The First Evolution

Chapter 77, Hunao Dead

Fanglin Rock shakes his head:

"Lu Su is not going to visit the mountain to play water, but it is going to play! It can be said that it is being hired in the crisis. What is it?"

"I have asked the holy, the sky is a Taipao to the treasure, only the unique heart method of the Nanhua Fairy (Master Zhang Hok) can drive, don't say Lu Su, it is the dragon They can't drive. Lu Su is studying this stuff, and its purpose should mainly want to pioneering ideas, playing the role of tipping jade. "

"So, this stuff has a big probability is still here, then find it."

In this case, Huang Jun also rushed in and shouted:

"Here, you must be here, I can do it!"

At this time, it was a very fierce and very sound. Max was taken on the shield by the giant palm, and the whole person returned a few steps. He snorted, and the nostril is already blood. Flow out.

The others are also shocked. This monster is huge, this is afraid that it is still at the bottom of the house. It is only the huge palm to attack. It is so powerful.

Not only that, after eating this hit, Max has reluctantly biting his teeth:

"Be careful, this guy is also a space warrior! My talent is useless to him!"

After Max, there is a continuous gun sound of continuous guns. Fang Lin Yan also understood it when he suddenly understood, it is the big camp of Jiangdong Jun!

Although the space warrior chooses Liu Bei, Cao Cao is more powerful, but the choice of Sun Quan is absolutely can't say.

Lu Su took all his heart and the power, and it was also known that the landlord will be empty, so the "Ranger" of Jiangdong Jun is temporarily bidding, and the credibility is not high. (All space warriors enter the future) Ranger) defensive, it is also an active.

The situation crises, the enemy, I still don't know how many Jiangdong army's space warriors left behind, Fang Linyan can only sigh, directly ask for help,

He took a feathered next to him, and the emptime was raised, and the feathers burned.

Among the flames, it formed a face, it looks like Xu Wei, it is very similar, not waiting for him to open, Fang Lin Yan directly said:

"There is a ban on the exterior of the people in the book, and now the holy ambiguity has built the external ban, and is entangled with the elderly."

"The yellow sachet said that the book is here, but we can still find it, suspect is still a purple, and the old man is moving."

Xu Wei promised:

"Know, Wait, let go!"

Fanglinyan and others are also very clear. If this hidden mission is to complete it alone, then the evaluation will be much higher, and the rewards that are not necessarily. I will be easy, but the reward is bound to shrink.

Just this is also a helpless thing, who told them to have an expert in this?

According to Fanglin Rock, it is also a hidden career. It is a space warrior to start, and the world experienced the Westward World and the current three countries should find the associated clues.

But the requirements should be very high! It is estimated that the opportunity is the opportunity.

After Xu Yu diamond, the group flame immediately swayed, fried thousands of Mars, flying towards all sides.

Fanglin Rock is very shocked, but I found that these Mars passed from their body, directly as transparent!

However, the Mars will be dispersed, and come to the place next to a seemingly empty, it will be seen, there is also a Taoist , but it is burned by the flame bear.

Then, a bookcase is directly developed!

At this time, from the , I sent a voices of the people, but this time didn't calm, but angered:

"Good thief, it is actually two people to ....... Well? Isn't you ?! Are you yellow towel ?!"

It turned out at this time, Fangliny's eyes, I have seen the shaped bookcase, and there is a very eye-catching rosewood box, and I will catch it in the past.

This use of the rosewood box is of course also made by the Ziwei people. It is used to have a lot of effort, and Lu Su is also known as the "Huang Towa", so it is very careful after the day of the book, and double confidential.

However, it is not expensive to be a day, and a bump collision on the logo can't hit the rosewood box, so that the book is directly dropped directly, and it is just Huang Jun, so it is disclosed.

The rest of the person is also a knock, and the things inside the bookcase will be clean. Since they have to succeed, they will not be here, and a man is scattered. Diving escape.

Under this escape, Fanglin Rock has brought Huang Jun and Deng Laizhi quickly to the shore, then he received the news, saying that they went to a mountain outside of the ten miles.

After Zhang Zhi and Xu Zhen sent a purple deficiency, they quickly concluded.

At this time, Fanglin Rock also didn't want to have three branches, and the old man did finished this hidden mission. Thousands of moths were going to come out, so they didn't return to the wine in the moment.

As a result, after they got out of the two or three miles, they did not expect to have a team of Cao Jun. There were about two hundred people. The key is that now Fanglinyan also wears the Jiangdong army's armor, immediately stopped.

