However, although the two sides can barely becomes a balance, it is very obvious that the archers in the Ji Kong, the casualties of Cao Jun are much faster than Liu Beijun, should be only biting the teeth, waiting for casualties. After the number reached a certain degree, the crash will come in an instant.

Fang Linyan and others also got a part of the split Cao Jun, relying on the fruit advantage to the crust of the enemy, to endure the enemy's attack, quite a bit of the smell of the boat, and the command of the Cao Jun is the previous injured Liu Dian. .

At the time, this guy has been influenced by the "His Have a" "war, the in the middle, but the people who have been flashed teams have been saved. At this time, it has been barely supported.

Fang Linyan pays attention to it, the saving people is black fox, this guy actually masters rare treatment skills, so it is mixed with this hand.

At this time, the people of the flash team are not light, and it is also a belly grievance. It is estimated that most people include black fox. They feel that they are covered by Fanglin Rock. Therefore, although both parties are still working together, they don't exchange.

I don't care about this Fang Lin, I am not affected, and then I have said that both parties are interacting with each other, who is not white lotus.

Take a step, if you gamble at the time, the success of successfully, then will it give me the trophy to me? It is obviously impossible!

Since this is the case, I am willing to gamble, beat it, you will be correct, you can't draw a mistake, can you blame?

With the help, [Mimi Read App] You can steal the books like stealing vegetables, and come to my book to give my book.

However, when the Cao Jun seems to support it again, in the rear woods in the mountain post, I suddenly rushed out of a Cao Jun!

The arrival of this army broke the situation in the battlefield.

There is a thousand and killing the enemy, self-loss, eight hundred, the Ji Yong army hit the present, and it is also a bit exhausted. How can I get the enemy's obliquely? Immediately panic.

In contrast, I came to the year. Tian Junhou immediately looked away, and his hands held a knife, and the blood was high.

"Small, the aid is coming, killing the enemy !!"

Then I will show his only tactics again, and it is also the most tactical tactics. I will go in the place where the enemy is! Leaders immediately follow.

Soon, the Junjun is directly collapsed. At this time, it is impossible to flourish forward. Otherwise, he will hit the Tian Junhou, this madman.

At the same time, he couldn't retreat to the back, there is the most fascinating place in the new force of the energetic army.

If you go in the south, it is a steep mountain wall. The horse is not over, the remaining one is the way to walk towards the north.

Although there is a depressed road, the number of enemies is not much, and the river can go around the Tian Jun Hou directly to escape.

Even if you don't have this guy, there is no relationship. As the saying goes, the South is good, the South is good, and Liu Beijun has lived in Jingzhou for seven years. Most of them will have water. Over the past.

Most of Cao Caojun is a big man in the north. It can only be sank in the bottom of the armor. I don't know how fast.

Therefore, Jane is directly rushed to the north, which is also the direction of the people in Fanglin Rock!

At this time, Fanglin Yan looked at the distant face, and wanted to escape, and looked at the battlefield strengthening effect of "50% of the damage to damage", the heart suddenly moved! I can't help but give birth to the heart of the fight.

If you can intercept the brief, then you will definitely be the first! !

In this case, Fanglin Rock has not been explained more. Let the team members cover themselves, and take the next ten seconds to mad and drink a bottle of medicament, then eat two foods, restore their own state to Eight success, then look at the brief straight!

At this time, Fanglin Rock first aligned with the forefront of the forefront, the plan was to dizzy directly, let it go directly to the horse.

Why is the reason why it is not directly cleaned, and it is a lot of leaders who will have a lot of pro soldiers. It is difficult to lock the prostitute.

But the first unexpected occurred, this veteran suddenly shines on the white light, it should be the skill, the body state, so even the person The horse is slightly, and there is no fall.

Seeing this scene, Fanglin Rock has very simply used the "Fu Fire" previously seized from the iron needle. This is said that the best way is not directly throwing, but to use the way of bowling, direct Rolling the past.

After this "Fu Fire" is, it is really an extra effect on the arms of the world. After the break is blown, it will immediately turn off the Malay!

At the same time, the goat is also evacuated, and the murder of the glow, this stuff is in general, but it is successful to surprise the horses, let another one of the leaders fall.

But this is also a few highlights of the legendary squad, and then Fang Lin Yan did not expect it. The horses of Jane and others were speedful at this time!

Fanglin Rock is expected to have a series of hands into black, because it takes time to implement, at this time, the electro-optical stone in his mind is a lot of things ...

