The First Order

Chapter 1017: I found the young master!

In the evening, Wang Yuexi returned home from work. Sister Hu didn't know what Ren Xiaosu was dismissed, so she hurriedly asked, "How is the boy next door going to work on the first day?"

When Wang Yuexi heard his wife mention this, he laughed angrily on the spot: "How are you doing? You are afraid that he would be persuaded to dismiss him in the morning."

Sister Hu was shocked: "What's going on?"

"This thing has spread quickly in the administrative center. When eating at noon in the cafeteria, everyone almost laughed and lifted the table," said Wang Yuexi. "I arranged for him to go to the Department of Civil Affairs in the morning to handle it. Marriage registration. As a result, a couple of couples got married in the past. He told others that they had been talking for six years. Do you want to think about it again ... "

"Hahahahaha," Sister Hu was amused at once, and she only reacted after seeing Wang Yuexi's complexion, she shouldn't laugh now ...

"It's too ridiculous," Wang Yuexi said, "Where is this to go to work, I think he just made it clear that he doesn't want to work, and he can't get rid of your good intentions, so I played this one. It's a pity Why is there such a person on the little girl? "

Sister Hu also sighed: "This is to let Xiao Jin raise him for a lifetime."

The thing that Ren Xiaosu has been working for so long is finally the gossip of this piece.

As a result, in the evening, Ren Xiaosu was dismissed on the first day of work and became a new gossip among the neighborhood.

The focus of everyone's attention is that Yang Xiaojin is too pitiful, even such a person ...


At this time, Zhang Xiaoman smiled and welcomed Wang Yun into the conference room in the 144-barrier foreign garrison camp.

After more than a month of self-cultivation, Wang Yun's complexion finally recovered.

In the past, in order to find the murderer who killed Jiang Xu, Wang Yun had been hurt for six days.

Now after taking good care of his body, Zhang Xiaoman and Da Huyou immediately got up with other ideas.

Zhang Xiaoman personally brewed a good pot of tea for Wang Yun, and then smiled and said, "How have you been taking a break recently?"

"It's not bad, it's just a bit idle," Wang Yun said with a sip of tea. "Right, is there any news about the marshal? If he doesn't come back, everyone will be the same as the one who doesn't know what to do."

Zhang Xiaoman said with a smile: "I think it's good to relax, or should I find something for you to do?"

Wang Yun squinted to Zhang Xiaoman: "Oh, how come I suddenly found me, let's say, what is it?"

"Fresh!" Zhang Xiaoman shouted to the outside of the meeting room: "Come in!"

With that said, the soldiers outside the door came in a large group, some installed screens on the walls, and some commissioned equipment.

Seeing that the battle was exactly the same as when he was looking for the murderer a month ago, Wang Yun was immediately startled: "What is this for, the young handsome is going to catch people again?"

"It's not that the young commander wants to catch people, it's because we want to find out all the spies lurking in the 144th barrier, so we brought all the surveillance videos of the past month," Zhang Xiaoman said with a smile on his face. Now that the barrier 144 is under my control, I can't just let those spies hide under my eyes? "

After Wang Yun experienced something a month ago, he now feels a little vomiting when he sees a TV screen. He thought about it and said, "Can you make me slow again?"

Zhang Xiaoman said righteously: "You think, now we are all from the Northwest, and seeing some people with ghosts hidden under their eyes, can you bear it? Young Masters have disappeared for almost a month, we Now find out all the spies. Would n’t it be nice to wait for him to come back and give him a surprise? "

"Then don't hurry these days," Wang Yun resisted.

"Did you forget our original intention," Zhang Xiaoman looked solemnly: "Daxing Northwest!"

The so-called Daxing Northwest means that everyone performs their duties, builds water conservancy, pays attention to people's livelihood, improves army building, and catches all spies ...

At this time, p5092 also came to the meeting room with great interest. He smiled at Wang Yun and said, "I agree with the plan of Brigadier Zhang. You also know that Wang's annexation of the Central Plains is progressing quickly. Once he completes it within half a year With the unification of the entire Central Plains, perhaps Wang ’s next target is northwest and southwest. So we need to find out the spies in advance and then carry out strategic deployment. If the spies are not found, the leakage of strategic deployment will be a great hidden danger. "

"Yes," Zhang Xiaoman applauded and praised, "You see that Wang now knows that we are short of grain, but has broken all the grain trade. This also shows from the side that Wang has ideas for the Northwest."

Wang Yun thought and sighed, "It is indeed true, then start work!"

The TV in the conference room was reinstalled on the wall, and it is estimated that it will not be dismantled again in a short time. After finding the spy of the barrier 144, it is not that there are 145, 146, 143, 142 ...

In short, the idea of ​​Da Huoyou and Wang Fengyuan is to let Wang Yun plow the whole northwest again.

While the spies don't know Wang Yun's means, move quickly!

Zhang Xiaoman said to Wang Yun: "This time we don't have to be so anxious. You can watch it slowly. The plan above is to find all the spies within a year, so we are not anxious."

"Just don't rush," Wang Yun sighed with relief.

At this time, the screens on the walls were all lit up, and the picture was full of the scene in the barrier 144.

This time the task is relatively easy compared to the last time. Wang Yun only looked at three suspicious characters throughout the day: "A11 screen is suspended. This person has a gun on him. Check what happened to him."

"C31 is suspended. The middle-aged man in the surveillance video is a bit suspicious ..."

Wang Yun slowly stared at all the surveillance videos, but the spies in the Northwest were much less than the Central Plains. It should be that the various consortia did not put the focus of intelligence work here earlier.

However, on the second day, Wang Yun was eating Zhang Xiaoman's own meal, and suddenly the action stopped, and the whole person fell into a state of sluggishness.

Zhang Xiaoman found that Wang Yun's chopsticks didn't move and curiously said, "What's wrong? What did you find?"

It's just that Wang Yun didn't take care of him at all, but said to the soldiers who were assisting: "a16 pause! A28 pause!"

After a while: "c29 pause!"

Zhang Xiaoman's face was confused, and there were too many screens on the wall. He hadn't even found the screens that Wang Yun said.

"What's wrong with this, did you find the spy gang?" Zhang Xiaoman curiously said: "Should I take the soldiers into the city? There are not many people ..."

Before he finished speaking, Wang Yun stood up with his lunch box: "It's a young handsome! The young handsome returned to the barrier 144 half a month ago!"

Zhang Xiaoman stood up as soon as he heard this: "Where? Where is the young handsome?"

"Anning East Road!" Wang Yun said firmly: "The family hospital of the old military division!"

Immediately afterwards, Zhang Xiaoman could be heard shouting in the entire barracks: "Prepare a car, please prepare a car for me, hurry up, don't delay me to meet the young master!"

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