The First Evolution

Chapter 25 Traffic

At this time, Cresbo saw that the genital hunter was kneaded, it was like a bubble to be blamed, and there was no sound, with a quiet calm.

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It is like a moth of a fire, but it is like a drop in water ........

However, that is a branch hunter! Going back to the real world, you can kill thousands of pemps!

It's so silent, and I can't even have to sacrifice.

If this person has the spirit of the sky, I don't know how it is wronged!

In this moment, Cresbo is a thorough service, and it is determined to stay in the legendary team.


Since the fierce battle here is not small, it will lead to some "vultures" of the fulvity.

It is the contractors who like to ran to seek benefits from the residence, and these guys are very difficult, and they will go, almost hard to get any benefits from them, so a man is not anxious to open the bloody key, but Start reading the clues here.

At this time, there is too much time, because these guys want to take their own way, let others do not go, so they are destroying the scene, so a man will go directly to the place where they are going to ruin.

Soon, various information is summarized from the team members of the branch action:

"... There is also an ice residue in this fresh destruction, and there have been a lot of hail here."

"Take a look at the traces of the rock, this is not naturally generated, more like a weapon is coming out? Is it a legendary sword?"

"It seems that there is blood, then the bastard is going to blow it here, grace? This blood looks very strange, is it poisoned or what is going on, actually flourish?"

"I found that the battlefield of the two people, the power is very big, this large grass is affected."


After collecting enough intelligence, Fanglin Rock made Rubens to smell the blood in front of the blood, and then opened the "Nibrongen" odor tracking system.

You can see that there is a lot of light in the air, and these rays have a dark red, some show light green, forming a strange fog, and the curved wrap is spread toward the distance. go with.

After seeing this scene, Fanglin Rock is very simply:

"Now I am almost certainly nothing here, the light flash thunder, the wind blows, the wind should be human, let's go, let's take a look."

A man chased the breath of the Rubssen's breath, and these rays of fog were probably due to the time, and the slight was obviously disconnected. Most of them relying on rocks and trees. keeping it.

It's good to have an awkward in the sky, so I can always find it in time.

Soon, Fanglinyan is stopped here in a cliff, because a village has appeared in front of it.

On the rock next to the cliff, I also left a blurred handprint that exudes odorless fog. It is clear that the injured person is staining blood, and then I will press it on this rock, and then I will face the cliff. Jump down.

Obviously, here he also can't support it, so fled into the village in front.

More importantly, this village is also controlled by Liu Beijun, and is far from the place of Shangxi Village, with its village to describe, it is better to defend a defense of the village.

Fang Lin Yan went to the cliff, and found that there were more than ten meters high, but the slope is not steep, showing seven or eighty degrees, and some shrubs are still growing, as long as it is normal adults can climb down.

Then Fanglin Rock turned his attention to the distant cottons. It can be seen here. It has been carefully arranged. The four-pool of the frades has the entrance to the Zhai Gate. It actually costs a big price to build a towering arrow building, every other distance, Hanging a madness of madness.

Fortunately, on the dart building, the crowd is quite lazy, all the east is on the wall next to the wall, and it will look at it, and occasionally make a big yawn.

There are also a few teams patrolzed Zhuang Ding outside the Zhai wall, and it is clearly a certain degree of training.

Fortunately, the patrolzed Zhuang Ding is a group of three people. In this case, it is not difficult to kill.

This is also the usual military system at this time. It is to pay attention to the three people. For example, the most typical is the word "crowd", the three characters are composed, concise.

This is also the case, the three people form a team, nine people are a squad, and the five squadrons are all.

One has also set "the official, the head, the second team, and the left and right fortune" as an officer, add up to fifty people.

Both are all in one hundred people.


Seeing this scene in the stockade, the vultures took the initiative:

"I will find it first."

Then I saw the knee on her knee. The shadow slipped into the darkness next to it. Under this environment, the vultures of the vultures can really be described in water.

When waiting for the vultures of the vultures, Fanglin Rock and others will open the two bloody keys directly.

The first open is the bloody key of the very angry boxer.

The most valuable gain is a bottle of comprehensive recovery agents (large),

Then I opened another look very a little quirky metal box. This thing looks like only basketball size, showing antenna bronze, which looks like a five-faced box.

So after the meal, Fanglin Rock is very interested, the weight is turned off.

