The First Order

Chapter 1112: Good luck method!

"Why don't you panic?" Mei Ge asked Ren Xiaosu looking at him.

Ren Xiaosu said: "Wait here for a while, I will go back and take the two sheepmen to a safe place."

With that said, Ren Xiaosu ran back under the arrow rain, and after a while he pulled the two sheepmen and followed Mox and others.

This Mox is the knight chief that Li arranged for Mego, and 35 knights followed him.

It is said that their fighting power is also quite strong, but now they are unable to lift their heads under the pressure of the bandit's arrow rain. Bows and arrows are prohibited weapons, and only the Chamber of Commerce is allowed to have a quota of 60 bows.

Mox said to Ren Xiaosu and Mego: "Master Mego, follow your lord, let's hide here and don't succeed in heroes! Especially Master Mego, you have something to do, I can't save my job. . "

Mei Ge frowned: "That's not true. As a wizard, now how can the caravan hide from the bandits."

Ren Xiaosu pulled Mei Ge to the side and lowered his voice and said, "Don't you know how many pounds you have, can you block these bows and arrows? I'll be honest and stay ok for a while."

Although Mox et al. Could not hear what Ren Xiaosu said, he always felt that the boy looked strange when he talked to Master Wizard.

Mox asked Li Gongguo: "Master, this pro-speaker speaks to Master Mego, is it only so rude now, or has it always been so rude ?!"

Li Kuangwo explained in the corner: "Don't make a fuss, he has always been like this ..."

At this time, Mei Ge did not let go of his curiosity, he asked in a low voice: "Ren Xiaosu, are you not afraid at all?"

"What are you afraid of?" Ren Xiaosu glanced at him. "It's just a few bandits. I'm mainly unable to shoot now. I want to let this bandit lie on the ground within a minute."

Mei Ge sighed: "You are the most bragging person I've ever seen, and you believe in yourself."

Once Mei Ge gave Ren Xiaosu an impression of bragging, then before the emergence of iron evidence, they would think that every sentence of Ren Xiaosu was bragging.

But for Ren Xiaosu, what was the situation he faced before? Guns, bullets and rain, there are mortars, cloud explosions, rpg rockets on the battlefield, and most of the time there are heavy machine guns.

Compared with those things, Ren Xiaosu feels like a dimensionality reduction after he came to the wizarding kingdom ...

It's too easy, even this combat mode is hard to get him interested.

At this moment, the roar of the bandits sounded outside the carriage wall, and bows and arrows flew continuously. Ren Xiaosu suddenly said to Mego: "80% of these bandits came to you."

"Me?" Mego is unbelievable. "How is it possible?"

"You kill you in the town will provoke the entire wizarding organization, but encourage the bandits to kill you, and go to a big wizard to kill the bandits afterwards, it is easy," Ren Xiaosu said. No one thinks much. You think, it ’s only half a day away from Yorkshire, and the average bandit would n’t do it so close to the town. ”

Mego looked down and thought.

Ren Xiaosu continued: "The Tudor family is so powerful that it is a breeze to instigate and threaten the bandits to kill you. You see, they have been shooting arrows for a long time. A group of bandits are just arrows. Arrow? If it is as I guessed, you have to be a little more careful, and Qian Weining also said that there are more than a dozen bandits on this road northward, and I am not surprised even if there are elite troops posing as bandits. "

"Then let's go back ..." Mego looked at Ren Xiaosu with a stern eye.

Ren Xiaosu shook his head: "I was so counselled so quickly? With me in, you are afraid of a fart."

"If you say that, I'm even more afraid!" Mega said seriously.

At this time, the little witch An An and the woman quietly observed the movement outside through the car window. An An said, "Auntie, shall I solve the bandits?"

"What are you going to do," the woman shook her head: "These people are desperate, you may not be able to retreat under the arrows, I think the vice president of the chamber of commerce is smarter and more powerful, he should be able to deal with these situation."

An An turned his eyes involuntarily to Ren Xiaosu, and then whispered: "He knows how to do it, but he shrinks here like a coward. He looked very brave when chasing me that night."

As they spoke, a black shadow in the wilderness was quickly approaching the bandits.

When the shadow runs, the soil on the ground is trampled and trampled, which is very scary.

The bandits knew nothing about the danger of approaching. They evaded the arrows from the caravans and opened their bows to suppress them.

Each of these bandits carried three pots of arrows, and the arrows flew out as if they were not money, and because of the poor vision, the caravan could not effectively hit it, so that the caravan's arrows crossed The less came, the few bandits did not die.

Soon, when the shadow was about to approach the bandit horse team, some bandits found it: "Who?"

The white mask looks like a ghost in the night.

As soon as the words fell, old Xu with a white mask picked up two empty arrows from the ground and threw his hands away!

The arrow was cast out like a thunderbolt, but a bandit on a horse was slammed down!

Lao Xu rushed forward quickly, but he did n’t forget to pull the arrow inserted on the ground. When it came to a bandit horse, the bandit wanted to give up his bow and use a knife, but Lao Xu did n’t. Give him this opportunity.

Between the electric light and flint, old Xu jumped up and flew past the bandit, and the arrow in his hand was nailed into the head of the bandit.

In just ten seconds, the entire bandit ’s horse team has been washed away by the old Xu.

The caravan guards in the "Fence" are still building bows. They can't see the situation outside, but the arrows can't be stopped. If they are rushed into the fence without suppressing the bandit's distance, everyone may die.

Slowly, Vice President Qian Weining heard the groaning of bandits one after another, the more weird the sound was.

Qian Weining was a little puzzled, did all these bandits hit the arrow? But I clearly didn't feel hit ...

Of course, the black lamp was blind, and he himself was a little uncertain.

Listening to the wailing outside the fence gradually stopped, and no more arrows flew from the outside, so the merchants and the people in the caravan were all in shock, Ren Xiaosu took the lead to applaud: "Money will grow an arrow law!"

For a time, there was thunderous applause in the wall, and only Qian Weining was stunned.


Chapter 4, Good night everyone! In addition, ask for monthly tickets!

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