In the unique, Fanglin Yan took a sigh of relief, not refunded, and the front rushed to jump up, and a punch is got to the brightened horse!

At the same time, when Fanglin Yan made up, the demon bell necklace on the neck was also flashing. The ring-shaped shock wave is aligned around and directly spread. At the same time, the air also sounds the devil. Slim loud voice.

This is also the self-contained skills of Fanglin Rock launched the devil bell: demon whisper! !

Then Tangyan hit the brief man's head, and the ear came from the sound of the horse, followed by him, and I didn't know anything.


When Fang Lin Yan opened his eyes again, I didn't know how long it took.

The pupil of the gods began to quickly focus, and appeared in his vision, actually a small yellow flower in which it was open, there is a little crystal dew on the petals, swaying in the breeze.

This small yellow flower looks simple and simple, but there is an unbearable simple and clean beauty.

At this time, Fanglin Rock lost some gods, even couldn't help but lipped, hoarse low:

"It's beautiful ..."

However, he quickly discovered that on the tender green leaves of the small yellow flowers, they splashing a shocking blood! !

Blood is from a corpse next to it,

The owner of the body is still not easy to get off, and there is a touch of fluff in the lips.

His eyeball is over white, and a flies are staying above, and it is quite satisfied with this big pile of fresh food they find.

The cause of the body is suffocating.

A sharp arrow has passed through his throat, a large number of blood flows into the trachea, then flows into the lungs, which have been severe suffocation, so this boy is still very painful before death.

Suddenly, Fanglin Rock woke up, he still in the battlefield of the knife, chaos!

He stood up, but suddenly felt that there were a few days to turn, after a few times, a butt was re-sitting on the ground. At this time, I found a painful pain, coughing out, I found out Many brown blood clots are comfortable.

At this time, the vulture ran over and leaving the road:

"Head, you wake up, are you okay?"

Fanglin Rock smashed the chest:

"Yeah, what is the situation now?"

Vulture Haha smiled:

"we won!"

Fang Lin Yan frowed:

"Isn't this nonsense? I would definitely not this, I lost my consciousness after I was hit, I would like to know what happened later."

Vulture is more than a thumb:

"When you rushed it, everyone was shocked. I didn't expect it to hit it in that case!"

"It is because of your hit, and also launched the ability of the devil whisper, so only one enemy attacked you, and then slammed it directly by the simple mount."

"The result is such a delay, giving the large team to fight for time, we successfully left a few pro-teams around the brief, there is three white soldiers, not only the case, Jane is more in the arrow, life and death Go, Tian Junhou is full of praise you! Say the first success should be returned. "

Fang Lin Yan smiled bitterly:

"I have to jump up and hit it, can you still die? Staying in the place is waiting for death! More than a dozen horses trampled from you!"

"In the case of jumping up, it will take the angle, and the whole person will be hit immediately, then there are still a lot of harm."

The vulture certainly won't go to the place to consider the approach of Fanglin Rock, but now he said with him, I feel like this. Then I will continue to follow:

"Not only that, I first opened the devil whispered. In this case, there will be a few in the enemy. In this case, the probability I have attacked is lower. The fact that my judgment is right. of."

When I found that Fanglin Yan woke up, the goat was also excited to rush.

"It's too cool, head, let's kill a white soldier who protects the brief, got a high-level skill book: Shield reflection, this stuff can be in Mc. I have a long time, there is no price in the market. The city, was taken directly by him. "

"Not only that, in another white soldier, I also got a residual article of shooting, and then two shots (residual articles) were taken after it, and they actually prompt two to be two, this The quality of the play is actually improved again, becoming a vocational skill book! "

Fang Lin Yan listened to the future and excited ways:

"Really? Take me see the property?"

So the goat immediately shared its attributes.

Name: Shooting

Nature: prop

Quality: Dark gold

Evaluation: a +

After using this proportion, you will be able to successfully transfer your career, shooting sculptures.

Use this item must have the following conditions:

A, naked jade agility 20 points or more.

, Foundation shooting LV7 or more

C, the MP value exceeds 300 points, this condition does not require naked, but even after successful transfer, once the upper limit of the MP value of the sculpture is less than 300 points, then any skill related to this occupation will Gray gray, enter the incoming effect.

Introduction: This is a powerful profession that specializes in remote physical output. It features high precision and high criters. At the same time, it also has a short time to call the soul of the horse as a mount, and then quickly and evacuated power. ability.