However, when he played with his satisfaction, this box suddenly slipped, and then revealed a big mouth with a lot of sharp teeth, biting Fanglin Rock!

Such variables are really unexpected, playing him, can't do it!

Fang Lin Rong Ben can directly counterattack, put this box out, then a flaming!

If it is not at this time, because of the rain, they changed a place to wait for the auditor of the vulture. This halve flan can cause the guardian of the exterior of the stockade.

As a result, this electric shouted, the box was screaming, then ... then there was no! It can be seen that some merconic liquids have been shown in it, let go of it, it is really dead!

In the face of this emergency, everyone is a bit awkward, and Fanglin Rock looks at the battle record, and it is found that it is written in it:

"Your inflammation is 38 damage to the Task food mine."

"Taske food mine died."

Looking at this tip, Fanglin Rock is also helplessly sharing this information, but after seeing the six keywords of Taske's sheast, the Blood Knight Cresbo sinks:

"Wait! I seem to see it in when I see it."

Then he took out a thick book from his arms. This book looks very old, similar to most of the 167th century, and it is easy to worn on the cover. Metal shell.

Then the Cresbo breaks the finger, and wrote the words "Taske Sprinkler" on the cover of the book. Then I saw the rapid penetration of the blood, and the page is "brush brush". Get up.

Kresbo started to pour some strange strange liquids in writing, soon I saw the word on the page, I was related to the information related to Taske Mining:

Taske Mining Beast: This is a very unique selenium-based organism, most of which exists in a square, a rectangular form, but some biological can present, according to statistics, the most like simulation is rock.

This is a very rare organism that can be understood as a mutant in selenium-based organisms, and they are ore grains with uranium ore, etc., and more hobbies eating a variety of strange ore, variability crystals, unknown substances, and the like.

The Taske's food and beast has amazing digestive ability, and there will be almost no-tummy, and they can't digest, they will discharge their body in the way of secretions, and these secretions contain mysterious power, can It is used as an unknown to sell to the space.

They look very harmless, in fact, this may, may have a hostility to strangers, but will not cause real harm.

Seeing this, Fang Lin Yan knows that he seems to be / looks like / should kill a lot of money tree ....... This stuff bit bit is really awkward, a pair to bite your fingers, where is it Harmless!

And how do this bastard don't fight? I am dead when I am hand, I am dead!

After a self-contained self-awaiting, Fang Lin Yan sighed, or couldn't help but wanted to give his own hand, how can you not help? How can I make a knife?

In this case, the goat walked over the Taske's sheast, and found that it was like a rock that was crushed, the crack became a few, the key is that every piece looks unknown Type!

So hurriedly called Fanglin Rock over to view, the result was found to be like this after a look.

Fanglinyan looks at it, and the minimal piece can sell 3 points, the biggest sells eight points, this corpse piece can sell 22 points of merits, but finally, the heart of his injured has a little comfort.

As the saying goes, killing chickens, at this time, Fanglin Yan is also similar to this. Fortunately, the chicken who is finally killed can give a consolation prize ...

At this time, because Cresbo claimed to be the Emperor, the bloody key dropped to him was gave him.

This guy actually has a sense of white gloves before opening the box, replaced with a tuxedo, looks like a violinist ........

Then, Kresbo will slowly reach the box into the box, then ....... very well, the first extraction is empty.

This undoubtedly let everyone have a shameless sound of "cut" at the same time.

Kresbo is calmly wave, then said:

"You don't understand, the general of the great Lummer said that every failure is in order to make a savings in the next explosion."

Fang Lin Yan sighed a mouthful:

"Li Er said, the disaster is not alone."

Then, the crow mouth of Fanglin rock once again succeeded again, and the second extraction of Kresbo failed.

This time Cresbo finally did not calm down, he swallowed a spit, suddenly looked at the vulture:

"Lilipur, or you come?"

Vulture Lith Purrically refused the behavior of Kresbo's potting pot:

"No! I believe that your strength has been accumulated."

Kresbo looked around, and found that there was no one in contact with his eyes. You can only reach it once again, followed by his face, it reveals the color, because this box is actually emerged. Come on the dark green rays:

"Yes! I have long told you that I am Emperor, you don't believe it! Hahahaha!"

Cresbo took out this time, it is actually a set!

This equipment appears to be made with a wire, covering a layer of gray-white fur, manufactured, is more similar to the rattan.

