The First Order

Chapter 1050: Shan Hu Ren Yi

Ren Xiaosu ’s steam train takes 23 hours from Zhou to northwest, but it must stop and rest many times during the journey, so the real journey will be about 1.5 days.

After all, this steam train is not a sleeper. Everyone standing on a car can't sleep, and can't move to the toilet, so he must camp and let everyone rest for a few hours.

No one complained on the road that the car was crowded or that the journey was exhausted. Everyone was hopeful, thinking that they could live a stable life in the northwest.

When the time comes, there will be food and work, and there is no need to worry about being affected by war in a short time.

Everyone knows that Wang and Zhou must have a battle in the near future, and it is definitely a lucky thing to be able to leave there early.

The northwest and southwest are temporarily stable, and the refugees have heard of it. I hope that the media headquarters have moved to the northwest with their families.

Ren Xiaosu promised them before departure that he would eat food when he arrived in the northwest. Everyone didn't worry about his words. Perhaps Ren Xiaosu didn't expect that he had such a reputation in the Central Plains.

In fact, Ren Xiaosu also thought about whether to hang some people outside the car, so that he could transport more refugees at one time, but the problem was that the steam train was traveling at 120 kilometers per hour.

A day and a half later, the steam train arrived outside the northwest barrier 144. Wang Yuexi organized the barrier staff early for household registration, and there were many banners hanging on the open space.

"All Northwesters come."

"I contract the farmland myself, and I grow the land myself."

"Welcome to the big family in the Northwest."

The staff of the barriers stood at the gate of the steam train, and tirelessly smiled at each refugee who got off: "Welcome to the northwest, and we will be a family in the future."

At this time, the smell of roasted sweet potatoes and fried sweet potatoes was still floating in the market town, and all the refugees could not help swallowing.

The steam train has a door for each car, but this time Ren Xiaosu did not open the door completely, but let the refugees line up and get off from the first section. He waited outside the door to shake hands with each refugee.

Ren Xiaosu shook hands gently while shaking hands with everyone: "Everyone is saved, hurry to do the household registration, and after registration, they are a family and have potatoes!"

The refugees were so moved by the confusion, thinking that the young man in the northwest really was as honest, kind, kind, excellent, and kind as legend ...

"Thank you, handsome!"

"Thank you so much, handsome!"

"Young handsome I love you!"

Ren Xiaosu corrected seriously: "Don't love me, just thank me."

The refugees lined up and walked off the car one by one. The process of getting off just lasted for several hours. Ren Xiaosu kept shaking hands with everyone. This scene was really touching.

Wang Yuexi said with emotion: "The young commander is indeed benevolent. These refugees must have some fear when they first came to the northwest. The young commander helped them to eliminate the fear in their hearts. The most sincere passion is to eliminate the fear! The handsome has to shake more than six thousand hands, and who of you has this patience? That is, the young handsome can do this! "

With that said, Wang Yuexi solemnly said to the barrier staff: "You must learn the selfless spirit of the young marshals. You said that what the marshals can get from appeasing these refugees? Can they get money? Not! He did so. , Just for the cause of the Northwest, and the heart that really cares for the refugees! Although we are officials of the barriers, we must keep in mind our mission to serve the Northwest, and understand that we are the servicers, not the authorities! Xiang Xiaoshuai Learn!"

The tears spoken to the staff members of the barriers said that they wanted to learn from the young master. At this time, Dahouyou stood next to Ren Xiaosu and listened to his young master's mouth whispering: "5891 ... 5892 ... "

Da Huyou wondered: "What are you whispering about, Master?"

"Oh," Ren Xiaosu explained casually: "I check the number of people."

To be precise, he is remembering the number of thanks ...

Why does Ren Xiaosu have to shake hands with everyone? Still to thank coins ...

This time, the refugees they brought from Zhou's totaled 6012 people, and Ren Xiaosu harvested 7,131 thank-you coins. It can be said that on average everyone contributed more than one thank-you coin.

Many people think that the biggest gain of this refugee migration is that the population in Northwest China has depended on development, but for Ren Xiaosu, what he got is the amount of thankful coins he couldn't even imagine before!

The third weapon of the palace can finally be unlocked!

Ren Xiaosu went to find busy Wang Yuexi and said, "Have you ever calculated accurately, how big is the number of people in the Northwest?"

Wang Yuexi replied without hesitation: "70,000 people, although there are more than 6,000 people this time, but our gap is still very large. Of course I also know that this number is a bit exaggerated. Twenty thousand is fine ... "

Ren Xiaosu froze for a moment: "Is there only 70,000 people, so few? How about more inflection points?"

Wang Yuexi was also stunned by Ren Xiaosu. In his view, it is not easy for a young master to abduct 6,000 people. It would be a bit difficult for a young master to abduct tens of thousands of people.

But he found that his thinking and the commander-in-chief were completely misaligned, and the other party was anxious to report a number of hundreds of thousands of himself ...

Ren Xiaosu asked: "What if the number of people in Daxing Northwest exceeds 70,000 people?"

Wang Yuexi thought seriously: "Young handsome, the better the population is, the better. If there are too many foreigners, there will be many hidden dangers. This is a very comprehensive consideration. First of all, infrastructure construction cannot be rooted. A large number of If the sewage and garbage discharge cannot keep up with the treatment, it will cause the local groundwater to be halogenated. The second is the security problem. We need to allocate a lot of manpower to ensure order. This will also increase the burden of barriers, and then there will be problems with supporting education, etc. It ’s very complicated. Northwest is not yet ready to accept so many people. "

Ren Xiaosu nodded: "Come on ..."

Wang Yuexi found that Ren Xiaosu was really a little bit unsatisfied, he suddenly said: "But what I am talking about is the endurance of barrier 144. If the commander can persuade the commander to implement our policies in other barriers, this gap will be very large. ! "

Ren Xiaosu's eyes lit up: "Reliable!"

At this time, I saw Ren Xiaosu beckoning to Da Huyou: "Let's go to the Central Plains, let's run him ten times before we talk!"

Wang Yuexi said next to him, "Young Master, do you want to take a break, don't be in a hurry ..."

"No," Ren Xiaosu said eloquently: "You don't know how miserable the Central Plains refugees are. If I go one day late, they may starve to death so many people, how can I watch them starve to death!"

The refugees and barrier staff next to the eyes burst into tears again. Everyone chewed on the potatoes and shouted, "Young handsome!"


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