The First Evolution

Chapter 37, the syndicate

The weakness of Kishas hits this property is very powerful. You can find the other's weaknesses to the enemy's hitting, and you can directly play the inevitable crit and ignore the enemy's 50% defensive power such terror.

This is also a hammer that is a hammer, which is actually the root cause of 862 injuries.

If you are inevitably, the enemy will definitely recruit it within the range of the stone hammer.

However, such a cow's enchantment weapon is definitely defective, the disadvantage is that the persistence is too poor and has the limit of use.

After the first successfully attack the enemy, the weakness hit this attribute.

After the second successfully attacking the enemy, this property will also disappear directly in this property.

If this is the case where the stone hammer has just been manufactured, it is a dark gold quality weapon. After hitting the enemy, it is basically degraded into a blue arms.

Under normal circumstances, the guy of the stone hammer Kishas is similar to the junction. It is usually a hammer of winning. He is a double hilly hilly giant elite, the attack power is super strong, the first hammer In the future, the enemy encountered is basically not dead.

Johor Bahru is a hammer, and the fighting spirit is also smashed by this, and it will often turn around.

However, Kishas has a new head! Then there is something slow, and the trap is directly out, and then he is hitting behind his butt, not a few times.

However, the stone hammer Kishas did not expect that there will be a matter of lion, Wang Xiu Ma, which is not afraid of pain and death, directly rushing up with his strong enemy! !

Your own stone hammer is clearly caused to cause huge damage, but the other party is completely unclear, so that the opponent is not afraid of death, he is in the first time!

The two sides have been interlaced again. This time, the lion Wang Xiu Ma is actually playing, it still keeps the speed of being late, but at the moment of the war, its speed is bursting!

The original Schais's slow-class has been invalid, but the lion Wang Xiu Ma is in camouflage, so this time Khashas is full of waving stone hammers, and the heavy hill.

Movie not only did not attack, but also wore the past from Kishas's side, and shouted a deep wound in his body.

Then, repairing a dozen meters outside, making a movement of the scenarius, then licked the blood on the claw.

Kishas took a sigh of breath, face distortion, at this time, he is very fear of the opponent's eyes, it is a naked to treat you as a prey!

Although bloodthirsty, there is a strange tranquility.

As if the battle is now, it is now a matter of course, as early as the pre-, it seems to be completely set.

No one knows that the bones of Kishas are actually weak.

Ferry and violent, just the people who were disguised out, playing too long, even he believes in itself.

However, after a critical moment, the layup of the appearance of the appearance of Kishas was blocked and fear, and its nature exposed.

"What monster is this!"

In the heart of Kishas, ​​it is difficult to suppress such a horrible thoughts.

At this time, he has been deeply recognized that he has fallen into a very dangerous situation.

Because Kishas has not forgotten, your enemy is not just this terrible black lion in front of him, next to a few sinister guys! !

These guys did not shoot, they only represent them did not find the right opportunity, but never represent them would not shoot.

Under this harsh factor, Kishas touched the neck's luster necklace necklace, and the heart was annoyed:

"I really see the ghost, why do I have to give the emperor's light? In this case, I have to wait until the next full moon."

Next, Kishas bite his teeth and crushed a hoe hanging on the belt.

You can see it, a lot of green Ying Ying floats, and then gathered to Kidshas. If you look closely, the injured parts are the most gathered, and it is constantly repairing it. Wound.

At the same time in the crushing the head, the head of Kishas Schole is also singing loudly, and then after it sang, a string of bone dentinal neck is chained into ashes.

At the same time, a large number of twisted ghosts issued the sound of "", high speed to the enemy in front of it.

Fanglin Yan three people together, all felt that the body was heavy, and immediately found an abnormality, it was easy to eat and drinked, it was a very good thing. Like.

Following the turn of Kishas turned, the direct disappearance of Rufen Flying is in the darkness, Fanglin Rock and others are very difficult.

The vulture has already sent this intelligence of this abnormal situation in time:

You have suffered from Chhaz attacks.

Kishas is a ghost surgery for you!

The witchcraft will cause you to reduce the 50% movement speed!

This effect is authoritative and durations for five minutes.

When I saw this tip, Fang Lin Yan sighed, helplessly shrugged, and was going to the lion king of the lion, but suddenly saw the eyes of the eyes of Machion, and immediately thought of the death. The intimacy setting, immediately closed his mouth.

