After a gloomy "", after the smile, Fang Lin Yan suddenly felt that it was stiff and can't move,

I can see something like a black smoke is hovering on his limbs, as if the snake is rooted.

At this time, everyone feels wrong, start looking for an enemy around, but I can't find the enemy, Ruberts can only hit their heads, and look at the search for the enemy, but they are all in vain, this is really What feels a strange thing!

Then, Fang Lin Yanyi picks up, I saw that there was a very sharp shining, and there was a red line in the throat of the throat, followed by blood.

Not only that, next to his heart, the small abdomen, all of the eyebrows have sprayed blood!

Then the sharp rays shine again, form a strange "X" symbol in the body surface of Fanglin Rock, which is shocking! In the air, there is a numerous thing to have countless blades crazy.

But soon, there is a very uncoordinated scene, which is the body surface of Fanglin Rock, actually frequently showing a green olive tree leaf fiction, and directly offset this serial attack directly to invisible.

On the battle tips at this time, it is the word "Your Attack Dave" "Your Attack is Dodge".

Seeing this scene, this guy almost almost drums out, and the heart began to knead:

"Lying in the trough? How can you be like this! Laozi's dragon roll kills will attack the enemy twenty-one, you tm a whole to dodge six times, the dodge rate exceeds 30%! You a spell, fucking so high How is the dodge? What is going on? Is there anything you do? Is there a king law? "

Then, he still looks at the actual injury, but also almost vomiting a old blood.

This guy's damage is mixed, and 10% damage will be converted to true harm, which is the reason for the injury of Fanglin Rock.

However, now Fanglin Rock has reached 22 points, with the addition of equipment, the health is also reached 410 points, and his Athena's bless is open in advance, so 10% of true harm to him is really fatal.

The most important thing is that although the guy is a seeder, but its essence is the same as the vulture.

For example, he can hurt 1000 points in just five or six seconds, but in the high defense MT, it is afraid that half of the injuries can not beatented.

Of course, this is just a metaphor, but it doesn't matter if it is like this! But occupational suppression is indeed existing.

After a set of finished, the black mist suddenly fell in a very embarrassing situation! Nowadays, everyone is now helpless, because this guy activates a powerful S-class capability: atomization.

Therefore, the black fog's body is actually entangled in the black smoke that is on Fanglin Rock, and most of the attack methods cannot cause damage to it, unless it is true harm!

Just turning this black smoke is also cost-effective!

The cost of activating the atomization form is that the maximum life value is reduced by 50%, which is equivalent to the enemy directly knocked over half of blood.

There is no need to pay any price before the next ten seconds.

But after ten seconds, I want to maintain the atomization form. The longer the duration, the more consumption, the key is to consume or the health of the black fog!

Under normal circumstances, after five seconds near the enemy, it will drive the dragon and kill directly, causing an amazing harm to the enemy.

At this time, the vampire attribute on his weapon will take effect!

The dragon roll is brought about by a strong vampire. In this way, the black fog is not only lost, but also after the health is filled, it will also be obtained according to the blood shift. An additional blood shield.

Atomization forms, the life value will be consumed first, then consume blood shield, then consume the health of the black mist, let him succeed.

However, at this time, the most embarrassing thing happened, the power of the black fog, the power of the dragon roll, and most of them were against the Athena of Fanglinyan.

Fanglin Rock deducted magic value, could not let him succeed to any flesh and blood essence, and a few powerful attacks are directly blocked, so he didn't succeed in?

Therefore, the fatal crisis that appeared in the darkness of the black fog, actually originated from his own atomization form, as soon as possible, after five or six seconds, the black fog is to be squeed by his skills!

So this time there is only two options, first, release the atomization form in a short period of time, second, that is, give yourself a drug that can instantly restore health ...

Obviously, the first choice is to find dead, the assassin seedlings are hunted once, and they are still fast! So the only choice of black fog, in fact, it can only swallow himself a bottle of therapeutic agents, ready to run directly.

However, the black fog just reluctantly filling a bottle full recovery agent. At this time, he has directly appeared on the top of his head.

It is the signing skill of hunter: hunter imprint, immediately heard a roar, is the hunting king raised his own fire, and the trigger was pulled.

After this shot, did not shoot any bullets, but it seems that there is a tangible wind blowing, and it has been blown out directly from the mist to the mist. However, there is no damage to the black fog.

