The First Evolution

Chapter 69, re-enters the Long Sago Battlefield

It is found that Li Guan is very tangible, Fang Lin Yan makes the goat make a eye, let him continue to talk to talk, see if they can dig some intelligence, then they are going to .

It is similar to the function and military needs of Joy, and as long as you go to this old woman's somewhere, you will automatically pop up the relevant tips, ask if you want to activate the redemption list. After choosing, you can successfully activate the list.

Because before the rebellion Cao Ying, Fanglin Rock will use a seven seven eight eight, even if it is later, the Xia Hou En rewarded some, so it is also a hand of hand now, just like a cents to enter Salsa. The ballroom is like, can only have an eye addiction.

Soon they found that most of the things exchanged here were repeated with Cao Cao, but also two0%, but there were several props / equipment with the characteristics of the yellow towel, so that Fanglin Rock and others were very heartbreaking.

For example, you can buy only friendly prestige: Huang Tian's compassion.

Not only that, as long as it accepts the prestigious task of related five-bury rice, buy Huang Tianyi only needs 1 point battle (limited to one)

For example, the special props that can be purchased is the special props that can be purchased.

This place is unique in all the world. It can only be exchanged here, and the specific attributes are as follows.


Quality: Silver plot

Material: bamboo, puzzle, wishful powder

Durability: 5/5

Note: This is the Sanjun Sutra Scriptures: Taiping to improve the strong props after the surgery recorded by the Saizu soldiers.

Its production difficulty is that it is necessary to use nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine: The buddhism of the day, the blessing, the blood, the blood production of the blood, and it needs to sprinkle at least 100,000 people after the end of the production. Force crystal powder to suppress the .

Therefore, for ordinary monks, this is almost impossible to collect materials, but for the Zhangjiao three brothers who drive the yellow towel uprising, in the full day, the footprint of the Yellow Tilm Army is in most Chinese, and the believers are relaxed. Millions, you have to get the material here.

Use: You can summon a powerful gold armor to fight!

The Jinjia Shi is bureaucratic, no fear of life and death, strength is amazing, so the Eastern Han Dynasty armor is not equal in the early years of the Yellow Towel Uprising, and even continuously attacking the city, occupying the state.

The Tharma is a creature, a negative state of blood, disease, etc., and most of the negative states cannot be immunized, but it can only play a lower effectiveness.

With passive skills: Huang Tian is standing, the Jinjia's attack is not high, even after the health is returned, it can continue to fight for five minutes, but the ability of some plot characters can break this.

Have active skills: Luxe's ​​anger, Jin Jia's entry into anger, but pay the price of a live value to reduce the price of 30%!

In an aiger state, the attack speed of Tharma is reduced by 30 points (1 point attack speed = 1 point of basic attribute agility bonus), the movement speed is 30 points, but after hitting the enemy, there are 80% probability Enable the enemy into the dizziness of (2-5) seconds.

Dizzy effect will only take effect on the same goal! It must be taken sixty seconds before it can reach it.

A total of five durability is a total of five o'clock, and every time you use a little durability. When the five-point durability is deducted, the Tilmati Wanner will break, but while breaking, the illusion of five Jinjia will summon.

This illusion does not have an attack power, but has actual health and collision volume, and has passive skills: Huang Tian is standing.

Introduction: The sky will die, Huang Tian is standing! Wang Hou is a kindness?


Not only that, in the reverence reputation, there is also a special prop version of Fanglin Rock wholvering three-foot, which is the foundation of Zhangjiao three brothers to rank the world. It is also until the Taiping Road is still widely circulating in the people. !

That is, you can really treat the sick to save people!


Material: beads, red smoke paste, light pen, tounge

Note: This symbol is too peaceful, and after being improved by Zhang Liang, it is necessary to draw a large level in Taiping Road when it is initially to draw, and will damage the drawers.

After winning the East Sea: After the bead, Zhang Liang Zhangbao has improved it again, and the refining is made into nna, and then the water soaked is too peaceful, and can not The fundamental of the injury.

How to use: If it is used to use the plot character, it will have a certain effect, unless the drama is in a must-have fate, it will have a certain effect. If it is possible to use the ability to use the ability to use it better.

If the space soldier is used, it will be able to scatter a negative state on one body, and restore 80% of the maximum health of 80% in ten seconds, and the scattered state has priority and will not share cooling time with any drug!

The stronger the tactics, the stronger the effect is also stronger!

