The First Evolution

Chapter 8 Tough Opening

This forced landing is the most heartbreaking, in the violent collision of landing, it is already disbanded by the transport ship that is suffering.

Not only that, the meter and high temperature of friction occurring when the forced landing, it may lead to a dramatic explosion, and transport the ship to a torch burning!

Therefore, everyone can only pray silently, and they hope that the lucky gods are standing here.

Fortunately, the driver's technology is quite high, and the landing instant always keeps the end of the machine. After the head is on the posture, after a series of dramatic bumps, the bangs of the slide are not exhausted, and the inkille transport ship is on this ridiculous place. Crazy a few hundred meters, plowing a wide and straight rude traces.

At this time, the crew was also tossing, and the dizzy, the final Mugbo Transport ship was stopped by the hun of the body.

At this time, the situation is of course very bad:

Some occupants have dizzy directly, and some people have a problem, and they have been hitting it directly after being thrown away. There are almost all the faces of some injured people. The blood is flowing, can say There is still no way to keep intact.

This is the case, and the Moqi transporter to be disabled is completely stopped. The Mahir is not a mood, and the excitement is screaming. It is tight, and the ship has burst out the same epilepsy.

After a while, De Lawko as the captain commanding the after-life team to work, they first done, the serious injury crew is lifted, accepting temporary treatment.

It is good to carry on this ship is a logistic person, there is no shortage of doctors and portable medical devices, and the serious injuries can also get a comprehensive treatment.

Deyaco directs people, Fanglin Rock, they are responsible for handling the materials in the warehouse, siting on site, and build a camp, soon with long soldering light.

It is worth mentioning that this team is indeed wealthy, even the soldering robot specialized in the military is coming two, and has launched a roar.

At this point, there is a steel plate that starts cutting and carrying a workplace, and the other is the beginning of climbing and climbing down and builds the retort and windproof wall.

It is a few experienced wild survival veterans:

This dead planet is not Hawaii with sunlight, white sand, coconut tree and bikini's holiday,

At this point at this time, the turmoil triggered by the crash may have caused local hunting creatures to avoid the predator who suffered the surface of the surface without blocking, so they must first consider the security of everyone, and then Consider the remaining problems.

In the two all-top trucks hanging under the Moqi Transporter, there is a basic stay intact. After driving, the wounded is arranged inside.

Mahir was approved by Deehco. After some inventory, it was found that the original plan for building a camp is only a short half. It is estimated that it is rolled out in the storm. The remaining Material is far from enough.

De Yako wants to cut out some trees to build a fence, but unfortunately, there are only a few miles in the nearby square, but there are also yellow sand, stone, and a sparse bush than Qi Jade teacher ...

This is really hard to get a small porridge, so I have to find the rest of the people.

Undoubtedly, the lack of materials is a big bad news for everyone. Finally, after discussing, they can only play the idea of ​​falling transport ships.

After excluding the security risks inside the transport ship, the active people will be returned directly to the top and start some of the devices of the spacecraft.

They cut the outer wall of the rupture of the body into a small size, one meter high long steel plate, and let the people who have great efforts to help the empty ground, and the free personnel are also using tools at this time. The fence was deeply dug.

The depth of the trench reached three meters, about four meters wide, and its role is of course to make the small and medium-sized beasts can't pass over, which can be trapped inside.

Until two or three hours, the steel fence that was played in all the patch in each of the people in the past two or three hours.

This place is very ugly from the appearance, and the low rough puller is not very simple, it looks very simple grassroots, it really wants to die forced disorder.

And even the fence is also because of the limited materials available, only part of the production, Fanglin Rock can only be soldered around the fence of half a camp, and the other side of the arc is to make up with a low stone mountain. on.

In the center of the camp, several large containers dragged out from the cabin, this stuff is barely to cover the wind and stop, and provide accommodation.

On the stone mountain on the west side of the camp, a high-grade posture tower was set up, and two infrared automatic machine guns were temporarily installed, and the only export of camps was a steel plate from the east trench.

The area is limited in the camp, and it is also necessary to occupy a half of the low stone mountain, so the whole topographic car can only be restled outside the camp, and the soldiers of two handheld weapons are used to be around.

This full-top shape is like a mouse tank during the earth, and the ship type torso is equipped with six rounds, which can accommodate the rapid travel of most of the terrain.

However, the focus of the whole topograph is to ensure the reliability and maneuverability of the cross-country, and there is naturally no heavy weapons that are equipped with the artillery. It is better to say that it is a armed vehicle.

After waiting until the night, the function of the full-top-top truck has played a vital effect. The whole topographic vehicle is self-contained, and the function of this is quite powerful, which can monitor any fluctuations from the surrounding radius of two or three kilometers. .

Therefore, the pioneers who are responsible for the warning will take turns to monitor the real-time picture. The monitoring screen is similar to the small map in Fanglin Rock, and a green fine needle is constantly rotating on the flash screen, but as long as it is an active object. The display is a small red point.

The night is coming, the wilderness is more cold, and the thin container wall can not resist the cool breeze of the bone, and the temperature suddenly drops to zero, but the Niger is scarce, so there is no snow.

In such an environment, the food and reserve water will be precious. Fanglin Rock gangs Mahir finds that after the funds are found, the rations of their rations are only for the whole team. If they still can't find it after a few days later. The food, I am afraid that I am starving.

In the meant, it can only be allocated on demand, limited food supply, and each person is reduced for each day.

In addition to the ridiculous loess, there is only the towering wind erosion, lack of trees naturally can't live fire, it is worthy of being a new sleeping bag of the entire team, this sleeping bag has self-heating function, and there is solar charging effect, it is always people And the wounded can sleep safely.

After the camp is almost settled, the busy Deca is taking the cigarette with Ma Hill, and the two have talked a few words, Dekay will let Fanglinyan come from:

"Brothers, see your life today, right, right, another all-top truck will be repaired tomorrow?"

Fang Linyan shakes his head:

"I mean is very difficult, the maintenance box is lost, there are several important parts that can only be machined, this can be difficult to say how long."

Dekia nodded, lost a smoke, then sighed:

"Mahir, how did you say that other two spacecots are now?"

Mahir is worried:

"It is estimated to be worse than us, and the two spaceships can not load medical supplies, I am afraid that the casualties are heavy."

Dekia deeply sucks a bite, and Yote Turden is burning red, and he is contemplative and half-lane:

"Now our top priority, it should be trying to repair the communication system, and then find a way to contact the most team, hoping to make an early meeting.

At this time, the phonetic sound suddenly came from:

"SIR! There is a situation."

Then, the two soldiers who were responsible for stunned the bridge, rushed back from the camp, then gasped:

"Captain, there are many red dots on the scanner, they move speed very quickly, I don't know what it is, but I can determine that they are coming from here."

Mahir asked immediately:

"Will it be the rest of the person?"

Sentinel resolutely denies:

"It's impossible, human beings can't run the speed."

At this time, Dekaton aware of the seriousness of the situation, and the heart is full of unprecedented crisis.

He was very decisive to rang alert, and the scream of the scream was echoed in the camp, and then it was Deca's big sound!

"Please note that we have suffered attacks, please note that we have suffered hit!"

"Everyone returns to the camp, puts up the bridge, and can also pick up the weapon out, prepare to fight!"


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