The disadvantage is that the firearms (non-energy weapons) or bows / bows are special in the early days of the occupation, so it is quite narrow in the choice of weapons.

The skill system of this profession is very easy to form in the previous period, but it is a science of easy to learn. If you want to further, you need to subsequently put a lot of general spots and talent points, so please choose carefully.

If it is not based on the above shortcomings, then the shooting sculpture is unbelicious in the attack power and mobile, this is a powerful profession that can reach s!


After seeing this vocational skill book, Fanglin Rock also took a breath!

Strong of the eagle, can be said to be far from his expectation! A set of power, powerful remote attack power, and hitting and playing strong profession.

Based on the introduction, its attack power and mobile have met the requirements of S evaluation, but the back leg of the evaluation of the effect of a large number of resources later.

This is the case, and the evaluation of A + is quite quite amazing.

In the coming of Tuli Rock, the evaluation of the war mechanical manipulator in his hands in his hands, only got a B!

It's just that Fanglin Rock's talents are very powerful, and success with this profession is very high, so let this profession glow out of its own light, this is the bug who didn't think of designers!

If it is replaced with another person, the evaluation of the skill of war mechanical manipulator is really just B.

"Let's make a fortune!" Fang Lin Yan muttered: "This audience is also very wide, I estimate that at least one legend is equipped!"

Goat laughed in the team's channel:

"If the other party is also added, the legendary equipment of the weapon class is to add money."

Fang Lin Yan is satisfied with the point:

"This is also very good! Gold main line world, it is really opportunities and risk!"

At this time, I will be accompanied by the entire battlefield, which is already in the stage of cleaning up the residue, identifying the capture, and a soldier next to suddenly runs:

"The army has made it, let you pass."

Fang Linyan is looking at it, and there is some doubts under the heart. Because at this time, it should be a battlefield and treat the wounded. These two things are unable to do relations with the legendary brigade, so the Tian Junhou told them to have a few mystery.

I can't wait to save my life, I have to give them an aura, I want to give them a reward for it --------------------------------------------------------------------- .

However, at this time, there is no way to define, and a man will be old and old, and then the big old man will see Tian Jun Hou, and stand next to it. His opposite is a big thorn sitting.

This person's sitting method is very domineering, and the legs are very simplicity. It seems like eggs. It needs to make it blow.

Because of the opposite Rock, everyone can't see his face, but you can see four words: young and happy!

And the dress of this guy should be the generals of the Cao Jun, who is previously helped, and Fanglin Rock still feel that this is a little familiar. If it is approaching a few meters, he can hear his probabilistic voice passed:

"....... Old Tiantian, you have lost my life today?"

"Ha ha ha ha ... you don't hurry up at the time, I shot a brief thief! Is it unfavorable?"

"Right, I tell you, caught the words, still have to wait for the reason, the uncle (Cao Hong) said, the simple people are still nice, often lose a lot of money when they are He. "


I heard this voice, Fang Lin Yan immediately wake up, knowing who he is, it is before being trapped in Shangxi Village, just add it to a cool Xia Hou Wing!

At this time, the commander has already left to the loudness:

"Square is a man, etc., etc., specially payment."

Tian Junhou waved his hand, then looked at Fanglin Rock, her grass asked a few words, it is symbolic asked if there is no injury, and then pointed to Xia Hou Wing:

"Xia Hou Xiaojie felt that you would be brave when you have previously fight, you have to do things in the past, from now on, you are not a person who is left."

After that, after the end of this sentence, Tian Junhou did not want to seek the meaning of Fanglin Rock, turned and walked. It is a moment to stay with Xia Houyi.

Looking at the back of Tian Junhou, Xia Houyi "" has a bit, very uncomfortable:

"This old dog is really do not recognize it. This general is the old and far away to save him, actually so perfunctory?"

Fang Linyan Xin Tian Junhou only learned the "strong miracle" old guy, of course, I don't know what to take the horse.

In Xia Houyi, it seems that he is a far away to save a life, but the old field is estimated to have a stomach, but I feel that this king is coming to pick the peach!

At this time, Fang Ran did not want to have a hard top of Xia Hou Wing, and immediately took the people:

"Fang Yan saw the generals, thinking that we have to build a success in the general, fighting the four parties, we have a few brothers are happy."

Xia Hou Yi snorted, then said:

"You and the name of the goat, I still have heard, I am also brave enough to fight on the battle, and you will go to my dental led before you go."

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