The First Evolution

Chapter 35 When you are activating the month

In this relatively difficult situation, Kishas actually draws water in the battlefield before, often stopping the footsteps, directly rescue the trapped divisions, but has been monitoring its Fanglin Rock three people. But found that the aid target selected by Kishas is also targeted.

For example, it is rescued,

Also, for example, there will be more females and will not save.

The hilly giant of the age is also not visible.

At this time, it is already the battlefield of the hilly giant collapse. Even if the rescue behavior by the rest of the person is noted, it will only raise the thumb like a sound.

However, Fanglinyan three people have a old fritters in space. The purpose of this guy in Kishas is that they have found it a clear!

It is understandable that you can't help but you can understand it. Is it necessary to save yourself?

With a lot of female don't save, it is a bit sinister. After rescue, there will be more female may develop many children, so that the family is changing the group, and there may be a big bloody family in the future. .

If you don't save your old hilly, it is because there is also a huge potential, which will become a competitor!

This Kishais is a double giant. The heart is so deep. In terms of mankind, it is a typical nursery, and the tamping is true, and it is also hidden.

When Kishas is doing these things, Fanglin Rock has a sufficient time to set the trap for it.

Of course, this trap is definitely very simple, but it is also enough to let Fanglin Rock have a first hand.


After a successful rescue, after several comments, Kishaz felt a tiredness.

More importantly, he also made very ferocious when he rescued, and continued to use cruelty to kill a few shorts, this undoubtedly caused the high-order warrior in the half-horse.

But this is also something that there is no way, "ferocious" is a label that Kishas gives himself, and there is a person with such label to get a fear in the group.

Looking at the distant compatriots, Kishas is going to shoot, and suddenly I don't know why, my heart shines out of a hint.

This guy is still a bit of a bit of powerful, otherwise it will not be valued by the leader of the hill giant family. I have given him the "Black Obsidian Remembrance" in front of the people. This is equivalent to recognition of his elite member of the hilly giant family.

Otherwise, on the current strength of Kishas, ​​he still takes at least five years to get such honors. After all, the second head of this guy is not yet mature, only a few spells can only be displayed.

Before the ball shot, it was complete because of the attachment of the Black Obsidian Remembrance, Kishas, ​​is equivalent to just a role of igniting a restrioid.

After this ominous premonition, after the first time in the brain of Kishas, ​​it was the first time of the half-Range Brand, and the spear of the terrible choked, even hurt. Go to the soul!

Therefore, Kishas decisively gave up all the rescue plans, and immediately lost into the darkness. What is the image of anyone, let's go side.

Good people have to keep your life first!

Kishas has always been a stupid person. When he begins to retreat, he is pre-optimistic about retreat, which is a stream located inside the mountain.

The red cloud platform is not like the rest of the place, so the stream is not more strange.

In the dark, half of the people want to track the enemy, rely on the sense of smell, while Kishastiki, the clear stream can make the minimize the odor, this, can maximize the enemy to the enemy Track cause trouble.

However, Kishas did not know that attempted to be unfavorable to himself, but it is these half-horse horses.

In the dark, trekking is a more difficult thing, not to mention the foot is not a flat avenue, but a wet stream? What's more, before Kishas, ​​I have experienced a hard work?

Winding is Kidshas is a strong body with a hilly giant. After running out of one or two kilometers, it is a little can't hold.

Therefore, Kishas stopped and looked at the darkness behind him. It was determined that there was no enemy to chase, and they buried their heads into the clear stream, and the big mouth of her mouth was hit.

After drinking the water, Kishas sat on the rock next to it, stuffed a few black paint barbecues into his stomach. After rushing, he swallowed the stuff.

Just when Kishas was prepared to get up again, he suddenly turned, immediately saw a wolf next to it!

Yes, it looks like a semi-human domesticated seat, this guy doesn't know when it comes, and it seems that there is no psychological expectation with Kishas. After stunned, I immediately sent it. A scream, then take the tail to turn.

When Kishaston, I felt irritated. How did this be discovered by this beast?

Obviously, this guy is king!

Otherwise, now turn around, this guy is going to hang it back, and it will not stop the ventilation to report, this is the most common hunting mode of the wolf, that is, it is always consuming.

Therefore, Chishas did not say that I was directly chasing this head, followed by the heart, it was a happy step. After the wolf ran a few steps, I became a turbulence, this obvious It is a leg feet injury.

