The First Evolution

Chapter 35 Battlefield First Experience

At this time, all the space warriers of Left Quarta also received the news:

"Warning, the military order is like a mountain, if you have not followed the predecessor of the long-standing will enter the front of the long-slop battlefield, then you will lose the qualifications of the battlefield."

"Not only that, your behavior will be identified as a war, will be killed by the military, Cao Ying reputation is reduced to 0, and the default is hostile!"

"You must not leave the Tian Junhou's will be within 500 meters, once it exceeds this distance of ten seconds, it will also be considered to be awkward, unless you receive a list of orders."

"Warning, Tianjun Hou Nai is the main will, once he is unable to act / limb disability seriously, then you have fallen first to the reputation in Cao Ying ( respect to friendliness, friendliness and desert)"

"Once the Tian Junhou is dead, the pro-team is all! In addition to facing the punishment of the reputation, it will be enforced to withdraw from the long-sloping battlefield."


Obviously, this series of tips makes many contractors mourned, and the space did not bind them to these people, but it is also a constraint for its actions!

In this way, I believe that many people think about it is like soap bubbles.

For example, goats have heard a wonderful plan to describe a team!

This guy intends to hide in Zhao Yun to save the dead well near the abbey. In this case, once the Mrs. is jumped, isn't it a self-investment?

This is the wife of Liu Bei's wife, the daughter of the boy, left the name of the name! Not only that, but also to say that she has a special color since childhood, is full of people. "

With this, the lady is also the singularity.

Even if it is Liu Bei, I feel that "my wife is like clothes", I will take it when I have an oil and water,

But directly to Cao boss, also fix it, it is amazing!

At that time, Fang Linyan listened, all felt really a little heart, it was a low risk, and the income was amazing.

Another example is that Zhao Yun has left the right of the right of Cao Ying, there are many generals. In fact, as long as they come, they don't have to die, so they rush to block the knife, save a Cao Ying general, then of course, it is also very profitable. Best.

Of course, these swears are like soap bubbles, and they are directly disilled, and this time, there is no room for any choice, directly follow it.

Wait until they left the way to the hills. After coming to the plains, the battlefield began to contain them in, and the brutal side of the ancient cold weapon battlefield directly showed them.

Not only that, the eyes of Fanglin Rock have once again prompted:

"Legendary team, congratulations, you have successfully entered the Battlefield of Changtuo."

"This battlefield will further evolve with the progress of the campaign!"

"To go to the rest of the subtle battlefield, you must lead by the plot, or get the relevant token or handle, otherwise, the action will only be used as a definition army."

"Special effects are triggered, when you are around (one hundred meters) enemy soldiers more than 30, when you will get a large loss of damage, any damage received by 50%, but this defensive power improvement is limited to The plot people take effect. "

"The murder rules change, and now the number of killed can be triggered by all members of the team, but the rewards of lilac will fall."

At this time, Tian Junhou has already come to the hills occupied by Liu Beijun. There is a water area near the water town. The so-called mountain post is not steep. It is estimated that only ten meters high, the slope is four 50 degree look.

It can be seen that there are two sides of the hills that are fluttering, one of the big flags written "Liu", and the other smaller banner writes "simple" word.

As long as you give time, an ordinary farmer is even if it is carrying firewood, it can easily climb this mountain post. Such terrain can't be described, and you can only say that you can avoid the frontal charge of the cavalry.

Tian Jun Hou usually also likes to speak, and when he took someone to the mountains, he started to attack the whole team, but he did not send it, just took the eyes and looked at everyone.

Just in Fanglin Rock thought that this guy would stop talking two sentences, or what to use what to fight.

As a result, Tian Junhou directly sleeves, and then took a knife and took the lead!

Seeing this scene, Fanglin Rock is directly out of a slot.

Looking at his play, it is actually a kind, Xu Wei, this kind of miracle, the front is hard!

The problem is, Xiwei, Xu Wei family is the whole three countries, and even the strong military will be clear, Qing Zhishang is named! Such a slap is on the front, it does not mean that you have a silent slag.

Seeing this scene, what kind of way is there? Can only rush faster than him, it is in front of him ........

Don't tell, a contractor can only bite his teeth!

Tian Jun Hou died, everyone did not eat fruit!

Of course, everyone's mood is almost almost described with a picture.

That is the article in the Westward Devils, is being hired: You can fight him, you will go ... That scene.

Of course, this last end is usually not good. It is not as gray as gray like a small day, which is the other's primary school students to get five kills ...