This team Cao Jun is quite elite, there are several carriages in the team. After encountering Fanglin Rock, first, it is a suffocating arrow rain, and then the cavalry is copied from the left and right packages!

After the Mason flooded two arrows, the face was white, and the pain was grinned. It turned out that this is actually an armor!

As the name, I think this is ignored, the damage of the shield is cut, and the other party is still a plurality of plots without PVP damage!

At this time, when Fanglin Yan and others were fighting in the wars, they realized the danger of this gold main line of mission!

Don't say anything else, just covered by Cao Jun's elite arrow rain under the rush, as long as you have a few arrows, then the whole team is not good.

After the casualties, the next is the Cao Jun's cavalry cluster, that is really only the mourning!

Fortunately, this time Fanglin Rock is not a person who is fighting. They also have a friendly army. I found that the opposite is that Cao Jun is elite, Deng Laizhi This non-famous communication flower has begun.

Not only that, Huang Jun is now starting to shout out the expression.

Fourty fifth is an anti-thief, but Deng Laizhi and Huang Jun can be unclosed to Cao Ying himself, so after the cavalry has repeatedly, it is good.

Asking why they appear here, saying that Huang Jun was arrested by Jiangdong thief. Deng Laizhi took the part to save people. In order to facilitate the way to make a few Jiangdong thieves, replaced their clothes. Armor.

Fanglinyan and others are loaded with dumbs, of course, is also old and old.

After being asked, Deng Laizhi and Huang Jun are of course to say that the drip is not leaking, but the military officer with team is suspicious, so drinking them down the weapon, then follow the team, and warn them once there is escaping Thunder, then kill it on the spot.

Such an emergency is also a matter of people, and the Fanglin Rock is still waiting to go and reward for Xu Zhen / Shenggu! But the situation is not from the person. At this time, they also know this elite identity by dialogue, and their predecessor is the long water camp of Gongqi Chang'an!

This camp is a big name, but the near-demand army of the Great Han Empire Arch Kyoto: One of the five battalions of the North Army!

Chang Water Camp is actually being spread when Dong Zhuo Jinjing is spread, but Cao Cao is in Chang'an (Guang and Three Years).

So after his palm power, he rebuilt the long water camp in the five battalions of the North Army. At this time, the skeleton in this head is all supported by some of the elderly people in the year's long water camp.

The North Army Wuying is the last defense line of the Darhan Imperial Town, not only that, the emperor of the past, so even if there is only a skeleton in the long water camp at this time, it is a veteran to build, but it is also amazing.

In such a unit, and it is also strictly monitored, Fanglin Rock, etc., of course, does not dare to act rashly. Fortunately, Deng Laizhi and Huang Jun two people root seedlings, and the external light is dim, so they have no problems before at least before.

In desperation, a man can only follow the team, and the road is muddy, driving is not easy, often trapped, Fanglin Rock still has a eye, then take the initiative to take the trolley to help, but let the North Army to these people to them Be alert to relax.

However, when this team walked out of the ground, the vulture suddenly said in the team:

"Be careful !! There is an enemy, it is a strong enemy !!! The breath is very familiar, rushing on us !!"

Fanglinyan is tonite, but it is suspected that there is a lot of movements, and only one hundred and twenty spirit can be mentioned.

Suddenly, the vulture:

"On the top of the mountain!"

At this time, the road to Cao Jun is a little unique, similar to the edge of the basin, the left is the bottom of the basin, and the right side is the mountain cliff.

After the vulture, I saw it on the top of the mountain, and the sudden burning was a few bonfires. They were actually a lot of shadow characters next to the bonfire, but also a big black shadow! !

Then, the bonfire stood up a year of old people, and began to lead those people to dance, and they seem to be some original.

After they jumped two laps, the old man held a vines in the old man, and he led the sky, and then stepped into the huge black shadow.

The rest of the people stopped, and they were stressed, bury their heads, as if they pray solemn and solemn.

Next, the rattan in this old man is constantly repeating, pointing on the huge black shadow, accompanied by a hard spell.

Suddenly, the last one fell, this huge black shadow gathered, and fierce the sky roaring. The fire on the fire suddenly rose.

In the fire shining, he can see this is a huge corpse. The body is at least three floors' height, which is also tied with a variety of horror chains!

The key is that his hand claw is very unique, only four fingers, the claws are sharp! It is the first to attack Fanglin Rock in the area.

Not only that, this giant corpse is in the heart of the body, but also a strange person, the normal town corpse is the bottom of the yellow watch paper, and the cousin is ink!

