The First Evolution

Chapter 45 completing the trial mission

In the face of the goat, Morris suddenly said:

"That is what we organized for Mr. Ryan! In addition to verifying from the genoty, it is almost fake."

"Ms. Maersi Shipping Group has six people with inheritance rights. Mr. Rui En has no foundation in the group, and is still a private child, but the president Renoz. Gao Swin is striving for a proportion, designated as the first The heir, of course, early early, have become the thorn in the eyes of the rest of the five people. "

"So, when Mr. Ryan encountered an inexplicable dangerous car accident in eight years old, he began to realize that he is in danger, and then he started to find us to cooperate."

"This is the first time that is almost seven million starn heavy gold is still the first time, and it has been an effect."

After gaining so many news, the whole thing can say that if you call the cloud, it is finally the water fall.

At this time, I confirmed that the three people of Fanglin Rock were the enemy, Morris finally relaxed, began to bite tooth and never to hear himself, but the Tak, which has been bluff, is very awkward.

However, Morris has been separated from him and Rui En, it is obviously preventive unsatisfied, because after all, Ruian's head is still very valuable, this is more than 80 million!

The vehicle continues to travel for a while, suddenly, Morris holds the ear seems to be received, followed by Rurat:

"Sure enough, Gauss came from the news, Bai Ruid was killed by Kenny."

Ruundon is interested in justice:

"Ha? Sure enough? Is there evidence?"

Morris lifted his hand, you can see a piece of skin on his wrist is micro-red, a little difference with the remaining skin color, then Morris pressed below, suddenly there is a voice, it should be In playing a paragraph:

When the audio was originally, there was no voice, only very noisy rolling sound, shouting, after a few more than a dozen seconds, there was a male breath:

"I am a venture capital company of the E3 Manager Bai Ruid, the group's internal code K2781E, I refer to the captain of the E3 District of the venture capital company, Kenny's suspicion, murder, deception, see death."

"He deceived me to let me attach the enemy, but when the most crucial time, not only did not support, but also bombed our retreat!"

The finals of the audio came to the painful scream, sounded as creepy.

Ruian said:

"How did this audio of Bai Ruid? According to reason, Kenny will block the outflow of this stuff?"

Morris said:

"White Ruid is good with Kenny's relationship, but his kind of person will not completely pose the abdomen for Kenny. At that time, the Ogrima in which they were indeed, but Bai Ruid was coming to this star, and also investigated relevant So left a hand. "

"After completing this audio, he activated the pre-set transmitter device, transmitting it to a few hundred meters, and the transmitter will continue to send this message before power consumption. "

"At the same time, this transmitter device is divided into two parts. The following is the transmitter, which is similar to the structure of the jellyfish / parachute. Once there is no power, it will be in the wind. It was farther away from the action. "

"In the process of blowing, the transmitter will continue to displace it, and this news will also be sent out, once it comes to a small interference, it will be successfully received."

The three of Fanglin Rock looked at it and thought of Tarren's heterogenesis.

Obviously, as the hearts of Bai Ruid, Tarren must know some secrets. For example, Ba Ruide has told him. If I have an accident, you will pay more attention to it, then receive information on a certain band. .

When they left Ogrima, Tarren looked out of the soul, and I knew the truth in mostth ...

After the next probably five or sixty kilometers, Morris suddenly said:

"Parking, our people are coming."

Then I saw it after dozens of seconds, there was a fixed aircraft in the shape of a V-shaped shape in the distance. It should be the "devil fish II" atmosphere introduced by the information. It hits a few laps. After that, he fell directly.

Fang Linyan looked at the distance. I found that there are more than 500 kilometers away from Naraqi camps, and the energy of the whole topographic vehicle is only 25%.

If you let Ryan continue to take a car, then you can find a local camp for one or two hundred kilometers, wait until the whole topographic car will be able to go after eight hours.

Obviously, in order to avoid many dreams, considering how many times the task is completed, it can affect the evaluation, so the aircraft is the best choice.

So Fanglin Rock stopped the car directly, after the aircraft landed, from the side extended a slide, then walked out of a big head and a guy who dressed in punk youth from inside.

When I saw their appearance, Morris immediately greeted it, first hit the box with the big block, then blowing a whistle, and punk youth hugged together:

"Gauss! You are almost, you can rely on the six hundred pieces of you!"

Gauss is very intimate, he is a punch:

"You have a bastard, God will be annoyed."