When you escape, you will definitely be unfortunately in this, but now it looks, this legs are injured, and you are not a unfortunate.

Three down five except for two, Kishas came to a narrow roof, he was a little anxious in his heart at this time, this wolf is actually surprising, running although not fast, but walking It is a very snake skin, which is very embarrassing.

Kishas is also a very decisive person, only the speed of the speed of the speed, so that the bald head that was originally sleeping suddenly opened his eyes, and the spell was spell, and suddenly reached forward!

A yellow light immediately shrouded in a wolf, and the snake skin of this guy became a poor Baba creeps.

This is the slowdown in Kishas!

With a fast intention of retaliation, Kishas is going forward. It is directly stepped on the foot, but when there is two meters from the front of the wolf, he suddenly heard the feet. It came to "" and crisp!

Then, the feet has been passed in the feet! !

When Kishaston, he went to see it down, and found that he actually stepped into a very rough trap.

This trap has a typical half-man style. First, a large clip is killed, and its ankle, but there is a spike on the bottom of the trap! Deeply tied into the foot of Kishas.

It is painful and itchy, and blood is straight, then the whole festival begins.

This trap is the trading of the goat in the Magram tribe. The main body of the transaction is the teeth and paws of the Wolf King. Of course, there are still many herbs, the adventurer relics, I did not expect Now I actually sent the vendor.

Next, under the angry in Kishas, ​​it will be bent down. If you want to unlock the clip on your feet, then it's at this time, it is certainly very indiscriminately because it is a typical Soap pose.

The key is that Kishas, ​​or all the hilly giant people do not wear underwear or trousers, which can be surrounded by a beast, or the grass skirt is already unclosed in the waist.

At this time, the goats and vultures hidden, they all started to be aimed at the big son of Kishas!

So after the short two seconds, Kishas will be born, and they have experienced the pain of female creatures to breed in a male hilly.

The first is that the "upper arm drive shaft" of the vulture is deeply infined!

Then the goat is bombarded on the ground! Kishaz made a scream, immediately came straight, and his right hand covered, and immediately turned and planned.

As a result, the goat was the one who couldn't stop, the position of the goats, the lock, the lanter, but it suddenly turned over, it was obvious that the part of the fireball flying out is It ........ !

This photo, Fanglin Rock three people bring difficult to abrasive pain memories.

When the head is not awkward, the spirit is also good, and the scorpion is griencing on the ankle that is clamped in Kishas, ​​and then holds the tail, and it is more wretched. More wretched.

This guy is a vulture called, which is used by the horn of the wolf king. Sure enough, this place has played a fantastic effect in the vulture.

At the front and rear, the mains have been hurt, and Kishas has been hurt, and the legal head is like a look like sleep. At this time, it is also the expression of , it seems that it is like a child. Directly out of tears.

"Ah, ah!"

Under the pain, Kishas shredded a stone next to a stone to sigh the position of the goat, this guy looked very good at throwing this trick, the quarter of the stone flying was very accurate.

However, the goat has been closely paying attention to his movements. After seeing him have a move, he didn't say that it was interrupted, and he hid his head and hid it next to it.

But after the basketball size stone directly gave the stone wall next to it, it actually as if shells were blown, the gravel fiercely fried four shots, and the goat could avoid it. The eyebrow was wiped a small mouth with a piece of gravel. Immediately It is blood flow.

At this time, a strange illusion did not enter Kishas's body, and it couldn't see the illusion of a puffer. It was hiding in the rear.

At this time, Kishas is already in bleeding, poisoning two negative states, and the right foot is also pierced, and now in the state of adrenaline, there is still no difference in the state of adrenalin, once the evolution has become a long-lasting battle, such injuries can start To a critical role.

At this time, Kishas's right legal head has begun to have a resignation, and Fanglin Rock also flashed from the darkness next to it! "" Is a flash of dragons, and it is a glimpse of it, and it is obvious that the stun is effective.

However, very fast, Lin Rocks, I am dizzy, it is the head that represents the physics department, it looks over the mouth of the mouth, a pair of out of control.

However, Kishas is a non-critical double giant. Its legal head in the right is safe, and it is not interrupted, but it has successfully sang, from his throat, there is a fierce Low :

"My ancestors are watching you!"

Fang Linqi suddenly appeared a fierce eye illusion, directly staring directly.

