The First Evolution

Chapter 29 is not broken

After getting these three items, Fanglin Rock suddenly took a slap in the table, scared Mei Ling, followed by cold and smiled:

"You really want money, don't live, take this thing, do I send me?"

Mei Ling cried:

"I still have a scorpion, gold and silver, I will give you a general rule, all give you!"

Go your goon, very simply:

"You take a tissue out, let's turn, let it go, otherwise, your finger head finger can continue to break ten minutes."

Mei Ling cried loudly:

"Nothing, I'm really gone, how can the treasure like Zhang Feiji? How can I stay here? I have been taken away when he is walking!"

Fanglinyan is in the team channel:

"This woman is very slid, saying is that the drip is not leaking, although she is not a problem in accordance with the common sense, but she has to prevent it."

"Kresbo, you and the goats and the goat asked her, I took Rubs to find a look, she delayed time must be reasonable, and the harvest also is estimated to be eased, we Prepare to leave. "

After listening to Fanglin Rock, Kresbo and goats nodded and began to ask for it. Then Fanglin Rock walked in Ruscus four, and finally found a tub, it is estimated that it is injured. The guy is wounded, and it is also nothing.

However, at this time, I suddenly heard the footsteps of the chaos outside, and then I heard a loud noise, it should be that the gate was directly opened, and then someone directly rushed.

However, this person immediately issued a scream, obviously a big loss and falling out, it is in the Max shot inside the yard, directly put the other party.

At this time, Fanglin Yan is in the heart. It turned out that the "Otte" was attacked by the opponent. The absolute health of life was knocked out two points. It is already in a semi-lost state, so Fang Lin Yan will receive it. come back.

Unead, once the "Othaws" monitoring is missing, it is actually that the enemy has arrived at the door.

At this time, Fang Ran three steps and two steps were rushed out, and suddenly I found that Lujiamen had gathered four or fifty high-stricken people, it looked unknown, but the style of the boots and weapons was clearly Cao Caojun.

When I went out in Fanglin Rock, there was already a broken drink outside:


Suddenly, there are more than a dozen bow aimed at it, and immediately, the sharp arrow of "brush brush" is broken.

Unfortunately, they are not ordinary people, Mcis directly raised the shield block in front, and directly block the radiance of the shot, and the two will enter the gate.

This gang organizes people to rush twice, Mcis is doing this, but not only does not rush down, but directly by Fanglinyan, they can't capture two people!

However, when attacking the opponent's key part, Fanglin Ran has a prompt:

"Your attack may lead to the death of the enemy. This person's identity is the friendly army of Cao Cao. Once his death, it will bring unspeakable consequences. Do you have to do this?"

After such a tip, Fanglin Rock and others must also have a hand, and the top more will make the opponent's hand and then bundle it directly.

After confirming that the enemy of the attack is indeed Cao Cao, Fanglin Ran is suddenly fixed.

Because the dressing of the other party also obviously deliberately concealed, Cao Jun's garnails did not dare to wear it out, this shows that they did not get military orders, but they were privately present. If this crime is shaped, That can be very serious.

Regardless of any upper person, the army is used as its own weapon. On the one hand, I hope that this is more dangerous and more dangerous, but on the other hand, it is more likely to be in absolute control.

Otherwise, the weapon has his own thoughts. What if the anti-master is?

Laozi said: soldiers, weapon, the saint must not use it.

In this case, the army is paying for the order, no longer moving.

In the army, the soldiers will take a few relaxes privately hunting, relax, nothing in front of the boss, but bringing the four or fifty people who arbitrarily invaded, it is iron to violate the military law, enough to get enough Big sin!

I couldn't find out that my people couldn't attack. Instead, I was also caught two, and the leader of the team was also quite anxious, and I walked around outside the door.

This guy is a strong man who looks like a five-three three, not the muscles of Zhao Xiong Zhao Hammer, but the waist is a strong man, which belongs to the kind of fertilizer, wrapped a red towel in the waist, in the dark It is also very conspicuous in it.

He hesitated, and he got an eye on the door. It was very simply roaring. This guy's voice is very special, as if it is a broken, it is very hoarseness:

"Take my guy!"

Soon, this guy came in with heavy armor, then hit a big iron gun in his hand, this iron gun from the gun, the gun, was built with pig iron, black and sinking, Its gun is full of chickens.

Such a large iron gun is already a typical heavy weapon.

