Originally entered the way! 19-year-old dusk, the forty-seventh chapter, chills, Winyan nodded:

"So, in the Narace Camp, I checked the source of this dispute: That is the wealth of the Maersi Shipping Group, very amazing."

"This can be a big money, and there is a lot of money. Well, because the main body of this wealth is the ownership of eight planets, it is worth mentioning that these eight planets are high resources planet. There is one Flevery is based on the freight giant spacecraft. "

"So, in front of this many people don't think of huge wealth, any sensational things happening is reasonable."

Vulture can't finish:

"But I still don't understand Mahir, oh, no, Ruien's motivation!"

Fanglin Rock turned over the data downloaded before, and then closed his eyes and thought, suddenly said:

"Now, the information I have got is almost, so I will tell you a story."

"In the past, there was a savvy old man, from a broken freight, the home is a living. His opportunity gambling, actually helping the s space."

"Since then, this old man is rolling, and she has made great rivers."

"However, this old man is in many children, but I like a private child of the eldest son. As for the reason, there is a lot of saying that this grandson is very like old men, there is a saying more direct, this grandson is Little son with big son's mistress! "

"As for which answer is taken, it is to see people."

"So, when this old man is alive, this illegitimate child is very comfortable."

Fang Linyan said, the vulture directly expressed the ruin of the three views. The goat felt a general, because he saw the more outrageous things, and the characters inside this thing were in the case, and founded the information:

"So, the old man is the founder of the Maersi Shipping Group, plus a president, Ben Sen. Gao Swin? Big son is Renault. Gausslin, illegitimate is Ryan. Gaussine!"

Fanglin Rock nodded:

"I declare first, this is just guessing, but my guess has always been more accurate."

Then he heard the Lawnian louder:

"Unfortunately, Grandpa ------ is the Ben Sen. Gausslin is very high, it should be a man in Ruien, no matter whether he has to give the family to Ryan's mind. It is impossible to express it, otherwise it is to let such a few children die faster. "

"So, Ben Sen. Gausslin's choice is to give his business empire to his eldest son, the father of Ryan, this, at least he loves Ryan, there is such a chance to get the property. If it is given to the rest of the son, then even the opportunity will not have. "

"Reynolds Gausslin, that is, the president just killed, did not inherit the father's talents in business. The data I got here showed that when Mr. Reynolds was directly in the first three years. The assets of the entire group have shrunk by 40%. "

"In this case, shareholders urgently convened the board of directors, unanimously adopted the restrictions of Renault, Gausslion power, and handed over the right to two ambitious guys."

"One of these two guys is Reynolds. Gausslin's brother, called Kubo. Gausslin, and another, is Ryan's cousin, which is the guy who bought Kenny, Lindenville Gausslin. "

"There is no doubt that because Reynolds. Gaussine's president's stupid, so his right to go is straight by these two people, and there is a lot of overhead."

"In this case, the President adults actually think of a coup! He deliberately made a move of illegitimate son, and set the will, let Ryan have inheritance of the group's first step inheritance, and also moved out The legacy of the dead old man! "

"In this case, Ryan, who was in silent development, was pushed to the front desk, no doubt, he became his uncle Kuobo, and his meat in the eyes of Corinthville."

"Because in the eyes of outsiders, Ryan and Reynolds President's interests are consistent, and it is still a father and son relationship, it will inevitably join hands, based on the principle of easy and difficult, the two will inevitably put on the first pressure of Ryan."

"So, in this way, the pressure of Ryan suddenly increased, and the opposite is that the pressure of the President's adults will undoubtedly reduce much. So what is the father and son, what kind of pet, actually only just The appearance is like, some is just a huge fight and strive to win. "

"Ruien usually gives people an unintentional power, like venture and surgery, this is also his efforts to create people, want to let Kubo and Lin Deville think you have no power."

"But in front of that amazing inheritance, Ryan's concealed, because his ass, the first successful position, is the position of the entire group, the original crime!"