However, this character is the bottom of black paper, the blood is ink, and the drawing is also a strange , it seems to be given to this giant corpse to strengthen the power!

It should be that Fanglin Rock has had conflicts with Changwater Camp to delay time, so that they can prevent in advance in advance.

Vulture is lost at this time:

"I rely on, this monster is actually called the german of Xiangxi, which is called out! Then it is strengthened by this man who came out of the people."

"Not only that, the old man is the big wizard of the mountain, but the claw teeth of the purple demon, the relationship between the two is also servant."

After he finished, he immediately shared the detected information.

At this time, the King of Xiangxi has already slammed out, then moved up the big stone next to it.

Around it is Fanglin Rock, the long water camps around them are elite, facing such monsters and fell in front of the boulder, and the birds and beasts that are like frightened, and they are distinguished from each other.

Then, the Xiangxi Dead has issued a strangeness, directly under the cliff, more than 20 meters high, and when they landed, it was a carriage directly in a carriage. on!

Only listened to the king of the king, and the whole carriage was deeply caught in the dried earth, and even the roof was reached parallel with the top table, and she was squeezed out of a large pile of towering soil along the side. Block, pull the horses splattered, completely can't see the original image.

After the corpse king heard the bloody smell, the red eyes were light, and the huge paws went to the carriage that was trampled.

Then, even the flesh and the earth were grabbed together, and poured into the mouth and chew it, then it was still unfinished, and I went to eat.

At this time, I saw the whole picture of the corpse, in order to feel the horror compression of this guy, the height of the three floors, a copper-torized iron bone, and it is more unsolicited to describe it!

But at this time, there is a very sharp whistle that came over. The blood of the corpse is immediately straight, and then immediately set up, and the most of the people will soar!

This scene has fallen into the eyes of the team, which is this monster is a cargo that is transported, and the group of people will be killed! When it is anger, I am screaming:

"Not afraid of death, come with me!"

Then, this school will take a bunch of theft to fight!

Poor this school, but I don't know, I am used, the corpse is the largest place to charge, it is because Fanglin Rock is very shameless to diamond towards people!

The corpse is just to be ordered to kill Fanglin Rock. If these Cao Jun is very realistic, it will definitely do not take this part of it.

The sound of the hoof is like the thunder, the deputy of the long water camp leads his own pro-team to fight,

At the same time, several veterans have been bent to bend the arrow, and they have eradicated to the corpse of the corpse, let it roar, wave the arrow.

Catch this opportunity, Fang Lin Yan also flashed the flash flash, although it caused damage, but the battle record reminded: there is a mysterious witchcraft power to hold its body, all legal attacks Injury is reduced by 90%, and the dizziness is ineffective!

Fang Lin Yan suddenly speechless! This guy is so abnormal? Actually in this control technology immunity, the legal system is superior! He immediately shared this information.

Vulture quickly shouted:

"Is the character on the head, this stuff is strengthening it!"

Under the cover of the tacit understanding of the colleague, this deputy is in the high-speed driving, the knife is flashing, it is already in the right leg of the corpse, the green black liquid flows out, splashed. His mount one.

This horse immediately screamefully, and suddenly took a deputy to the horse. Fortunately, he is also a hundred wars, and the horse is already a hand, and it has made a protection action.

But several of the relatives who follow him are already before they continue to sword!

But at this time, the corpse has noticed their existence, whispered, the meat, the burglar rock, the amazing monster outbreak, oscillated the chain on the arm, and smash it!

This moment, blood crazy splashes, the four cavaliers who have rushed through the face were simultaneously smoked, and they couldn't live.

Not only that, bloody smell and pain are more stimulating the king of the corpse, it looks down to the deputy, the crowds of the squat, lifting the big feet, dare to hurt their thieves.

This venue is still a bit powerful, and the horror is in the horror, it is rolled out next to it, but it is barely escaping this feet, but it feels that the ground is dramatic, just like a landslide.

The corpse king is about to pursue, but he heard a sharp flute, let the eardrum are extremely uncomfortable, can only roar, turn around to look at Fanglin Yan!

Why is Fanglin Rock? Because he brought the residual roll!

However, when Fanglin Rock has escaped for 450 meters, it is not within the attack of the corpse.

However, the corpse is rushing a few steps, and I took a journey next to the carriage, and then made a roaring and smashed him directly!

Fanglinyi is shrinking, but it is flustered and not chaotic.

As a result, this horse car is pre-registered the route that Fanglin Rock continues to escape, and the slap in the position of Fanglin Rock!

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