On Tuesday, several people followed the actions at this time, and they sent a unsuspetent wealth. After hearing the proposal of Fanglin Rock, he suddenly lit up, but he he left:

"This ... is not good?"

Fanglin Rock low channel:

"Is this unreasonable? There is a big big fortune opportunity."

Excited Tuesday:


Fanglin Rock Road:

"The ! "

"Let's rush it right now, I have already given them, then fooping a lot of money!"

I heard myself in Xia Hou Wing, I immediately wake up immediately after listening to Fang Lin Yan.

The military law is ruthless, and this will lead this one, but these pro soldiers around him are not broken, and they will be sentenced to death in the future!

So the only way to live now is to rustle!

That is to say, now the fire and they are not in violation of the law, once again, think of the lack of gold and silver belongings on the side, Tuesday, etc.

Just after they sent the wounded, only three people were left, and it was obvious that some trend is thin, and they also have some hesitation.

Results Fanglin Yan directly patted his chest, saying that this helper now has no good fortune, is a good opportunity to make a fortune!

If you still have something concerns, you will fight the main force, and a few brothers are slightly shaking the flag.

Seeing Fanglin Rock, what else to say on Tuesday, exchanged an eye, a hot way:


The stanker is very angry, but his people are not enough now. If you want to hold these wealth behind these wealth, don't say that it is going out, you can only make it.


As a result, Fanglin Rock gave a lot of than 20 minutes, and he kept the Liu Beijun's mess to rush to this side, and then he would like to grab it.

The Triple Person's family with a group of people is quite hard, and people who have left the defense are dead.

When the Ding Pistant is secretly called, Fanglin Rock and others are already the blood dragging and rushing back, and then open directly in front of the stanner, and suddenly "" poured a lot of gold and silver. .

The goat took the lead in crying:

"Triassa, your old man can save us!"

The stunner is stunned:

"What happened? What happened?"

Goats are bitter face:

"We have went out in Tuesday, it has already killed the hand of the guided guided, went a big, and the brother, the brothers, they are more than a greedy, and the one next to the side, and the Liu Beijun's military commander killed. Back to the horse! "

"Let's escape fast, I finally put back a life, but I didn't live it on Tuesday ... we have no way in the orders, there is no way to compare with Tuesday, if you go back If you will be sharpened by the general! "

The stunned family stunned, but he listens to Fanglin Rock to continue to add:

"We have negotiated, now, now, you can only seek your old people to temporarily pay us, at least, after the general, then let us go back, this bag of gold and silver, even our Xie Li. "

Before the clove family, the people are not enough. Fang Linyan rushed to seek to pay, this is really trying to sleep, and there is a patch of gold and silver to fall into the bag.

So this guy was holding up. I originally wanted to drag a drag. Several big trenches next to the results were directly with Fanglin Rock. They said that the brothers came up ------- This helpers arrived in a mess, it is really Good hard.

They feel that if they come back to a rush of army, they can't die, they are all dead, or this helpers are collapsed.

Nowadays, I will not easily come to the bodies that will help the defenders. Ding Jiye is still nonsense. I really don't have personnel -------- Your mother doesn't have to go to fight, our brothers have to be white and enemy. Knife into the red knife!

Of course, this helper will definitely don't know, Liu Beijun, who has rushed to play their ideas, is to be deliberately driven by Fanglinyan.

To this end, he also gave a bloodbook, and used a quality cavalry policy, summoning eight cavalry, otherwise the power in the words is still a little short.

Liu Beijun's ruilion morale is almost 0, the heart has no strong sense, and is slightly applied to Fanglin Rock and others, just like being taken away by the sheep.

As for the few unlucky eggs on Tuesday, they are not in the hands of Zhao Yun, but they are killed by Fanglinyan.

Fang Linyan tells them, let's take the main force, on Tuesday, you will attract the few baubles, we are ambush here, waiting for them to have a good one!

I heard it on Tuesday, I think this is! The difficulty to win is relatively large, the scam running is not simple? I take my hand!

As a result, I was successfully inserted, and then I was expecting to enter the ambush circle, but I didn't wait until the aid army, but I got a flash bomb ....... The people who came up behind the Liu Beijun I turned up and cut them to cut the dishes!

Fanglin Rock, they certainly been punished, but the flash bomb "misunderstanding" arrived at the friendly army, this is not a big mistake, often happening, so the price is just the lost bomb, the goat is deducted 50 points Cao Ying Reputation.


Fanglin Rock has been mixed into the Ding Person's family. After a long time, there is a guy who looks like a sharp monkey, led the seven-eight riding, and this guy is illegal.

Then when the righteousness came, let them grab the East and west, the adults have accompanyed to Changthu, and they came over and mixed with them.

So I don't have to say, a man started to carry things in this time, and then transported these gold and silver goods toward the Camp of the Chinese army.

Fang Linyan is waiting for a look, a total of some people think that Xia Hou Wing should now look for Liu Bei's wife, so don't worry and hit him, so I will start.

After returning to the big camp, I saw a black big man from the inside of Zhama, and came directly to the side of the cattle car in Fanglin Rock, and grabbed a bag of gold and silver goods. Go, my face is full of greedy looks, and I don't hide my favorite.

However, Fanglin Ran's eyes have stayed in the sword sheath on the golden jade jade on this black big man!