What is Fanglin Rock want to spit? Of course, the quirk of the lion Wang Xiu Ma.

Kishas is very taboo. They are sneak attack, and think they are not looking for a chance, but they are not like this.

They have long wanted to shoot, but when they plan to do so, they will receive ruthless tips:

WARNING: You try to interrupted the battle between the lion and the enemy, and the lion Wang Xiu Ma has the dignity of the king, which will cause an unbeatable consequence.

With the previous front car, Fanglin Yan only can stop.

But I didn't expect that the lion Wang Xiu Mima actually had to play away, this treacherous Kishas actually showed the trick in the bottom of the box, a witchcraft turtly, a witchcraft trapped, directly escaped.

More decent, gravity actually has authoritative and lasts for five minutes.

Just, at this time, the vulture suddenly blows a whistle, and then refers to the sky.

At this time, Fang Lin Yan noticed that when I didn't know when, the toothpick bird mood, and it was already flying over the sky!

This bird does not have the impact of gravity surgery, which is probably because of its feeling too low, but this is normal, don't say it is Kishas, ​​even Fanglin Rock is ignored in the battle. The existence of it.

When Muranu flew behind five or six hundred meters, he diled down, followed, from there, there was a light white light column, straight cloud, and still moved.

Obviously, the position of the light column is where Kishas is located! Fang Lin Yan three people suddenly shocked, so obvious markers are not afraid of being seen?

As a result, vultures quickly confirmed a thing. This light column outside is not seen. Only the friend can see, not, even S'S'Saz is ignorant.

Next, Movie is quiet, and the gods are in the ground. A pair of God is in the same look, it seems that the enemy will escape, and there is still a green number that comes from the wound healing.

Wait until five minutes, the negative effect on the gravity of the body disappeared, and the repair of Macha finally stood up, then made a thing that made everyone stunned!

It actually reached out of the big paws, as well as the whole space, it seems to be torn, there is an elliptical lavender door, this space door is sturdy, it looks very Unstable!

However, repairing Machi did not say, and I took it in one, and the space door disappeared.

It is only possible to see it immediately, and the light column represents Kishas in the distance begins with dramatic fluctuations, trembling.

Seeing this scene, Fang Lin Yan couldn't help but show a swear:

Lying in the trough!

Obviously, Movie is actually able to lock the prey in the help of the toothpick bird mourning, then the tear space is directly transient, it is unfortunately, it is so calm, and the temper is so calm. Its behavior disdain!

After waiting for the three people in Fanglin Rock, I found that Kisshas is already a wolf. After repeated cast, its cranial skull looks very tired, and the energy consumes seven or eight eight. It is always pulled down. .

However, on the body of Kishas, ​​it has already been in a few deep wounds, and is still bloody.

The repaired in Kishas is slowly around Kishas, ​​just like a leisure, it seems like a king who is patrolling his own territory, but as long as Kishas has a flaw, it immediately likes the night When the lightning is light, go straight! It is almost a blink of an eye to add new injuries.

It is worth mentioning that before Kishas gave more than a thousand damage caused by Mona, now they have been in the predatory talents of Movie, and they have added almost a half.

On the top of the victim, from time to time, it took advantage of + 30, + 40, and this is the reply caused by Sullis's persistent bleeding.

Such a combat method, not from the way to find the cat and mouse, it is fighting at the mentality of playing.

Even some people have seen the things that eat delicious, she will not eat it, she wants to slow down a little bit of food!

At this time, Kishas probably felt a strong crisis, and suddenly pulled a bone sacrifice knife from the waist, and smashed the head of his legs.

This thorn is of course not a target of a target, but a deep mouth has been opened on the head of the leg-headed skull, and even a clear score occurs.

After this, the legal head immediately screamed, and a fierce bite took the cheeks next to the main brain cheeks, and smashed a piece of meat.

However, this is normal, the normal age of Kishas is twenty-one, and this legal head is growing at the age of 18, so the actual age is only two or three years old, and it is definitely in terms of behavior. Very naive.

However, after the legacy broke out, he recovered rationality and started muttering again! This time, when you have a spell, your eyes, mouth, and the mouth is not stopped. It can be said that it is a particularly , it should be a fight.

At this time, the Lion Wang Xiu Mima did not take advantage of the attack, but also continued to sit next to it, it looked very interested in seeing the ultimate tricks of the other party.

