The First Evolution

Chapter 52, no killing

However, after three or four seconds of being collected, Fanglin Rock's MP value is sharply reduced by more than half.

At this time, the Tombstone has been more shocking. At the beginning, they broke out all efforts and did not pay attention to fight records.

However, after two seconds, I found a frightened thing. Fanglin Rock didn't seem to be a hit hard, immediately watched the battle record, immediately stupid!

Most of them are absorbed by magic shields.

What is even more, these three of the top three people know that they know the advantages and disadvantages of this kind of operational way, that is, once the fire is, then the outbreak will reach an amazing peak in an instant, which can be said to be an amazing high.

But once the outbreak is completed, several key output skills enters the cooling period, the next thing is soft and weak, must wait for a while, after the skill is cooled to break out again!

At this point, a set of skills is finished, and this bastard seems to have no things, and it is a major strip.

Good in the tombstone, they are not a rookie. I have encountered similar situations before, the gunman David "" will switch the magazine, and then fire directly.

You can see it immediately, at the mouth of the gun, spraying a pale blue ray hitting the ground, immediately seeing a large amount of uneven light blue ice layer appeared on its ground.

Their own people walk away from this ice, but if the enemy is chasing it, then it will not only reduce the speed of movement, but also the risk of slipping.

Not only that, but the light blue light is even more than four sides, and the enemy in the 30 meters of the square is all in the wind and cold wind. :

"You suffer from the impact of the cold wind, your mobile speed will drop by 70%, duration for 3 seconds."

This coldly is the skill of the attack and defense, and it is to play in the enemy's pile, which is the slowdown skill, which is convenient to pursue.

Playing to the enemy, is defensive skills, they can smoothly evacuate smoothly, will not let the enemy will pursue, and then to refund.

However, Fanglin Yan is definitely not that kind of person who can't fight back! He is not a good man, just being pressed, it is already a stomach.

Now that Mark wants to escape and can't catch it? Suddenly drank:


After this intermittee drunk, the back of Fanglin Rock immediately appeared a white owl's illusion, and went to the sky.

This is the second-order art, which is a second-order antique given by Athen Na: (space naming) / (The name of the goddess)!

Words come out!

Immediately, after Mark stepped out, I actually found that this is unstoppable. I stepped on the ground, and then deeply trapped.

The feeling of feelings is just a void, so even the foot is sprained!

This suddenly made Mark's somewhere, and he suddenly lost his balance and fell out in front.

And when he re-climbed the way, Fanglin Yan has already got up, and he reached out, he directly grabbed the shoulder of this guy!

Mark immediately planned to break, but actually found that this guy in front of him, immediately shouted in the team channel:

"Execute C Program!"

So the tombstone and David were quickly retreat, but the tombstone threw a darts behind Mark.

After this dart, immediately turned a light silver ray, covering the upper body of Mark.

This is the auxiliary ability of the tombstone, metallized the skin, allows Mark's defense to increase 100% in an instant!

Mark was originally a taking career in front, belonging to the kind of skin rough meat. At this time, the defensive power is doubled, then it can really play the effect of a husband.

Insatically, at least before it is true.

At the same time, Mark also activated a "embassy" ability, and made a shield gender posture, after which he inspired this ability, he will not move and active attacks, but still can use props. At the same time, the defense will once again increase the whole thirty points!

Not only that, in his center, all enemies in 40 meters in the region will be reduced by 30%, which is continuous, which is equivalent to the existence of the field, and the effect can be dispelled, but the next second will take effect.

In this way, Mark has enough confidence to support its own friendly army again.

But at this time, the seal effect on Fanglin Rock has ended, he took a deep breath, first, a flaming flashed on the Mark's head, directly activated Wing Chun: Even the row of Japanese words.

In this moment, Mark's expression was stuck, because he saw a fist shadow to attack himself, and he now basically has already handed over most of the top cards. At this time, it is to bite the hard top.

A large number of damage numbers have emerged from the top of the mark.

But very fast Mark I found a thing that made him sorrowful, that is, the other party actually has an ability to feedback, and every effective attack can cut his MP value of 38 points!

Mark's MP value is in the same way, not how to invest in related bonuses above, plus he is a tired tire soldier after the war.

So in just a few seconds, Mak this MP value is directly seen, and it is also hung on the body that has a large number of negative states.

Not only that, more strange things happened, after being attacked for two or three seconds, Mark actually found that he did not help but be self-turning, and he was pushed by an invisible force to turn it!

