The First Order

Chapter 1030: Luo Lan wants to become stronger

"Oh, young handsome," Wang Yuexi said: "Now the first step of dredging and dredging of the water conservancy project is almost completed, and the preliminary river channels have been dug out, but our seeds have not yet been in place."

Wang Yuexi and others set the construction of water conservancy as a three-step process. The first step is to dredging and dredging the sand, dredge the old river channel that was previously dried up and diverted, and then the river first covers the vicinity of barrier 144.

At this time, it is already possible to reclaim. Although everyone still has a hard time collecting water, at least they can work.

The second step is to build a reservoir, build a flood control dam, and a spillway. At this time, it is considered to start to improve the entire water conservancy construction, so as to avoid the sudden arrival of a flood next year and destroy all your efforts.

The third step is to improve the entire irrigation channel to make irrigation more effective, so that farmers can cultivate more time and effort.

Now with the full cooperation of the Northwest Chamber of Commerce, the first step was quickly completed, but if no seeds were found, it would be impossible to continue.

Ren Xiaosu was thinking about the solution, but then Zhang Xiaoman suddenly ran over: "Young Master, a Qing caravan came to the south. They said they wanted to see you, and they said they called Xu Qi!"

Ren Xiaosu was stunned for a moment, and he took everyone to the barriers to lay outside. This Xu Qi was an old acquaintance, and he was the confidant of Qing Huang and Luo Lan.

After arriving outside the barrier, everyone saw that there was a long fleet of trucks parked in the open space outside the city, and Xu Qi had been waiting there early.

"Why don't you enter the barrier?" Ren Xiaosu asked curiously.

Xu Qi smiled and said, "There are other things here, so when I meet the young master, you are ready to leave."

To tell the truth, Xu Qi also felt a little emotional. When he first met Ren Xiaosu, the other party was just a common refugee, and now this has become a young handsome in the northwest.

Ren Xiaosu said to Xu Qi with a smile: "I feel like you are always busy, every time I see you in a hurry to leave."

"No way, some people have to do something," Xu Qi said: "The car behind is the seeds that Chief Qing Huang asked me to send, and there is a one-year low-cost food sales agreement, Wang does not Willing to sell food to Northwest, but I am willing to.

"Is it only one year?" Ren Xiaosu asked.

"Yes, Chief Qing Zhen said that you will not need to buy food from Qing's this year," Xu Qi said.

Ren Xiaosu felt a little sighed in his heart. Perhaps he had chosen to save Luo Lan from the experiment, which was the wisest of all the decisions he had made.

"But before Luo Lan said he would come to the north as a guest, why didn't he come this time," Ren Xiaosu asked.

Xu Qi looked strange: "Boss Luo is losing weight."


Accurately speaking, Luo Lan is not losing weight, but has a very clear goal to exercise the body and will, hoping to use this means to quickly improve his extraordinary ability and mental will.

This is a half-year training of the devil, and Zhou Qi is his instructor.

At this time, Zhou Qi was in a valley in the southwest. He was lying on the chaise lounge and was eating freshly ripe peaches. He wore a pair of sunglasses that could cover half of his face, wearing a plaid shirt and big pants, just like before the disaster. The rich are like vacationing on the beach by the sea.

Next to Zhou Qi is a waterhole. There is a galaxy-like waterfall above the waterhole, which slopes down from a mountain wall of hundreds of meters.

And Luo Lan was naked and stalking a horse under the waterfall ...

Zhou Qi took a bite of the peach and chewed while yozai said: "I have used this method before, rest assured, it must be easy to use. But you must hold on, if you want to improve your extraordinary ability, you must Every time I exhaust my exhaustion, otherwise it has no effect. "

Luo Lan couldn't understand Zhou Qi's words at all under the waterfall, only knowing that the grandson should be in gloating.

In the past, you had to pay Zhou Qi to do anything, but only this time the work of the devil training instructors, Zhou Qi's penny won't be repaid ....

Some military tents were set up not far from the shore, and some soldiers were busy preparing dinner for Zhou Qi. I have to say that they went to the mountain this time and the supporting services were quite complete.

The splashing waterfall on the mountain wall hit Luo Lan, and Luo Fatzi supported his eyes with painstaking support. It is said that he did have perseverance. The time of the first zama step under the waterfall exceeded Zhou Qi ’s prediction. estimate.

Originally this week, he thought that this delicious lazy fat man would be lazy, because after all, this product has always been able to lie down and never sit, can sit and never stand.

Zhou Qi said to Luo Lan before going into the mountain: "You don't know what kind of evil wind you have to train yourself. It's good that you can maintain this training intensity for three days."

Unexpectedly, Luo Lan has persisted for half a month.

And for the first time, Luo Lan carried an hour under the waterfall. After half a month, this product was already able to carry under the waterfall for six hours.

Every day, Luo Lan exhausted herself from tossing, not tossing until she almost vomited blood, which made Zhou Qi, an instructor, feel very boring and completely unpleasant.

In Zhou Qi's words: "I don't charge money to be an instructor, I just ran and reprimanded you. If you can carry it like this, I will start charging ..."

But no matter how much Luo Lan did, sometimes he was soaked in the water pool for too long. After landing, he found that he had not reached the limit, and he even carried the weight of the soldiers to cross-country running.

At this time, Zhou Qi shouted at the waterfall: "After six hours, come out, and stay in your body."

During the talk, the waterfall was separated by Zhou Qi's ability to control the water, as if the roller blind had been lifted.

Luo Lan wiped his face and walked ashore to the soldiers and said to the soldiers: "Bring me the weight, I haven't reached the limit yet, I have to practice for a while."

Zhou Qi was dumbfounded: "I said, what kind of nerve is your fat man, why did you suddenly strive to become stronger? Who stimulates you? You don't need you to fight in peacetime, what are you doing so hard? ? "

"You know what a fart," Luo Lan wiped her body with a towel and said, "I only have to exercise myself non-stop to make my spiritual will strong enough. Those of my brothers who stay in the heroic temple can only spend more time on ordinary days Come out and walk around. You think, my mental strength is enough for them to stay outside 24 hours a day, do n’t they have to endure the darkness in the heroic temple? "

Zhou Qi froze for a moment: "Just because of this? Not to strengthen the unified barrier alliance or something?"

"What does the Unified Barrier Alliance mean," Luo Lan disdained: "I'm just for this, what's wrong?"

"It's okay," Zhou Qi didn't continue to mock Luo Lan.


There is a chapter at night

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