The consequences of this gun are really hurt, and the insults are extremely insulting. The consequences are also extremely serious!

At this moment, the black fog has a feeling of naked naked, just like the smashing of the buttocks suddenly appeared in the downtown market.

Fang Lin Ran has been hungry before, it can be said that it is a full of fire, the black fog is now, and immediately found a departure, directly, I didn't say a lightning, I went. !

Although the black fog is a seeder hunter. At this time, it has not yet been expected to pay attention to the movement of this, directly "purification bombard", and hit him from the moment of atomization.

This is a serious, it is equivalent to facing the hunting king + the legendary squad for his short time! !

And the hunting king looks only to open a shot, but in fact, who can guarantee that he will not shoot again?

After the black mist, the black fog was flared into the dizzy state. He immediately was attached to the legendary brigade. Cresbo lost a hammer, including the Max of the shield. A shot,

The skill combination of this guy is really hidden, it is too hated, the big day can kill people in invisible, if it is almost in the evening?

Since both sides have already knocked grievances, then they don't understand, it must be a chance to play!

The dizziness of the gap is turned to the flash, and the black fog is similar to Fanglin Rock. He also piled up high dodge, and fortunately, the dodge has fallen a few attacks.

This is the case, he will look at the speed of his life, and then take a breath, knowing that he is really grassroots, this is a ghost legendary team, before it is still hiding!

They came out at this time, and the power far beyond the pre-judgment of the black fog!

Not only that, the black fog is a horrible thing. This is more than one-quarter of his MP value in this five seconds.

He immediately responded, and the other party actually had direct abnormal skills that burn his own spiritual power! ! !

In this case, the black fog immediately felt a huge threat. When his head was turned, he seems to see that the death of the death of the gods, and the death is unscrupulous.

"See the ghost, why do I think not to open, run to sneak them !! This is a bastard to give me the pressure ........ It is better than the rest of the sur fortune !!"

Black fog is already extremely regret! ! Originally wanted to pick a soft mortal, but did not expect to be on the iron board.

Now become a iron plate, there is no thing, and the beginning of the knife has been fractured. If you can't make it right away.

Fortunately, in front of the black fog, I suddenly came out of a faint light, and Rubs was going to put it directly to bite, and the time of dizziness was seamlessly connected, but it was this layer. The rays are bounced.

It can be seen far away, and the astrology division has turned to this side. Although he is far away from hundreds of meters, his palm is already done.

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The most weird is that there is a eye in the palm of your hand. At this time, you are going down.

Ghost shield! !

It is because of Deng's intervene, so Fanglin Yan did not successfully control the black fog in time, gave the black fog breathing.

I caught this opportunity, and the black fog will not say a little! I immediately saw a long flame under his feet. When I accelerated, I fleave it in a distance.

This time, the black fog suddenly launched, and Fanglin Rock and others were uneaspeners.

However, after the black fog just flying out a few meters, I can see it next to flying out a figure. It looks like a ghost, I'm wrapped around the black fog, and I immediately came to the scream in the half-air. The blood of the black fog is also sprinkled from the half empty!

Finally, he is not easy to get rid of this entanglement of this ghost, but the blood is also shining in the air, falling, one hand and one feet!

This hit is a vulture that has lurking next to it, but the fog is really hard, so it can escape from birth.

Fang Linyan, although they didn't kill, but the black fog was not a big road, and the actual single can avoid the eyesight of vultures. It can be seen directly to Tuli.

Try, this guy is a very famous existence in the spatial warrior of Liu Bei, it is estimated that it is only a little bit of Deng and Hunts Wang. It is enough to be able to take the front three in the assassin career in the battle. !

Such a guy's opponent Lin Yan is a person, the final result is actually fleeted like a dog, and finally breaks one hand! ! Although the hunting king has a shot, but the same Deng also has a help, and then let Cao Cao's space warrior morale.

With the black mist, the battle begins to quickly move towards the space of Cao Cao, and the hunting king is also once again.

And he opened this time, it didn't give Deng rescue opportunities at all.

I didn't find any thrilling power of the hunting king, the powerful move, I feel that I have written two shots, I actually killed two enemies, got two bloody keys!

Such a little bit is written, and if the weight is light, it shows that the hunting king's control power is strong, and the degree of understanding of the prey gained on each battle is extremely deep.

