fixed, the above-mentioned arrows are in the beating, and they cannot sit.

There is also an insurance arm above the seat. After the falling seat, the upper insurance arm will automatically fall, just like a half lid.

The key is that after entering the A7 starting cabin, Fanglin Rock suddenly found that there is still the rest of this stack!

There are five people in this group, just a group of people, sitting in the position of the front two rows.

And Fanglin Rocks have three people behind it behind.

At this time, the two sides will start together, it is very likely to be in the same scene, but I don't know if it is an enemy or allies, but according to the inference of Fanglin Rock, I choose a nightmare, it is a great possibility of enemies.

Obviously, the other party thinks so, although it doesn't talk, it turns around to see him, and it is full of .

However, if the eyes can kill, then Fang Lin Yan is obviously the broken corpse. Regreting is how it is terrible, and it can only make the eye to dry faster.

Fanglin Yan directly did not terminate the opponent's malicious, as for this old fritters in the vulture, but it seems to have seen the fans, and smiled and waved, if you match the "display", you? " Classic lines, almost people think that they have shown in the stage of the stage.

Soon, it is over five minutes.

One message has been passed in all the ear:

"Below, the team trial is officially started!"

After this news came, Fanglin Yan actually felt that it was trapped, and it gradually blurred in front of him.

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