"Even if Rye En is like a white lotus, it is not as if it seems to be a saint, but in this position, it is a big mistake, Kubo and Lindenville will take him nail."

The explanation of Fanglin Rock undoubtedly makes two people in vultures and goats, but his inferior heard of increders, but listened carefully, but it is reasonable, and the silk is buckled.

What father's kinderiao, what is pet, everything is in order to nake the power!

In this case, Ryan is actually not selected, and behind the knife who has arrived in Renault, it is necessary to face two hungry tiger! If you don't want to change, then you will die sooner or later.

At this time, Fanglin Yan drunk a sip of water, closed his eyes and finished his thoughts, then continued:

"So, Rui En is certainly unwilling to commit, so I am very simply arranged a dangerous kill!"

"The background of this killer, or accurately, that is, the laminate used to camouflage, is our previous rescue story."

"In fact, after you open this layer of skin, see the truth, it is a murder after a careful plan!"

After talking about this, Fanglin Rock stops to speak in the team channel, and then directly in the cabin:

"Ryan first prepared everything, let the substitute arrived on this planet, then losing contact. At the same time, the shadow organization taught with Ruien, also responsible for hype, responsible for this news It's all over the world. "

"The reaction in all aspects is definitely expected."

"In order to maintain the previous people, the President of Reynolds must pay serious attention to the statement, and at least have a positive and rescue attitude!"

"Is it true? The President's contributor sent the rescue team directly from the root, hosted the person of the overall situation ------ Kenny can be directly collected by Lin Deville, the president's father's father is like a mountain."

"Although Kubo and Lin Deville, although she can't wait to die, at least, it is necessary to express the statement, indicating" worrying "," close attention ", etc.

"At this time, people who are almost universe know that in order to seek stimulus, Rui En is trapped on this mysterious and dangerous planet."

"At this time, the real Ryan is directly acting, and he has made a depth, which uses the Reynolds president to give his own succession, successfully entered the headquarters of the Maersk Group, kill the president, don't know what I said right? Mr. Gao? "

I heard the name of Fanglin Rock point to my head, Gauss only helplessly smiled.

"Basically, your reason is very powerful."

Fang Lin Yan Shen got a little later:

"How did Rwan's specific one, I don't know, it is possible to be poisoning, it may be a disguise to an accident ... Ruian has been prepared for this thing, and mysterious Shadow organization support should be seamless. "

"However, I boldly guess a sentence, Ruian once showed a ring, this ring can give him temporary mental power, far away from moving."

"I see the fact that this ring can make the right hand of Deyah to raise two seconds, then, of course, a drug ghost will not be unknown in the president's cup. ? Perhaps Mr. President is dying in this ring? "

Gauss saw Fanglin Rocky words to call us, he could only wipe a cold sweat and smiled:

"Mr. wrench, the rules we organize are very harsh, I really have no way to answer your question, but I heard that Mr. Rui En has learned the skill of ice needle, hunting the original fierce beast. "

"Such a huge substant, once the aorta is punctured by the ice, it is also difficult to escape, and it is difficult to find a real cause."

Fang Lin Yan smiled slightly, the topic took a turn:

"Not only that, Ryan is a very unusual person. He has been secretly coming to the Yarnique planet beforehand. In order to examine the geographical environment and bio groups here, you must create itself to create a seamlessness. ! "

"Remember when I just came to the Niger Star ball, we went out to discover a crash, which should be the aircraft ride when Ryan secrets, not only that, he should also bring a companion at the time. "

"If I guess it is right, they also attacked a Magram half-horse tribe, snatch a very valuable holy pig hammer! However, it suffered a semi-human horse chasing. One companion in order Ryan's safety, took the initiative to escape this trophy, attracting the chasing soldiers of the half-horse. "

"The companion of Ryan's disappears should be seriously injured, and then fleeted to a groundwater source, it may be that the injury is dead, it is possible to be killed by the prenator, dead there."

"At that time, it was expected that Ruie En came to find someone. It can only be sorry to leave. Later, when we find water with us, the bodies of the companion were also very sad."

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