We witterious, the Liu Beijun on the hill position is no moving, it seems that it seems to be frightened, but only the Tian Junhou rushed to the mountain post, there is a lot of hills. It's hard to listen, then the arrow is like a rain!

At this time, Liu Beijun was originally gotting forward. The use of the shooting method or the 45-degree angle chartered to the sky, not a way of shooting, and immediately suddenly took a horrible arrow.

In the face of the attack of Liu Beijun, Tian Junhou has paid a lot in the battle before the war. Wei Jun's veterans have long agreed to put the opponent's arrow, so put the shield in his hand in advance.

However, although the recruits act in accordance with the fisherman, they lack the foresight of the veteran, so when they shift, they will slowly slow.

At the usual time, a smell of Kung Fu couldn't delay what it would be too big, but when this arrow is like a rain, this silk has become the boundaries of life and death!

The first wave is shining, and the Wei Jun is dead and the death is almost three or forty! Among them, casualties are mostly in recruit.

When the second wave is shot, the number of dead injuries is much more, only a dozen people fall down, and most of them are only injured.

Seeing this scene, Wei Jun's veteran, along with Tian Junhou rushed faster, because in normal circumstances, the archer was in the enemy, only the opportunity to shoot three rosewarts.

For the current situation, these archer did not cause the Wei Jun to hurt the hurt the bones, and as long as the close distance is close to it, then the knife shield will fight the archers.

At the same time, the enemy's main will be that the guy is not the kind of mammill that can lead to the guard, to twist the battle, and if the Wei Junhou is more than a few more?

But vigorously describe the scenarius described this sentence, but it does not happen, because if you often happen, you should change it, called great truth.

The hidden meaning of the two words of these miracles is actually that this is just a small probability event.

The third wave shot is as scheduled, but at this time, even the charge in the Tianjun Hou of the first echelon, the sprint speed is slow.

Because he originally took a weapon with shield, he had an additional weight of several tens of pounds. At this time, he stepped on the slope of the cavalry, and the speed plummeted, even in order to steadily and wanted to continue to climb, The lower waist took out a hand climbing.

However, there are only two hands, it is originally a hand holding a knife, so it can only put down the shield at this time.

So the third wave of shooting, directly, the number of casualties is multiplied! At this time, Wei Jun's casualties have reached a pioneer close to seventy, especially Tian Junhou led, and the ratio of casualties has exceeded 30%.

In the cold weapon era, such a casualties are really large, and the morale is also close to the edge of the collapse.

If there is still a person who is not a charge, there is an obsession of "I can hacked three", it has been withdrawn.

With the help of the slopes of the hill, the archer shot the fourth arrow, and once again gave the Wei Jun's injury and injury. Then after the end, the archers were obviously the new soldiers, when they escaped Even because it is too nervous, fleeing in the wolf.

I saw this scene, Tian Junhou is big, shouting, take the lead!

However, there have been many footsteps from the top of the mountain, and then some people shouted, and then they saw the five coarse wood.

After the bark and a clean twig, this seven eight wood was thrown down, and immediately collided with each other with a high slope along the mountain. This made the trajectory difficult to predict, and it is climbing. A dry army of the job immediately tried, and the screaming!

At this time, the Wei Jun's morale finally collapsed, and several of the leader ran immediately and then causing a chain reaction.

The Tianjun Hou although the shield hit a wood, the whole person was slippery, but it also rolled down from the hill slope and fell a faint steering.

When I woke up, I found that I have already defeated the mountain, I can only break the big, and express my desire to have some intimate relationships with the simple female relatives. One side is protected by her offers.

After the wood is thrown, the mountain will immediately grab more than 100 long gunners, and even drink a "kill!" And a shot in front of him, actually let people live a gun out of the forest!

Then the archers appear again, and they aimed at shooting and hurting the dog.

Cao Jun's first attack, so the end of the tiger's head, and the casualties were not light.


There is no doubt that when Tian Junhou took the lead, most of the soldiers from space were very shameless, only a small part followed up with a charge.

Their cautious is understandable, this is the world of gold! Be careful about it.

Not only this, almost more than a large number of people have never experienced this battlefield, facing the enemy of hundreds of enemies like tides.

Therefore, even if there is a battlefield damage protection, since some people take the initiative to rush to shoot a cannon, let them try the water first. It is also a good choice.

Originally, Lin Yan is also hiding behind, but very quickly, Cresbo has made objections:

"Hey, the head, I heard that there is a proverb in the East, the bird is called first, it will always be hit by the shotgun. Don't you think that our practice is somewhat improper?"