Introduction: Rolling the Yangtze River Dilute Water, the waves are a hero, and how many amazing people come from now, it is only a bad little water in the long-awaited long river.


Looking at these things that can be exchanged, Fang Linyan really feels very attractive, and this thing is missing this village, there is no store, and the heart is thinking about it, it is enough to brush it. Some of the battle!

However, five people still know that the knife does not mischigate the truth of Chai She. Then everyone redeems something alternative to some sleeve arrows.

This stuff has a generous role in the ordinary soldiers, one is a sign, or a spike, can help it in the key time.

Goat also said that Li Dache is still very friendly in the team channel, telling them a lot of useful things, especially some of the experience of some of the enemy, is all the people around you use blood and even their own life.

One of these very important experience is that the fierce will be in the battle, most of the tricks are drills for the group fight, and the pursuit is the range of killing rather than some killing!

A knife sweeps the five or six enemies, a shot, and the death of seven or eight enemies is the best!

After all, even if it is a peerless, if Lu Bu, he can't stop the soldiers, and the ant most bite the dead.

So, if you really want to face the tricks of the military, it is best to gather together, collective harm.

In this case, this trick is the damage to the scope, if it is a person who will be more than half, if it is five people, it will become four hundred points per person, then it can live.

The goat heard some doubts after he heard that everyone met Zhao Yun's division, but gathered together, there was no egg to use, and it was really luck.

Li Dache smiled and said that now Changshan Zhao Zilong is like a thunder, basically confirming is a strong man in the three countries.

Such a peerless martial arts, has already grinded his skills, a few nearly, of course, can send up from the heart, and want it.

But in this world, Wu will meet such a level, and how many? And I have to meet you in the battlefield?

You can encounter Zhao Yun, it is already possible to say that it is hit the Universiade. It usually encounters the most, it should still be able to put the martial arts, this experience is very important.

After listening to the goat, Fanglin Rock and others were suddenly turned out, and they were deeply awkward, and they respect the eyes of this appearance of Li Dagu.

Just when a man is planning to leave, Xu Wei actually called vultures:

"Young man, can this thing carrying me to see?"

Xu Wei This is a big thorn, and the nostril is not willing to pay attention to people.

The goat comes with the legend, and the guy who extends the high glamor value will go to his face to ask. If you can only get a light, you will wave, like a flies, will drive people away.

At this point, this guy actually said to the vulture, really let the vulture are frightened, hurry to ran over, full face, laugh:

"There are many things in the late generation, I don't know which one is the predecessor?"

Xu Wei refers to a rope hanging on the neck, but it is not a necklace. The vultures reached out and immediately responded. The king will be taken.

This is the use of the merits, you can summon a wolf after blowing the whistle. It is quite a chicken rib. At present, the vulture is used as a can soaken to investigate some dangerous areas.

In addition, when fighting with the space warrior, the enemy was put into the dead state, and the vulture was sent to the sneak attack.

At this time, I heard that the big people such as Xu Wei actually curious about this thing, immediately didn't say, and the old man had a real hands.

Xu Wei is a big spray in the world ------- Oh is not right, criticism Small road?

He took a while, and then nodded slightly:

"Although this stuff is rough, it contains a vitality between a man and the earth, wonderful, wonderful!"

Then Xu Yi said:

"The poor road from childhood, the old wife is now in the world, and the female has a husband's family, only one twenty old dog is often included."

"It's just that it is daulo. It's going to go to me. You have a little meaning. You can make my old dog into an enthusiasm, often with me, I don't know if Mr. can endure love? "

"Machine, this is a champion!"

This time, this time is a matter, you have hit it today! But I don't know how to choose a time for a while, I can only say a weakness:

"This ... Mr. invoice, I will consider it."

Xu Yu nodded.

Vulture has been angry in the team channel:

"How to get! Urgent, online, etc.!"


"What can I do? Come according to the rules of the chaos?"

Vulture anxiety:

"But this old kid is a high person, how can I use a secular rule?"

Max is very straightforward:

"Then you gave him!"

Goat shakes his head:

"The high people must also look at people! According to the information record, Xu Wei's morality is not very good, it is said that when Cao Cao first commented, it was very proud, but after Cao Cao first sent a gift, this Guys have not yet doing things. "

"But Cao Cao is what people are, anger, directly to the watermelon knife to go to the door, this has the following two comments: Zhiyi, the chaos, the chaos!"

