The First Evolution

Chapter 30 Shameless Digging Wall

There is no doubt that I heard 900,000 pieces of this data, most of the people are bright! Because the world's star purchasing power is still very strong, you can understand the pound of the earth, even more purchasing power.

Fanglin Rock has shown that a cool special speed of advertising is less than 50,000.

The status of Cool Speed ​​is in the world, almost the same as the Mercedes-Benz E, the BMW 5 Series This RMB is more than about 500,000 luxury cars.

Looking at a lot of people shines with greedy light, Fanglin Rock looted:

"Not only this, I think these stupid big heads are not difficult, so we can take the hiped giants before they are responsible, and then I will pass around, and the brothers who go together don't do it, just need quiet Waiting in ambush, then fire ...........................

There is no doubt that the last sentence of Fanglin Rock is the most tempting.

Because in this way, he will take the biggest risk to his body, and the remaining people's risk chance can certainly reduce the minimum.

Even if you accidentally turn your car, it's also three people who have been in front of them. The rest of the people have a big time to evacuate.

Not only this, if you change this, you will be questioned, you will be questioned, I think this guy is not forced by bragging.

However, Fanglin Yanyang has already stringed, and the record of the hilly giant is so powerful, it is the ability and the hilly giant.

In this case, most people show that they want to move.

At this time, several of the risk investment companies have been difficult to look at, especially Ali, because of this, it means that the entire team will analyze the collapse.

On behalf of the venture capital company, they will lose control for the team, while Fanglin Rock is taken.

Ali is a person who is hidden, and the leader of the team is, immediately standing up, and deadly deeply at Fanglin Rock Road:

"Hey! Wrench, what do you mean by doing this!"

Fanglin Yan shrugged:

"What I mean can I do, just don't want to waste time in white."

Ali's voice:

"You are hired! Now that our contract is still entry into force! How can I go fishing?"

Goat stands out of the slings and smiles:

"Yeah, I admit your employeal, you want us to attack the old nest of the hill giant, we have went, and there are several brothers who will lose their life."

"Tomorrow, I have to trimming, I am looking for people to get out of the time, I don't hinder what. We are signing your contract, you can sign it, it is not selling it, we are not slaves!"

"Take again, you can't always go to attack the damn ruins city tomorrow ?!"

The rest of the people are really afraid of this shot of Ali, saying that it is necessary to kill back again. After all, the behavior before this guy gives people very reliable feelings .......

As a result, Ali's guy really took the initiative to jump into the pit of the goat, cold and cold:

"Who tells you that tomorrow is going to be trim! The intelligence is correct, the hills of the hills in the ghost place in Ogry Ma is indeed a tipped."

"You can go to reconnaissance tomorrow morning. In the afternoon, we killed back. The other's life has been taken more than half, this time it will save people."

Listening to him, everyone's heart suddenly cooled half!

Ali This guy seems to be a bit reason, but I forgot one thing, the deterrence of the double giant in Ogrima is not small!

Captain Kenny's fighting power is really very powerful, still by the double giant with a group of elite bags, wondering, even Ba Ruide's little life, they will now defend this soldier Go to the horse gun?

Ha ha? This is what the dried meat that I feel that the hilly giant reserve is too small. Do you want to deliver your goods?

So the Ali said, immediately, someone started to sing, and very simply said:

"Go to you, Laozi is not going to die."

Ali immediately angry, but it's all old fritters. If you are in Kenny, then you will converge a few points, and you will be so eye blue, huh? Who will give him a face?

The guy immediately became more than the middle finger, and he didn't want to bird him at all.

Then there will be someone coming out:

"In fact, I think that Ali is quite right, the ghosts don't only have a double-headed giant? This thing is really worth mentioning. He will take this guy in the morning. We will then cut off its head in the past. "

After a group of people listened, I immediately laughed.

"Ha ha ha ha ..."

Ali is not a person with a city, immediately angry and wide:

"Bet, what are you talking?"

Another person is a non-help:

"I don't say that you can do it, I tell you, little fart, don't think that I am a person, I want someone to go to white."

This person is called Wente, and it is also a scout. Before Ali said, "Tomorrow's reconnaissance", obviously serious hurts to his interests.

For Wen Shi, what is the scout value of Ogrima?

When you are in the day, you almost bite the throat by a bag of wolves. Now there are two claws scars.