"This ....... What is this !!"

Mark is in a moment, which means that he will pick up the block of blocks, and the other party can attack the back of the back, the cervical vertebrae, the back, chrysanthemum, etc. The key is your passive ability: strengthen the inlay will not work.

At this time, it is of course the effects of Fanglin Rock will strengthen the chapter of the sublimation to LV4: the misfortune has a role.

Seeing that there is such a good thing, vultures and goats are not welcome, crazy.

Then, the biggest bad news on the tombstone team came, the Raul that was transferred was actually directly suggested to death!

This makes the tombstone and other people surprised, because they know that Raul is actually transmitted to a very remote location, and Fanglin Rock has not left, and there will be suspected of committing crimes.

More importantly, their team skills also have a purification effect after triggering, which can be removed, such as bleeding, curse.

Therefore, for the tombstone, Laul's death is completely fascinated by a horrible fog!

In fact, this matter is not worth it. After Raul is scored, it is dead, and it is dead, and there is no way to do anything in a short time, and can only rely on external force or self-recovery to detach this state.

With no one's help, he takes at least five or six minutes to slow.

In the case of Raul entered the dead after death, the latent vulture was controlled by his shadow, using the wolf king, summoned a wolf, then this wolf secretly touched Going to do bad things.

Because there is a guidelines with bloody flags, this hand-controlled seater is even thus around the obstacle, and there is no appearance of everyone's field of view, and only one minute came to Raul.

When Raul is normal, he also has a way to clean up, but it is very unfortunately that he is in a special period ... So this head is close to behind, just bites it. His throat!

Just when the tombstone and other people were amazed, Fanglin Rock was an electric champion on the head of Mark, and the strengthened beauty added is also here, and it has joined the marching of Mark.

To tell the truth, Mark, this guy is really top. At this time, the three people teamed up to knock down his life, but he was desperate at this time!

Because in the previous battle, Mark has used a comprehensive recovery agent, so the drugs and foods he can use now are extremely limited, this is also, the key is that Fanglin Rock feedback ability will absorb his MP value No stock!

This allows Mark to play only the role of a large infantry, even better than the big infantry, because he is still in the state of "embassy", there is no way to conduct normal attacks.

Not only that, but some items need to spend MP value when they use!

So now Mark can do things to endure, then pray for companions to save themselves.

But what can David and Tombstones do now? I can only endure, the CD flow they walk is, and the cost of high outbreaks leads to the continuous output capacity.

Not only that, in front of this wrench has a round of harm, so they will choose to choose a vulture or a goat, but how can these two old fritters can't guess each other?

With Fanglin Rock, the goat made a forced, everything was in the principle of protecting itself, he was very trustworthy "living".

I didn't have long before, and I have become two heads. I have formed a five-day situation. The two tombstones have already known that I can't drag it again. Otherwise, I will finish the other party to directly get people. Tactics ........ (they don't know the beautiful plus plus up to three)

At this time, the vulture actually walked out of the mistake, showing a flaw, so the tombstone did not say, decisive is a round of outbreaks. This time they are in order to save people, but they will go all out, and even make the bottom of the box. Trick!

However, this round of outbreaks seem to have a full shot, and directly let the two people are black!

What is the original vulture this old fritter? You can mix into a team captain before encountering Fanglin Rock. Is this guy who will walk?

So, "Vulture" they see is actually just that he can fade with the real thing.

Therefore, not only the tombstone is turned over, but the gunman David also brought a river infender, and Fang Lin Yan made a dragon flash. The goat directly inspired the "Xiao Wang" special effects. Ignition!

David's blood immediately evaporated in the world, it feels brittle like a paper. As a result, a bottle of therapeutic agents were swallowed from the fate of being killed.

At this part, the tombstones and David only felt that they were full of bitter water. How do they see it, the matter has been, it has been going to go, if it is not time to stop the hand, I am afraid that it is to cover the whole army here.

In fact, the team led by the tombstone is also very strong, just to fight with Brandhaden, you can say that it is a great injury.

Fanglin Rock three people happen to kill when they are weak, and they also put on the relationship with Brandaden, this kind of haircut, so that I really let them cry.

In this case, Mark bites the dental road:

"You are arrested, I can drag a while, wait until the team skills, I will pass the 20,000 general points directly to you, when you have to protect me."

