The First Evolution

Chapter 67 See the old leadership

Fanglin rock nodded.

At this time, Alteba came directly, and it was very simply in Wenlin Rock:

"The last time we made a transaction in the StarCraft, I think it is a win-win state."

Fang Lin Yan smiled slightly:

"I think so too, although the start of the transaction is not happy, but the result is still good."


"I hope this time our transaction can still reach a win-win state."

Fanglin Rock nodded:

"This is also what I expect."


"So, before the end of this world, will you stay in Melt's bloody key?"

Fang Lin Yan wants to think, very frank:

"We will not go to this thing now, but if someone has a high price, I will sell it, but before reaching the transaction, I will definitely notify the hunting king!"

"This is unrelated to people and committed this kind of virtual, purely to introduce competitors and maximize the interests."

"In view of our successful cooperation, what I can make is, under the same conditions, the hunting king has a priority purchase right."

Alteba nodded, showing a smile:

"Although your words are not the answer to the hunting king, it is quite straightforward, and it can also meet the needs of adults."

Fanglin Rock Road:

"Okay, then goodbye."


Alteba has passed the topography of the top rough battlefield topography before leaving, and the Cao Jun is temporarily stationed. These stationary are selection, just in the battlefield's key level.

After having this temporary map, you have always been in the battlefield in the battlefield.

After all, now Fanglin Rock has been separated from Cao Ying's sequence, and the things that Lin Yan dried in the front will not be authentic. Once you have broken your identity, you want to kill his Cao Jun people.

So the next one will continue to look for the school's impression, then unfortunately, after all, Rubert is not Holmes, and its sense of smell is not universal.

According to a man's estimation, the main body of the Campus is a wood carving, and the appearance is modified by a master, saying that it is a gold and wrong silver, it seems to be sold or good.

Once someone picks up, it is not good to use the teeth to bite the texture of the gold and silver in the top, and throw the wood, it is a ghost.

Therefore, Fanglin Rock now only wants to complete the task, it is to get a school.

After discussing this, Fanglin Rock saw it in the perspective of "Otte" in the half-air, starting with the stars in the distance, and then gathered in a direction, which looks actually true. There is a power of Baichuan.

Obviously, this battle will have a major event in this battlefield, leading to the power of activities on the battlefield to began to gather in the past.

After thinking about it, Fanglin Ran is very simply collecting "Otie", saying that the truth is inside this high-end bureau, this stuff has not been very good to investigate, but it is very easy to be occupied Teacher Deng This kind of person discovered that it was judged his identity.

More importantly, the Austrian embers have blocked Zhao Yun a shot! The power of this gun can be non-small, and Fanglin Rock now can only repair five or six cents, but also maintain a reconnaissance function, don't think about it, even in a long time, there are some mysterious.

In this case, most of the time can only rely on the vulture of this guy to reconnaissance, which is still a bit.

It took a lot of minutes, and the vultures sent a message:

"Head, your idea is used by them!"

Fanglinyan is still a bit:



"According to the news I am invested now, some people in Cao Jun deliberately got a group of transport teams, and then hit Zhao Yun and others, and then he fled."

"Zhao Yun won a few carriages, and I found out that I was going to bring the goddess to escape, not only the case, Zhao Yun is even more hurtful!"

Fang Lin Yan suddenly smiled:

"Sure enough, everyone has their own position, Zhao Yun is also the same! There is a way to get the first, Zhao Yun, is estimated to make Liu Bei's person very headache!"

"However, they don't have any way, Zhao Yun is a strong general, but they can not act around, can only be induced!"

Cresbo is also a movement at this time:

"Zhao Yun is a born cavalry commander. The role played on the battlefield should be the assassin who is not seeing the end of the Shenlong, and the killer who is killed! If the wind is generally fast, if the storm is generally raised."

"However, once Zhao Yun became a guard against the lady and others, it has completely departed away from the field of him, maybe there is a possibility of retaining him."

Fang Lin Yan Shen said:

"Retaining Zhao Yun is too difficult. At this time, he is a super-explosive state, let alone the mount of the mount or the BMW of Luo! If you want to kill Zhao Yun in Changchun, unless you have to meet the two conditions! "

"First, Cao Yingzhong, must have a general horse that can come out and Zhao Yun's tricks, positive against Zhao Yun's impact. Such a person is a number, that is, Xu Wei Zhang Yizhang and others, and it is best to have Both people go out together. "

"Second, to catch the beatex, A Dou is captured, Zhao Yun can't go, can only be dead."

"This is the case, Zhao Yun will take the back of the people before dying, Cao Ying almost inevitably continue to fall."

Fangliny's words are very real, and it is very in the reason.

Obviously, Cao Yufang is impossible to withstand such a huge loss. The key is that Zhao Yun is still famous, and it is not like the two people who are famous. In order to have such a unknown small struggle. No one is willing.

At this time, Cresbo:

"Zhao Yun wants to protect the madam and Abu to evacuate, this is a good opportunity for us. Cao Jun's sight will be attracted by Zhao Yun's actions. Not only that, all space warriors must also want to make a fish!"

"Let's take the opportunity to find a temporary camp, let the vulture touch the campus, and the difficulty will be very small."

Obviously, this time, Cresbo is really a voice, and everyone is looking at it, and there is a feeling of .

So a man saw the map, then called Deng Laison, let him take the way in front.