The whole battle is in the eyes of others, but in front of the hunting king, if it is the palm of the road, it is clear, it is a chance to be a gun, as if Ding Ding is cow, you can harvest a hint of fire. Head.

If the guy of Melt is speaking in time, otherwise, the hunting king can continue to harvest!

Seeing that the situation is getting degraded, Liu Beiyi's space warrior is also supported, and it is possible to collapse at any time, and Deng nodded at the leader of the handheld blood tonar.

This guy has always been engaged in his chest, standing in the past, occasionally going to a few steps, see Deng's tips, standing directly, giving the hunting Wang blanks an ax:

"Alfonso, the artifact of the World World World, is crucial to the programs of the Lord, do you have to be right with the Lord?"

The hunting king reveals the teeth of Bai Yessen and brids:

"Blood ax", you rely on people, how can I ask my opinion when grabbed my prey? "

"Oh, if you are in the abyss lord, you will go here, then I will not say it right away, but you only have two knights, I will let me let go, it is not qualified!"

The blood ax is suddenly looked up, showing a smile:

"Very good, then Alfon, you will die!"

After he finished this, he had a flashy light shining at the foot, and then rushed to the sky!

After a few seconds, the sky came back, and there was a few black light toward the ground straight!

Then, then the rays have produced an explosion, but the power of the explosion is not big. After the dust is disconnected, it can be seen. The light is still surrendering, and it turns into four distorted portions. .

At this time, a Space Warrior of a Cao Cao started to attack the delivery door. Unfortunately, this attack did not effect, all penetrated the past, and there was no killing for the transfer door.

It turned out that this guy stood there at all, it was not playing cool, nor in meditation, but a special pattern or a method of labeling a special pattern on the ground! !

Obviously, this blood ax is a hipster in this respect, he looks like a rude rude body is a madman who is muscle, in fact, can block the block, and summoning the magic. Listed to drift.

Then, the surface of the conveyor door shining with black rays, then flew out of a large black pressing thing from it! Then it is a bat group! Terror blood-blood batter!

And this passing door has four, one of the batches of the one-time pops up to hundreds, and after a circle in half empty, rushing directly to the battlefield.

Soon, Fanglin Rock and others found that these bats were really disgusting, flying fast, flying trajectory is difficult to pre-judge, normal attack means seems to play mosquitoes, unless you use range attack, otherwise there is no way Kill a few.

Not only that, after the attack by these blood-blood bats, the damage is small, the key is to be included in the incident, poisoning, disease, etc. continue to effect! Quite nausea.

Fanglin Rock is only bitted two, and it is bleeding, poisoning, and disease effects.

The bleeding effect is lost 10 points every 5 seconds, and it is also subject to the double impact of PVP law and defensive impairment. This hurts the rain.

However, poisoning is a bit disgusting, let people move the speed of 20%, more importantly, if the poisoning effect and bleeding effect exist at the same time, the bleeding effect is doubled, and the affected people attack the hit rate of 10%!

The disease is bleeding, which will make the human eye to the eye of the disease, and even bleed, will occasionally lose 15 seconds.

These three negative states are also over, the key is that the total injuries caused by the vampire batter to the enemy have a certain degree, the bat population will reunite, and then a giant blood bat fiction, send a sharp ultrasound toward the front roar!

The scope of the ultrasonic roaring is very amazing. It will directly affect the front sector area, and the range of damage has reached a few hundred square meters.

The people who are recruiting will not only suffer a lot of damage, but also directly blow up 5-10 meters towards the rear, but also with the silence effect, let the affected enemies cannot be cast!

The key is to harass each of these vampire bats everywhere, while the Liu Beijun's space warrior is not idle, and the chance has launched a crazy anti-fall.

Blood ax Borsong is certainly will not letting this opportunity, but also the charge, shot, just like a bloody wind whistling.

The contractors of the two Caojongfang in front suddenly stale, and then they were directly licking.

Among the contractors who were killed, they had the acquaintance of Kresbo's acquaintance, and even any escape props did not have access.

Just, when the blood ax Biskog suddenly broke again, a double-handed sword dropped from the sky was directly in front of him!

Then, from the side of the stream, it has jumped out of a person. This person appeared, and she took out the water flowers.

Then, this person will yelle his right hand. When you see the creek, you actually picked up a dragon formed by Xiwu, followed by the water dragon into a crystal clear ice dragon, issued sharp whistless. , The blood ax Bisko was hit into the past.

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