Listening to Kresbo said that McSon nodded:

"Yes, I think at least we can't present the worst the queue!"

Fang Lin Yan Shen gave a bit, I feel that the risk of rushing is controlled, and it is very simply:

"Well, we also follow!"

So, soon, the legendary squad passed through the context of Cao Jun, and the last echelon came to the middle rear position.

When they came to the mountain, I just saw the scene that rolled down the top of the top, and then the Cao Jun soldiers were withdrawn.

At this time, Fanglin Ryna has a heart in his heart, and suddenly thinks of a allusion, it is also the three countries.

Tianfeng did not optimize and Cao Cao at the time, was detained in Yucu.

When you are bored, chatting with your prison, saying that Yuan Gong can win, I still have a life, Yuan Gong is the return of the defeat, I am difficult to escape.

The jailer doesn't understand, saying that you are not to be optimistic about this battle? So, if the Lord is returned, isn't it proved by Tian Gong's vision? How can you die?

Tian Feng smiled, Yuan Gongwei, whose narrow, he would win the mood and comfortable, then he will definitely when I say, I have a smile.

However, if Yuan's experience, I have been mood, it will be guilty of me, think that my demon is confused by the military heart ...


This Treaty is turned to let Fanglin Rock think of the status quo!

Cao Jun defeated, Tian Junhou is a mustile! He won't feel that the defeat is his own problem, because he is a head of the army, bravely forward.

So, if you are looking for a responsibility, what should you bear?

At this thought, Fang Linyan suddenly felt that he didn't bring someone else, then it was necessary to step by step. Although he certainly won't be like Tianfeng, he would kill .. ....

So in this case, Fanglin Rocks have a flashing, and immediately began to observe the situation. At this time, it is difficult to do things, it is difficult to find the opportunity to perform in front of the leader.

At the same time, he urgently in the team channel:

"Max, you cover up, the rest of the people will don't participate, see the brothers who have no death on the ground!"

The rest of the people listened, and found that this is really a good idea.

Now that the soldiers defeated, the difficulty is too difficult, and it is a good thing to save people. "More importantly, carrying the wounded to escape, the enemy is behind the cold arrow, can also The wounded is as a block!

This decision made by Fanglin Rock is not actually a ** , , is not large, and it is timely stop.

Strong is stronger when he makes decisions, when you see those rolling woods, you will think about this subsequent curved road, which makes the legendary squad's time than the rest of the person. .

Therefore, in the case of a lot of wounded, the legendary team can even pick the military officer.

Fang Lin Yan is more too much, watching it is a tree trunk, looking like a direction of Tian Junhou, but must not threaten the Tian Jun Hou life, but iron can cause him to pay attention.

Therefore, Fanglin Rock is directly an interception, and then by interception, a boxing is on the side of the coarse trunk, and the direction of the rolling will be opened.

This scene certainly fell in the eyes of Tian Junhou. This guy immediately disdainfully snorted. After all, his character is just a boiler, not stupid, the heart is thinking:

"This is really a treability, how can this strength not to rush?"

However, the things that Fanglin Rock did finally gave the Tian Jun Hou highly looked at it. It turned out that Fanglin Rock rushed to the top of more than a dozen meters.

This wounded is not someone else, it is before, in order to cover a serious injury to the field of the field, Hu Apin.

The relationship between the Lord will have all been damaged. One glory is full, and it is always emotional. It is always emotional, and it is seen that the Aiben who is loyal is saved. Tian Jun Hou is a complaint, and it has fallen. Big half.

Of course, you are a smart person, others are not a fool. In addition to the legendary squad, the rest of the contractors also have a crisis awareness, and began to show it.

However, Fang Lin Yan doesn't matter, he doesn't ask for a lot of effort, as long as you do more than the rest of the people, then the next big rod will definitely not fall.


After Cao Jun defeated, Tian Junhou ordered the whole army to the whole army!

Needless to say, after the re-gathering of a dry person, it is a pain that is in the face of Tian Junhou.

Then Tian Junhou directly moved true, directly drinking a few people who took the lead in escaping! Bloody head plays the front of the public, and then let several pro-teams are ranked, and they will pick up the "War".

It is not allowed to say that this time is selected. At least half is a contractor who deliberately falls. Some people are not convinced. They are arguing with the pro-team. I don't say that Cao Ying reputation is deducted 500 points!

And clearly suggest that the next anti-life is deducted!

This makes them really have to say, but they don't dare to define military orders, I can only endure.

When I came to Fanglin Rock, the proletters who came this side were also gloomy.

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