Huang Jun sighed a way:

"That is because of the emergency, and I don't know if you have the hustody of your hustody.

Zhang Zhi listened to a shocking:

"What is so 100,000, I have to pay attention to my body."

Huang Jun said:

"I was taken as a captive of Cao Jun, and I was discovered after the shipper was caught."

"However, when I was tortured, I suddenly had Cao Jun's hand came to raise, even ignited a ship, so the anchor was sailed in the river."

Speaking of this, Huang Jun has a sharp cough, even when coughing, he has flowed out of blood, and it will stop it for a while.

It seems that the bloody surgery he shot before, and Deng Laofi hurriedly passed a bamboo tube, which was a clean water.

After Huang Jun drank two, Huang Jun was astonished, and this continued:

"At this time, it is also temporarily stopped for our copy. It is very close to the parties between these ships. Plus because of the laughing of the sailing, even a significant collision is produced, while the shock is very violent, next to it. The prison is accidentally falling. "

"At this time, I suddenly felt that my heart is very angry, I have a wonderful feeling, just like the Yuxian's good teacher is still there, the opening altar is like teaching me."

Zhang Zhi listened to the "Ah" in the future:

"How can this happen?"

Huang Jun said:

"I originally thought that I was illustrative, and the results were looking back, just looked out from the window of the priest."

"Just saw a ship next to it, next to it, the window is facing me, the ship is still slightly shaking, it is obvious, the previous bumps are in cautious, it is caused by the two ships."

"But this is not the focus, the key is that there is a case in the room, the bookshelf, desk, and in the previous collision, there is a built on the bookshelf to be touched by the cascades, there is a half-volume book falling. "

Huang Jun said that it is already excited, and even slightly breathed, it can be seen, the next thing happened, it can make him feel very shocking!

The face of Zhang Zhi and Deng Laid became more dignified. Although Zhang Zhi is in the form of aqueous avatar, it can feel the nervousness of her body.

Huang Jun followed:

"That half of the book, the half-volume book ..."

He said, the voice actually smeared:

"It should be induced by the path that I have emitted in my body, so I exude a faint purple ray, it looks so strange, but so familiar, yes, I can be confident, that is the big sage, the god, the sky Book! "

"Just, Tianzhu seems to be a half-loss state, someone tes it off, but the familiar feeling, I will never make a mistake!"

"But that scorpion should be an effect, soon, there is a bookkeeper to reappear, I will never find that kind of induction."

After Zhang Zhi listened to this sentence, immediately:

"I will come over! Yellow sacrifice, you also inform Xu Zhen people! Use bloody!"

Fanglin Rock:


Goat (team channel):

"I guess the old yellow heart, there is a MMP to hold back."


Zhang Yuben is a poor book. When the road is moved in the mountain, the opportunity is coming, and it is advised to teach Xianshu. Taiping.

But this book is not available, can only be attributed to Tianjie, and the three brothers of Zhangjiao have been studying in 1998, thunderstorms, this book is directly connected.

However, the mystery of this book can be said to be endless, and the three brothers will only know after a discussion. It turns out that the three people look at the same book, but the content that can be seen is very different. This is the sky. God.

Everyone's qualifications are different, the ideas are different, the understanding is different, then the book only gives you something suitable for you, as if teachers are generally appointed.

If you want to see the whole picture of Taiping, it is not your qualifications, and the mood has reached enough standard, otherwise, it is harmful to the viewer.

When I was talking about the study, I had different contents of myself, and I have done a thick stack of notes according to the content you read. Therefore, even after this fairy book flew down, still Can continue practice.

These notes recorded in these three brothers, after the experience is organized, the same thing is also the extraordinary thing of the intrinsic world, can refer to the people, and is called the three volumes of the book.

They are the Buddhism, the buddy, and people.

After the three brothers who were killed by them, the three volumes of the three volumes carrying them were unknown. The inside of the Taiping Road either speculated that the three real people were explained, and they also took the sky together, or guess the Tianshu and the fairy.

I would like to collect the mind of the book, I will slowly fall.

However, no matter Zhang Zhi, Huang Jun did not expect that it is already a "people who have a book", which will be bizarre in this way in front of them!

At this time, Huang Jun saw Fanglin Rock and others:

"Now, you should know why I said that my personal life and death, really instead?"

"The Holy Word of this door is once again, even if it is a powder, it is also ambusity!"

At this time, I listened to Huang Jun to finish this, and Fanglin Ran and others also suddenly understood that this stuff is really ambiguous for Zhang Zhi's Huang Zaowei.

Because the residual roll of the sky is not only a great treasure, but also a great commemorative meaning!

At this time, the five people played again to pop up the prompt:

"The legendary team, you have come into contact with the book: the clue of the book."

"Hidden Tasks: Lost Qi Shu is triggered."