Morris wiped a sweat:

"Let's go, this damn ghost weather is hot, I can't wait to go back to the base to drink a cup of ice beer."

"The water gives us before the death of the dead half a doctor know? It is also with a urine!"

At this time, the big picture next to:

"Do you drink like this water?"

Morris is not a good way:

"Squs, because such water is limited, if you don't drink, then some are people drink, gogo!"

It is said that I will climb the past on the plane.

Of course, it is of course aircraft. However, when he wants to board the three people, it is unhappy by the big head. Sark is unhappy:

"Hey, these three guys, this is not where you should come!"

Not only that, at this time, Morris has entered the cockpit. Suddenly, from the bottom of the aircraft, I suddenly popped a black hole, which is just a flash! When the full-top chart that was stopped next to suddenly explode.

Of course ... no one is above this car.

Then, the fire is rotated, and the three people are governed by Fanglin Rock.

Morris opens the glass of the cockpit, then blows the sound whistle, and the face is full of mouth, pointing to the wound on the back:

"No one can hurt Mr. Morris without paying the price!"

"All of you, take off all the clothes on your body, let Squs interrupt your hand, then you can roll!"

"Of course, if you want to evaporate the world, then I am also willing to work."

Looking at Morris's flying face, Fanglin Yan suddenly saw Ryan on the aircraft, faintly said:

"Mr. Ruian, and such people don't feel good, do you feel well?"


"My grandfather told me a word, I want to give you the most effective fisherman washing socks. I have cooperated with the shadow. I want to keep my life. Now they still have a very successful, as for others I don't care about something. "

Fanglin Rock Road:

"Oh, then my suggestion is that when you contact your shadow, you can send them a good business ability and good personality."

When I heard Fanglin Rock, Morris's face suddenly changed, immediately launched by the weapon, but actually found that the cerebral instruction made out, but the arm did not listen.

After the next second, the pain on the shoulders made him find that the two flying knives with electric light were deeply entered, directly cutting his tendon! The current that broke out directly made him dizzy.

The big head of the head saw this scene and immediately roared, and watched his fist and got it over. Not only that, but you can see that his elbow joint has emerged a can't smoke to accelerate the impact of your fist.

Obviously, this guy is a transcons similar to Kenny, Morris calls him to play a force.

However, this punch in Squark is actually greeted by Fanglinyan single, and the two sides have fallen in the moment!

However, the sacrificial expression of the sand bite the teeth, and the Fanglin Rock is inserted in the trouser pocket, and the expression is starking to form a distinct contrast.

Suddenly, Fanglin Rock's efforts, inserted the left hand lightning in the trouser pocket, directly slammed it on the elbow joint of Squark, this flexing has abolished the right arm of Squs, from the break "Mozi" electric fire.

Squark is shining, and the left hand suddenly took out a dagger, and the Zhutian Lin Ran came.

Fanglin Rock re-plugged back in the trouser pocket, taking a short writing, directly spread, Shak's blind stunning in front of Fanglin Rock up to LV10, it is just like a child, it is directly like a group turn directly.

Seeing this scene, punk youth Gauss's face change, I want to have an immediate, goat blows a whistle to him, then refers to a big stone next to him:

"I advise you not to have any irrational behavior."

Then the goat took the hand, and the stone came to a garde ball.

Goat didn't know what Gauss is like this. The phenomenon of the bead fire, because there is a phenomenon that the world is unable to explain, the space will automatically correct, for example, in ancient ancient people, the local residents see is archery, only to know This guy looked at the hands of goats, then looked at the rocks wrapped in the flame, silently greeted their hands to show white.

Finally, Fanglin Yan ended the battle with a clean and nephew of Shangli, directly dizzy, and then took him into the cabin like a dragging dog.

Then, the vulture came to the cockpit. Three minutes and five were pulled by the clothes of the clothes on Morris. Didn't give him a leaving, then grabbed his hair. The plane was under.

Fanglin Rock is against Gaussian Road:

"We are very fair, how do others are for us, we will have tooth with teeth."

"So, Mr. Gao, you can sit well with us now, it is because you didn't make anything ignorant before."

Speaking here, Fanglin Yan looked at the sky, then said:

"I think, Mr. Ryan can't wait to take a shower, then drink something."

"So, can Gao S, can you take off?"

Gaussian point:


After this devil fish flew, it was only for more than 40 minutes to come to Narace Camp, and then slowly down.