Its wire is present in white, and its shape looks like a helmet, and it seems very ugly ...

Name: Arctic fur (1/3)

Part: helmet

Quality: dark green (set)

Material: The skin of the ice bear, the crystal, secret silver,

Use conditions: agility 30 points / perception 30 points

Equipment effect: Xiong's robust (passive), make the wearer's health +80

Equipment effect: Bear's sniffing (passive), makes the wearer's perceived +8 points.

Equipment: Northern Side State (take the initiative), on the north of the ice, the living environment is extremely harsh, the ice bear has super tracking ability, so once you encounter the prey, you can die, so it is here. Life is like a fish.

After activating this ability, you can call the Ice Bear Soul in the helmet tracking the enemy.

The traced enemy will receive a mark that will only be seen by the equipment / friendly army. Under this, the enemy even after the obstacle is in an obstacle, its probably contour will also appear directly on your retina.

The traced enemy is in your attack, and the crit rate will increase by 5%.

The tracking of the imprint is 200 meters, and the duration is fifteen minutes.

Activating this capability requires 500 points to use, cooling time five minutes!

Tracking the printed probability of marking failure, the chances of failure have a big relationship, and there is a certain relationship with the subject's identity (ie the trials / contractor / seed hunter).

Set skills:? ? ? (Activated after you collect two Arctic suites)

Set skills:? ? ? (When you collect all three-piece Arctic set, activate)

Looking at this attribute of this, Kresbo's smile is solidified on his face.

He originally thought that he can fish, but the result is to marry clothes for others, and this property is particularly clear. It is obviously uncontrial to need people, unless the other party is active. ..... .

But how can it be! ! !

When I laughed, I didn't see my eyes, my face was blooming, I knew that he would clearly not carry forward.


Obviously, this sudden equipment made the guys of the vultures have greatly distracted, so it is almost half an hour, and the shadow will begin to send a lot of intelligence.

It turned out that the people named Feng Fengzhuang, the people in Zhuangzi, were only a secondary home in six years, but I don't know how to get it, and I have a big figure on the official, so I haven't used it for two years. The time of the field near Zhuangzi is accounted for.

Although Fan Jia is rich, it has not been forgotten, and the rent to the house is always more than others, and it is in the air, so it will become a leader.

This village wall, Zhuang Ding's, and it is also the first hand of Fan Jia.

Behind Fan Jia's, it is actually Liu Bei, the chess pieces under the two heavy ministers of the ! !

Among the historical materials reading in Fanglin Rock, the evaluation of the two people of the / is not high, which is probably because there is no talents of the troops, and it is also related to the history of Chinese history.

But Fanglin Yan is absolutely not so much, these two people are extremely poisonous, and the management means is very powerful! It can even say that if they can be lucky, then I can even do the point of Lu Weiwei in the country!

Lu Weiwei invests in Qin State's proton, then dedicated Zhu Ji, and later Zhu Ji was after the Qin Dynasty, Lu Weiwei became a different country, and Qin Shihuang must call a "Zhong Father".


Ask, if the mader succeeds in the birth of the child, holding the harem, the outer brother, Liu Bei's gas is enough to revive the Han Room. These two brothers copy Lu Weiwei's success of the success of Lu Buwei is not a dream.

Not only that, but the investment goals selected at the time, it is also a son of the Qin Guo Dynasty!

And Huawei / Qi Fang was betting Liu Bei in 194. Who of Liu Bei is Liu Bei? An origin of selling grass shoes, county! And Liu Bei received the title of Queen Uncle during the 1999 clothes.

At this time, Yan Hao is already a jamman of Xuzhou.

The administrative area of ​​Xuzhou in the Han Dynasty is very large, and it is one of more than 50 counties in Luzhou, Dongcheng, Dongling and other six counties. It is one of the ancient Kyushu!

In the case of now, Xuzhou thorn history is equivalent to the provincial high officer + senior official, then the Minzheng is a provincial government secretary + provincial government office director + half a senior official authority.

In this case, the biller two brothers can look at Liu Bei's district county, directly investment, directly invite him to enter Xuzhou! It is also a lot of effort to support him.

Such a force, private thinking is more stronger than the eyes of Brouse.

After that, although these two brothers did not build trees in the battle, they put Liu Bei's logistics, intelligence, and the road to Liu Bei, and the support of these two people have a steady three!

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