"The content of the task: re-roll back to the Buddhist scriptures for Wuutenima."

"The task failed punishment:. (Same as before)"

After the five people looked at it, they went this task very simply. It was clear that if they refused, then they were only sinful.

But it is clear that this task has an extra benefits. That is to find the relics of Zhangjiao. In this case, the meaning of Ye Zhi is more different. She will take her hand, then the reward It is important to be quite rich.

Old rules, at this time, the vulture first came to reconnaissance, and the goat was in the team channel:

"Even if it is in our era, the space on the ship must also be practical, what is spacious and comfortable, and it will not give priority."

"So, the room seen before the yellow sacrifice is very special, it seems to be specially built! This can be extravagant, it is necessary to be tailoring for a big man on the landing!"

If the goat is out, Fanglin Rock immediately thought of a condition:

"Liu Beijun's big camp at this time should be outside the longboard bridge, and this building should be the big camp in Sun Quan ...."

"At this time, Sun Quan is in Lu Su, that is, that is, the study is likely to be used by Lu Su? This question is a bit trouble."

The things concerned by Fanglin Rock are also very normal. Lu Su is now the summit of Sun Quan, which means that from a sense, he is at least in Changthu, and is a battle, and Liu Bei is Equally important coach!

So a person, don't ask, I know that it must be defense! Otherwise, if you let people kill, then Sun Quan wants to face?

"Yes, just to go to the study, you can't help but fortunate in the heart of Fanglin Rock.

At this time, the information explored by the shadow is also feedback back.

Huang Jun said that the ship is very strict, it is very strict. It's far better than Sun Zan with the ship on them.

Not only that, Zhang Zhi's water is also trying to be near, but it is said that there is a fierce breath on the ship, as if there is something from the blood sea of ​​the corpse, can suppress the Taoism Operation, it should be a powerful treasure delay.

According to Zhang Zhi's estimate, this treasure is similar to the Qingli swords around Cao Cao and the heavenly sword. It is a treasure that can be suppressed.

However, it is still lacking compared to artifacts such as the Tianjian and the Qingjian sword, but it is more than enough!

Listening to Zhang Zhi said so, Fanglin Yan more felt tricky! This treasure is more equal than Qingji swords, it is also the legendary level! Don't say that it can still be suppressed.

Xia Wang Daxie Fee Dedicated to cast the god like Jiuding, is it intended to be a state?

One thought and this, Fang Linyan suddenly in the team channel:

"I want to think about it. When I am the battle of Chibi, what is the treasure of the show? And I still have to kill, fiercely?"

Goat immediately:

"Is it a buddy jade? Isn't it! Although this place is once reached in Sun Jian's hand, Sun Ce uses the jade to use the jade.

"The jade returns to Yuan Shu, and there is no relationship with Jiangdong."


"Cao Cao once used a famous product: Qilu knife prepares to assassinate Dong Zhuo, which is also a very precious treasure. As a result, Cao Cao is not exposed, and only the word is to say to Dong Zhuo."

"Dong Zhuo took the play, will reward it to Lu Bu, Lub is lost, and it is possible to have to fall to Dong Wu."

When I heard Max, the vulture was suddenly lighted:

"I know, the treasure on the boat should be undoubtedly ancient ingot!"

"This stuff is Sun Jian's weapon. The whole name is called pine grain."

"The galvous silver, wrapped in red, horizontally ingot, riding the rumor is Sun Jian's standard, he rely on this gods, hard students lay down the foundation in Jiangdong in Jiangdong."

"And Sun Jian himself, but also relying on this knife to kill the corpse blood sea, the head is rolling, so it is called Jiang Dong tiger!"

"The outer number of the tiger is not a chaotic, that is, the fierce wind that can be played by the food!"

Goat shocked:

"The murderers like the ancient ingot knife, the modest gentleman such as Lu Su did not drive, must be in a hundred war, the murderer, can play its strength, so the ship has, except Lu Su, afraid There is also a general !! "

"The key is that the general of Jiangdong, most of them can get bonus in the water war, plus the murderous soldiers such as ancient ingots in hand, strength can be more upstairs, facing his risk, I am afraid Not to where Zhao Yun is going to go. "

Fang Lin Yan shakes his head:

"It can't be counted ........ Our goal is to take the sky book of the book in Ru Su Su Su, not to kill Lu Su or ambiguous ingot, so there is also a plan The room! It is not something that can be thought of. "

Kres Wolf frown:


Fanglin Rock nodded:

"Yes, the most intuitive way I think now, that is, tiger from the mountain, everything on this building, everything is not surrounded by the sky, but to protect Lu Su, then only need Lu Su to leave Tianxue, we have a chance. "

When Fang Linyan said this sentence, it was loud that the purpose is to let Zhang Zhi and others hear.