Narazi camps can be based on this harsh planet. Of course, there is its own advantage. It is in the basin surrounded by the mountains. If you are going to the ground, in addition to climbing steep Outside the sky, only a cave tunnel passing through a long two hundred meters.

This cave tunnel is arranged in a large amount of defense, and there are many gate gates inside, and the giant creature is not coming, and there are many fire points that are carefully transformed in the surrounding mountains, and the enemy is from The route came from the ground.

At that time, when I was built, I also airized almost a few hundred tons of mortal soil, so that I had a unique vegetable breeding in the top. At this time, Narazi camp has been developed for a while, more like it is A typical European town, even built a church.

When the aircraft landed, Fanglin Rock was against Gaussian:

"We came here to be simple, just received the above command to protect Mr. Ryan arrived here, and won't ask for any remuneration, and will not intervene in any of the plans or organizations."

"We can have no things with the rest of the people. The premise is that others don't come to provoke us, Mr. Gao, do you understand what I mean?"

Gauss took a sigh of air:

"OK, understood."

At this time, it is touched his nails at this time, and suddenly:

"No, you still owe us a car, the whole topographic car is your people's rush."

Gauss is helpless, I am going to talk, and Ryan smiled at this time:

"A car is already, I will pay one million stars to you."

Gausson is awkward, the purchase of star currency is amazing, and one million star coins can even buy a main battle tank!

Fanglin Rock knows that this is Ryan who will be touched by money, and extend his finger shake the road:

"Sorry, Mr. Ryan, your money is not worth it."

Gauss was stared very uncomfortable by vulture, and it was afraid that he suddenly took a lot of flying knife out. That taste is not good!

So hurriedly said:

"I can lose, we have a hidden observation point in the hot regions, and there is a patrol car in the observation point. Although there is no full topical car, it is better, the speed is also faster. "

Fanglin Rock nodded:

"Yes, you will send us in the past, then you will pay attention."


Two minutes later, with Ryan's foot stepped on the land of Narace,

Fanglin Yan three people also have prompted:

Important plot characters, Ryan has successfully reached the target location, and the Narazi camp on the Niger Star.

Trial task: Save mercenary Ryen has been officially completed.

Core Drama: Ryan. Gaussin survive, you have achieved 70% completion.

Core Drama: Ryan. Gausslin did not hurt and in a healthy state, you have achieved 10% completion.

The time you implement this task is: 116 hours three minutes four seconds, you have received 10% completion degree

Drama: Ma Pos. Cohen (Ryne) died, you deduct 5% completion degree.

Drama: Bai Ruide died, you were deducted from 5% completion.

Key plot: The truth is not opened, you have been deducted by 10% completion degree.

Your completion of this task is 70%, and your task has completed the evaluation of B-, good.

This task is difficult SS weighted 20%, and your evaluation of this task is increased to A-, excellent.

War squad: JY918, congratulations on your team successfully promoted to L4, now you can take a name for your team.

Three people saw that there was still such welfare for a moment, and after a discussion, the results of the three people were very unified, that is, I don't recognize the names of others, so I can only have helpless.

The proposal of Fanglin Rock is called: the legendary team

Goat's proposal is called: Miracle Team

The proposal of vultures is called: Journey

Finally, the result of the lottery is actually a balcony, but Fang Lin Yan has used his captain privilege at this time. When he said in unlilight, he rely on a legendary company executive care, just a long time, so in order to commemorate it. So I want to call the legend.

Seeing Fanglin Ran's big hopping, the last vulture is still a step, a hammer sound.

Since then, their team has its own name: Legend!

Fang Linqi submitted the name of his own business, and then started again on the retina:

War squad: Legendary soldiers, your team channel communication ranges from 100%.

War squad: Legendary soldiers, you have received privileges, team warehouses! This is a public space for all team members. Even if the team members are separated by thousands of miles, they can also use things in the team space.

However, if you want to put things in the team's space, you must be in the Noah space inside.

The size of the team's space will increase with the team's level.

After all of the people saw this new privilege, they were quite surprised. Soon I found that the team's space is quite good. At this time, their team space is default to LV4, and its size has almost three cubic meters, regardless of sharing. A large part of the pressure is stressed.

Next, the prompts that appear will come to Fanglin Rock to the moment they are coming:

"Next, you will enter the link to extract the relevant team skills."

"Data entry ......."


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