The First Evolution

Chapter 32 Kishas appeared

The big Q this guy said, the rest of the people laughed and swept the hostility in the team.

Xiaokal is also a black, and there are some mouth to eat. After hearing the big Q, it will immediately rise up immediately.

"No, no, no! Tell me, Hu !!"

Fang Lin Yan smiled at this time, because he also needed to adjust the atmosphere at this time.

The purpose of the Li Wei is not to go, but to let these greedy guys in front of these greedies, they can get big money, next after a single order, can do not hesitate to go.

Therefore, until they are enough, the vultures took out the chills of the chilled dagger to cut the nails, with a contempt:

"Now you haven't thought about why you want to stay here? Live your poorer!"

At this time, a knife scarred Diley had excited:

"I know, my body! The two giant's headless body! Half horse is not interested in this stuff, even those wolves only eat the body of the wolf, that means the following three gold mines Ah, or the kind of open air. "

After thinking about the words of this, I was shining in front of my eyes, and I didn't think of this person, I started to put the palm and wrap it directly, and I went back to the side. Observed.

After the excitement of these people, Fang Lin Yan slowly said:

"The opportunity is always too late, this time I have time to explain the reasons, but the next time there will be, so this explanation is the last time."

"There can be only one voice in the team. If someone thinks that my condition is harsh or I can find a way of making a fortune, then I will leave now, I will be in the bar, we can still sit down and drink a cup."

When Fang Linyan said, he was very sincere, but it was very fierce.

If you change it, you can't get it right away, but change it to the old fritters like Mi, I didn't take my face as a thing. It can make money to make money is the first, but I nodded very simply, took the initiative:

"OK, wrench, you said."

Fanglin Rock nodded:

"So good, let's leave now."

"Ha?" The decision of Fanglin Rock immediately attracted the question of everyone.

Fang Linyan raised his right hand to show quiet, then explained:

"Half horse's carnival will last long, wait until they are quiet, then the minimum is the last half of the night."

"And tell the truth, the combination of half-horse and the wolf is also very strong, the words we have in front of us, it is likely to bleed, even dead people -------- I know that you are all very brave soldiers, but we Is the purpose here to fight? "

"No! It's a no-hurt with those worthless things!"

When I heard Fanglin Rock, the rest of the people nodded at the same time, and some even blowing a whistle, it was obvious that this is going to go.

Fanglin Yan also said:

"My plan is very simple. When the second half, the vulture passed, spurting the smell cover on the body, cut off the stuff on the giant body, then back, yes, it is so simple."

"Of course, we are definitely not idle, Mr. M..

Mi Hilu said:

"I am listening."

Fanglin Rock Road:

"We have to do two sets of plans, and a set is that the vultures have been discovered, how can we cover the pre-funded plans for him safely withdrawn.

"A set of camps is too strict, and the vultures can't find the opportunity. How do we attack the camp, attract the opponent's attention, and will give a chance of vulture manufacturing opportunities.

"Of course, the final counterpart plan must be perfected, I am not very professional in this regard, you need your extensive experience."

Mi Tie point:

"No problem at all."

He thought about it later:

"According to the latest news I have now, many hilly giants and half-horse horses may have a typical night blindness at night, which should be due to the natural environment here."

"The singleness of food led to the lack of intake of nutrition, the key is for them, even if it is a single food, you can't eat it."

"Even the beasts of the wolves and the wolves, the visual visual in the night will decline, so they are more dependent on the smell."

"So I am very good for your plan, this is a good idea for the smallest risk."

Mier stood up and back, so for the plan of Fanglin Rock, it is clear that the rest will have any objection, because the risks are basically borne by vultures, and the speech of Fanglin Rock is basically impeccable, in which case, in this case, in this case, His prestige is unconsciously established.

And Fanglin Rock is so aimed, but in order to deepen the contact of the team.

With these two giants whip, this kind, even if there is an emergency, or a major crisis, the guy inside this temporary team will not be touched.

When you want to give up in front of the pressure, these guys will definitely think: I see the ghost, I am walking, is there a wealth on the basin?


However, the plan often can't keep the change, just when a man is conspirating the details, it is suddenly responsible for observing the smallkal whisper below the place:

"A situation!"