It's hard to escape from inside. The mother's king is really awkward. Tomorrow morning, everyone is sleeping, and Laozi is going to get dangerous to get on the side.

So Wen Shi is also very simply torn and continues:

"I tell you, I really want to do things, let others take gas, I am active standing out to tell me, not like you, I will only hide behind others. Wang Wang is called. Your stupid Protect, why not do it yourself? "

Ali is a speech at this time, just bite the teeth:

"Of course, I will save people."

At this time, some people suddenly said:

"Don't have noisy, hurry to take a break! People who don't want to rest, I can arrange a whistle."

Talking is not someone else, it is a lot of Tarren. He went to the outside to the toilet, then he was bored by a person quiet, thinking about something.

I didn't have long long after I left, and I actually happened this one, and the entire team almost everything.

At this time, Tarren's Yu Wei is still, the rest of the people don't say anything, just look around, then directly scattered, but it is also a three-five gathering, point your smoke, oak language, obviously is already an idea .

Tarren deeply looked at Fanglin Rock. Fang Lin Yan also laughed with him.

The previous Tarren also felt that they can control these three people in the wrench, but he is now a sense of feelings.

Especially after witnessing Fanglin Rock dare to stand in front of the hilly giant and knew that this seemingly gentle person, in fact, there is a temple in the chest, there is a tiger in his heart, not easy to control it.

After Xu went to Fang Lin Yan, Tarren Zhang said that he would want to speak, but finally, he felt that there was a mess in the brain, and there was no export, and it could only be said:

"Our current situation is not optimistic, your wrench is a smart person, you should know the truth to hear."

Fang Lin Yan smiled slightly:

"This is of course, Mr. Tarren, when you talk, I have no half a sense of objection."


The next morning,

The weather has just been flourish in the sky,

The night whistle person tired, hout, smashed her eyes, suddenly found that there seems to be a bit wrong,

When he took carefully, he almost turned directly to the police, but he looked at the two eyes. He actually taking a breath, hurried to the side of the hobby:

"Hey! You see there, is it a wrench?"

The companion has slept in the fragrance. After a feet, it is a little anger. However, when he listens to the guy who sent a whistle, he stood up and looked at the distance:

"Yeah, it is two ......... These two guys did not sleep in the camp last night, what did they do? I rely on the wrench, what is the back?"

Since the peer, the whistle is taught, and immediately picks up the telescope and looks at the past, and then burst the mouth:

"Fk! It seems to be a wolf skin. These three guys are too big. Do they go to the red cloud platform overnight? Yes, how did the vultures don't see people?"

Soon, Fanglin Rock and goats have caused a sensation in the camp, and it is precisely that they have brought back things:

A hill giant whip,

Two bags of wolves (fresh)

A cracked cow's skin (tanning)

There is also a large piece of dog.

It turned out that Fanglin Rock said that he could make a discovery when he retired yesterday. In the peripheral area of ​​Ogrima, there was a solitary cave, next to three iconic hilly giant stacks, and bonfire residue.

According to his inference, here should live a old old hill giant, and obviously don't stay in it, so it is huned to Ogrima.

According to the information inquiry in Fanglin Rock, the hilly giant has the habit of going out to bending the territorial area in the morning, and the excrement release of one night is used to warn the same kind, the circle accounts for the land.

Therefore, they started before dawn, and then took advantage of the old hilly giant outside, in their nest, and then knead it.

Here, Fanglin Rock did not disclose the specific process, just tips, first abolished the eyes of the old hilly hilly giant, and kill the two bags around him, then kill the guy again.

Some people asked the state of vultures. Fang Lin Ryna is very mysterious to say that I have discovered a very important clue, the vultures followed, and if you have the opportunity, you can make a fortune together.

This sentence suddenly was quite a lot of people in my heart.

It is worth mentioning that the two tropical products brought back in Fanglin Rock, of course, of course, the giant whip, but the second value of money is the skin of the crash.

Cracks are also a local specialty producer, and the number is scarce, and the fur is very smooth and smooth, and its sebaceous gland will make a very unique fragrance.

It is said that there are a few points similar to the smell of the dragoniance, you can clear your mind, but also known as the king's fragrance, it is very sought after, and you will be in the market. It is still a rare, then of course The price is definitely rising all the way.