After he said this sentence, Zhang Zhi is also bright in front of him, immediately:

"Square, you are smart, even the god soldiers like the Qingjian sword can also take it, hurry how to deal with it?"

Fanglin Rock Road:

"We want to leave the landlift in Lu Su, you have to let him have the reason!"

"I thought about it, roughly two ways, the first method, the most direct and effective, then let this ship leak water, the Lu Su on the natural ship has to go, but there is a shortcomings, he When leaving, it is likely to take the sky. "

Zhang Zhi frowned:

"So second way?"

Fanglin Rock Road:

"Before we investigated here, the three boats here are a reinforcement of Jiangdong one party to reinforcement, but because there is still a lot of differences in Jiangdong, there is not much number of reinforcements. It is just a batch of elite that Luzhou can mobilize. "

"But before the small hours, it is obvious that the elite of this landlord is obviously, it is obviously to implement a difficult task."

"If this part is elite, it is still hidden, in love, Lu Su did not sit in the truth."

"Because Jiangdong is currently unstable, even if he has not reached a consistent condition, it comes to support Liu Bei's hand, there is a small half of the private private soldier in the Luke mixer!"

"Nocad's Jiangdong losses these hundreds of elite, but for the individual of Lu Su, there is no way to sit down the whole army. In this case, he took the remaining human hand to the emergency support. It is possible, when we have organic! "

After Zhang Zhi listened, he silently took a moment:

"But it is difficult to make a situation in which you are finely distressed."

Fanglin Rock has a bamboo:

"This elsestitute is embarrassing, is the only motor troops near Jiangdong, if there is nothing more important, it is absolutely impossible."

"Since it is a big thing, the matter must, then the risk must be big, so there is not surprising."

"Of course, if it is just these conditions, then I will not mention this matter, but I have a big person, this tiger is a big success! Because we can take advantage of!"

Hearing that Fanglin Rock said, Zhang Zhi, Huang Jun is? I don't have to blege it, I will understand it now!

Zhang Zhi immediately said:

"What do you mean, borrow Cao Yuxi?"

Fanglin Rock Road:

"Just, at this time, Cao Yuxiang, my yellow towel is a large number of people, as long as the sacred girl has made orders, Jiangdong's group is immediately difficult!"

But Huang Jun immediately faces a colorful way:

"Don't, when Cao Yuxiang is still waiting for the Huang Zaixiang party, he will not be in the first, even if it is, I will continue to believe in the education."

"It is only necessary to swear before the three-clearing the ancestors, can't be betrayed, otherwise the pig dog is not as good as death,"

Fanglin Rock haha ​​smiled:

"Yellow sachet, why have I have to betray Cao Yuxiang? Just find that there is a Jiangdong thief who actually has an asynchronous, so I have issued a warning in time, and everyone is loyal to the duties to transfer to the encirclement, which is in terms of terms of reference. right?"

Huang Jun looks an old man. I have no way to change my angle. I actually let him have some difficult to refute, but he still can't help but say:

"But this is clearly ......."

Fanglin Rock Zhengqiao:

"Yellow sachet, is you telling us the fall of the big sages! This one is because of you! Now I put a solution, but you are not willing?"

Huang Junli is anger, and it has risen red face:

"How do I not will help?"

Fanglin Rock Road:

"You are still here Luoli, push three-scale four, isn't it not to ask? Sun Quanjun's elite has already dispatched almost half of the time, even if it is not convenient at night, it is estimated that it is starting."

"And we want to mobilize Cao Jun's actions to snipe the Sun Quanjun, then it also takes time, you will have a few times, wait until the other party goes back to the landlift, then there is no chance to retrieve the sky!"

"Again, this matter is from the nature of the end, it is to take the elite of the Jiangdong army with Cao Caojun's identity. Is this called Betray?"

When I heard Fanglin Rock, Zhang Zhi's water was immediately turned to look forward to Huang Jun.

She did not send, but for Huang Jun, she suddenly felt great pressure! !

Zhang Zhiyi lived to the present and still maintains the position of the supernatural, not only on the identity of Zhang Yao daughter! !

Huang Jun immediately said:

"I have suffered from the great sages, and the people will be close at the time. My old Huang will certainly do their best, it is to have this old life, and will not wrinkle a frown!"

Zhang Zhi nodded slightly, Fang Lin Yan haha ​​smiled:

"Where used so exaggerated, the other party dispatched the last mobile phone power in his hand, and the number of people was not much, and it must be very urgent matter."

"And our intention is not to anniève the other party, but to force Lu Su to help, just like the fire in the surrounding city of 36 ----- Not only this, but also give him one As long as you go to rescue, you will definitely save people, so this is to take it clearly, you don't need a yellow sachet to desperately. "

"I think so, I can first ..."

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