As the saying goes, the gun year knife is a lifetime gun, meaning is the most fast, but the gun is the hardest, just move, deduct, and tie these three most basic actions, don't want to get started.

And this shouted the big iron gun as a boss, stabbed as a gun, can be said to be both.

Then, this big man will mention the big iron gun, and the door is rushing in, and then a shot is swept, and the huge shield of McS is fierce!

I only listened to "When", I couldn't hold the shield in front of him, and I went back to two steps. However, this big man is also shocked, and the subsequent tricks will not be made.

But just listen to this big Chinese yard:

"Good ha"! "

It is actually going forward to Max!

At the same time, the big iron gun dragged in the right hand has already succeeded, just wait for this, it is necessary to force it again, and smash the iron gun.

But the big man did not expect that the weakness of Mcis did not expect the disguise. In the face of the foot of the squat, the Messen shield hit, and he was directly topped directly, follow-up Of course, it is also not shown.

Such a chance, Fanglin Rock will certainly not miss, directly with the body, a punch is on the face of this big man, then directly launched "Wing Chun: Even the Japanese words!"

Under the dazzling crazy attack, this big man roared, was beaten, and he kept retreat, but after retreating, it was still very chapped, and he knew that there was a power of counterattack.

I saw the Lord, such a wolf, the rest of the leadership, and immediately fought! These a few officers have a top helmet, and the head is buretry, and it is the elite soldier who is selected!

However, at this time, the ramp is also flying out of a fireball, and the slamming is on the mud in front, and the smoke is filled, and it has been a big pit.

Then, Mc, shouted:

"We are the sergeants of the Zuoqua front team under Cao Ren, belonging to Qunjun Hou! It is ignorant to the hand of the Liu thief. You are hard to force, don't blame us, you! "

After the leader listened, he suddenly roared:

"That is coming! If it is more than, Laozi is still not afraid!"

His voice just fell, immediately saw two wounded soldiers who were arrested before, and the US Ling, which was saved, was tied to front by five flowers, obviously to take them to make a meat shield.

Not only that, but the front of Fanglin Rock has taken out three convinced, it is not satisfactory to see it, and then cold and cold:

"Is it! Then you want to taste the power of your own homes! For astway, I will kill people first, then use this Taoist secret, I can see you can stop!"

"Hegu! Although you are already a school, if this is the elite dead seven or eight eight, there is no way to share it! For ambusted, we will directly make things big! No life, The crimes of the military and horses fall, no one can't keep you! "

After listening to this big man, I suddenly became anger, and I went back to the back.

This family is bold, but it is only the conception of the appearance. It is actually a fine in thick, otherwise, how can I live in the chaos now, still sitting at the Cao Military School?

After being drunk directly by Fanglin Yan, he immediately realized that he was afraid that people who were captured said their own identity! And he just collided with this helper, knowing that although they were not their own opponents, they won them, but they also took a hand feet.

At this time, the other party took out the "Taoist Secret" such as the strong rule, and now the people don't stop them.

However, I don't know, his identity is used by vultures, and there is no one to sell him.

At this time, the situation is more than people, so it can only swallow the vulnerability in the chest, bite the teeth:

" , leave a stealing method, I put you!"

Fang Linyan smiled coldly:

"We have come out this time, the peak is strict, you have to investigate the things here, you have to invest all things in our investigation! It is a good abacus, how do we share?"

"The military order is like a mountain, we handed over to you, when you look back, can you take a knife for us?"


"I can't help you still want to go? You have to cross, don't you use it?"

Fanglin Rock Road:

"We also gave you the brothers who accidentally fell into you. If you are not going to be late?"

I heard the two people who were captured by Fanglin Rock said that they were accidentally broken, and they snorted:

"That's not, is it late?"

After the two sides of the lip guns, they finally reached a consensus. Fanglinyan had to hand over Meiling and prisoners.

At this time, the identity of the squatting, and did not grasp all of them all of them, which is already the best ending for them.

Looking at the back of the , Fanglin Ran is holding chin, if it is thought.


After , after leaving, Fanglin Yan also came out.

After all, this harvest villa is one of the important bases. Now Cao Jun's large parties have not yet, Liu Jun begins to come over and increase in time.

After a round of returning to Shangxi Village, Fanglin Rock and others will pass the task directly. After getting a reward, they are ready to pick up a task.

At this time, a skeleton's retina suddenly popped up:

"The current Cao Jun prestressed value in the black hole team has reached 3007 points / friendly!"