Under this eye, Fanglin Rock suddenly felt that his body completely lost control. He knew that he had a helplessness of cancer, looked at the last breath of the last breath, etc. Negative emotions were unlimited, and the occupation Under the body, the whole body is out of control! !

This trick is the ancestors who came out from Kishas, ​​and the people who were recruiting will directly fall into huge fear, completely lost the main privilege of their body.

Seeing Fanglin Rock out of control, it is completely like a dead flies, cads and goats are not good at the same time. It is not enough to rescue.

Because Kishais has been in the opposition of Fang Lin Ran, then slammed the Fang Lin Ran, and slammed the rock next to it.

Under this fall, Fanglin Rock immediately separated from the fear under the stimulation of severe pain, can be placed.

Despite the protection of Athena's protection, it is probably because of this hit of Kishas, ​​which belongs to a mixed attack. This is true harm. When Fang Linyan suddenly feels that there is no place in the body, bones It seems to be broken.

After this, Fanglin Rock must be struggling to struggle, but Kishas still clotheral, and then makes a raised arm that raises Fanglin Rock.

In the next second, Kishas completed the power and put Fanglin Rock aligned the hills of the distance.

Its trick is a hug, called "big destruction", first grab the enemy's legs will take it to the stone, and then fully will fly, causing huge impact damage.

This trick can be launched, and there is an additional successful judgment of human beings in this small volume, so even if there is no fear of Fanglin Rock, it is difficult to escape this grasp.

When I was hung in Chhaz, the vulture has judged that Fanglin Rock is about to be thrown out, and rushing to control the carcolor to perform an early pre-estimate interception.

After Fanglin Rock throws out by Kishas, ​​he can only be in the out-of control state. Seeing the mountain wall in his own eyes, it is easy to get a cold, and you can only bite the pain.

But at this time, the food of the food has already rushed out, just after the pads of Fanglin Rock, he heard a scream.

Because this head of the glutinous wolf is completely turned into a felt mat, Fanglin Rock has changed from the hard rock wall into a fulvity, and suddenly buffered a large force, so that Fanglin Rock is reduced. A large number of damage.

In such cases, Fanglin Rock still feels black in front of him, and the chest is also smoldering. When a move, the body feels painful everywhere.

At the same time, Fanglin Yutou also took a horror number:

-1009 points! !

Kishas's set of consecutive tricks, actually caused four actual injuries of four digits! !

In the actual injury of these four digits, there is a lot of people who have been absorbed by Athena. It is so, Fang Linyan is also a bad candle in the wind. It is precarious, only more than forty health is left. And a hundred thirty-dozens of magic values.

The terror damage value of Kishas is also a bit very stunned, because such a damage falls on them, I am afraid that I will kill directly.

It is no wonder that vultures use skills to this Kishas, ​​except for the name and race, is the population, and will also be included in the scope of rare elite.

When the body can restore the move, Fanglin Rock immediately uses the tender branches of the world trees, and the speed of the fire raises his health and magic value.

At the same time, goats are also directly opposed to the positive face of the guy of Kishas, ​​"calling" is a few shot fireballs bombarded!

Such an attack is not hurt, but the enemy will save! Avoiding Kishas, ​​he wants to be hit, rushing to Fang Linyan, a knife, that is really a wrist.

In fact, there is really this intention of such a sly guy in Kishas, ​​and actually put his hand in front of it, directly on the fireball.

Fanglin Rock is also aware of the sinister of the other person. After a few steps, the foundation of the foundation of Kishas's head is actually looking at this, and it is decisive to a sudden brake back to the road.

Sure enough, Kishas is actually unsigned with a slight-sized rock without signs.

This stone flying quickly, I saw him after his hand, the trajectory of the stone flying could not see it, and fleafully cracking directly on the rock wall next to it.

If Fang Lincheng continues to run, then it must be positive to eat this hair! If you can't tell, if you have this, it is estimated that it is directly in the death.

Caught this opportunity, Fanglin Yok rushed to the rolling and ran to a rock, and then I feel that my mouth is salty and stunned, and I found that it was full of blood.

At this time, the goat made a smoking bomb in a timely manner, and it was a little valuable time. After the forced to have such embarrassment, Fanglin Yan did not dare to reserve the strength, close his eyes in the heart:

"Activation ability: When the month is black !!"


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