The vulture was suddenly said:

"How is this?"


"How do I don't know very well, but at least don't send it, be careful about blood."

Vulture wants to think, and finally decided to be stable, don't let the relationship closer, everyone is directly traded.

Let's don't talk about emotions, just talk about money! So I entrusted goat to do this!

Going goats directly let Xu Wei, the result, the boss really wants this thing, actually issued two conditions to make vultures:

One condition is that he sent a jade.

This jade is not bonced, but the effect is quite good, you can summon two yellow towels, the combat power is not strong, but it is smarter than the wolf, lasting for an hour, cooling time for two hours.

Another condition is that Xu Wei saw the green set called "Arctic Fur" on the vulture. Suddenly I feel somewhat familiar. His old man scattered a calculation, and the other drop in this treasure, Just like it!

If the vultures don't want jade, you can tell him this one.

To be honest, the two conditions opened out have really no dear people!

The first condition is an upgraded version of a wolf whistle to vulture.

The second condition is that the set of cavis hearts will fall, and happens to be nearby.

Just when the vulture feels some difficult to choose, Fanglin Rock came out asked:

"I would like to ask Mr., I don't ask another set of treasures, ask the rest of the situation?"

Xu Wei blame the eye.

"I didn't have this rule, but I saw that you brought Miss Mun Naja, you asked, but the sky can't be disclosed, something I can't say," I don't know. "

Fang Lin Yan asked:

"Is that a suite is the Lord or the owner?"

Xu Wei Road:

"There is a master."

I heard this answer, the vulture's face suddenly was black, there is a Lord, I will tell you a base 8! Fortunately, I asked more.

But I heard Xu Wei Road:

"However, people holding this treasure are also running at the time. At all, I didn't find this treasure, I didn't pay much attention, so I just knew that I would like to start it after it would be difficult."

"I am robbing from the people in the people?" After listening to this key words, Fang Linyan and others looked at it, then organized a language:

"Is it not for me to hold this treasure?"

Xu Wei shakes his head:


As a saying, the vultures have once again.

In this world, all space soldiers have been classified into the crowd in the tourist, that is, holding this treasure is the storytelling, that is really saying.

So after some hesitation, the vultures have chosen the second item! Then he found that his choice is correct.

Because Xu Wei told him the relevant information, the vulture actually got a related task: the nose of the blood was shared, and the content was as follows.

Task Name: Dyed the nose

Task Description: When the monk Xu is in the gods, I met a soul. This person is called Wang Yi, saying that it is a strong thief called Sun Zhang by one.

The key is that this thief is clearly prominent, saying that it is to let them go, and after Wang Yi pays, Sun Zhang smiles, even the two-year-old little daughter in his family!

Wang Yi is bitter, I hope to be able to revenge, and promise, if it is killing Sun Zhang, and cutting off his nose to his funeral, he will point out the treasures that have been buried before as reward.

According to Xu Wei, you can generate this "Arctic Fur" with the vulture, which is in Wangyi's collection.

In this case, Xu Wei flexible probability is not big, so the vulture has chosen to take this task, and I also got a task props called Wang Yi's resentment.

The use of this is to reduce the difficulty of task, avoiding the original murder task into a tracing task.

Vulture can talk to this "Wang Yi's resentment", as long as the conversation involves Sun Zhang, then he will know that there is no unfair.

After processing these things, the goat has been roughly exploring, and found that this helper has not hidden, just say that it is a yellow towel, which is going to be the teacher, first enough to be pious, contributing to this education .

After the goat is directly described by the task situation of the space, it is necessary to reach the respect!

Next, a man will pick two tasks in Jane.

The main content of the mission 1 is to save people, and a five-buffalom, a sincere belonging that is affiliated to Cao Jun, is cautious, and the purpose of Fanglin Rock and others is to rescue it.

Task 2 is to go to Jiang Xia City to find a losing instrument.

Among them, the task 1 is obviously difficult, but the reputation and merits of the reward are also more, and the 2 task is based on ero, which is low, but the reward is also low.

After a man is discussed, he accepts 1 task under the strong demand of vultures.

Cough, why the vulture will strongly ask, it is because he basically determines that Sun Zhang is in the Longshapo battlefield. However, Sun Zhang this person is Sun Quan!

Not only that, the rest of the people feel more chaotic in the battlefield of the Changshipo at this time, and there are more chances of Zhang Fei, but the opportunity to touch the fish is even bigger!

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