Soon, according to the logo on the front map, Fanglin Rock came to a temporary camp near, here, according to the above introduction, it is stationed, and some of the injured soldiers are placed here.

If you are close to, you can find a fire around the camp, and there are a lot of reject horses at the door, and a trench that surrounds the camp is also dug.

Not only that, in a few hundred meters in the camp, there is a trap of the trap in the camp, the quantity is only a few thousand tens of thousands, this place is actually tied to the ground with a lodge of Luoyang shovel.

This hole probably has a bowl size, only the depth of six or seven centimeters, and the mud that is out is present, and it will be shot next.

These traps seem simple, in fact, very vicious, the horse will fade in a hoof when the Mercedes-Benz, then fell directly, sprain the hoof, and the weight is directly broken.

It seems that Cao Jun also made it clear that the counterattack of Liu Beijun is clearly clear, knowing that the other party is on the speed advantage of cavalry, so it is specifically targeted.

As a result, when Deng Laofa was preparing to enter the camp, the vulture suddenly found that there was a black shadow in the distance, and then several whistle sent a whistle, and it was planted, and it was actually a successful attack.

When the vulture suddenly stopped the footsteps before, in the grass, then sent his own shadow, and secretly followed the peak.

As a result, they found that they came to attack the camp. They turned out to be a soldier of Liu Bei. Although there were not many people, but they were brought by ten from the white soldiers, following more than 100 ordinary soldiers, and several space warriors Also together.

After this group of people dried down the sentinel, they rushed into the fire and killed, and the night was destroyed.

After seeing this scene, Fanglin Rynneys said in the heart:

"Walk! Let's go to help!"

At this time, Fanglin Rock wearing is a Cao Jun's garnail, and then he will directly catch a white soldier.

At this time, they also know that the White Soldier / Tiger Leopard rides this elite elseous oil and water is still very rich, and the transfer props of the sculpture don't say it.

The goat even heard that someone exploded from him, and the value of the legend is equipped with the legend. The cough, I feel like a 900 blood, the Zuma arrow hand explosion ruling .......

Of course, the high-risk brought is also high risk. Fanglin Rock has no problem, but the problem is that the white soldiers are not a wooden pile. If you see it, you will run the road, you can call you. Teammates support.

Therefore, Fanglin Rock did first kill a white soldier, and found that the other party had begun to retreat, so he chased several ordinary Liu Bei soldiers, then began to focus on the handling wounded, and camp They have been matured.

The goat went to the wounded Cao Jun soldiers, and he was able to grab him at him.

"Where is the school? Where is the school? I have an emergency military and reported!"

This Cao Jun soldier is called Cheng Xia, just saved by them, and I saw this helper, but I killed several Liu Bei soldiers, and of course he didn't have him, and immediately breathed:

"Adults have a big drum outside the yards."

Goat nodded:


At this time, Fang Ran suddenly said:

"Is there a Zhao Campus in the wounded soldiers? My big man also commanded, and his news must return immediately."

This soldier has been quiet:

"Zhao Campus? Will n't, the school level, will be specially received by the main accommodation, and the full-time physician is diagnosed, how can we come here?"

Fang Linyan is tight, knowing that he has said wrong, but there is a horrified expression:

"Ah? There is still this kind of thing, I am new here, I don't know, I saw him in a few arrows, I used it directly, and I lost my soldiers to grab it back, and later I heard that I was sent to hurt. The soldiers are here. "

Chengxia estimated that there is no city government. If the other party, Lin Yan does not have a suspicion. After all, he looked at Fanglin Rock who killed a Liu Beijun soldier, saved himself, so he thought for a while, and suddenly Liang said:

"Oh, the school of the middle, there is really one, but I am not surnamed Zhao!"

Fang Linyan did not expect himself, hey! I really hit a dead consumption, and I suddenly said:

"Ah? Non-surname Zhao? Older, you don't know, my family is coming over there, and the accent is very strong. When he talks, I have to half guess!"

After listening to Fanglin Rock, he was deeply in touch with:

"Hey, this is also encountered, it is quite difficult, line, you will take a look, the center of this field is also blame ......."

Fang Linyan listened to, stunned:

"Tian School, is there a big man in Zhang Wei, black and thin, I like to make a knife in front of it in the future?"

Cheng Xia nodded:

"To the right, listening people said it is very fierce, and is the serious injury to protect Zhang Wei."

Fang Linyan's heart moved, before they learned from the Liu University of Wuquen Road, Zhang Fei entered the battlefield, and he raided Cao Jun, and even cut a arm, and did not expect that there is still a Tiantianda to participate.

If you say this, if you don't have this, you can't guarantee it.

Cheng Xia also looked also twice, the other forest rock, the "savior" of this group of "savior", directly, the way:

"According to the reason, the school's level of the university is to cultivate the middle military account, but why is this Tian School to be lifted here, but because he is usually very popular, his mouth is not forgiving. If you don't move, you will open your mouth, so there are more people who have crimes. If he is now in the moment, no one is a matter. "

"Plus now, the big man is also unconscious after the arm, so no one is taking care of it, it is carried here, and the Lang in our side is halfway, even the arrows on him are not dare. It is very difficult to get tonight ... "

During the speech, a man came to the door of the injured troops. It looked very bad here, and the snoring inside, bloody, now the camp is also confusing, no one takes care.

Fanglin Rock went to the next, under the pool of Chengxia, soon found the old fields, finding that he is already a breath, his face is yellow, it seems to be a life.

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