The First Evolution

Chapter 6 Dilemma

" ..."

Fanglin Rock is awakened by this series of horseshoes.

He couldn't move on the body at this time, can only be barely open his eyes, and it has been brought to cold feelings.

It can be seen that the surrounding environment at this time looks quite bad, he is in a broken house.

This house is very low and has been lost for a long time, and the walls of the house are in the wall of the mud yellow tiles. There is also a large amount of chopped straw in the brick, and a lot of air is filled with a lot of air. A strong soil, of course, there is bloody!

Hey, you are under the rain, the ice is cold, straight into the bones, the wind is not big, but the skin can be cold.

The cold wind is cold and cold.

Fang Linyan is buried in the soil block next to it, half of the body is in the water, he observed four weeks, I found that it should be reversed before, and then the back hit the back. Earth wall.

The soil wall can't hold strength collapse, and he buried him directly, and then the whole person is coma.

In addition, on the road next to it, there are several corpses on the air. It can be seen that there is a dark red blood flows from the body, mixed in the water on the ground, some blood even condenses the block. The shape, it seems to have a very cruel touch.

Inside the village can be said to be a chicken flying dog jump, there is a cry, snoring, mourning, can see that there is a large group of soldiers who are robbing in the village, can be said to be a mess.

However, these soldiers have different arms, and the army wearing the body is also inconsistent, and it is not good for a time to be affiliated.

In this case, the village has already sounded the sound of the horsesh, and the Malay aid is a Cao Junner who is in the skinny. As for why it can be seen is Cao Cao, it is because the rear of the cavalry has a flat banner. Waving, writing a Cao word above.

For the first Cao Jun Xiaojun, I am proud, and then the horse "then" "is called, the front hoof is spoof, this Cao Jun teenner will bent the bow, an arrow, actually a double carving Directly shoot two enemies that are unsatisfactory!

When this arrow is shot, the arrow actually has a touch of white light, which is obviously the skill!

The people around him don't feel unfortunately, and there is a world that is loud.

Then, this Cao Jun teen will ordered the big channel directly:


At this time, a knight next to suddenly said:

"The school, I always feel that the enemy is suspected of inserting the enemy. I suggest not to rush to the village."

This Cao Jun teenner seems to have not heard it, directly in the words of the knight, and the horses rushed in, and the rest can only follow it.

In the face of these Cao Jun cavalry inside the village, these soldiers did not make chaos, but they came out from the other room, ten names were obviously high, and the armored armored and weapons of these knife shields. Obviously basically unified.

After this, after the front, the two rooms next to it were also forced to push down the road in the village. The ruins formed a obvious obstacle, and the smart blocking of the possibility of cavalry.

Not only that, but also a few archer appeared in the spine of the house, and the bow is arrow, and the aiming is the horse.

After a burst of rain, there were two horses, and they were so long, screaming, eating pain:

One of the horses were unlocked, and they hit the wall, the above rider can only jump.

A housing is a mud brick being grounded, and then the rider and the horse fell together, and suddenly came out of several farmers, and the fecal hand was shocked, and the rider was pressed under the body, A few times, I suddenly screamed.

That Cao Jun teennie saw this scene, the eyes were red, and he certainly he knew that he was mostly in the middle of the circle, and he went straight to the long hair.

"Give me a lot! Don't dispose of the military law!"

Cao Jun Xiaojun, and the few riders around him were helpless, and they could only force the Ma Yang whip, directly driving the horse into the front of the knife shield!

If it is speeds up on flat, then more than a dozen knife shield must only be scattered, and then the cavalry comes back and back to the conflict a few times, it is simply like a sheep.

But at this time, the distance between the knife shield is close, there is also a house ruins in the middle, and the horse is also reluctant to go. If you speed up the speed, don't think about it, so it's a mess to face it. The end of the knife.

After the rider rushed up, he was immediately cut down several people, but it was also broken two rides. Fortunately, it was finally opened a gap, and the rest of the people were swarming.

Cao Jun Xiaojun is the two of the two guards around him, bow the archers on the roof.

As a result, Cao Jun's three people were archery or equipped with the other party. After a round of shot, they immediately shot two archer. One of the bones rolled down from the roof and broke down. Bloodstream.

However, from the side suddenly flashed a few hunter dressed enemies, the bow was taken out and shooted with multiple cold arrows.

This Cao Jun teenager reads soon is about to avoid, and actually takes the guards around you, directly use people to block the arrow!

This kidwife is flusked to wave the arrow, but there is a fortified arrow to shoot the throat, and the moment is soft.

The situation began to get very confusing in a time, the battle is also a little glue, Cao Junsheng is elite, but the enemy is more than people, and it also occupies.

At this time, Fanglin Rock found that on the wall in front of himself, it has automatically appeared, it seems to be written in the written carbon pen written by burnt carbon:

"The bears of the Chibi, smashing Cao Cao Hege industry, Wei Wei Wu 3 countries hegemony, uncovering the curtain ..."

"Contractors ZB419, welcome to the world world, this world is full of endless opportunities and full of endless dangers."

"I am very sorry, because you are part of the Noah Na Ya space, this adventure, you can't choose the camp in the initial time, by the default as a member of Caojong."

"Main line task recognition: The first step is opened: Please reach respected in any of the world in 48 hours."

"If you can complete the main line task and do not receive a phased reward, then you can finally get the gold main line task."

"Your current reputation is Cao Cao / friendliness (0/3000), Sun Liu Junjun / hostile."

"Below, start formal entry into the three countries, I wish you good luck."

Finally, after the three words "I wish the luck", these words have begun to quickly and fade. Fanglin Rock has also obtained his identity information, but a Cao Jun soldier who came out to investigate, and he found his hands and feet. .

After watching the situation of the scene, Fang Lin Yan found that Cao Jun was obviously standing at this time.

This dead place can be the world of gold, how to be careful!

In this case, Fanglin Rock has not yet opened, and the goat in the team has called:

"Where are you, really damn, there is an enemy around me, now I have been released, and I have been officially released to this world!"

"Mom, I know, I am actually playing with prisoners, I need you to save me."

The voice of vultures also rang:

"The prisoners didn't matter, now I am so hot, no one can pick up idle and time to pay attention to you, I am a little trouble here."

"The previous introduction said that I was a probe of Cao Jun, and then was detained, but now it has been a fire outside, although the fire is not big, but sooner or soon, I have to burn, I have a boutique! I can't break it away in a while. "

Fang Linyan has stood up at this time, and the event has gone around the four weeks. Suddenly, the heart has poured out an ominous premonition:

"Guys, I also have a bad news."


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