Fanglin Rock immediately rushed over, then picked up the situation of the telescope to observe the camp. The result did not have a smallkar pointing, and it directly found an unusual place:

It turned out that the central fire of the camp has appeared obvious exception!

The flames in the fire are all straight to the height of the ten meters, and become a slightly green strange color, and suddenly become a giant torch from the large fire!

Not only that, all half of the horse, including the half-horse, the raft, actually stopped the carnival, and worshipd by the fire.

Then, the flame of the tumbling actually started a distorted face, this face with a pound of voice:

"My people ....... I came to me, bring your spears, bow and arrows, and hunting enemies, enough sacrifices, I need your strength!"

After that, after the words were finished, the flames began to quickly and low, and these half-menhorse were completely flying into a fanatical state, and they started directly packing the tents to leave, and even the tents were discarded.

but! When a man, a man found that the half-horse horse rushing in a hurry has to bring a car, the knife, the two hilly giant's head is also covered, not only this, the most intended hilly giant's body, actually I was tied to the rope together.

See this scene, at this time, this helper is also stunned. At this time, the action plan has not been done well, and of course, it will not talk about interception.

Of course, more importantly, even if you don't play, because the other people!

Even if it is the three people of Fanglin Rock, take the "Moonlight" this card, it is estimated that it is still difficult.

Therefore, after a discussion, a man thinks that such a night call must have a big event, so he keeps the half-man who has been withdrawn from the night, see if there is a chance to hurt.

"That voice should be their chief ..."

Suddenly there is humanity.

Fang Lin Yan turned to see, I found that the name called Wente, and suddenly the heart:

"what did you say?"

Wente hesitated:

"Yes, I have always been interested in mysterious learning, and then I have learned some information about this ghost before, I have had a brother who has been here, so I got some insider. thing."

"These dead semi-troops have been unified, and their highest leaders are called Khan, and they are used as a magical ability, it is said to be a magical ability."

Xiaokal seems to be a little festival at this time, and immediately impatiently:

"I don't know what I don't know, Winte, you have listened three times."

Wenterton was angry with him, but Mi Her came out:

"We hurry, Winte, let you know all you know."

Wente is short, saying:

"However, it seems that only the first one is the strongest, and its descendants are good, and later, therefore, therefore, the two sides have no war, in the balance."

"But this balance has been broken directly a few years ago, one of them ------ should be that we now track this tribe, there is a powerful half-horse horse, this guy's name is Brandha . "

"Although this guy is generally general, it is said to have the strength of the half-man Khanzalta, which has a strong magical power in spells, and has a strong magic power."

"The two tribes of the division were in the balance, but after such a guy, the balance was completely broken immediately, so it is already a unique family of Brand Harden, or even it is going to follow. Use a moderate way to swallow the other side, reproduce the ancestor's glory, and the branch has long been there. "

Fang Lin Yan Shen said:

"So what you mean is that the in the hot bunch is this half-talented?"

Winter Road:

"Most half."

Fanglin Rock nodded:

"Yes, the intelligence is very important, you will be more than one."

Wenteton smiled, and a man played the role of a hyena ------- tracked this half-horse tribe without any objection, so he hurriedly said.


Probably in the night, as half of the horse tracks 20 kilometers, there is a hill with a hill.

The key is that the substrate rock of this hill is a fire red, and the top is like an invisible horror horror horror, flat can even take off a plane.

Fire red, towering, flat, strong water,

Such a variety of colors become unique red and clouds, which also produces the effect of the effect of penetration herbs, Ning Shenhua.

The half-horse that supported the support was stopped after a few kilometers before arrived in the Red cloud platform, and then drilled into a large concealed canyon.

Because the canyon is a vigilant half-man, so Fanglin Rock is not darent, only a few kilometers, with the night vision telescope, can only see a altar in the canyon, before being dragged The giant body of the walk is also stacked on the altar.

However, at this time, the heterogenesis also attracted the attention of Fanglin Rock. It can be seen that the sky behind the Red Punk is being reddish. It seems that far can still hear noisy sounds, so Fanglin Rock has brought it. Some people go to explore.

After five or six kilometers, Fanglin Rock suddenly found that next to the road entrance to Hongtunai, it was built a temporary city village, and he would see it. This is a temporary city village. A large number of bonfires, the flames of the bears will be translucent.