The material of this sword is a rosewood, which should be a multi-storey varnish, and it has been used with

The use of the sheath is to prevent the spar sheath inlet, which is made of plastic sheep fat white jade, and the touch is warm, if there is a body.

The protective ring is to protect the sword sheath body, which is to prevent deformation, splitting, and convenient hanging. This sword is hanging a dragon guard ring, and the integrity is very good.

The sword daughter is also known as the sword, the use is inlaid in the sheath, preventing the sword and the ground impact damage, and there is also an attack.

The swords of this sword are the clouds of the clouds. If you blow it, you can hear the snoring, and if there is a dragon.

The use of the nameplate doesn't say more, the title is used, and the nameplate of this sword sheath is a rare white buzzard. It is engraved with two poems:

Qingfeng is a ruthless thing, I will go back to the sky today!

On the sword handle, a man finally saw the two front-filled hot stamping characters:

Qingyi! ! !

There is no doubt that this person is a deep Cao Cao trust, and the Xia Hou En of the Swordsman.

Cao Cao is extremely deep, and worked in his heart, so you can have a long time to wait for a long time, it must be the kind of unhappy, do not hide.

For example, Xiwei, such as Xu Wei!

Why is Xiahou En so greed to get the trust of Lao Cao because he greedy this shortcoming is nothing to Cao Cao, Cao Cao's heart is the Han Room, your district, a Xia Hou, let you greedy?

Cao Cao wants, that is, that kind of frankness and loyalty.

After carefully checking the belongings of someone who belongs to the hand, Xia Hou Enhaha laughed and sat suited to the point:

"Not bad, the baby is doing well! Liu Bei is scraping the seven years of the seven years in Jingzhou, which is really raised too fat!"

Then he saw five people in Fanglin Rock, looked at the eyes, and some doubts:

"Are you not the swang that is called Square? What is it coming back?"

A person who is a money to do with a money, and immediately put it a few, Xia Hou En listed it directly, I took it directly:

"Hey, I said something! It is not a few people. If the gold and silver money belt will come back, this will be properly done! You stay here, look back, I have seen Xiaoxin ( Xia Houyi ranks ninth), I told him to go. "

It is quite advantageous for people who can help him fish.

Then he picked out a few of these gold and silver treasures, and he took the hand:

"Let's go to the prime minister, you will go to the bathroom to wait for me."

Looking at the back of Xia Hou En, Fang Linyan found that this is clear, there is no such thing, can get Cao Cao's favorite or reason! This kind of person is simple, loyal, and everything goes to think about the main priority.

Cao Cao, lack of security, is a person who needs such a person to stay with peace!

When a man delivered a wealth, it will be successful after the tent.

At this time, the remarkable prompt finally appeared:

"Members of the legendary quad team: You have successfully helped Ding Guo's raising property, and sent it to the Hou Hou's hand."

Available, I have recently used the app, [\ Mi \ \ Read \ App \\] Android Apple mobile phone support!

"The branch task, the rescue has been completed."

"Fanglin Rock and goat will receive a reward of universal point 30000 points + 3000 points (based on legend +1), and the rest will receive 30,000 rewards."

"You got a team experience: 30 points + 3 points (based on two team leader +1) rewards."

"You have got a reward for merits 6 + 2 points (based on two team members +1)."

"Your team level has successfully improved to LV5 !!"

"Your passive team skills: The team is the power to improve to LV5! All of your people's basic attribute value is +5!"


Obviously, unity is the power of this passive skill, once again let the strength of the team have improved.

The basic attribute point is extra +1 looks not large, but it can effectively make up for the obvious shortboard of everyone! This is undoubtedly spiritual!

At this time, the goat is in the team channel:

"Head? We are going to follow Xia Hou En?"

Fanglin Rock nodded:

"Yes, although we didn't pick up the gold branch mission, but it is absolutely not allowed to get the high evaluation smoothly!"

"The current main line task is not difficult, the most difficult moment has not arrived, unless it is given up in advance, otherwise, if the progress is step by step, the two sides must have a battle, don't forget, the rest of the space warrior It is our true opponent and enemies !! "

Fang Lin Yan said very resolutely, it can be said that there is a voice, and Cres wave has two nozzles. If you want to say something, yes, he still has some opinions.

Because in his opinion, there is a high child, and the enemy of Liu Bei is strong. Its fake thinking is a leader of Cao Yutang -------- Your contractor is not a heart. Some too advanced?

At this time, the vultures have become a subtle atmosphere in the team, and hurriedly came out to play the circle:

"In fact, the head is also quite good. The enemy stepped in advance, giving him a powerful Zhao Yun up to his mount short board, will give him a lot of history!" This is already changing history. "

"We follow Xia Hou En, trying to get Zhao Yun to get a green sword, this is also changing history plots, knowing that such a behavior is very risk, but the income is also very big! Don't forget the last pass. Can get extra reward! "

So a round field by vultures, although Crespo felt that Fanglin Rock decided to have a little hard, but the heart of the shares did not stand, so he nodded silently.

For the reaction of Cresbo, Fanglin Rock only did not see it, smiled and laughed:

"In fact, we must stop Zhao Yun from getting the sword, we may not be too big."

"Zhao Yun's purpose is to save people, so many places will not go, such as this big camp is where he will not appear!"

"So, in turn, we only need to let Xia Hou En wait for these Zhao Yun's place where Zhao Yun will not go within two hours. There is no need to confront Zhao Yun."

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