"The current Cao Jun prestressed value in the black hole team has been successfully promoted to respect !!"

"The Black Hao Team is the first team to respect the reputation in Cao Ying, so get extra rewards."

"Congratulations on the smoothness of the Black Caves to promote the next round of the main line mission, please also ask the rest of the contractors / seed hunters to hurry!"

To be honest, this reminder is really a shock, Fang Lin Ran said to be honest, and it can be said that it will be busy, run, fight.

And the main enemy is a high-level soldier of cavalry. It is also hard to hard, and now the prestige will only have more than 1,400 points!

Even if the treasure of "Jiang Xia Topography" has not yet been fulfilled, but the value of one thousand points is also in the head. The threshold of the respect 3000 point is still very good!

In this case, some people can have a large leading to enter the next stage of mission, it is really amazing! From this point of view, you can see a lot of people in the space, and it will never let Fangliny rock themselves.

"We have to hurry!" Mes Sad sound.

Fanglin Rock nodded:

"Yes, but there is no need to be too urgent, we are promoted to the next stage or stable."

At this time, I suddenly had a talented tale, and I got a few people who had a few people, I immediately wiped a Khan Road:

"May I be a leader of the Zuoqi front team?"

Fang Linyan has turned several ideas in the heart, and then quickly replied:

"Yes it is."

This one of the troops immediately smiled.

"Yes, my family is the school Liu Hua, and the general of the general lifts. At present, the master is heavy, there is something to ask for a few more people."

Fang Lin Yan hesitated him:

"I have been waiting to have something to do, there is no time to go, wait until I have finished the school."

This one of the commanders smiles:

"The party is long, the saying goes well, no things do not seem to be a three treasure hall, my school is invited to play, in fact, there is a very important thing to involve you, so I will have a military order of the general."

"If you don't go, I am afraid that I will only call the patrol soldiers around them, and I will include it."

The emotional business and IQ obviously more than the previous high, said that it is not humble, and even Fanglin Rock, they feel that they don't have the wrong words. It is indeed wrong, I don't have the opportunity to borrow the problem.

After he finished, Fanglin Rock and others were really prompting:

"You triggered the relevant mandatory plot, if you insist on rejecting your requirements, then you will bring around the patrol soldiers attack."

"If you fight, then it will be regarded as a thistle, directly Cao Yutang reputs clear and enters hostile state."

After seeing the four words of the mandatory plot, Fanglin Rock five people are bright! !

This trigger story is really encountered, you know, this is already the second batch to come to find them, just the first person seems to be very welcome, it is directly hit, Also sent Fanglin Rock two hundred points of reputation.

Since the space gives a clear reminder, the consequences of resistance are very serious, and it seems that there is no income yet, then it must only be good to follow.

Fanglinyan looked at this commander and suddenly laughed:

"Little brother is surname?"

Mailing soldiers:

"Where is it expensive to surname."

Next, there is no exchange again, follow this one of the bilies, Fanglin Rock has once again entered the familiar Hanfu, of course, has become a temporary line of Zhang Liao.

The commander took them around a large circle and came to the backyard. ------ You can see that at least a dozen fires here, you will be lightened in the four, and all kinds of weights have been stacked.

A very Si Wen is like a man, a man who is teaching, is sitting in a desk with a temporary moving desk, carefully checking various property, enrollment.

The commanding soldiers went forward and then raised his hands up:

"Adult, I have brought the Sangyan one and the man!"

The man came straight to, took the order of the token:

"Know, go back."

Then, the man took directly, continued to pay attention to the album, and then raised his eyes after a while, looked at Fanglin Rock and others:

"This time I came to come, I really have a very important thing to ask you, are you getting to Hanfu?"

Goat stands out:

"If I go back to Liu, I will wait for the Liuji to investigate this side, and the defending of Shangxi Village is quite strict."

"Originally, everyone advocates cautious, but the Xia Houyi people have made me to enter the investigation, and I have encountered a spent, and the little person is lost, and it is preserved in the cell in the Hanfu."

I heard the goat said that this Liu Zhu immediately wrinkled, because he is very clear, anything just involved on the people of the "Xia Hou", then it means that you will be more trouble, if you want to be deep, then The big trouble will become endless trouble.

The return of goats is also a long time, and they have to pay attention to Liu Zhu, and they can't take the initiative to find the Summer Wing, and therefore takes him directly to do the block.

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