Almost dozens of hilly giants scream around the bonfire, the sound listened to the lottery big prize, including endless crazy and amortia.

Under normal circumstances, the hilly giant will come to the Red Plus Taiwan, will be scattered, and then start looking for her herbs that have great significance for passing the way.

But this is only normal, this year doesn't know why, the red cloud platform actually under three rain, and the abundant water immediately let Ning Shenhua suddenly entered the opening of the opening of the opening, this can be a rare in ten years. See the grand occasion.

Because of this, the other smart creature has also appeared, and it comes to the red cloud platform.

This creature is called Gallon.

Gallon is rarely seen on this star, and there is a certain relationship with the hilly giant, which is similar to chimpanzee and gorilla.

The hill giant is very loved to Gore, thinking is the best spouse.

However, ordinary hilly giants don't say that they are even, even if they are only in danger of life,

Yes, because even females, their body and strength are on the hilly giant, and they are irritating.

The hill giant wants to success and female Gallon for mating, the risk is not even smaller than the public, and even the risk of death.

The purpose of female Gallon came to the Red Plus Taiwan to another special product in the red cloud platform: Shi Nancus.

This place will only appear when the rain is abundant, and there is a poisonous for the rest of the creatures, but the female Gallon will grow quickly, but it is close to its knocking brick.

At this time, the oldest Mili also recognized the female Gallon and then shared its intelligence quickly.

At this time, in the temporary city cottage, there is a five-headed female Gallon. The hormones they have emitted are like the lack of ferrous hilly giants, and then the surroundings are a lot of hilly giants around them. Seeking a novice dance.

The hill giant is very unique.

It was simply grinded, and the processed stone drum was hugged by the male hilly giant, and then slammed with the side of the companion, a dull giant sound.

Under continuous collision, the stone drums that are hugged in the arms are often difficult for a long time. This original and rough musical instrument is very short, and the gravel scattered from the stone drums is full. When there is a male hilly giant being hit by the ground, the side next to him will laugh at the sound.

Suddenly, a female Gallon stood up, and the fat belly was turned out of a waves, she was more than the surrounding male hilly giant as a head!

Its upper body is naked, only the lower body is wrapped in a pants, and the face is equally ugly. It is bare, and the sneaky breast milk is bare, sway in the wind.

The female Gallon's head is no long-range. There are two outer vertical tips on the lower lips, and the messy and strange long hair is driven on the hairpin made from the tibia.

They have four eyeballs, as well as the arch of pigs, obesity without elegance, you can use the meat mountain to describe, but the more obese individuals are favored by male, this aesthetic is fat Some of the beautiful dynasties in the United States.

After this female Gallon stood up, the surrounding male hilly giants were more crazy, and began to become more aggressive, but also violent shakes.

She has a heavy pace, and she started to go to a fire heap next to it. It is probably a male hilly giant is too much to forget. The initiative to get close to her body, this female Gallon is a hit.

The terrible strange force broke out in an instant. This male hilly giant was bent down and down, and then he retired more than ten meters. In the past, the body was still convulsive.

Such a killing, it is no wonder that these crazy hungry and greedy male hilly hilly is an endless.

Then, the female Golong stopped in the periphery of the campfire, and then grabbed a stone next to it, and the darkness was over the dark!

The monster of the female Golong is amazing. When this stone suddenly like the shell, it flew over there, but suddenly broke it in an instant, quit and five cracked.

Then, a tall burly figure is slowly coming out of the dark, and there is a powder in his fist, then the powder falls down, then suddenly heads a giant!

That stone was actually blown by him!

I heard this giant, the hill giant around him immediately cheered, excited to add, and fell into the emotions of forgetting me and crazy.

"Kishas, ​​Kishas" shouting is also a car.

I heard these shouts, Fang Linyan, who watched and hired in the distance, couldn't stand in the team channel:

"Do we have any goals?"


"I am afraid."

The whole bonfire party is also pushed to the climax, and some hilly giants are even excited to cut out a blood mark on the chest, and the slight pain is even more likely to stimulate its nerves.

In this semi-violent state, the seater of the hilly giant is afraid to the owner, and they are afraid to close.

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