It turns out that the tombstones their team skills are strengthened, and the specific introduction is as follows:

Motivated purification miracle light:

When the team members enter the sudden moment, the light of the protected miracle will shine on his body, and instantly purify the negative state on his body, and will transfer it to the hidden place within 50 meters.

The miracle light does not transfer team members into dead, such as water, in flames, rocks.

If you pay for 20,000 related generic points, then the miracle light can transfer the target directly to the designated team member, but the designated team member and the distance cannot exceed 100 meters.

Cooling time a week.

This team skill is actually a highlight of the miracle is a team skill that is more popular.

Then, based on the evaluation of team tasks at the time, there was also the selection of the captain, which derived the light of different effects.

Like a tombstone they configured in the team in the team, it is intensive to be quite good, with a passive effect (purification) and a proactive effect (specified transmission).

But they don't know, Fanglin Rock has just got the team skills: no, it is a similar team skills relative to the tattoo!

As a result, Mark's health declined ... At this time, the beauty is already accumulated to three, which can be said to be hurt, plus the attack of Fanglin Rock, formed. The horrible 6V1 situation, the opposition of the smashing face, the horse attacks.

In fact, the situation evolved into this now, even if Waden, who is the old man, is not a matter of caught, he originally wanted to take a tombstone by Fanglinyan and others, after all, after all, the tombstone has begun after a while, it will begin immediately. Ocean worker.

I have not understood the three people in Fanglin Rock actually do not compromise, and I will do it directly!

And Wataden is even more than, the wrench helped guys in the number of people, but they actually fight, and they have done one, and then the team of the tombstone is fully pressed on the ground.

In this case, Wataden even if you want to intervene in the fight, it is also a handleman. After all, he faced it at this time, it is a big enemy! Not to mention that there are two crazy half-horse violentrs in the tiger, that is, you can live in a madman.

Soon, as the goat, the goat bombarded, Mark suddenly entered the dead state, and immediately had a light to shoot immediately, and it was a team skill: miracle light triggered sign. !

Inside the eyes of Mark, this is a wonderful holy light, which can take him from the threat of death, let him change the desperate destiny.

He is already prepared to pay 20,000 universal points in the fastest speed, come to exchange opportunities for yourself!

However, in the next second, the familiar tips did not appear, and the light hoped that the light was in an instant.

This is of course because Fanglin Rock has activated new team skills:


Mark numbly looked at this scene. His mood didn't even have time to change, and a stuffy tree gave him the final blow to his death and let him completely lose their consciousness.

It was the tombstone and David of the rescue teammate and David. It was really shocked.

Unbelievable look at the retina: Your teammates have died cruel information, huge fear swept, and the two don't say that they will escape, and they disappeared directly in the dark.

Seeing the victory in a short period of time, Waden is also a breather, because the worst result is that after these humans are inner, they will lose their ability to support their own ability!

Now that although the tombstone is hit hard, the wrench looks like a slap.

So, Wataded, I couldn't help but reminded again:

"Hey! Human, we have already cooperated very happy before, you don't wait, I promise you something will not regret."

However, just in Wattaden's voice just, it is really a black spear that is reluctant to rush out, and the mournful road:

"You this liar, where Jordan is!"

Wataden saw a black spear, suddenly didn't know why, the heart was a cold, in the busy schedule, immediately saw it immediately, I saw his fingertips and shot a bloody!

Black spear is not expected to come to Wataden, and therefore, it can only look at this bloody light direct, and to take his life.

However, at this time, Fanglin Rock suddenly rushed up, reached out, the magical shield of the surface, there was a wave of fluctuations, and there was a green fantasy of olive trees, and he ate this brightening attack, but Fanglin Yan also After a few steps, the MP value was sharply reduced by one-fifth.

He immediately discovered why Athena's power actually be activated, because Waden is displayed, it is also a temple, which is equivalent to two strong and old gods. It has been confrontated once, and induces each other. breath!

Not only that, Fang Lin Yan can feel clear that Wataden is obviously weakened by his own attack power, it is clear that the power of the gods behind him is made by Athena Cake in this confrontation.

Wataden saw Fanglin Rock actually shot to protect the black spear, the homogeneous premonition in my heart is more embarrassing, cold and cold:

"Human, are you going to betray our relationship, do you start with me?"

Fang Linyan recognizes the truth:

"I am with you, from the head to the end, it is transaction relationship, but there is a good friendship with the Magram tribe, this time, it is also awarded by the Magram tribe. , I ask you, what about Jordan? "

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