And this is found in the nest of the old hilly giant, the cracked leather is its skin, and the dog head gold is placed next to it as an é.

Among these guys, there is a small number of eye, slightly an estimated, and immediately judged that the harvest at the time of Fanglin Rock, etc. is millions. Suddenly, these people look directly directly to the eyes of the two.

There is a red wine, the wealth is moving!

There is another sentence called not poverty unevenness.

People in the camp are mostly mercenary. They can't talk about anything with venture capital companies. It is very simple money relationship. You pay, I am out of your body ...

They saw that the two of Fanglin Rock just took a few hours, and they directly returned, how can people not be hot?

Especially in the same task, this time, most of the mandate is more fierce, and then in the face of the hardships of the earth.

Don't tell, at this time, there are not a few people around Fanglin Rock, listening to them to tell the rich experience.

At this time, no one cares about the Ali of the face.

Fanglin Rock now does not have to say a word at all, let this guy abandoned by most people.

Because several "own people" of the Risk Investment Company have also begun to gather together, discuss the possibility of "fishing one vote" on the side of the Red Puna land seriously.

Last night, Ali had a whole night, and I couldn't fall asleep for a long time. The purpose is to think about the law, desperately governing the worship of Kenny Boss, think he should face this situation.

Finally, I wasted for five or six hours, and Ali, who was red, was not easy to prepare my own speech, even everyone who raised, the body language of the boxing fists was convinced.

In his heart, after eating breakfast, this passionate and unlunished speech will be able to win the applause, and the damn wrench is not stunned.

The whole team will be large, and next under his own mind and no bold command. Successfully entered Ogryma, and even the things that Kenny did not do, put the unlucky Ryan Successfully rescued!

Needless to say, the next is a promotion and salarkeement to win the white rich, the promotion is a series of familiar processes that have become a series of familiar flows in the peak of life ...

Unfortunately, at this time, the poor Ali found that his dream did not come and start, just like the giant's egg in the big bottle, it crushed directly.

This is really a sad story ........ At this time, look at the fanatic atmosphere inside the camp! Almost everyone is talking about the Red Plock, the hilly giant, no one will pay attention to any one of Ali's words.

At this time, this situation can only be described in a typical sentence, that is, "people are scattered, not good."

The next thing, of course, the situation of the expectation of Fanglin Rock, Jossimo has passed for two hours, and the vulture has also returned smoothly. The three people have died in the camp. After reminding, after remiting, I found this The people inside have been more than half.

Needless to say, these people have seen the "business opportunities" after seeing their gains in Fanglin Rock.

Don't say, I really have a lucky person to touch the nest of the old hilly hilly giant, and successfully get the benefits, it is obvious that the homeowner is not at home, he will swept the space, except for expensive beasts I actually got the relic of the eggs of the elderly hilly giant before they were also obtained.

The total generals of these things can also sell for $ 200!

You know, this task is a successful rescue, and he can share his hand is 10 million.

This will fully explain that their success is copied! Not only that, this lucky is a friend of Ali, a member of the venture capital company, and the probability of lie to the trickeeper in Fanglin Rocks is almost 0.

In this case, some people who are still watching are also very decisive. After all, is it still lying here? To rest, wait until you go home, there is a lot of time to waste.

Seeing this kind of situation in the camp, Fanglin Rock's mouth revealed a smile, which is what he wants to see.

In fact, they did not stop at all, in order to let people inside the camp, even have some arrangements:

For example, there will be some values ​​of money in several caves that must be treated by the road to Hongpu Taiwan, such as dog head gold, valuable animal skin, precious herbs.

Some of these things are found in the unlucky elderly hilly giant, some are in the past.

To be honest, if they are the people of the native, then this time can earn a lot of money, and the harvest is quite abundant.

Unfortunately, these wealths do not have the world, Fanglinyan even doubt there is a high quality gold mine nearby, otherwise the dog head gold in the nest will not be up to three.

Fang Lin Yan did not expect that his own arrangement has not taken into force, and there is really a true rich, this is really helping.

At noon, Fanglin Ran's previous arrangement has also begun to take effect. This time the "winning" coverage is very wide. Three small teams explore the two caves, and the number of benefits will be ten people.

So in such a case, when Fanglin Rock is ready to start, it is very easy to attract a group of people, and the strength of these guys is very powerful, but the main force is the group of Mi Her.


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