This scene allows Fanglin Rock really speechless, even the heart of murder! Because he has already gained warnings, the lion king's full food has fallen to half, let him quickly supplement energy block!

However, Fanglin Rock now only has a unit of energy block, according to this consumption, this unit's energy supplements, it is really a drop in the bucket.

In such cases, Fanglin Yan took a deep breath, he also thought very clearly, very simply launched the moonlight again!

According to the previous description, this time the month will start the monthly metal biomass, and then trigger the termination skill.

Now, in fact, Fanglin rock is very risky. Kishas said that there are many bottom cards, and this area is also a pursuit of troops in Kyrgyz heaving, it is really time to drag more variables.

The lion Wang Xiu Ma's hunting will not be said to be wrong. If there is enough energy block, if there is enough energy block, you can let it play, how to play, but the problem is that Fanglin Yan did not.

As a result, Fanglin Rock can only try the speed of the trial speed, the ending skill is not directly dried down Kishas, ​​as long as it can be hurt, then the three people teamed up to kill him.

After Fang Linyan stimulated, the lion Wang Xiu Ma immediately was aligned with him, and the dissatisfaction roared.

Not only that, Fanglin Rock has received again: the relaxation of the proximity between the lion is again reduced.

But this time, Langyan doesn't matter, who is who loves, big, not to summon you, brother can do, it is not a dog!

At this time, Fanglin Rock has been prepared to fail, because this thing is mutual, the lion king Machi is a strong legendary creature, if it is very resistant, then the fit is not high.

But amazing is that after the Lion Wang Xiu Mark, I actually made a light!

The appearance of the Lion Wang Xiu Ma is a black lion, which looks with alive, but released this golden from the inside out, and suddenly masked the essence of its metal life. The appearance looks like a golden sanctuary of Leo.

Immediately, the ontology of the lion Wang Xiu Ma will split into seven eight golden light, and the left and right hands of Fanglin Rock will take over.

After the completion of the completion, Fanglin Rock found that there was a pair of golden gloves on his own hands, and it looked like a golden lion version of the Cold Wolf.

Fanglin Rock also received a prompt at this time:

"You have now activated the ultimate analogy of the moonlight: Lion king dance! You have 10 seconds to choose an attack target, otherwise the ultimate miking will declare invalid."

It is not used at this time that Fanglin Ryna has chosen the target of the attack, of course, Kishas in front!

At this time, Kishas's legal heads have been sang, it is already a breath in the big mouth, and Kishas suddenly inserted her hands into the ground. When I pulled out again, I had a flash in blue. The stone spear of rays.

This is on the stone, and there is still a lot of strange twisted words. Each text is burning, it seems to float in the form of a stone spear in the form of an illusion, and it is full of killing!

However, at this time, Fanglin Yan seems to be a golden meteor, and I am going to the front of Kishas!

This speed is not normal. Lin Yan can explode, and this suddenly is not controlled by him, is part of the Lion Wang Dance.

At this time, although Kishas holds the stone spear, Fanglin Rock is within easy reach, this is the shortcomings of the long weapon. Once the enemy is close, he can only make several effective actions.

However, before any action in Kishas, ​​Fanglin Rock's golden double boxing had already hit the storm, and it was intensive if the rainpoint, crazy like hail.

Among this suffocating attack, the bodies of the golden lion to Kishas were crazy. In such a blow, Kishas did not have a way to counterattack, only to reverse, protect the head with both hands The painful number is called.

It was originally as good as possible, afraid of the chasing soldiers who attracted half-horse, but there were so many speakers, but the mentality is expected that the chasing troops of the half-horse will come to how quickly come. !

This suddenly switches the mentality shift, which is enough to explain that Fanglin Rock gives it an amazing pressure.

Suddenly, Fanglin Rock, in the case of the hook, squatting on the chin of Kishas, ​​the huge power above, flying Kishaz.

Then, Fanglin Rock will clogably, ten fingers, it seems to be similar to the thrilling wave of the Dragon Ball, or the landlift of fluctuating boxes. After his body, I came out of the Yuezi of the Lion Wang Xiu Mahun.

Then, the pair is a bombard that bombards the unparalleled golden energy ball, and is being hit by the empty.

After this guy, after this energy ball, the whole person suddenly stiff, and then actually began to make a glare ray.

It seems that the whole people in Kishas have become translucent, then the body seems to be a porcelain, there have been a lot of cracks, and the two heads have exposed a painful expression, and it is long.


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